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Everything posted by sondauta

  1. que onda con los links? no funcionan o te llevan a cualquier pagina.....
  2. yo probe en mi s4, con la cuenta rut y con la bip... y no hace ni pio.......
  3. oye, excelente.... los copie en mi S4, directo, hacerles nada y se ven definitivamente la rax.....y descargaron a la velicidad del rayo...... Muchas gracias.... Quedo esperando el capitulo 3....
  4. no lo puedo bajar..... lo podrian subir a otro servidor? por favor......
  5. sonara a tontera, pero es mi primera vez con android... para instalar este apk, debo tener el equipo con root? es un S4.....
  6. Esta es la respuesta: lapidaria y funalmente una mierda..... yo creo que con esto, me cambio a un android.... VENDO iphone 5 y un ipad mini..... ************************************************************************************************************** Delivered-To: [email protected]: by with SMTP id lm1csp111396wjb; Fri, 9 Aug 2013 15:21:01 -0700 (PDT)X-Received: by with SMTP id tl9mr2936403pbc.204.1376086860904; Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:21:00 -0700 (PDT)Return-Path: <[email protected]>Received: from bz.apple.com (redstreak.apple.com. []) by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id to1si14723112pab.167.2013. for <[email protected]> (version=TLSv1 cipher=RC4-MD5 bits=128/128); Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:21:00 -0700 (PDT)Received-SPF: pass (google.com: domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;Authentication-Results: mx.google.com; spf=pass (google.com: domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) [email protected]; dmarc=pass (p=NONE dis=NONE) d=apple.comReceived: from lenham.corp.apple.com ([]) by bz.apple.com (Oracle Communications Messaging Server 7u4-23.01( 64bit (built Aug 10 2011)) with ESMTP id <[email protected]> for [email protected]; Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:20:58 -0700 (PDT)Date-warning: Date header was inserted by bz.apple.comDate: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:20:58 -0700 (PDT)From: iTunes Store <[email protected]>To: [email protected]: <1933885851.11538549.1376086858675.JavaMail.snrmailp@lenham.corp.apple.com>Subject: Re: EL : (en_US) iTunes Store, App Store or iBookstore; Follow-up: 283642765MIME-version: 1.0Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Dear Manuel, Thank you for contacting iTunes Store Customer Support. My name is Bryan an=d it will be my pleasure to assist you today.=C2=A0I understand that you've= been prompted that your iTunes account has been disabled. I know you're an=xious to get this sorted out, and I'll be more than happy to check on your =concern.=C2=A0 Manuel, I checked your account and it appears that it was disabled for secu=rity reasons. The fact is that we have disabled your account. I would like to know why we= have disabled your account. The account was deactivated because the owner =of the credit card you bought the gift vouchers were redeemed on your accou=nt recently, has refuted the charges with his company credit card. Vale Buyer must contact the company credit card to discuss the purchase in =question. Please note that, as we have disabled your account, you will lose the abili=ty to update applications purchased with that account and also you can not =download them, because you can not access your account from any of your dev=ices. For more information about the rights of Apple customers close accounts See= Terms iTunes Store service. However, in order to have it enabled, you may need to contact directly our =Account Security Team. They are the right department to contact with about =this request as they have the necessary tools to address this issue. No worries, there's no fee in contacting them. The soonest you contact them=, the fastest the issue will resolve. To contact an Account Security Advisor, follow these steps: 1) Go to the Contact Apple Support page: https://expresslane.apple.com/GetproductgroupList.do?caller=3Ditse&PRKEYS==3D131629&category_id=3DSC0002&symptom_id=3D20193&locale=3Den_US&sc_cid=3Di=tse131977 2) Choose "Lost or forgotten Apple ID password" (this option may already be= selected), choose your country, and click Continue.=203) On the Solutions page, choose to call Apple Support now or schedule a ti=me for Apple Support to call you back.=20 You can also get in touch with them directly by calling to this number: 1-8=00-275-2273. When you call, ask to speak to the Account Security team.=20 Manuel, I hope everything turns well. Thank you for your continued interest= in iTunes.=20 Sincerely, BryaniTunes Store/Mac App Store Customer Supporthttp://www.apple.com/support/itunes/ww=20 Please note: I work Tuesday to Wednesday and Friday to Saturday 8:00 AM-7:0=0 PM Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you. First Name : manuelLast Name : castilloEmail : [email protected]_Country : en_USProduct : iPhoneSupport Subject : iTunes Store, App Store or iBookstoreSub Issue : Connecting to iTunes Store from an Apple mobile deviceGCRM Case ID : 488349171See additional info belowChoose the iTunes Store or App Store for your country: United StatesDescribe the alert message you received: Apple ID is disabledDetails:=20I can log on to the Apple website to manage my account and all the informat=ion is correct, but I get =E2=80=9CYour Apple ID has been disabled=E2=80=9D= when I try to get something from App Store on my iPhone.