Hola amigo! Me gustaría esta aplicación educativa para niños: Kids Coloring and Math V3.0_https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.OSC.mathPainting&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImFpci5PU0MubWF0aFBhaW50aW5nIl0. Info: (Inglés) DescriptionWith our unique game your child will solve the elementary math problems with great pleasure! The bright math coloring game will allow your child not only to show the creative abilities but also to improve the knowledge of math.FEATURES: ★ NO ADS! ★ 2 game modes: Numbers and Problems ★ 2 languages: English, Russian ★ For kids of different ages ★ Learning numbers ★ Addition and Subtraction problems ★ Kids-friendly interface ★ Different picture categories “Kids Coloring and Math” is helpful both for kids who learn numbers and for kids who train addition and subtraction. The game features two game modes: “PAINTING BY NUMBERS” and “COUNTING AND PAINTING”. In the first mode children can study figures by painting numbered parts of a picture. In the second mode kids should paint the picture by solving the problems. It helps to improve elementary arithmetical skills: addition and subtraction. There are MANY CUTE PICTURES to choose for coloring. The same pictures can be painted several times; numbers and problems in each case will be different! The free version contains 4 images that are available in 2 game modes! In the full version there is a set of 24 images for $1.99: fish, birds, animals, flowers, toys, cats etc. The new set of 12 cute Christmas coloring pictures is available for $0.99. All the pictures are available in 2 game modes! NEW VERSION COMING SOON: Additional packages with pictures and a new game mode “MULTIPLICATION AND PAINTING” will be available in the future versions. The training game “Kids Coloring and Math” is an entertaining kid’s app that will help your child to fall in love with mathematics! Requires Adobe Air 3.1+ Keywords: paint, color pictures, coloring, painting, pictures, skills, training, numbers, mathematics, math, mental math, arithmetic, numbers and math, figures, game for children, addition, subtraction, school, math games, math painting, tasks, calculation, child, school students, learning numbers, preschool, kindergarten. Gracias!