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Everything posted by hvshvs

  1. conozca mas marzo 2012 Revista:Conozca Más MéxicoFecha: Marzo del 2012Genero: Informativa/EducativaTipo de Archivo: .pdf Tamaño: 28 MbCalidad: Versión PDFCONTENIDO:::: -Auroras Boreales desde el auto -Ciudad miniatura, una obra de arte -Siempre Joven -Bodas Extremas! -Artículos, estudios, investigaciones y másLINKS;;;;;
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  3. Windows 8 Secrets Paul Thurrott Windows 8 Secrets Paul Thurrott LINKS DESCRIPCION DEL PDF: By :Paul Thurrott. CHAPTER1: Choosing Windows 8 Versions, PCs and Devices, and HardwarePicking a Windows 8 Product EditionPicking a Windows 8 PC or TabletSummaryChapter 2: Installing and Upgrading to Windows8That Was Then, This Is Now: HowSetup Has ChangedUsing the Windows 8 Web InstallerAdvanced Setup: Using the Old-SchoolInstallerPost-Setup: Now What?Advanced Windows 8 Setup ConfigurationsSummaryChapter 3: Metro: The New User ExperienceTimes They Are A-Changin’: TheNew Windows ShellLock Screen: A New Way to Sign InStart Screen: A New User Experiencefor Modern AppsUsing the System-Wide Metro UserExperiencesSummaryChapter 4: (Still) Alive and Kicking: The WindowsDesktopWhat’s New on the WindowsDesktop?Where New Meets Old: MetroFeatures You Get in the Desktop, TooManaging Files and FoldersManaging Classic Windows ApplicationsTo the Cloud: Using the SkyDriveDesktop AppSummaryChapter 5: Make It Yours: Personalizing Windows8Customizing MetroCustomizing Settings and SettingsSyncCustomizing the DesktopPower User Customization Tips andTricksSummaryChapter 6: Windows Store: Finding, Acquiring,and Managing Your AppsWhat Is an App Store . . . and WhyDoes Windows 8 Need One?First Rule of Windows Store: ThereAre Rules to Windows StoreLaunching Windows StoreUsing Windows StoreConfiguring Accounts and PreferencesSummaryChapter 7: Browsing the Web with Internet Explorer10Two Browsers, One Brain: UnderstandingInternet Explorer 10Internet Explorer 10 for MetroUsing the Desktop Version of InternetExplorer 10Configuring IE 10 DesktopWhere IE Metro and DesktopMeet...and Don’tIE 10 and Default Browser SelectionSummaryChapter 8: Get It Done with Windows 8’s ProductivityAppsA Note About the Windows ProductivityApps and Your Microsoft AccountPeopleMailCalendarMessagingSkyDriveWindows ReaderThe Bing AppsMicrosoft Office Comes to Windows .. . Sort OfSummaryChapter 9: Relaxing with Windows 8’s Photoand Entertainment AppsA Note About the Windows 8 EntertainmentApps and Your MicrosoftAccountEnjoying PhotosBuying, Managing, and PlayingMusicBuying, Managing, and PlayingMovies and TV ShowsSummaryChapter 10: Xbox Games with Windows 8Games and the Metro EnvironmentFinding and Acquiring Games forWindows 8Finding and Acquiring DesktopGamesXbox LIVE and Windows 8SummaryChapter 11: Storage, Backup, and RecoveryStorage Basics: NTFS Today, ReFSTomorrowStorage SpacesFile HistoryUsing the Windows 8 Recovery ToolsAccessing System Image Backup andRecovery Functionality with WindowsBackupWhat’s Missing: Cloud BackupSummaryChapter 12: Accounts and SecurityUser AccountsSecurity and Windows 8: KeepingYour PC SafeSummaryChapter 13: Networking and ConnectivityWhat Was Old Is New AgainConnecting to and Managing Wiredand Wireless NetworksConnecting to Cellular Data NetworksSharing Files, Media, and Printers atHome with HomeGroupSummaryChapter 14: Windows 8 for BusinessDomain Join and Group PolicyDisk EncryptionVirtualizationFeatures Exclusive to Windows 8 EnterpriseWindows RT and Business: A Tabletfor All Seasons LINKS
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