************************************************************************************************************ Esta es la respuesta: lapidaria y funalmente una mierda..... yo creo que con esto, me cambio a un android.... VENDO iphone 5 y un ipad mini..... ************************************************************************************************************** Delivered-To: [email protected]: by with SMTP id lm1csp111396wjb; Fri, 9 Aug 2013 15:21:01 -0700 (PDT)X-Received: by with SMTP id tl9mr2936403pbc.204.1376086860904; Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:21:00 -0700 (PDT)Return-Path: <[email protected]>Received: from bz.apple.com (redstreak.apple.com. []) by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id to1si14723112pab.167.2013. for <[email protected]> (version=TLSv1 cipher=RC4-MD5 bits=128/128); Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:21:00 -0700 (PDT)Received-SPF: pass (google.com: domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;Authentication-Results: mx.google.com; spf=pass (google.com: domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) [email protected]; dmarc=pass (p=NONE dis=NONE) d=apple.comReceived: from lenham.corp.apple.com ([]) by bz.apple.com (Oracle Communications Messaging Server 7u4-23.01( 64bit (built Aug 10 2011)) with ESMTP id <[email protected]> for [email protected]; Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:20:58 -0700 (PDT)Date-warning: Date header was inserted by bz.apple.comDate: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:20:58 -0700 (PDT)From: iTunes Store <[email protected]>To: [email protected]: <1933885851.11538549.1376086858675.JavaMail.snrmailp@lenham.corp.apple.com>Subject: Re: EL : (en_US) iTunes Store, App Store or iBookstore; Follow-up: 283642765MIME-version: 1.0Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Dear Manuel, Thank you for contacting iTunes Store Customer Support. My name is Bryan an=d it will be my pleasure to assist you today.=C2=A0I understand that you've= been prompted that your iTunes account has been disabled. I know you're an=xious to get this sorted out, and I'll be more than happy to check on your =concern.=C2=A0 Manuel, I checked your account and it appears that it was disabled for secu=rity reasons. The fact is that we have disabled your account. I would like to know why we= have disabled your account. The account was deactivated because the owner =of the credit card you bought the gift vouchers were redeemed on your accou=nt recently, has refuted the charges with his company credit card. Vale Buyer must contact the company credit card to discuss the purchase in =question. Please note that, as we have disabled your account, you will lose the abili=ty to update applications purchased with that account and also you can not =download them, because you can not access your account from any of your dev=ices. For more information about the rights of Apple customers close accounts See= Terms iTunes Store service. However, in order to have it enabled, you may need to contact directly our =Account Security Team. They are the right department to contact with about =this request as they have the necessary tools to address this issue. No worries, there's no fee in contacting them. The soonest you contact them=, the fastest the issue will resolve. To contact an Account Security Advisor, follow these steps: 1) Go to the Contact Apple Support page: https://expresslane.apple.com/GetproductgroupList.do?caller=3Ditse&PRKEYS==3D131629&category_id=3DSC0002&symptom_id=3D20193&locale=3Den_US&sc_cid=3Di=tse131977 2) Choose "Lost or forgotten Apple ID password" (this option may already be= selected), choose your country, and click Continue.=203) On the Solutions page, choose to call Apple Support now or schedule a ti=me for Apple Support to call you back.=20 You can also get in touch with them directly by calling to this number: 1-8=00-275-2273. When you call, ask to speak to the Account Security team.=20 Manuel, I hope everything turns well. Thank you for your continued interest= in iTunes.=20 Sincerely, BryaniTunes Store/Mac App Store Customer Supporthttp://www.apple.com/support/itunes/ww=20 Please note: I work Tuesday to Wednesday and Friday to Saturday 8:00 AM-7:0=0 PM Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you. First Name : manuelLast Name : castilloEmail : [email protected]_Country : en_USProduct : iPhoneSupport Subject : iTunes Store, App Store or iBookstoreSub Issue : Connecting to iTunes Store from an Apple mobile deviceGCRM Case ID : 488349171See additional info belowChoose the iTunes Store or App Store for your country: United StatesDescribe the alert message you received: Apple ID is disabledDetails:=20I can log on to the Apple website to manage my account and all the informat=ion is correct, but I get =E2=80=9CYour Apple ID has been disabled=E2=80=9D= when I try to get something from App Store on my iPhone.************************************************************************************************************ Esta es la respuesta: lapidaria y funalmente una mierda..... yo creo que con esto, me cambio a un android.... VENDO iphone 5 y un ipad mini..... **************************************************************************************************************Delivered-To: [email protected]: by with SMTP id lm1csp111396wjb; Fri, 9 Aug 2013 15:21:01 -0700 (PDT)X-Received: by with SMTP id tl9mr2936403pbc.204.1376086860904; Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:21:00 -0700 (PDT)Return-Path: <[email protected]>Received: from bz.apple.com (redstreak.apple.com. []) by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id to1si14723112pab.167.2013. for <[email protected]> (version=TLSv1 cipher=RC4-MD5 bits=128/128); Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:21:00 -0700 (PDT)Received-SPF: pass (google.com: domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;Authentication-Results: mx.google.com; spf=pass (google.com: domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) [email protected]; dmarc=pass (p=NONE dis=NONE) d=apple.comReceived: from lenham.corp.apple.com ([]) by bz.apple.com (Oracle Communications Messaging Server 7u4-23.01( 64bit (built Aug 10 2011)) with ESMTP id <[email protected]> for [email protected]; Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:20:58 -0700 (PDT)Date-warning: Date header was inserted by bz.apple.comDate: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:20:58 -0700 (PDT)From: iTunes Store <[email protected]>To: [email protected]: <1933885851.11538549.1376086858675.JavaMail.snrmailp@lenham.corp.apple.com>Subject: Re: EL : (en_US) iTunes Store, App Store or iBookstore; Follow-up: 283642765MIME-version: 1.0Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Dear Manuel, Thank you for contacting iTunes Store Customer Support. My name is Bryan an=d it will be my pleasure to assist you today.=C2=A0I understand that you've= been prompted that your iTunes account has been disabled. I know you're an=xious to get this sorted out, and I'll be more than happy to check on your =concern.=C2=A0 Manuel, I checked your account and it appears that it was disabled for secu=rity reasons. The fact is that we have disabled your account. I would like to know why we= have disabled your account. The account was deactivated because the owner =of the credit card you bought the gift vouchers were redeemed on your accou=nt recently, has refuted the charges with his company credit card. Vale Buyer must contact the company credit card to discuss the purchase in =question. Please note that, as we have disabled your account, you will lose the abili=ty to update applications purchased with that account and also you can not =download them, because you can not access your account from any of your dev=ices. For more information about the rights of Apple customers close accounts See= Terms iTunes Store service. However, in order to have it enabled, you may need to contact directly our =Account Security Team. They are the right department to contact with about =this request as they have the necessary tools to address this issue. No worries, there's no fee in contacting them. The soonest you contact them=, the fastest the issue will resolve. To contact an Account Security Advisor, follow these steps: 1) Go to the Contact Apple Support page: https://expresslane.apple.com/GetproductgroupList.do?caller=3Ditse&PRKEYS==3D131629&category_id=3DSC0002&symptom_id=3D20193&locale=3Den_US&sc_cid=3Di=tse131977 2) Choose "Lost or forgotten Apple ID password" (this option may already be= selected), choose your country, and click Continue.=203) On the Solutions page, choose to call Apple Support now or schedule a ti=me for Apple Support to call you back.=20 You can also get in touch with them directly by calling to this number: 1-8=00-275-2273. When you call, ask to speak to the Account Security team.=20 Manuel, I hope everything turns well. Thank you for your continued interest= in iTunes.=20 Sincerely, BryaniTunes Store/Mac App Store Customer Supporthttp://www.apple.com/support/itunes/ww=20 Please note: I work Tuesday to Wednesday and Friday to Saturday 8:00 AM-7:0=0 PM Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you. First Name : manuelLast Name : castilloEmail : [email protected]_Country : en_USProduct : iPhoneSupport Subject : iTunes Store, App Store or iBookstoreSub Issue : Connecting to iTunes Store from an Apple mobile deviceGCRM Case ID : 488349171See additional info belowChoose the iTunes Store or App Store for your country: United StatesDescribe the alert message you received: Apple ID is disabledDetails:=20I can log on to the Apple website to manage my account and all the informat=ion is correct, but I get =E2=80=9CYour Apple ID has been disabled=E2=80=9D= when I try to get something from App Store on my iPhone.************************************************************************************************************
  7. en eso estoy... el drama no es tanto las lucas, sino que me bloquearon la cuenta.... no puedo ni descargar las app que habia comprado antes..... los dolares de saldo, me importan una rax, el tema son las app.... tengo algunas en pc, otras en iphone, otras en el ipad..... puedo usarlas, pero no puedo actualizarlas o descargarlas.... una mier###
  8. Estimados, mi cuenta iTunes fue suspendida, puedo usar el respaldo sin dramas, también me conecta a iTunes, pero no puedo descargar app, ni siquiera las gratis. Ya probé re iniciando la clave desde el sitio de seguridad y aún no queda habilitada. Lo peor, no puedo descargar las muchas app compradas usando crédito con tarjetas giftcard, y no me muestra los USD 40 que me quedaban de crédito. Alguna idea o sugerencia?
  9. murio el link de ksetup.com ..... alguien lo tiene por ahi?
  10. Perrito, debes conectarte con tu usuario/contraseña y listo.... es decir, debes ser usuario registrado. gracias por el aporte.... tratare de aprender a jugar de una vez por todas!
  11. gracias men, y buenos comentarios adicionales: ifunbox y como usarlo sin 3g ni wifi ..... jeje
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