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Wolfram Mathematica 9.0.0 Mac OSX Wolfram Mathematica 9.0.0 Mac OSX | 1.2GB AutomationAutomation is the key to productive computing. Unlike other systems, Mathematica applies intelligent automation in every part of the system, from algorithm selection to plot layout and user interface design. You get reliable, high-quality results without needing algorithm expertiseand even if you're an expert, you get results faster. Integrated All-in-One PlatformSpecialized software and add-on toolboxes discourage the creative exploration of new ideas and areasan even greater cost than their purchase price. Mathematica requires no add-ons. It has built-in specialized functionality for many technical areas, from computational biology to wavelet analysis, all tightly integrated with the rest of the system. Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric MethodologySymbolic and numerical computation are traditionally thought of as separate, to the detriment of users. In Mathematica, they are seamlessly integrated, enabling unique hybrid methods for many problems and ensuring consistent results whenever quantities of any precision are combined. Multiparadigm LanguageNo one programming style is ideally suited to every problem. Mathematica stands out from traditional computer languages by simultaneously supporting many programming paradigms, such as procedural, functional, rule-based, pattern-based, and more. Built-in KnowledgeSearching and updating standard datasets shouldn't interrupt your workflow. Mathematica is unique among technical computing platforms because it includes a vast collection of carefully curated data of all kinds, continuously updated and expanded. Document-Based WorkflowYou shouldn't need one program to process your data, another to visualize it, and a third to interactively present it. Mathematica does everything in a single workflow, keeping all elements of a projectcalculations, visualizations, data, documentation, and even interactive applicationstogether, in uniquely flexible documents. Mathematica Features ComputeNumerics of any precision, symbolics, or visualizationMathematica is the ultimate computational tool, with systemwide technology to ensure reliability, ease of use, and performance. Use Mathematica computation directly, as the engine in an infrastructure, or integrated into a standalone application. Core AlgorithmsThe world's largest integrated web of mathematical capabilities and algorithmsNumerical ComputingIndustrial-strength numerics, from instant computations to heavy number crunchingApplication AreasFully integrated, specialist technical functionalityData Sources AnalysisOne-stop solution for data acquisition, processing, analysis, and visualizationGraphics VisualizationUniquely integrated graphics and powerful visualization DevelopDevelop tools, applications, documents, or infrastructure components using Mathematica's seamless workflow, unique symbolic language, and advanced code editing environment, achieving fast turnaround on small projects and record times on large systems. Programming DevelopmentThe uniquely powerful symbolic language that is the foundation for MathematicaInteractivity Interface DesignDynamic interactive computing and instant interface building DeployWhether your deliverables are interactive documents, presentations, applications, or enterprise systems, Mathematica can deploy your results in a wide range of formats locally or across a network. With many ways to connect to and work with external systems, Mathematica is designed to maximize your productivity. Deployment ConnectivityImmediate deployment for all scalesProductivity UsabilityStreamlined workflow, from concept to results Download: http://lumfile.com/4o3546razggz/Mathematica.v9.0.0.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/6imlh8eelimh/Mathematica.v9.0.0.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/b8lh3jln84yl/Mathematica.v9.0.0.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/syhk789pderu/Mathematica.v9.0.0.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/od65ynkuen43/Mathematica.v9.0.0.part5.rar.html MAXON CINEMA 4D R14 FULL RETAIL ISO x86, x64 [13.12.2012, Multilanguage] WIN + SERIAL KEY WIN/MAC MAXON CINEMA 4D R14 FULL RETAIL ISO x86, x64 [13.12.2012, Multilanguage] WIN + SERIAL KEY WIN/MAC | 6.26 GB Extras. Information: Distribution of updated treatment.How to Treat for Mac:- Remove demo.- Open the folder Your HD / Users / Your User / Library / Preferences and copy the file 14mca.- Set R14.- Use. Personalized menu Help> Personalize.How to Treat for Windows (64-bit only version):- After installation, run the reg-file Windows.reg, add data to the registry.- Use. Personalized menu Help> Personalize.IMPORTANT: Do not update the program automatic updater. Update manually, or the serial number falls into blacklist.P.S. And we're still waiting for the crack. Year / Date of Release: 2012Version: R14.014Developer: MAXON ComputerSite Developer: www.maxon.net/products/cinema-4d-studio/Bit depth: 32bit, 64bitLanguage: Multilingual (Russian present)Medicine: Present (for Mac and Win)System requirements: Recommended minimum system requirements:Windows XP, Vista or 7, Intel or AMD with support for SSE2, or Mac OS X 10.6.8 on a 64-bit system based on Mac Intel.And at least 1024 MB of RAM, a DVD drive and a graphics card that supports OpenGL. Standard installation takes up to 7 GB of hard disk space. http://lumfile.com/su09rpesyobo/CINEMA_4D_R14_Full_crack.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/8r8pykj3pfd8/CINEMA_4D_R14_Full_crack.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/s9xyocjqkd4l/CINEMA_4D_R14_Full_crack.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/slsy7r3s2g2l/CINEMA_4D_R14_Full_crack.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/tjvb2bihojoa/CINEMA_4D_R14_Full_crack.part5.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/mk5itxjuza39/CINEMA_4D_R14_Full_crack.part6.rar.html iAtkos ML2 (OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2) for USB-stick iAtkos ML2 (OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2) for USB-stickiAtkos ML2 (OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2) for USB-stick | 4.88 GB A new button allows for easy export to send links, web pages, photos, videos, and publish tweets directly through the application, with which you are working. With Reminders app you can create lists and receive alerts through the new Centre notifications. Play your Mac with your friends using the Mac or device iOS, the system Game Center. A built-in service iCloud stores your mail, contacts, calendars, reminders, notes, lists, music, photos, files, iWork, PDF documents and more on all your devices.Extras. Information:Distribution is made on the basis of iAtkos ML2 (OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2) at the request of the workers.In the way of any changes made. Required for use of at least 8 gig flash drive.Create stick:1. Mount image in Daemon Tools or similar2. Install R-Drive (in the distribution)3. Format the flash drive, run the R-Drive.4. Click Restore, select iAtkosML2.arc (located on the way), click Next and select the Primary (Active), click create.5. Boot from USB drive6. Installed (the installation process click Customize and select all desired kekstov)7. Boot from the partition on the hard drive with the installed system8. Use the system! To return to the normal form of the stick in this format the http://d.pr/SMfl Release year: 2013Version: 10.8.2Developer: Apple Inc.Developer site: http://www.apple.comPlatform: Intel onlyLanguage: Russian + EnglishTablet: Program treated (no data input / enter any data)System requirements:Intel Core 2 Duo or higher (supports 64-bit architecture)Compatible graphics card2 GB of memoryRequired for use of at least 8 gig flash drive. (usb or hard drive) Download: http://lumfile.com/z6kr620lo531/iATKOS_ML2.part01.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/zl2lwje15ibr/iATKOS_ML2.part02.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/p5xfp98gim2p/iATKOS_ML2.part03.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/48q55wl1lwf9/iATKOS_ML2.part04.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/faiy95wyt3x1/iATKOS_ML2.part05.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/irjjz7buk3h7/iATKOS_ML2.part06.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ql1xzu71889k/iATKOS_ML2.part07.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/dz72uixuw3vj/iATKOS_ML2.part08.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/wrz83k8full9/iATKOS_ML2.part09.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/fa7hi47n4pll/iATKOS_ML2.part10.rar.html
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Encyclopedia Universalis 2013 v18.0.0 MacOSX (French) Encyclopedia Universalis 2013 v18.0.0 MacOSX (French) | 7.28 Gb Enter the Universalis 2013 and discover the power of the new digital architecture! From the home page, you can access with one click to all thematic sets and different search modes. Entrez dans l'Universalis 2013 et dйcouvrez la puissance de sa nouvelle architecture numйrique ! Dиs la page d'accueil, vous accйdez en un clic а tous les ensembles thйmatiques et aux diffйrents modes de recherche. Saisissez les premiиres lettres de votre mot clй: Universalis complиte votre requкte et liste pour vous toutes les rйponses exactes.Dиs le premier clic, vous apprйcierez la rapiditй de l'application (grвce а un nouvel encodage 100 % inйdit). Grвce а une interface rйellement intuitive, la navigation devient alors facile, instantanйe, et ce quel que soit le type de document sйlectionnй.L'affichage gagne en clartй et en logique, qu'il s'agisse des pages de rйsultats, d'articles ou des salles thйmatiques ; le nouveau lecteur multimйdia gиre automatiquement tous les formats d'images, de vidйos et de sons.Vous dйcouvrirez йgalement une nouvelle application intйgrйe dans l' Universalis 2013: « Chiffres du monde », qui compile plus de 32 000 donnйes statistiques actuelles et multicritиres pouvant кtre croisйes et comparйes selon les paramиtres de votre choix. La rйfйrence culturelle. L'йdition numйrique d'Universalis s'inscrit dans une double perspective : un regard d'ensemble et l'observation attentive des dйtails . Ainsi, pour chaque sujet, auteurs et йditeurs embrassent la totalitй de la question et toutes ses ramifications, sans omettre les points prйcis а ne pas manquer. En d'autres mots, la mйthode йditoriale d'Universalis consiste а employer а la fois un tйlescope (vision globale) et un microscope (йtude des faits), afin de rendre compte d'une maniиre complиte et prйcise des connaissances d'aujourd'hui . Ce double regard permet d' actualiser en profondeur et avec exactitude l'йdition numйrique d'Universalis. Le tйlescope balaie tous les domaines du savoir : les domaines йmergents, qui font l'objet d'articles nouveaux ; les domaines dйjа traitйs, dont les articles sont alors remaniйs ou йtendus, parfois mкme remplacйs par des textes totalement originaux. Le microscope, quant а lui, scrute en continu tous les йlйments de l'ensemble, afin de retenir les faits qui font sens, et d'en retranscrire l'йvolution au moyen de donnйes et de dйfinitions nouvelles (statistiques, informations marquantes, dйtails biographiques, interprйtations scientifiques, juridiques, sociales, etc.). C'est cette exigence qui fait d'Universalis la rйfйrence absolue de l'йdition culturelle en langue franзaise, et qui apporte pour ses lecteurs une source d'information et de comprйhension sыre, totalement en prise avec le temps prйsent . Aperзus - Plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'informations nouvellesArticles, notices, donnйes chiffrйes, brиves d'actualitй, statistiques, mйdias- Une йdition actualisйeGйopolitique, йconomie, sciences, histoire, art, relations internationales : des milliers de documents ont fait l'objet d'une mise а jour intйgrant tous les faits nouveaux pour rйpondre aux questions d'aujourd'hui- Navigation et consultation optimisйesPlus rapide (nouvel encodage), plus intuitive, Universalis 2013 apporte un confort de recherche et de lecture accru, y compris dans les consultations longues...- L'information en chiffresToutes les donnйes les plus rйcentes, classйes par pays et continents, dans tous les domaines mesurables : dйmographie, йconomie, dйfense, йducation...- Recherche progressiveLe nouveau moteur de recherche complиte automatiquement votre saisie et propose immйdiatement des listes de rйsultats indexйs pour une pertinence absolue !- Et toujours...Affichage par onglets adaptable а tous les formats et dйfinitions d'йcran, outil d'archivage et d'annotation de documents textes ou mйdias, gestionnaire d'impression, fonction d'exportation (y compris en PDF), zoom textes et mйdias, etc. DOWNLOAD http://lumfile.com/wu4gb7q8xo87/UnvEncy13Mc.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/la1yug2llgas/UnvEncy13Mc.part2.rar.html Final Cut Pro X V10.0.7 Mac OS X Final Cut Pro X v10.0.7 Mac OS XSIZE: 1.52 GB Final Cut Pro is a non-linear video editing software developed by Macromedia Inc. and then Apple Inc. The most recent version, Final Cut Pro X, runs on Mac personal computers powered by Mac OS X version 10.6.7 or later and using Intel processors. The software allows users to log and capture video onto a hard drive (internal or external), where it can be edited, processed, and output to a wide variety of formats. Full details Final Cut Pro X V10.0.7 Mac OS X and get links download please reading below. Revolutionary video editing. Rebuilt from the ground up to meet the needs of todays creative editors, Final Cut Pro breaks free from the restrictions of old-fashioned timeline tracks. A new, dynamic editing interface lets you experiment freely while working with extraordinary speed and precision. Magnetic Timeline Suddenly, everything falls into place.With a visual simplicity that reveals powerful professional tools just when you need them, the Magnetic Timeline in Final Cut Pro offers an exceptionally fluid, flexible way to edit. Assemble shots with ease as clips magnetically close up to eliminate unwanted black gaps in the timeline. Similarly, clips move out of the way to avoid clip collisions and sync problems, so you can focus on creating your story. Interactive animations show you exactly whats happening in the timeline as you work, so you can easily try out new ideas. Clip Connections Drag and drop photos, movies, music, and more.Built-in content browsers let you preview and search for photos, music, and sound effects without leaving Final Cut Pro. Easily access visual content through the Photos Browser, which includes your iPhoto and Aperture libraries. Final Cut Pro supports MP3 and AAC files, so you can use iTunes as your built-in music library. Final Cut Pro also offers more than 1300 royalty-free sound effects through a free software update, as well as a range of generators including graphic backgrounds and textures that add polish to your projects. When you find the content youre looking for, just drag and drop to add it directly to the timeline. Incredible performance.Designed to take full advantage of the power of Mac OS X and multicore Mac computers, Final Cut Pro X operates at blazing speeds and with superior quality. 64-bit architectureWork with larger projects, larger frame sizes, more frames in RAM, and deeper multilayered effects. Resolution independenceEdit flexibly with support for image sizes from SD to 4K. Cocoa foundationSee dynamic feedback in a highly responsive interface. GPU utilizationCreate more complex, higher-resolution effects that play in real time. Grand Central Dispatch Save time with faster processing through the use of all CPU cores. Background processingEliminate interruptions to editing while rendering, transcoding, and moving media. ColorSync-managed color pipelineTrust the color consistency across Final Cut Pro, Motion, Compressor, and QuickTime. Shared Render EngineRender with consistent performance and pristine quality across Final Cut Pro, Motion, and Compressor. High-quality renderingUsing the Shared Render Engine, create blurs, scales, and lighting effects in floating-point, linear-light color space the same quality found in high-end compositing software. What``s New in Version 10.0.7 This update improves overall stability, performance, and compatibility. Updates include:The Letterbox effect "Offset" slider is restored.Fixes an issue that could occur when creating a single layer DVD.Fixes an issue in which some third-party effects could cause Final Cut Pro to stop responding during background rendering.Fixes an issue in which some third-party transitions would incorrectly use black instead of source media.Adds support for editing MXF files that are still ingesting.Fixes an issue with rendering Motion Templates containing Image Units.Fixes an issue with the display of the Modify RED RAW settings button in synchronized and compound clips.Fixes an issue with the upload of clips that are larger than 1 GB to VimeoFixes an issue in which an incorrect frame size is used with filters on two adjacent clips with different pixel aspect ratio. DOWNLOAD: http://lumfile.com/3tty8vim1g24/Final_Cut_Pro_X_10.0.7.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/l02sulfutxoz/Final_Cut_Pro_X_10.0.7.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/op6odx9ey6n9/Final_Cut_Pro_X_10.0.7.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ti22b4lca5re/Final_Cut_Pro_X_10.0.7.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/nnmuckovv8n0/Final_Cut_Pro_X_10.0.7.part5.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/cboai4lxtr8g/Final_Cut_Pro_X_10.0.7.part6.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/i7yycc1mgod4/Final_Cut_Pro_X_10.0.7.part7.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/flixv9s83j2c/Final_Cut_Pro_X_10.0.7.part8.rar.html Sibelius 7 + Sound Content + AudioScore Ultimate + PhotoScore Ultimate 7.0 for MAC Sibelius 7 + Sound Content + AudioScore Ultimate + PhotoScore Ultimate 7.0 for MACSibelius 7 + Sound Content + AudioScore Ultimate + PhotoScore Ultimate 7.0 for MAC | 24.8 GB Work quickly with the brand-new, task-oriented user interface. Experience your scores in stunning clarity with the exclusive, professional-quality sound library. Collaborate more easily thanks to full MusicXML interchange support and other sharing options. With all these advancements and many more, Sibelius 7 is the fastest, smartest, easiest way to write music. Name: Sibelius 7+ Sound Content + AudioScore Ultimate + PhotoScore UltimateVersion: - 7.0 Mac Platform: IntelIncludes: K OS version: 10.6.7 or later, Mac OS X 10.7Processor type(s) & speed: Intel Core 2 Duo or betterRAM minimum: 4 GB *PhotoScore PhotoScore Ultimate is the full-featured version of the PhotoScore Lite scanning software for Sibelius. This powerful software can also scan music into other MIDI software, such as sequencers. You can even use it on its own to scan in, play back, transpose, and print scores, and even save audio files. PhotoScore Ultimate reads printed and handwritten music or PDFs in seconds?not just the notes, but also printed slurs, dynamics, lyrics, guitar tab, chord diagrams, and more. You can then edit or transpose the music, play it back, extract the parts, and print?just as if youd input it yourself. PhotoScore Ultimate provides a variety of time-saving features, such as a "bad timing navigator" that makes it quick and easy to find and correct rhythmic errors. There?s also a Find and Replace dialog that enables you to fix lots of identical errors (for example, in text) in a single operation. More info: http://www.sibelius.com/products/photoscore/ultimate.html *AudioScore AudioScore Ultimate is the full-featured version of theAudioScore Lite audio transcription software included with Sibelius 7.Transcribe CDs and MP3s With AudioScore Ultimate 7, you can open a CD track or MP3 file and transcribe it to a score. The software employs the most intelligent technology available today to convert up to 16 instruments or notes at a time into multiple staves, with up to four voices per staff. After transcribing your music, you can send it directly to Sibelius or save it as a MusicXML, NIFF, or MIDI file for use in most other music programs. You can also print a professional-quality score directly from AudioScore. More info: http://www.sibelius.com/products/audioscore/ultimate.html files... Avid - Sibelius 7 - Installer DVD.dmgAvid - Sibelius 7 - Installers only.dmgAvid - Sibelius 7 - Content Disc 1.dmgAvid - Sibelius 7 - Content Disc 2.dmgAvid - Sibelius 7 - Content Disc 3.dmg Sibelius7SoundsUpdater.dmg AudioScore Ultimate v7PhotoScore Ultimate v7 Homepage: http://www.sibelius.com/products/sibelius/7/index.html http://lumfile.com/7ncu85aur5bs/sibeliu7.part01.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/vwhl0jr2dhai/sibeliu7.part02.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/mxras499pyhd/sibeliu7.part03.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/p6869jie4tyo/sibeliu7.part04.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/zd3nwbnct23w/sibeliu7.part05.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ru2eud53hgm3/sibeliu7.part06.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/jvrhpywqcvj1/sibeliu7.part07.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/kml12hzyp19s/sibeliu7.part08.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ddmk9pvdqio9/sibeliu7.part09.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/kz64nm8vvlp6/sibeliu7.part10.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/t9mozwqsp6m9/sibeliu7.part11.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/6vpoltzhsqkb/sibeliu7.part12.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ib6rxnxc581e/sibeliu7.part13.rar.html
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Orange Tree Samples Mega Pack 12.2012 (PC/MacOSX) Orange Tree Samples Mega Pack 12.2012 (PC/MacOSX) | 5.99 GB Collection contains 9 libraries by Orange Tree Samples for KONTAKT: Hulusi, Lap Steel Guitar, Passion Flute, CoreBass Pear V.2, TinyBox, CoreBass: Cherry Slapped, Iconic Bass: Jaco, Evolution Electric Guitar Strawberry, Mind Control.Lap Steel Guitar Lap steel guitars are very flexible and versatile instruments, and make a great addition to a variety of musical styles. As well as easily fitting in folk, country, and pop productions, they also sound great with distortion for rock and blues tunes. The Orange Tree Samples Lap Steel Guitar sample library features around 1 GB of high quality samples, with three dynamics and four round-robin samples for each chromatically-sampled string--giving you a total of over 2,000 samples, powered by an extensive script. World Instruments Passion Flute Whether it's for a high-adrenalin rock jam or a soft, rich ballad, Passion Flute captures the heart of jazz/rock flute with extensive multi-samples and a powerful KONTAKT script. Passion Flute™ is optimized for easy keyboard performance, and includes support for wind/breath controllers. It’s our philosophy to put the user in control whenever possible, particularly when it comes to things such as the instrument’s playability and tone. That’s why we kept the mic signals separate and dedicated a section of the interface to mixing them to create a variety of flute tones. We also have included a powerful settings page that gives you control over the various performance elements--everything from expression and dynamics to the different vibrato factors. You can automate these controls to any MIDI controller numbers you want using KONTAKT’s convenient automation system, or even just set Passion Flute to automatically control it by analyzing your performance. That way, you have ultimate control over how you want to perform and sequence with Passion Flute. CoreBass Pear V.2 CoreBass™ Pear is an upright bass sample library for KONTAKT 4 / 5, and a new standard for highly-realistic, playable upright bass samples. Using KONTAKT's powerful scripting engine, CoreBass Pear intelligently interprets the input from your MIDI controller (or sequenced MIDI data) in order to produce realistic upright bass tracks. CoreBass Pear has many features which set it apart from other upright bass sample libraries. For example, CoreBass Pear includes a fretless slide technology which allows you to seamlessly slide from one note to any other at any speed. It also debuts our new Dynamic Key Color system, which lets you see which MIDI notes are being played by which strings on the bass--directly on your KONTAKT keyboard! CoreBass: Cherry Slapped CoreBass: Cherry Slapped is a continuation of the principles used in the CoreBass: Cherry sample library. This slapped edition expands on the interpretive technology, automating the nuances of slap bass technique. By intelligently tracking the position of the thumb (used for the slap articulation) and the fingers (used for the pop articulation), the CoreBass: Cherry Slapped sample library is able to detect which notes a bassist would slap and which notes to pop. Factors which affect this decision include velocity and speed. When playing CoreBass: Cherry Slapped, the sample library figures out which strings and frets to use. This factor also affects the automatic slap/pop articulation selection. TinyBox TinyBox™ is an extensively-sampled 15-tone music box, covering nearly 3 octaves. A rarely sampled instrument, TinyBox adds a unique element to your compositions, whether you write rock/pop songs or soundtracks for various media. TinyBox features 14 alternate samples per tone and two sets of samples: clean and dirty. The dirty sample mode emulates the mechanical noises that occur during a music box's performance, while the clean mode isolates the pure tones of this instrument. We've also included both tuned and untuned sample modes as well. TinyBox is capable of everything from pure, bell-like tones to raw, detuned plucks. Iconic Bass: Jaco Jaco's famous fretless jazz bass is currently in poor shape, painstakingly glued together after it was smashed in the mid '80s. Orange Tree Samples was able to get as close as possible by using a recreation of Jaco's bass made by the same company as the original model. We meticulously recreated the fine details, such as using the identical roundwound .045 gauge strings that Jaco preferred, and sampled the bass directly from the output of the electric bass, the way Jaco typically recorded in the studio. To achieve his dynamic tone, Iconic Bass Jaco features samples taken from several different plucking positions, such as playing close to the bridge in order to obtain the growly, biting tone commonly called the "Jaco growl". And just like Jaco, who worked in jazz, pop, and rock, this library fits in many musical genres. For example, just add distortion to the "Jaco growl" and you'll find it fits perfectly in hard-hitting rock tracks. The library also includes samples with a deeper, mellower tone where the plucking hand is much closer to the neck of the bass, and fits very well in many pop and rock productions. Evolution Electric Guitar Strawberry Evolution™ Electric Guitar - Strawberry enables keyboardists to easily and quickly create authentic sounding electric guitar parts without the need to hand edit MIDI. Unlike conventional high-end KONTAKT guitar sample libraries and guitar VSTs, Evolution Electric Guitar doesn't require keyboardists to possess a foundational understanding of how to play the guitar in order to achieve authentic results. Instead, it leverages your existing keyboard skills, translating these techniques for the guitar, much like a skilled language interpretor translates one language into another. For example, chord inversions are automatically analyzed and the appropriate guitar chord voicing is instantly determined. Strummed guitar chord options are only limited by your imagination -- whether it's power chords, triads, augmented chords, diminished chords, suspended fourths, 7ths, 9ths, 11ths, "Hendrix chords" -- it's all possible. Mind Control Give your sample libraries a mind of their own with Orange Tree Samples' MIND CONTROL add-on for KONTAKT 4. MIND CONTROL maximizes KONTAKT's "instrument bank" feature, which allows you to drag entire sample libraries into KONTAKT. It introduces a user-friendly master interface to let you create rules for how KONTAKT should automatically switch between sample libraries, making sequencing or performing more convenient and intuitive. The switching can be based on simple elements like pitch, velocity, or controller ranges as well as more advanced ones, such as your own latching and non-latching keyswitches. You can even add randomness into the equation! MIND CONTROL even comes with a sample library called "Stratosphere Electric Guitar" with which you can conduct your first experiments on. The sample library features three velocity layers, round-robin, and articulations such as palm muting,whole-step slides, grace notes, and more. Hulusi The Hulusi is a free-reed pipe instrument from Yunnan, China, originally played by the Dai minority. The Hulusi is similar to the Chinese Bawu, Thai Pi Joom, and many other instruments found throughout Asia. The Hulusi is usually found in three varieties according to size and range. The Hulusi sampled for this project is in Bb, a medium sized Hulusi. DOWNLOADPassword: ViPER http://lumfile.com/86jdg4h1h0i5/OrngTrLibPck.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/pfvc1408fz2u/OrngTrLibPck.part2.rar.html Big Fish Audio Pure Rock Hits MULTiFORMAT DVDR-DYNAMiCS (PC/MacOSX) Big Fish Audio Pure Rock Hits MULTiFORMAT DVDR-DYNAMiCS (PC/MacOSX)Team DYNAMiCS | D01: 3.07GB | D02: 3.02GB Each kit is in full song form allowing you to easily go all the way from intros to endings and everything else in between. In addition to all this is a complete set of drums in multi-track format, allowing you to quickly and easily create custom drum mixes exactly how you like. If you are looking to go beyond the rock norm and create something original and truly memorable... Pure Rock Hits is where it's at. 9.2 GB of total content (5 GB of original WAV content) 2981 total loops (1491 original WAV loops) - Construction Kits/Loops - Acid/WAV/AiFF/Apple Loops/REX2/RMX - Multi-Track drum stems to create custom drum mixes Instruments Include: DrumsGuitarsBassesPianosOrgansSynthsPercussionRhodes DOWNLOAD http://lumfile.com/1e5mg6lqnq2y/BFPrRckHtsMFDYN.D01.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/m1nz8ky60kb5/BFPrRckHtsMFDYN.D02.rar.html Big Fish Audio Eclipse Ambient Guitars MULTiFORMAT DVDR-DYNAMiCS (PC/MacOSX) Big Fish Audio Eclipse Ambient Guitars MULTiFORMAT DVDR-DYNAMiCS (PC/MacOSX) | 5.67 GBFormats: ACiD/WAV/AiFF/Apple loops/REX2/RMX This library contains 2,270 total loops (738 original WAV loops) of guitar melodies, guitar FX, lush guitar pads, guitar percussion, reverse guitars, ambient guitars, processed guitars and many, many more! For producers who are looking to create dark ethereal ambiences, or producers looking to lighten the mood with the right combination of atmosphere and guitar, Eclipse: Ambient Gutiars will not disappoint. Details:- 8+ GB of content (3.44GB of original WAV content)- 738 WAV Loops- 738 Apple Loops- 794 REX2 Loops DOWNLOAD http://lumfile.com/3ucygzscvhzb/BFEclpsAmbGtrMFDYN.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/5n7foei4zx4e/BFEclpsAmbGtrMFDYN.part2.rar.html Big Fish Audio Blur Downtempo Pak MULTiFORMAT DVDR-DYNAMiCS (PC/MacOSX) Big Fish Audio Blur Downtempo Pak MULTiFORMAT DVDR-DYNAMiCS (PC/MacOSX) | 1.06 GBFormats: ACiD/WAV/AiFF/Apple loops/REX2/RMX http://lumfile.com/pj4460hsh20t/BFBlrDwntmpPkMFDYN.rar.html Big Fish Audio QUAKE Cinematic Taiko Loops MULTiFORMAT DVDR-DYNAMiCS (PC/MacOSX) Big Fish Audio QUAKE Cinematic Taiko Loops MULTiFORMAT DVDR-DYNAMiCS (PC/MacOSX) | 1.17 GB If there is anything that's needed for powerful cinematic production, it's the Taiko.QUAKE harnesses the epic sound and power that is felt through the Taiko drum. With 1.69 GB of total content (657.3 MB of 24-bit acidized WAVs), 390 original loops, and tempos ranging from 65 BPM to 150 BPM, you'll have an aresenal of explosive ready-to-go cinematic taiko loops. http://lumfile.com/0rje5koq24do/BFQkCineTkoMFDYN.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/54tyzcp2hemw/BFQkCineTkoMFDYN.part2.rar.html
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Ueberschall House Elastik Inspire Series ELASTiK-MAGNETRiXX (PC/MacOSX) Ueberschall House Elastik Inspire Series ELASTiK-MAGNETRiXX (PC/MacOSX) | 1.06 GB A closer look into the package, finds 2500 loops of supremely high quality engineered sounds. You‘re sure to find the appropriate House element to suite your project needs. Integrate the library into your project to give the whole production a totally fresh flava and touch of sound - no matter what House style. Library Features: - 1.98 GB, 2500 Loops- authentic content for each genre- Random Button for new inspiration- automatic speed adjustment to existing projects- infinite possibilities of new tracks and inspiration / ideas- concerted tonality within the loops DOWNLOAD IK Multimedia Products Mega Pack 12.2012 (PC/MacOSX) IK Multimedia Products Mega Pack 12.2012 (PC/MacOSX) | 29.5 GB More then 20 products by IK Multimedia. Since 1996, IK Multimedia has been a pioneer in the music software revolution. Today, they offer the most diverse and best sounding assortment of music creation tools for mobile and computer platforms. T-RackS CS v4.0 MacOSX-Xdb (MAC)T-RackS CS v4.0 UNLOCKED-R2R (WiN)AmpliTube 3 v3.9.1 UNLOCKED-R2R (WiN)AmpliTube 3 v3.9.1 UNLOCKED MacOSX-R2R (MAC)Amplitube Jimi Hendrix v1.0.3 VST RTAS AU Incl.KeyGen (WiN, MAC)Amplitube Metal 1.0.3 AU VST RTAS (WiN, MAC)ARC System 2 v2.0.0-R2R (WiN)ARC 2 AU VST RTAS Mac OSX Xdb-K (MAC)SampleTron VSTi RTAS v1.0.2-ASSiGN (WiN)SampleMoog Instruments VSTi RTAS AU HYBRID DVDR-DYNAMiCS (WiN, MAC)Sampletank v2.1 XL Instruments DVDR-CoBaLT (WiN, MAC)SampleTank v2.5.4 DXi VSTi RTAS Update-ASSiGN (WiN)SampleTank v2.5 VSTi RTAS AU MAC OSX UB Update Incl.KeyGen-DYNAMiCS (MAC)Ampeg SVX v1.1.3 AU VST RTAS (WiN, MAC)Classic Studio Reverb v1.1.1 AU VST RTAS-iND (MAC)Classik Studio Reverb v1.1.1 VST RTAS-ASSiGN (WiN)Miroslav Philharmonik VSTi DXi RTAS v1.1.2 (WiN)Miroslav Philharmonik VSTi RTAS AU v1.1.1 (MAC)Sonik Synth v2.1 VST VSTi RTAS AU (WiN, MAC)IK Multimedia Amplitube Live 2.0.4 (WiN, MAC)T-RackS 3 Bundle STANDALONE VST RTAS v3.5.1 x86/x64-ASSiGN (WiN)T-Racks Deluxe 3.5-DYNAMiCS (WiN, MAC)Miroslav Reason Refill: Brass (Refill)Miroslav Reason Refill: Choirs (Refill)Miroslav Reason Refill: Woodwinds (Refill)Miroslav Reason Refill: String Ensembles (Refill)AXE Brazillian Percussion (WAV)Contaminated (WAV)Terminal Head Dance Collections (WAV, GIGA) Password: ViPER http://lumfile.com/s1p3imf3qmoc/AmplTb.3.v3.9.1.UNLOCKED.MacOSX-R2R.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/sg28n23tywpu/IKPrdPck.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/5w35zyqkc6wv/IKPrdPck.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/y06jvqapuwj6/IKPrdPck.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/6lztnrdxc8r8/IKPrdPck.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/qoyst9oibwi5/IKPrdPck.part5.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/q0jwdng67frb/IKPrdPck.part6.rar.html Avid Media Composer 6.5.2 MacOSX-XFORCE Avid Media Composer 6.5.2 MacOSX-XFORCE | 2.01 GB System requirements:OS: Mac OS X Lion (64-bit)Processor: Intel Dual or Intel Dual Core 2.66 GHz Xeon processor or faster, or Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz processor or faster (laptops)Memory: 4 GB of RAM (6+ GB recommended)Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce family3 (recommended) or ATI Radeon family (as supported by Apple)Internal hard drive: Minimum 80 GB 7200 rpm hard disk DOWNLOAD http://lumfile.com/hzn05ygsq72l/ACmpsr652McXF.rar.html TechTool Pro v6.0.6 DVD MAC OSX Happy New Year-HOTiSO TechTool Pro v6.0.6 DVD MAC OSX Happy New Year-HOTiSO | 1.57GB Use TechTool Pro's Volume Cloning to create exact duplicates of your volumes for trouble-free archiving. Plus, TechTool Pro helps you recover deleted files and lost data. If b(Si bloquean la publicidad, el sitio NO tendrá recursos para mantenerse)s are found when scanning your hard drive, you can identify and restore the corrupted files within them from previous backups you have archived. To help keep your Mac running at peak performance, use TechTool Pro to optimize your volumes after defragmenting your files, or to repair disk permissions which may prevent problems accessing applications or files on your Mac. TechTool Pro also helps with device management within your local area network (LAN). To monitor the configuration or security of your LAN, TechTool Pro displays Bonjour supported devices and active services, and helps track devices no longer available to the monitored network. Diagnostics and RepairUse the Check Computer feature to perform a complete diagnostics check of the computer and the Macintosh formatted hard drives with one click of the mouse. This includes a SMART test of the computer's built-in hard drive to check for impending drive failure, a test of the computer's available RAM, a check of the disk directories, and much more. If problems are found, advice is provided on how to proceed to repair the problem. Use Check Computer regularly as a part of a preventive maintenance program. Volume RebuildIn addition to testing the disk directories of hard drives, TechTool Pro can also perform a complete rebuild of them. This optimizes these critical data structures and, on a corrupted drive, repair any problems. Use volume rebuild to keep your hard drives operating at their peak performance. OptimizationTechTool Pro performs both file and volume optimization. File optimization consolidates each individual file into a contiguous area of the hard drive. Volume optimization consolidates the free space on a hard drive. Optimizing enhances the overall performance of your drives and simplifies the file storage layout. Data RecoveryTechTool Pro includes several methods of data recovery. Use them to recover data from corrupted drives that don't mount on the desktop and save the data to another location. Use the Trash History feature to track the location of deleted files and increase the chance of their recovery in the case of an accidental deletion. eDriveOne of the unique features of TechTool Pro is the eDrive. This is a bootable Mac OS X partition containing TechTool Pro and a small copy of your system that you can use when performing regular maintenance or in the case of an emergency. It is created on one of your hard drives without the need to reformat it. ProtectionTechTool Pro includes the option to install the TechTool Protection system preference. This is where you configure automatic functions that operate in the background. In particular, you can configure Protection to track deleted files, monitor the free space on your hard drives, save backups of critical directory data to help with recovery in the event of drive corruption, and to monitor the SMART routines of your hard drives. If problems are found, Protection provides an onscreen alert and can even be configured to send an email alert. http://lumfile.com/5jhzeah3tqyf/TechTool.Pro.v6.0.6.DVD.MAC.OSX.Happy.New.Year-HOTiSO.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/pn93ekjj00o7/TechTool.Pro.v6.0.6.DVD.MAC.OSX.Happy.New.Year-HOTiSO.part2.rar.html
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thank you :)
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Presonus Studio One Professional 2.0.4 DVDR-AiRISO Presonus Studio One Professional 2.0.4 DVDR-AiRISO Studio One is a new music creation and production application for Mac OS X and Windows XP/Seven that makes audio recording, MIDI sequencing, and audio mastering simple right out of the box, yet provides a wealth of professional features.Fresh code, innovative drag-and-drop MIDI mapping and plug-in management, auto-configuration with PreSonus hardware, good audio quality, unlimited tracks and plug-ins per track and a powerful, inventive, Start page that puts the whole project right in your hands are just a few of the compelling features that make Studio One the next generation in audio software, according to PreSonus.Studio One gives you a complete, easy-to-use solution from raw tracks to finished master, while supporting the latest standards and technologies. Features:•Elegant single-window work environment.•Powerful drag-and-drop functionality.•Unlimited audio tracks, MIDI tracks, virtual instruments, buses and FXchannels.•Content browser with convenient sort options and preview player.•Integrated mastering solution with automatic mix updating, waveformediting, effects, Red Book CD burning, and digital release.•Automatic delay compensation.•Advanced automation.•64-bit processing (even on 32-bit machines).•Easy-to-use sidechain routing.•64-bit effects suite.•Virtual instruments collection.•User-friendly sampler.•Intuitive MIDI-mapping system.•Real-time audio timestretching and resampling.•AU, VST2, VST3, and ReWire support.•K System metering.•Compatible with any ASIO-, Windows Audio-,or Core Audio-compliant audio interface. Download: http://lumfile.com/sphbbgu517vn/Presonus.Studio.One.Professional.v2.0.6.WIN.OSX.Incl.Keygen-AiR.rar.html Apple Final Cut Server Unlimited 1.5 Mac OSX Apple Final Cut Server Unlimited 1.5 Mac OSX |1.27GB Easy asset catalogingFinal Cut Server automatically catalogs your assets - along with a wide range of standard metadata - and creates proxies, thumbnails, and poster frames at the same time. Blazing-fast searchesFind assets instantly with comprehensive search tools, personalized workspaces, and Production "containers" that let you organize the assets you need without copying files. Point-and-click automationSet up automated events and status notifications in minutes. Get started fast with a workflow template, then customize your setup for complete control. Learn more Seamless collaborationSafely share your assets and efficiently divide tasks using check-in/check-out protections, version management, and review and approval tools that are tightly integrated with Final Cut Studio. Multiformat deliveryDeliver projects in multiple formats - from H.264 for iPhone and the web to ProRes 422 (Proxy) for editing to 4K for Digital Intermediates - with pristine encoding powered by Compressor. Flexible configurationEasily set up Final Cut Server to fit your workflow, with server software that scales from one user to hundreds of users and client software that runs on PCs as well as the Download: http://lumfile.com/qnq9mcyy2cpi/AFCS.Unlimited.1.5.Mac.OSX.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/lqzf8zospsdi/AFCS.Unlimited.1.5.Mac.OSX.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/irhzgi66cjjo/AFCS.Unlimited.1.5.Mac.OSX.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/gtzmvwth8p0d/AFCS.Unlimited.1.5.Mac.OSX.part4.rar.html Hallmark Card Studio 2010 for Mac Hallmark Card Studio 2010 for Mac 3.35 | GB This is a great graphics package that includes thousands of clip-art and projects designed to create greeting cards on any topic, as well as invitations, calendars, photo frames, skrapstranichek, certificates, and much more. Extras. Info : After installing the upgrade to Language of the OS put "English", the mother - Russian "flying" Year : 2010 Version : (upgraded to Developer : Hallmark Software Platform : Intel only System requirements : - Mac OS X 10/05 later - Intel-based Mac - 1 GB RAM - 4 , 8 GB HDD Language : English Password avaxhome.ws http://lumfile.com/23doyzf7ca77/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part01.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/0jsdc39z8lkr/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part02.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/xmtx4sjminz7/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part03.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/a540dp3711py/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part04.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/kdbboj4t8c2u/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part05.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/z64fvp58z45n/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part06.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/m5t1fkfrt7q8/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part07.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/l1xzj2v8iyig/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part08.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/8monxsn1l4d0/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part09.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/re6pklz46jbr/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part10.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/z4bcoigpwwti/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part11.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/rhnnxtayjxbf/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part12.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/cm1rvwqn9f96/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part13.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/i8joxitltcra/Hallmark.Card.Studio.2010.for.Mac.part14.rar.html TechTool Pro 6.0.4 Boot DVD Mac OSX TechTool Pro 6.0.4 Boot DVD | Mac OSX | 1.64 Gb Diagnostics and Repair Use the Check Computer feature to perform a complete diagnostics check of the computer and the Macintosh formatted hard drives with one click of the mouse. This includes a SMART test of the computer's built-in hard drive to check for impending drive failure, a test of the computer's available RAM, a check of the disk directories, and much more. If problems are found, advice is provided on how to proceed to repair the problem. Use Check Computer regularly as a part of a preventive maintenance program.Volume Rebuild In addition to testing the disk directories of hard drives, TechTool Pro can also perform a complete rebuild of them. This optimizes these critical data structures and, on a corrupted drive, repair any problems. Use volume rebuild to keep your hard drives operating at their peak performance.Optimization TechTool Pro performs both file and volume optimization. File optimization consolidates each individual file into a contiguous area of the hard drive. Volume optimization consolidates the free space on a hard drive. Optimizing enhances the overall performance of your drives and simplifies the file storage layout.Data Recovery TechTool Pro includes several methods of data recovery. Use them to recover data from corrupted drives that don't mount on the desktop and save the data to another location. Use the Trash History feature to track the location of deleted files and increase the chance of their recovery in the case of an accidental deletion.eDrive One of the unique features of TechTool Pro is the eDrive. This is a bootable Mac OS X partition containing TechTool Pro and a small copy of your system that you can use when performing regular maintenance or in the case of an emergency. It is created on one of your hard drives without the need to reformat it.Protection TechTool Pro includes the option to install the TechTool Protection system preference. This is where you configure automatic functions that operate in the background. In particular, you can configure Protection to track deleted files, monitor the free space on your hard drives, save backups of critical directory data to help with recovery in the event of drive corruption, and to monitor the SMART routines of your hard drives. If problems are found, Protection provides an onscreen alert and can even be configured to send an email alert.System Requirements:G4, G5 Macs, 867 MHz or faster; All Intel-based Macs.Mac OS X 10.4.9 or greater, including Mac OS X 10.7 'Lion'.Mac OS X 10.5 or greater for eDrive creation on active startup volume.DVD-ROM required to boot from DVD.512 Megabytes RAM or higher.About the TechTool Pro Boot DVDWhen using a diagnostic utility, it is sometimes necessary to boot your Mac from another volume in order to diagnose and repair problems on your normal startup volume. Historically, many disk utilities have provided a DVD for this purpose, including TechTool Pro. Since version 4, TechTool Pro has also included the eDrive tool in order to run TechTool Pro and other utilities from another bootable volume. With the advent of Macs without DVD drives, the functionality of the eDrive is becoming increasingly important. If you haven't already, we encourage all TechTool Pro users to create an eDrive in lieu of relying upon the DVD for their troubleshooting needs.For those who still require the DVD, here is some additional information:Our current bootable DVD (Version 6.0.4) supports Macintosh computers capable of running Mac OS X 10.6 or greater, except for Macs which originally shipped with Mac OS X 10.7 'Lion' installed:MacBook Air (July 2011)Mac mini (July 2011)21 Inch iMac (August 2011)MacBook Pro (October 2011)* The eDrive feature of TechTool Pro will boot all Macs that support Mac OS X 10.5 or later.The system version on our current bootable DVD is:Mac OS X 10.6.7Mac OS X 10.5.8 - included as a .dmg file on the DVD. http://lumfile.com/25hxqa1fin4f/TTP604.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/uxoycpes557a/TTP604.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ekco02zyv2bv/TTP604.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/sk04eypl5lus/TTP604.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/kqslx3sfg5g8/TTP604.part5.rar.html GoMedia Ultimate Mockup Template Collection Mac GoMedia Ultimate Mockup Template Collection Mac | 5.81 GB GoMedia Ultimate Apparel Template Collection 1 which contains Photoshop Mockup Templates for Distressed Tees, VNecks, ZipUp Hoodies, Baggy/Urban Shirts, Standard Shirt Mockup Vol 2, Ladies Long Sleeve, Ladies Tank Tops, and Ladies Short Sleeve for one low price! Its a pretty awesome deal! http://lumfile.com/ecxhcphlh8or/GUMT.Collection.Mac.OSX.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/bqiyk231qbjo/GUMT.Collection.Mac.OSX.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/0wbsqiuhvtyu/GUMT.Collection.Mac.OSX.part3.rar.html Propellerhead Reason 6.0.2 (WIN/MAC) Propellerhead Reason 6.0.2 (WIN/MAC) | 3.27 GB + 3.42 GB Reason is a virtual studio rack with all the tools and instruments you need to turn your ideas into music. It emulates a rack of hardware synthesizers, samplers, signal processors, sequencers, and mixers, all of which can be freely interconnected in an arbitrary manner. Reason can be used either as a complete virtual music studio or as a collection of virtual instruments to be played live or used with other sequencing software. With its generous sound bank and intuitive flow, Reason helps you along in the creative process and is the music software that never gets in your way. Walk into any professional recording studio and you will see racks filled to the brim with different tools used in music production from reverb to compressors, vocoders, synths, distortion units, and parametric EQs. Unlike a real studio, however, if you want another synth or an extra compressor you can create one from a menu rather than taking that second job or signing up for those experimental clinical drug trials.Included with Reason is a huge sound bank full of inspiring instruments, synth patches, loops, and effects. Patches have been created by producers like Death Cab for Cutie's Jason McGerr, Bomb Squad's Hank Shocklee, Black Eyed Peas' Printz Board, DJ Lucky Date, Kill the Noise, and more. Basic Devices:• Hardware Interface - The Hardware Interface handles the connection between software and hardware and supports up to sixty-four separate outputs. As it is integral to Reason's functionality, it cannot be removed.• Mixer 14:2 - Reason's mixer is used to group numerous device outputs into a stereo output. It has fourteen stereo channels with level meters, fixed bass and treble EQ and four stereo auxiliary sends. It is possible to mute or solo any given channel, as well as alter its level, pan and auxiliary output level. The console has chaining master inputs to allow several line mixers to be daisy chained together, effectively allowing for an unlimited number of channels.• Line Mixer 6:2 - Similar to the Mixer 14:2, and also known as the Micromix, it is a smaller, six channel mixer, with only one auxiliary send and return, no EQ, smaller level controls and limited metering. Synthesizers:• Subtractor Analogue Synthesizer - Subtractor is a polyphonic synthesizer device based on subtractive synthesis, which is the method used in classic, analog synthesizers. Its two oscillators can produce basic waveforms such as square, sawtooth, triangle, and sine. Additional waveforms based on samples can also be generated. The Subtractor device can be completely automated from a controlling device, such as Reason's sequencer.• Thor Polysonic Synthesizer - The Thor device simulates a semi-modular synthesizer. Six filter and oscillator slots let you load up three different filter modules and three different oscillator modules simultaneously, allowing you to dial in novel sounds. A modulation matrix gives you complete control over your signal flow, letting you modulate anything within Thor. Thor also has a simulation of an analog style step sequencer with more than one twist.• Malstrom Graintable Synthesizer - The Malstrom device creates its sounds using Graintable technology. This technology is a cross between granular synthesis and wavetable synthesis. Malstrom features many filtering and modulation options. It is capable of real-time waveform stretching, spectral modulation, and wavetable sweeping. Malstrom comes with a wide range of Graintables. Samplers:• NN-19 Digital Sampler - The NN-19 device is Reason's original sampler, introduced in the first version. All of the controls on the NN-19 can be fully automated from a controlling device. There are two ways of getting sound out of NN19: load a single wav/aiff sample or load a sampler patch. Loading a single wav/aiff file will instantly transpose the audio across the keyboard by speeding up or slowing down the playback of the sample. The NN19 can import and play mono or stereo files.• NN-XT Advanced Sampler - The NN-XT device is an advanced sampler with many features. It is designed for working with multiple samples which can be assigned to different keys on the keyboard. It can be used for both sound design and instrument emulation. Useful features include alternate sample playback, auto-pitch detection, keyboard zones with individual parameters, and tempo syncable LFOs. Rhythm Sequencers:• Dr. Octo REX Loop Player - This update of the Dr.Rex device, the Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player plays back samples created by the ReCycle (program) in the .rex and .rx2 formats. These formats allow for manipulation of the sample's tempo without affecting its pitch. Imagine that you have a sample of a drum loop. The loop is 144 bpm and your track is 118 bpm. Instead of stretching the sample, which would change the sample's timbre and pitch, ReCycle slices the loop into little pieces so that each beat gets its own sample. ReCycle also creates a MIDI file with the samples played the way the loop was originally played.• Redrum Drum Computer - The Redrum device is a sample-playback drum module with a built in pattern sequencer. It has ten channels that plays samples loaded individually or from a preset kit. In addition to the pattern sequencer, Redrum can also be played from Reason's main sequencer or via MIDI. Mastering:• MClass Equalizer - The MClass Equalizer is a 4-band, professional level mastering EQ with low and high shelving bands, two peak filters and a low cut switch. The MClass Equalizer lets you make subtle or drastic frequency adjustments to the audio.• MClass Stereo Imager - The MClass Stereo Imager splits the incoming audio into low and high frequency bands, and lets you adjust each independently.• MClass Compressor - The MClass Compressor is a single-band compressor with a sidechain input for advanced compression such as ducking or de-essing, and CV out for dynamically controlling other devices.• MClass Maximizer - The MClass Maximizer is a tool designed to maximize the volume of your Reason tracks, without crushing them or introducing other unwanted artifacts. Effects:• RV7000 Advanced Reverb - The RV7000 contains basic reverb controls located on the main panel, and eight separate knobs for algorithms and their parameters, which can be accessed from a fold-out remote when pressed.• Scream 4 Distortion - With Scream 4's cut and body filters, two parameters for its ten modes including overdrive, distortion, feedback and tape damage, you can use it for digital bit crushing, or regular crushing, or for simulating adding analog warmth to audio.• BV512 Digital Vocoder - The BV-512 is a 4 to 512-band vocoder that can modulate sound in several ways, and can also be used as an automated equalizer. Download: http://lumfile.com/rdce4ji594hb/Reason602.mac.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/19s66ooel5n5/Reason602.mac.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/944ddjovmqn7/Reason602.mac.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/o82dtw2xezzj/Reason602.mac.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/q43upia4hv66/Reason602.mac.part5.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/6v7wx5gx5dm0/Reason602.mac.part6.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/55crr2uyo1xn/Reason602.mac.part7.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/plp9re5nfge3/Reason602.mac.part8.rar.html
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MAC OSX 10.2 Jaguar MAC OSX 10.2 Jaguar | 1.4 GB Fans say Macs: Apple - «a source of innovation." Perhaps this is true. Perhaps this statement is true. Microsoft Corporation took over 6 years to develop a new operating system that users are expected in 1995. Microsoft Corp. took over six years to develop a new operating system that users are still waiting in 1995. Apple managed to make it less than two years. Apple managed to make it less than two years. OS Mac OS X 10.0 appeared in March 2001. OS Mac OS X 10.0 appeared in March 2001. OSes much, much different from its predecessors (9.0, 8.0, etc.). Operating System hard, very different from its predecessors (9.0, 8.0, etc.). But, Unfortunately, if a bit rushed Apple'ovtsy - absent in the X functions such as record CD, play DVD, and even the stability of the system left much to be desired ... Unfortunately, if a little rushed Apple'ovtsy - absent in the X functions such as record CD, play DVD, and even the stability of the system left much to be desired ... In September 2001, published an updated version - 10.1. In September 2001, published an updated version - 10.1. The system has been strongly improved, but still inferior to features Windows XP. The system has been strongly improved, but still inferior in features Windows XP. And 24 August this year came out Mac OS X 10.2. And 24 August this year came out Mac OS X 10.2. Judging by the first user reviews, OS seriously changed for the better - improved performance, added a huge number of useful applications, and much more. Judging by the first user feedback, the OS has seriously changed for the better - improved performance, added a huge number of useful applications, and much more. Year: 2002 Version: 10.2 Version: 10.2 Developer: Apple Developer: Apple Platform: PPC only Platform: PPC only System Requirements: System requirements: MAC OSX 10.2 (CD1 and CD2) MAC OSX 10.2 (CD1 and CD2) For all series of computers G3, G4 or G5 For all series of computers G3, G4 or G5 MAC OSX 10.2 + MAC OS 9.2.2 Applications MAC OSX 10.2 + MAC OS 9.2.2 Applications Only for PowerBook G4 Only for PowerBook G4 Language: English Language: English License: Freeware License: Freeware Download: http://lumfile.com/5o6jnpz1d64x/MAC_OSX_10.2_PowerBook_G4.com.rar.html
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Luxology Modo 601 SP1 With Content (Mac OSX) Luxology Modo 601 SP1 With Content (Mac OSX) | 684 MB And now, modo is a true end-to-end solution that includes true 3D sculpting tools, animation and network rendering! More than just features, modo is a truly elegant integration of technology, raw horsepower and refined workflow.Download: Download http://lumfile.com/acnenxtb4tx8/Luxology_Modo_601_SP1_WinMac.rar.html
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[I][b]Aperture 3.1.1 (Mac OSX) [/b][/i] Aperture 3.1.1 (Mac OSX)| 684 MB The new Aperture 3 gives you powerful yet easy-to-use tools to refine images, showcase your photography, and manage massive libraries on your Mac. It's pro performance with iPhoto simplicity. Aperture 3 lets you get to work faster. The fun begins even before you finish importing your photos. Double-click thumbnails in the Import window to view images, play videos, and hear audio files before they're fully imported. If you're on a deadline, you can begin adjusting an image even if it's still being copied from your memory card to your Mac. While the files are importing, Aperture 3 grabs data like shutter speed, aperture, lens, and focus points and starts sorting it right away. You can even add your own keywords and automatically apply an adjustment preset on import. For extra flexibility, Aperture lets you store your images wherever and however you like - directly in Aperture 3, on external drives, or in their original folders. Choose to import RAW and JPEG images together or as separate images so you can work with them individually. And Aperture 3 can automatically back up your master images to a second drive during import. Organize by Faces. The popular Faces feature in iPhoto '09 comes to Aperture 3, where it has even more power. As in iPhoto, Faces uses face detection technology to find faces in your photos. Once you identify a person, Faces quickly scans your library, or an individual project, to find more photos of that person. Let's say you want to find photos of the bride's father in the O'Rourke wedding project. Once you've identified his face in one photo, Faces finds other photos he appears to be in. You simply confirm the suggested matches to apply his name to those photos. Organize by Places. There's no easier way to organize photos than with Places. Places converts location data from GPS-enabled cameras and geo-tracker devices into common location names. Then it displays those locations as pins on the Places map. If your camera doesn't capture GPS data, you can assign locations by dragging your photos to the map. Later, when browsing your photos, just click the location pin on the map and all the photos shot there are instantly displayed. Organize any way you want. Group your projects by year or organize them in hierarchical folders to bring order to even the largest photo library. Add descriptive keywords, captions, or information such as copyright and contact details to any of your photos. Then use the powerful Aperture search engine to find photos based on almost any criteria. You can even search for photos based on the image adjustments applied to each photo. Browse photos full screen. Use every inch of your beautiful Apple display to make selects and compare images side by side. Browse your photos at high speed, instantly navigating between projects. When it's time to make selects, use ratings, flags, and color labels to organize your best shots. Use the Loupe to examine detail, or zoom and pan multiple images at once. Adjustment presets. Dozens of ready-to-use adjustment presets let you apply professional-style imaging effects to a single photo or across an entire project. Quick Fix presets can take care of common problems including blown highlights and low contrast. Other adjustment presets apply processing techniques and styles, such as a toy or vintage camera look. You can also create your own adjustment presets or import presets from colleagues. And since all adjustments are nondestructive, you can revert back from the changes you make at any time or even restore your original master images. The Zoom Navigator displays a thumbnail to help you move around a zoomed image, so it's even easier to find and perfect details. Precision brushes. Nondestructive brushes let you make selective adjustments to specific parts of your image without creating masks or layers. Control brush size, softness, and strength while you dodge and burn or apply effects such as blurring, skin smoothing, and polarization. Fifteen Quick Brushes handle the most common touch-up jobs with a few strokes. Detect Edges makes it easy to retouch areas with greater accuracy - deepening the colors of a mountain range, for instance, while leaving the sky untouched. Custom multimedia slideshows. Create impressive multimedia slideshows with photos, custom titles, HD videos, and layered soundtracks. It's as easy as dragging your photos and videos into one of the themed slideshow templates in Aperture. If you want a more customized slideshow, you can choose the Classic or Ken Burns theme and control transitions, background and border colors, and the font, size, and style of your titles. Sharing slideshows is simpler, too. Aperture exports your slideshows to iTunes so you can sync them to your iPhone or iPod touch, then share them anywhere. Export. Easy. When you're ready to share your photos, you can send them to Flickr or Facebook with a couple of clicks. Or take advantage of a variety of export plug-ins to upload photos directly to sites including SmugMug, iStockphoto, and PhotoShelter. Because Aperture is integrated with the Mac OS X Media Browser, you can easily include photos from your library in iLife or iWork documents. Or make them "to go" by syncing them to your iPhone, iPod, or Apple TV. MobileMe Gallery showings. Aperture offers fully integrated MobileMe Gallery support, so you can publish your photos using your MobileMe account.* Simply select the photos you want to share and click the MobileMe button. Keep your gallery private, make it public, or share it with select people. Visitors can download JPEG or original RAW files directly from your site and even contribute their own photos to your gallery. Printing prowess. You have many printing options with Aperture 3. Customize the margins, crop on the fly to match the aspect ratio of your paper, and add borders in custom widths and sizes. Create a sheet of wallet-size prints or passport photos. Take advantage of the color-managed print engine for reliable color rendition. Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, and sharpness to fine-tune your images. Add metadata to large prints or contact sheets with your choice of font, size, and style. Include watermarks or your own header - including a logo - on every printed sheet. And when your settings are just the way you want, save them as a preset for future prints. Download: http://lumfile.com/0cfcqyu9g87c/Apple.Aperture.3.1.1_Mac.OS_X.rar.html CEI ENSIGHT GOLD 10.0.1a CEI ENSIGHT GOLD 10.0.1a | 709 MB CEI ENSIGHT GOLD 10.0.1a | 709 MBEnSight Gold's distributed architecture handles scientific and engineering analysis models containing up to billions of nodes while optimizing memory use. It builds upon the full functionality of EnSight. Features unique to EnSight Gold include: * SMP parallel processing support for more than 2 processors.* Supports multi-pipe display to drive VR planar and non-planar display environments such as a RAVE or multi-panel display wall.* "Heads Up" Macro (HUM) for creating customized VR interfaces as well as interaction using VR input devices for head tracking and manipulation.* Output to POV-Ray ray-tracing program for photorealistic images.* Interfaces with EnLiten Gold for sharing of results in VR environments.* Support for 3D input devices by Trackd or write your own using CEI's provided API.* Server-of-server (SoS) functionality for parallel processing of decomposed data on SMP or DMP architectures. Download :- http://lumfile.com/5n5a7xn83x4h/CEI.ENSIGHT.GOLD.v10.0.2e.MACOSX.Incl.Keygen.rar.html
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Apple ILife 11 Upgrade to iLife '11 and you'll do more with photos movies and music than you ever thought possible. In iPhoto you can browse edit and share your photos with new full-screen views. Turn your home videos into epic movie trailers in iMovie. And GarageBand gives you everything you need to make a great-sounding song - including tools for keeping your song in perfect rhythm and guitar and piano lessons.Install the iLife Family Pack* on up to five Mac computers in your household.iLife '11 requires OS X Snow Leopard or OS X Lion.Purchase OS X Snow Leopard from the Apple Online Store or download OS X Lion from the Mac App Store.Note that this does not require any serial number and it's legit so just install.[/b] Download http://lumfile.com/ob6yim4nsgwn/back_up_maclife_salvatore.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/xjfq8ipl3tho/back_up_maclife_salvatore.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/qxfnvybmgill/back_up_maclife_salvatore.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/icknfbbxvv9a/back_up_maclife_salvatore.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/iqhicjduolxx/back_up_maclife_salvatore.part5.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/cy0jwpp3xwtm/back_up_maclife_salvatore.part6.rar.html Toast Titanium + Plug-in v2.0 (Mac OSX) Toast Titanium + Plug-in v2.0 (Mac OSX)|4.65 GB Toast 11 is a major update that helps extend Mac OS and iLife applications with new capabilities and feature enhancements for capturing, copying, converting and enjoying personal digital media and entertainment. Toast 11 serves as a powerful media hub that makes it simple to take virtually any piece of digital media - regardless of format or where it resides - and share and enjoy it practically anywhere and on any device. Toast 11 has been redesigned from the ground up and showcases a new interface that we believe users will find modern and intuitive. More importantly, the overhaul of this long-time Mac standard offers refined workflows along with built-in video tutorials that make it easier for existing Toast users and those new to the program to quickly complete a broad range of media tasks.Toast Titanium (Intel/KG) + Plug-in Installer v2.0 (MacOSX)OS version: Mac OS X 10.5 or laterToast Titanium retail disk image courtesy of wescoKeygen courtesy of C.O.R.E What's NewVersion 11.0.4: * Resolves several compatibility issues related to Mac OS X 10.7* Audio effects are now carried over to duplicated items correctly* Large AVCHD archive projects now display the correct number of required discs* You can now burn a Mac Volume project after canceling a previous Mac Volume project VCD and SVCD projects with merged clips should no longer cause errors when burning or writing a disc image* Resolves issue where thumbnail and video preview window appear green for specific MKV video files* Resolves an issue related to burning projects with MPEG-2 TS streams* Note: SDX (Spin Doctor) is not currently supported on Mac OS X 10.7 Software includedDisc Cover 3 RE v3.0.3DiscCatalogMaker RE v5.6Get Backup 2 RE v2.4.4Mac2Tivo v1.2.0Spin Doctor v1.0TiVo Transfer v2.1.0Toast Titanium 11 HD/BD Plug-in Installer v2.0 Download: http://lumfile.com/0dvc2qd9pfa2/Roxio.Toast.Titanium.11.PRO.MAC.OSX-dmg.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/8siqlhh56j8l/Roxio.Toast.Titanium.11.PRO.MAC.OSX-dmg.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/1ewnxiylrmwv/Roxio.Toast.Titanium.11.PRO.MAC.OSX-dmg.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/41sn4hjlnhxx/Roxio.Toast.Titanium.11.PRO.MAC.OSX-dmg.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/wuktyvc87mm4/Roxio.Toast.Titanium.11.PRO.MAC.OSX-dmg.part5.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/tbdfbv0zg46p/Roxio.Toast.Titanium.11.PRO.MAC.OSX-dmg.part6.rar.html Maxon Cinema 4D Studio R13.029 MULTiLANGUAGE Mac OSX MAXON announced the immediate availability of CINEMA 4D Release 13, the next generation of its industry- leading 3D motion graphics, visual effects, painting, and rendering software application. With all new character tools, integrated stereographic capabilities, stream-lined multi-artist collaboration and physical rendering, CINEMA 4D Release 13 builds on the company?s 25-year legacy of enabling digital content creators around the world to produce highly engaging content quickly and easily for a variety of industries. New and Enhanced Rendering Engine-Physically-Accurate Rendering: Creating photorealistic images is easier than ever with the new physical render engine. Based on real camera properties, this additional render engine accurately calculates 3D motion blur, depth of field and lens distortion based on the focal length, aperture and shutter speed of the camera. - Efficient Subsurface Scattering: Now users can efficiently create translucent materials such as milk, skin and wax with a new subsurface scattering shader included with both the new Physical Render and CINEMA 4D's standard render engines. - Shared Image Sampler: Saves tons of render time by combining sampling for multiple effects such as motion blur, depth of field, area shadows, ambient occlusion and blurry reflections. Sample options allow users to specify a fixed number of samples, apply an adaptive number of samples based on the geometry and shading complexity, or progressively render each frame within a given number of passes or amount of time. - New Anti-Aliasing Filters: Users can now achieve higher quality anti-aliasing using the Mitchell and Gauss algorithms. Stereoscopic 3D Workflow- New Character Object: Includes an auto rigger, which simplifies the process of building a rig and applying it to a character. Technical directors are able to set up flexible rig templates that any user can easily apply to their characters. - New CMotion System: Allows users to create their own or apply preset parametric walk cycles based on cyclic motion. Make characters walk along a spline and over terrain, or even manually place footsteps. Can be integrated with the character object or applied to anything in a scene. - New Muscle System: CINEMA 4D R13 now allows users to create custom-shaped muscles and anchor them to multiple joints within a rig. Includes deformer for skin stretching and sliding. - New Collision Deformer: Deforms surfaces based on collisions enabling characters to intuitively interact with the environment around them. Numerous Workflow, Modeling and Animation Improvements- Revamped Navigation System: New cursor-based navigation automatically sets the point of interest for rotation and dolly movements based on where the user clicks to begin navigation. This also ensures the speed of camera navigation is smooth and consistent, regardless of the distance to the point of interest - making it easy to pivot around any portion of a model or scene. - Sticky Keys: Allows users to activate a tool only while its shortcut is pressed and immediately return to the previous tool. - New Spline Data User Interface: Attributes utilizing spline data can now be edited much more precisely with additional spline types and the ability to view splines in a larger, separate window. - Location Indicator: Provides artists with a new indicator that hints at the location of selected objects outside the current view. - Surface Manipulation: Offers flexible options with a new Infinite Axis mode that lets users start manipulation from any point and easily snap surfaces to other objects in the scene. The rotation axis can now optionally display gimbal rotation, making it easy to visualize situations in which gimbal lock will occur, and can also transform multiple objects in a selection individually rather than as a group. - Animation Enhancements: Based on user feedback, a lot of tweaks were made to the animation system to improve efficiency, including clamping, better curve handling, markers, etc Operational Efficiency- Superior XRef Object: Improves artist efficiency with fully embedded XRef (External Reference) commands in R13 so referenced objects can be textured, animated, and included in expressions or simulations within the master file, greatly enhancing work in a collaborative environment. - Improved C.O.F.F.E.E. and Python Scripting Language Integration: Equips customers with improved integration of the powerful C.O.F.F.E.E. and Python scripting managers, giving programmers and developers a customizable solution for a wide range of software development tasks that can be utilized in any pipeline. Python plugins and scripts now appear alongside those created in CINEMA 4D's C++ and C.O.F.F.E.E. APIs. - File Format Support: Allows artists to access a range of popular file formats for greater workflow flexibility. Multi-Pass files can now be stored in multiple channels within a single OpenEXR file. The popular FBX and COLLADA file formats have been updated facilitating easier asset exchange and interoperability. After Effects Exchange: Gives customers using R13 unparalleled integration with After Effects with the introduction of stage object support, timeline marker exports and support for 29.97fps System RequirementsRecommended system requirements include Windows XP, Vista or 7 running on Intel or AMD CPU with SSE2-Support; Mac OS X 10.5.8 or higher running on an Intel-based Mac and 1024 MB RAM, DVD ROM drive. Up to 256 threads now supported. Standard DVD installation can take up to 2.5 GB of disk space. http://lumfile.com/izopty6c8p45/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part01.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/4lgjigz2vh8p/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part02.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/w1i16wajp7vy/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part03.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/7ylkhliu20fe/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part04.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/knoq5nhon6n9/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part05.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/x77nlfmw5t4r/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part06.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/yonlv0wlgoju/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part07.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/3h53i7qnaw9f/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part08.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/2aidl2hbcrk8/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part09.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/o179wk1qen7k/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part10.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/sj1bzqytzmfp/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part11.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/2szgv9nsloke/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part12.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/yv8rvsel6xp7/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part13.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/pzt44pdqpv6d/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part14.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/nkwivgnr2mo9/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part15.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/1aeofs2gagib/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part16.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/n5s26bwhxpz2/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part17.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/dlv9ujmsjuoh/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part18.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/op9vf118itkq/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part19.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/y9ex0frr0knk/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part20.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/2wfm3kqomqy3/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part21.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/5v221phpdker/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part22.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/h5y9h8350j64/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part23.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/v858ny30jyph/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part24.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/0gyg6hwdgtaz/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part25.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/q7zvke7qw0eg/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part26.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/0aj0siczsgbp/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part27.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/qshkb17cfaqa/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part28.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/9svh0vq9nm5h/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part29.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/1orgc7g074mq/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part30.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/nvrb8qanfnpq/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part31.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/mdnkbgtkb5nm/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part32.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/tq5lnovfc626/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part33.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/luu09rhhkcv9/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part34.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/evs6ampvv7li/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part35.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/l8ehpqvga12p/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part36.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/o2k18s3x61c7/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part37.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/o6dobczwn5bv/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part38.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/zdxop18rdz98/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part39.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/tawl7tojv0kg/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part40.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/zwpy9t1ohxl7/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part41.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/bv6qbk5f6vam/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part42.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/0a57yr7s79i5/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part43.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ugfrt2w9cizr/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part44.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/5bhglp2xxnx5/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part45.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/hx48xwkwn8zp/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part46.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/lmz5t4pd96rc/mc4dr13_Incl_keygen.part47.rar.html
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Mathworks Matlab R2011a Mac OSX Mathworks Matlab R2011a Mac OSX | 14.15 GB MATLAB Product Family Highlights * Improved performance for many linear algebra functions in MATLAB* Large-scale interior-point solver for quadratic programming in Optimization Toolbox* Object-oriented portfolio optimization solver with turnover and transaction costs in Financial Toolbox* Engle-Granger and Johansen cointegration tests and VEC parameter estimation in Econometrics Toolbox* Utilization of up to 8 local workers by MATLAB Compiler generated executables and components using Parallel Computing Toolbox New System Toolboxes for Design in MATLAB and Simulink * DSP System Toolbox, a new product that combines features of Signal Processing Blockset and Filter Design Toolbox* Communications System Toolbox, a new product that combines features of Communications Toolbox and CommunicationsBlockset* Computer Vision System Toolbox, a new product that incorporates thefunctionality of Video and Image Processing Blockset and adds new computer vision algorithms* Phased Array System Toolbox, a new product for designing, simulating, and analyzing phased array signal processing systems New Code Generation Products* MATLAB Coder, a new product for generating portable C/C++ code directly from MATLAB* Simulink Coder, a new product that combines the functionality of Real-Time Workshop and Stateflow Coder* Embedded Coder, a new product that combines the functionality of Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder, Embedded IDE Link, and Target Support Package Simulink Product Family Highlights* Signal Logging Selector to compare simulation results across models and runs in Simulink* Merge capability for Simulink models from the XML text comparison in Simulink Report Generator* FPGA-in-the-Loop, customizable I/O, and board support for Xilinx devices in Simulink HDL Coder, EDA Simulator Link, and xPC Target* Custom component authoring using the Simscape language in SimDriveline* Automatic detection of overflow and divide-by-zero design errors usingPolyspace technology in Simulink Design Verifier R2011a contains two new products.* MATLAB Coder - Generate C and C++ code from MATLAB code* Phased Array System Toolbox -Design and simulate phased array signal processing systems * iNSTALLATiON NOTES *1) unpack2) burn / mount3) install4) crack dir Download: http://lumfile.com/deyk0wsaupi0/Mathworks_.part01.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/8n9pylhrp5xo/Mathworks_.part02.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/g0oga79swmr6/Mathworks_.part03.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/87qd7ct8hnmk/Mathworks_.part04.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/sjqk5w6w6fx8/Mathworks_.part05.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/y6a2j4lynavx/Mathworks_.part06.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/kh0bqb5md2nz/Mathworks_.part07.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/fz3z5qhnkwp1/Mathworks_.part08.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/r87v7pjnw24s/Mathworks_.part09.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/794pppv6ckvg/Mathworks_.part10.rar.html Avid Pro Tools 10 + Plugins (MAC OSX) Avid Pro Tools 10 Installer Mac OSX |2.10 GB What’s new- Speed up editing and mixing with Clip Gain, and easily adjust and match gain levels, pre-mixer (watch the video)- Use multiple audio formats in a session—including interleave—without file duplication- Record and master higher resolution sound with more headroom in 32-bit floating-point format- Get great responsiveness on slower hard drives with the enhanced disk handler- Record in low-latency mode, with direct monitoring when using third-party audio interfaces- Get the sound of System 5 console EQ and dynamics with the Avid Channel Strip plug-in Download: http://lumfile.com/ymgfyodd6vi7/Avid.Pro.Tools.10.2.Installer.WinMac.OSX.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/b29gtl301zki/Avid.Pro.Tools.10.2.Installer.WinMac.OSX.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/wj1u6oay8c1f/Avid.Pro.Tools.10.2.Installer.WinMac.OSX.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/cx0s0n97t4df/Avid.Pro.Tools.10.2.Installer.WinMac.OSX.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/qvp1o25othwn/Avid_Pro_Tools_10___Plugins_MAC.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/pi9trs44ywv4/Avid_Pro_Tools_10___Plugins_MAC.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ato9hvki7m9h/Avid_Pro_Tools_10___Plugins_MAC.part3.rar.html Adobe CS 5.5 Design Premium Multilingual Mac OSX Adobe CS 5.5 Design Premium Multilingual Mac OSX | 8.72 GB Download: http://lumfile.com/buncfzh45tl3/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.001.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/i1j6blnupbwv/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.002.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/8cotsoa1wfre/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.003.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/jwo5dtnrqmws/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.004.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/5260lffcmx1f/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.005.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/5xa49b5la52c/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.006.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/7l1s9v3ykfkt/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.007.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/7tj194a6kddo/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.008.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/9f9gf6r4piz2/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.009.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/yq41i4zsmesf/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.010.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/wazg33amxgdi/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.011.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/pb0kz7hsqgiw/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.012.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/i6rfq03w4agz/A_K.Adube_Master_Mac.rar.013.html OnOne Perfect Photo Suite 6.0.2 MAC OSX OnOne Perfect Photo Suite 6.0.2 MAC OSX | 2.07GB Perfect Portrait is a completely new product that offers the latest innovations in portrait retouching for photographers. You can now focus on the art of retouching and portrait creation because the most time consuming tasks have been automated in Perfect Portrait. Perfect Layers allows you to combine photos for endless creative options. With Perfect Layers you can create and edit multi-layered files directly from Lightroom and Aperture, or even use it as a standalone application. All Perfect Layers files can be edited in Photoshop later giving you complete flexibility in your workflow. Perfect Effects builds on the popularity of PhotoTools to give you an even faster and more powerful way to create images with impact. Perfect Effects 3 includes a complete library of professional photographic effects that can be previewed live, full screen, on an image before being applied. Perfect Effects 3 now includes blending options that provide even more control over how effects are combined and applied. Perfect Mask 5 is the next generation of Mask Pro, the leading software for background replacement. Perfect Mask takes the core strengths of Mask Pro to another level, by automating many common masking tasks with incredible accuracy. Perfect Resize 7-powered by Genuine Fractals-is the industry standard for image resizing. It is renowned across the photographic and printing industries for its ability to increase image size well over 1000% without the loss of sharpness or detail that you would normally expect. The patented, fractal based interpolation algorithms works like nothing else and the results speak for themselves. You control the focus with FocalPoint 2. Create realistic selective focus, depth-of-field and vignette effects that tell your viewers right where to look. With the intuitive FocusBug controller it is just like using a tilt-shift or selective focus lens right inside of Adobe Photoshop. Set your area of focus and then select a lens to simulate or create your own by controlling the amount and kind of blur, even in 3D. With the new FocusBrush tool you can paint sharpness or blur right where you want it. Finish things off with an elegant vignette. It has never been easier or faster to focus your viewer's eye and minimize distractions. Add the perfect finishing touch to your images with PhotoFrame 4.6. It features hundreds of design elements like film edges, borders, textures, backgrounds and adornments. It even has complete layouts where you just drop your image in and you are done. It's the perfect way to add a realistic darkroom touch with a film edge or to create beautiful album or scrapbook pages. It includes all the tools you need to find the perfect design elements, add them to your image and control things like size, color and opacity. You can even stack multiple elements to create your own designs and save them as a preset you can use in a single-click inside of Photoshop. Download: http://lumfile.com/swx7fgyk35ab/onOne.Perfect.Photo.Suite.v6.1.Mac.OSX.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/f87zjwrpuudr/onOne.Perfect.Photo.Suite.v6.1.Mac.OSX.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ldaaswzxxkfh/onOne.Perfect.Photo.Suite.v6.1.Mac.OSX.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/pxyy26a7kxrt/onOne.Perfect.Photo.Suite.v6.1.Mac.OSX.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/oxomr7dbbnda/onOne.Perfect.Photo.Suite.v6.1.Mac.OSX.part5.rar.html Vue 10 (Win+Mac) + Extras 10.00-04 10007908 x86/x64 [2011/ENG] Vue 10 (Win+Mac) + Extras 10.00-04 10007908 x86/x64 [2011/ENG] | 2.7GB Any scene can be downloaded directly to your favorite program, including the entire ecosystem, all types of atmospheres, cameras, lighting, plants, landscapes, etc. Installation:Run the installer by creating keygens serial key, complete the installation without closing the crack. After setting in keygens click on Crack (specify the installed program directory). After that, create a file in the keygens activation, and store in a convenient location. Run the program, choose manual activation and point to the generated file. That's it! System requirements: MacintoshMac OS X v10.5 + 32/64,2GHz Intel processor or faster,1GB of free RAM,200 MB of free Hard Disk space,1200x768 in 65K colors/16 bits (24 + bits recommended). WindowsWindows XP / Vista / Windows 7 32/64,2GHz Pentium IV or better processor,1GB of free RAM,200 MB of free Hard Disk space,1200x768 in 65K colors/16 bits (24 + bits recommended). Bit depth: 32bit +64 bitCompatibility with Vista: completeCompatible with Windows 7 full timeLanguage: EnglishMedicine: PresentVue 10 (Win+Mac) + Extras 10.00-04 10007908 x86/x64 [2011/ENG] http://lumfile.com/a3i4i92seq6f/Vue.10.WinMac..Extras.10.0004.10007908.x86x64.2011ENG.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ta7xg9ppp8nw/Vue.10.WinMac..Extras.10.0004.10007908.x86x64.2011ENG.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/jnskn0p78fvu/Vue.10.WinMac..Extras.10.0004.10007908.x86x64.2011ENG.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/2yb3ax7uel6d/Vue.10.WinMac..Extras.10.0004.10007908.x86x64.2011ENG.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/w39jodj9xb7k/Vue.10.WinMac..Extras.10.0004.10007908.x86x64.2011ENG.part5.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/g3217d01gv9y/Vue.10.WinMac..Extras.10.0004.10007908.x86x64.2011ENG.part6.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/fz0xbk1312td/Vue.10.WinMac..Extras.10.0004.10007908.x86x64.2011ENG.part7.rar.html Luxion KeyShot Pro 2.3.1 [Win, Mac] Luxion KeyShot Pro 2.3.1 [Win, Mac] | 1.38 GB Year / Date : 2011 Version : 2.3.1 Developer : http://www.keyshot.com Web Developer : http://www.keyshot.com Bit : 32bit +64 bit Compatibility with Vista : complete Compatible with Windows 7 : complete Language : English Crack : Is present System requirements : Windows XP 32/64 bit Windows Vista 32/64 bit Windows 7 32/64 bit INTEL-based Mac, Core2Duo processor or higher Mac OS X 10.5 and above Download http://lumfile.com/vtaksrv5jup5/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part01.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/k4w9ahh8nvdi/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part02.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/lfj4lcezxabe/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part03.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/f9kjxfzn7btr/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part04.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/8voq6q47fvu0/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part05.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/3h6cfawhk49y/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part06.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/av33gq41erew/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part07.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/h8nzm61w99pa/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part08.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/8u1tkpivkmge/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part09.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/83kbou4kpyfh/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part10.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/cl08czn93lr5/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part11.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/nz4jaogkz5ri/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part12.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/sjchkqi5bf6c/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part13.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/xj8v8nwjqwgr/Luxion_KeyShot_Pro_2.3.2.part14.rar.html OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 (12A128p) DP1 CUPERTINO, California-February 16, 2012-Apple- today released a developer preview of OS X- Mountain Lion, the ninth major release of the worlds most advanced operating system, which brings popular apps and features from iPad- to the Mac- and accelerates the pace of OS X innovation. Mountain Lion introduces Messages, Notes, Reminders and Game Center to the Mac, as well as Notification Center, Share Sheets, Twitter integration and AirPlay- Mirroring. Mountain Lion is the first OS X release built with iCloud- in mind for easy setup and integration with apps. The developer preview of Mountain Lion also introduces Gatekeeper, a revolutionary security feature that helps keep you safe from malicious software by giving you complete control over what apps are installed on your Mac. The preview release of Mountain Lion is available to Mac Developer Program members starting today. Mac users will be able to upgrade to Mountain Lion from the Mac App Store in late summer 2012. OS X Mountain Lion requires a Mac with a 64-bit kernel. Mountain Lion supports the following Mac models: - iMac (mid 2007 or later)- MacBook (13-inch Aluminum, 2008), (13-inch, Early 2009 or later)- MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid-2009 or later), (15-inch, 2.4/2.2 GHz), (17-inch, Late 2007 or later)- MacBook Air (Late 2008 or later)- Mac Mini (Early 2009 or later)- Mac Pro (Early 2008 or later)- Xserve (Early 2009) Download :- http://lumfile.com/4u7h899dvtbj/OS_X_10.8_Mountain_Lion_DP1_-_MiRROR.dmg.001.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/s40yi506pu4f/OS_X_10.8_Mountain_Lion_DP1_-_MiRROR.dmg.002.html Apple Motion 5 + Content x86/x64 MacOSX 2012 Apple Motion 5 + Content x86/x64 MacOSX 2012 | 2.19 GB Updated InterfaceA single window. Infinite creativity.The Motion interface has been redesigned specifically for Final Cut Pro editors, with a familiar look and feel that makes it easy to switch between the two applications. A new single-window layout puts all the tools you need at your fingertips, and redesigned icons make it easy to identify options at glance. The darker look of the new interface is designed to enhance color perception as you work with any combination of video, stills, and motion graphic elements. Many filters now include onscreen controls for direct, intuitive manipulation of effects. And keyframe editing is much more accessible thanks to a new view that displays the Keyframe editor below the timeline. Download: http://lumfile.com/8h9dyuu6opk6/Apple.Motion.5..Content.x86x64.MacOSX.2012.rar.html Apple iWork '09 Retail (No Need SN) (MacOSX) iWork, Apple’s productivity suite, is the easiest way to create great-looking documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Writing and page layout are easy using Pages. Numbers gives you simple ways to make sense of your data. New cinematic animations, transitions, and effects in Keynote will keep your audience captivated. And iWork is compatible with Microsoft Office, so sharing your work is even easier. Download http://lumfile.com/p7hwef0kkeaw/Apple.iWork.09_Retail.(No.Need.SN).(Mac_OSX).rar.html Top 18 Essential Applications (Mac)|11.64 GB The top 18 applications for the Mac OS X system. Contains all of the best applications for you to use. Very useful for New Mac Users. List App:Roxio Toast v.10.0 TitaniumStuffit Deluxe 11Cleanmymac v1.8.1Adobe Acrobat X 10.0 MultilingualDropboxFinal Cut Pro 7Adobe CS5 Master CollectionGoogle Chrome (Dev, updates nightly, Version)iWork '09 (No crack needed)Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac (Already activated)Hotspot ShieldHacketyhack (a programming learning environment for mac)MPlayerTor Browser (for ultimate browsing security)PathFinderPeel 1.0.10Skype BetaSecrets.PrefPane (Ultimate tweaking tool for Mac OSX) Download http://lumfile.com/ncf96plan525/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part01.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/b3v6y8yxmbvc/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part02.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ynsk3lh2mswi/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part03.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/nv33ruipoevc/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part04.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/uayeubt8x4rt/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part05.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/xx4szzkz8lql/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part06.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/g01iz1e6zywj/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part07.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/jppjd392cmc7/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part08.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/t01fgzeovoh1/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part09.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/dz7lyikl24jg/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part10.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/1k0aqz2wyp81/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part11.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/e5fjxls6deho/18.Apps.For.MacOSX.part12.rar.html
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Adobe After Effects CS6 v11.0 LS7 Multilanguage MacOSX Adobe After Effects CS6 v11.0 LS7 Multilanguage MacOSX | 1.29GB Adobe® After Effects® CS6 software lets you deliver cinematic visual effects and motion graphics faster than ever before with new Global Performance Cache. Extend your creativity with built-in text and shape extrusion, new mask feathering options, and the fast, easy-to-use 3D Camera Tracker. Create visual effects faster in Adobe® After Effects® CS6 software with Global Performance Cache, which optimizes and keeps your previews so you can beat deadlines instead of waiting for frame updates. Boost your creativity with a new 3D engine for text and shape extrusions, a 3D camera tracker, and variable-width mask feathering. New Features:Global Performance CacheCreate more in less time. With new Global Performance Cache, your previews are saved and ready when you are - no more waiting for the application to catch up. This revolution "under the hood" makes After Effects extremely fast and responsive by taking full advantage of the power of your computer’s hardware for visual effects and motion graphics. 3D Camera TrackerTrack 3D elements with complete control over depth of field, shadows, and reflections. Automatically analyze and place 3D track points onto 2D footage in the background while you work. Ray-traced, extruded text and shapesExtrude fully ray-traced text and shapes natively and take full advantage of reflections, environment maps, and more. Variable mask featheringCreate a separate set of splines to precisely control mask feathering. Get the exact shape you want with the proper degree of softness at any point along the mask edge, resulting in a big boost to creative flexibility. Integration with Adobe IllustratorInstantly convert Illustrator vector art (AI and EPS format) into shape layers. Easily animate vector art in 2D or extrude to 3D. Rolling Shutter RepairRemove rolling shutter artifacts such as skew and wobble without forcing stabilization. New and updated effectsEnhance your creativity with 90 new and updated built-in effects, including the complete 16- and 32-bit CycoreFX HD suite. Avid AAF and FCP 7 XML file import with Pro Import AEImport and work with files created in Apple Final Cut Pro 7 or earlier versions, as well as Avid Media Composer and Symphony, letting you integrate After Effects with professional production workflows. mocha for After Effects CS6Launch mocha for After Effects CS6 directly within After Effects CS6*. Adobe.After.Effects.CS6.v11.0.LS7.Multilanguage.MAC.OSX-iND Download: http://lumfile.com/kcrhev8bji0k/aaecs611ls7mlosx.rar.html Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 v12.0 LS16 Multilanguage MacOSX Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 v12.0 LS16 Multilanguage MacOSX | 406MBLanguages: English, Japanese See the top new features in Dreamweaver CS6Find out more about fluid grid layout, enhanced jQuery Mobile support, CSS3 transitions, and other features introduced in this latest version of the leading software for designing and editing websites and mobile apps. Build online businessesDevelop complex e-commerce sites without writing any server-side code by integrating with the Adobe Business Catalyst® platform (available separately). Set up and host free trial sites. Streamline productivityDesign, develop, and deliver websites and mobile apps efficiently with faster FTP transfers and improved image editing. Build mobile apps with updated support for jQuery Mobile and Adobe PhoneGap™ frameworks. Transfer large files more efficiently with improved FTP performance in Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS6 software. Updated Live View and Multiscreen Preview panels render HTML5 code so you can check your work. Fluid grid layoutCreate cross-platform and cross-browser-compatible web designs using the CSS3-based fluid grid layout system. Work faster and more efficiently as you develop projects using clean, industry-standard code for a wide range of devices and computers. Visually construct complex web designs and page layouts without getting buried in code. Improved FTP performanceSave time uploading larger files with the reengineered multithreaded FTP transfer tool. Upload site files faster and more efficiently to speed production time. Adobe Business Catalyst integrationUse the integrated Business Catalyst panel in Dreamweaver to connect and edit sites you build with Adobe Business Catalyst (available separately). Build e-commerce sites with the hosted solution. Enhanced jQuery Mobile supportBuild native mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms using updated support for jQuery Mobile. Build apps to reach mobile audiences while streamlining your mobile development workflow. Adobe.Dreamweaver.CS6.v12.0.LS16.Multilanguage.MAC.OSX-iND Download: http://lumfile.com/ysz0jhn72j05/ADream.rar.html Adobe Fireworks CS6 v12.0 LS16 Multilanguage MacOSX Adobe Fireworks CS6 v12.0 LS16 Multilanguage MacOSX | 627MBLanguages: English, Japanese See the top new features in Fireworks CS6Find out more about new jQuery mobile themes, improved CSS support, quicker access to color, and other features introduced in this latest version of the leading software for creating beautiful designs for websites and mobile apps. Simplify your workflow for standards-based websites and appsExtract clean CSS3 code from your designs with the CSS Properties panel. Smooth integration with Adobe Photoshop®, Illustrator®, and Dreamweaver® software simplifies your work. Produce better screen graphics, fasterEnhance your productivity with better redraw performance for Mac OS and improved memory management for 64-bit Windows® systems to support file sizes up to four times larger. Change colors more quickly with an improved color swatch. Adobe.Fireworks.CS6.v12.0.LS16.Multilanguage.MAC.OSX-iND Download: http://lumfile.com/viqztfowozyn/afwkcs.rar.html Adobe InCopy CS6 v8.0 LS16 Multilanguage MacOSX Adobe InCopy CS6 v8.0 LS16 Multilanguage MacOSX | 953MB Adobe® InDesign® CS6 software is a versatile desktop publishing application that gives you pixel-perfect control over design and typography. Create elegant and engaging pages for print, tablets, and other screens. Use Adaptive Design Tools to easily repurpose layouts to look great on a variety of pages sizes, orientations, or devices. See the top new features in InDesign CS6Find out more about Adaptive Design Tools - Alternate Layout, Liquid Layout, linked content, Content Collector tools - and other new features in this latest version of the leading page layout software for print and digital publishing. Find out what you've been missingLearn about features introduced since CS3 to help you efficiently produce sophisticated layouts and adapt them to multiple page sizes, orientations, and devices - without sacrificing control over design and typography. Explore what you can doCreate beautiful page layouts for alternate page sizes or devices. Efficiently design for print, tablets, and other screens. Integrate with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite* to publish interactive digital publications for tablets. Design beautiful page layoutsHarness the professional design and typography features in Adobe® InDesign® CS6 software to create stunning and sophisticated page layouts with pixel-perfect control. Recently used fontsAccess fonts you use frequently. Recently used fonts appear at the top of the font list. Persistent text frame fitting optionsSet frames to grow with additional text, based on simple parameters. Expand and shrink frames automatically for headlines, callouts, or other variable content. Integration with other Adobe solutionsMove smoothly from design to output, thanks to tight integration with industry-leading Adobe software such as Adobe Photoshop®, Illustrator®, Acrobat®, and Flash® Professional. Adobe.InCopy.CS6.v8.0.LS16.Multilanguage.MAC.OSX-iND Download: http://lumfile.com/5nw3xxfd02gt/aiccs.rar.html Adobe Illustrator CS6 v16.0.0 LS16 Mac Os X Adobe Illustrator CS6 v16.0.0 LS16 | Mac Os X | 1.42 GBLanguages: English, Japanese See the top new features in Illustrator CS6Work with precision, speed, and stability on large, complex files with the Adobe Mercury Performance System. Enjoy a new tracing engine, quickly design seamless patterns, and apply gradients to strokes. Work fast and with rock-solid stabilityTake advantage of a new performance system with native 64-bit support for Mac OS and Windows® to power tasks that were often impossible, such as opening, saving, and exporting large files and previewing elaborate designs. Efficiently drive daily tasks and favorite featuresWork more efficiently and intuitively with a modern user interface. Familiar tasks are now streamlined, from inline editing of layer names to precise color sampling. Mac OSMulticore Intel processor with 64-bit supportMac OS X v10.6.8 or v10.72GB of RAM (8GB recommended)2GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)1024x768 display (1280x800 recommended) with 16-bit video cardDVD-ROM drive compatible with dual-layer DVDs Download: http://lumfile.com/gn2tifzhyavw/illustrator.rar.html Adobe Flash Professional CS6 v12.0 LS4 Multilanguage MacOSX Adobe Flash Professional CS6 v12.0 LS4 Multilanguage MacOSX | 1.42GB Adobe® Flash® Professional CS6 software is a powerful authoring environment for creating animation and multimedia content. Design immersive interactive experiences that present consistently across desktops and multiple devices, including tablets, smartphones, and televisions. See the top new features in Flash Professional CS6Find out more about sprite-sheet generation, simulation of mobile Adobe AIR® applications, and other features introduced in this latest version of the leading animation software for producing rich multimedia content. Learn more about new support for HTML5Download this new extension to transition to creating HTML5-based interactive content. Continue to use the core animation and drawing capabilities of Flash Professional CS6 and export javascript to target the CreateJS open source framework. Expand your reach across devices and platformsReach Android™ and iOS devices by targeting the latest Adobe Flash Player and AIR runtimes. Deliver apps with a prepackaged AIR captive runtime for better user experience, and access device-specific capabilities with prebuilt native extensions. Adobe.Flash.Professional.CS6.v12.0.LS4.Multilanguage.MAC.OSX-iND Download: http://lumfile.com/ggm0d7ly5j6q/aflp.rar.html Adobe Audition CS6 v5.0 LS7 Multilanguage MacOSX Adobe Audition CS6 v5.0 LS7 Multilanguage MacOSX | 387MB Adobe® Audition® CS6 software offers high-performance, intuitive tools for audio editing, mixing, restoration, and effects. Powerful new features such as real-time clip stretching, automatic speech alignment, and control surface support help you deliver projects faster than ever. Roundtrip editing with Adobe Premiere ProEasily sweeten audio for video. Pass individual clips and multitrack mixes from Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 software to Adobe Audition for editing, or send Adobe Premiere Pro sequences with a reference video to Adobe Audition for complete soundtrack creation. Project exchange with third-party NLEs and DAWsEasily move sessions between Adobe Audition and Avid Pro Tools using built-in OMF import and export functions in Adobe Audition. Share files with other video NLEs via XML interchange. Native 5.1 multichannel supportEdit multichannel files and mix your projects in 5.1 surround. Adobe Audition CS6 includes a Surround Panner in the Mixer View, as well as a new Surround Reverb effect and Amplify, a multichannel gain processor. Adobe.Audition.CS6.v5.0.LS7.Multilanguage.MAC.OSX-iND Download: http://lumfile.com/60hla57ic5vw/Audition.rar.html Adobe CS6 Master Collection for Mac OSX (with crack) Adobe CS6 Master Collection for Mac OSX (with crack) 6.6GB Create images with instant impact with Adobe Photoshop CS6 - the industry standard in digital imaging software. Adobe Photoshop CS6 redefines digital imaging with powerful new photography tools and breakthrough capabilities f complex image selections, realistic painting and intelligent retouching. Easily select and mask intricate image content such as hair. Remove any image element and watch the space fill in almost magically. Create stunning high dynamic range (HDR) images. Paint with realistic strokes and colour blends. Remove noise, add grain and create vignettes with state-of-the-art photography tools. ESD directly from Adobe - 4/27/2012 the esd is trial, until activated with the patch and instructions found in the link below, including the extended version of photoshop and fonts. of course, make sure your hosts file is patched when you get ready to activate, or have something like 'little snitch' on hand as an added measure of protection. INSTRUCTIONS (UPDATED!):1. download any adobe cs6 trial2. install as trial while disconnected from the net (or block outgoing connections using somethign like 'little snitch' - alternately, patch hosts using list from link below)3. do not enter an adobe id > select 'connect later'4. open adobe photoshop and illustrator and close them BEFORE the next step. this will ensure you get photoshop extended and that the illustrator splash screen does not say 'tryout' after applying the patch.5. once installed, replace amtlib.framework in application-name.app/contents/frameworks/ with the activated version included in the patch (keep a copy of the original just in case - ie. rename to 'amtlib.framework.bak')6. repeat for any other applications from the suite you have installed- including acrobat distiller (any .app containing an 'amtlib.framework' package7. if doing updates, such as acrobat, it's good to re-apply the activated amtlib.framework package before re-launching the app once the update is applied8. if the illustrator splash still shows 'tryout', go to applications>adobe illustrator cs6>adobe illustrator cs6.app>contents>resources and rename ai_cs6_splash.png to ai_cs6_splash__tryout.png (first renaming or backing upthe original ai_cs6_splash__tryout.png) Download: http://lumfile.com/9h9ogikdibx0/ACS6.CSM.rar.001.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/wx6txucsf9du/ACS6.CSM.rar.002.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/0i72pmv20p9u/ACS6.CSM.rar.003.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/jcnybr6fv1nx/ACS6.CSM.rar.crc.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/b8hwowzrjs8r/Kracks.rar.html
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Trackpad Magic 1.51 Mac Os X Trackpad Magic 1.51 | Mac Os X | 43.6 MB To parents: imagine the entertainment this can bring kids! With all of the cool effects and the direct interaction into the app, they will be hooked instantly and will stay entertained for hours! Features:- Direct control via the trackpad!- 17 different particles.- Fully intractable environment.- 7 Different instruments that activate based on where you touch. Make music your way!---- Piano---- Marimba---- Bleepy Machine---- Drum Kit---- