cabros no puedo agregar los personajes :S
; Some examples:
; kfm, stages/mybg.def, includestage=0
; kfm, stages/mybg.def, music=sound/song.mp3
; kfm, stages/mybg.def, music=sound/song.mp3, includestage=0
; kfm, stages/mybg.def, order=3
;You can also add a randomize icon to the select screen. To do
;this, put the word "randomselect" on a line of its own, with no
;extra parameters.
;Insert your characters below.
kfm, stages/kfm.def
kfm, stages/kfm.def
kfm, stages/kfm.def
"perfect_cell, stages/cell.def"
;Put extra stages here. They will be available in VS and Watch modes.
;For example, you can insert "stages/mybg.def".
si pongo al perfect_cell sin comillsa me sale una ventana emergente :S y cuando abro el juego con comillas, no me sale para seleccionarlo :S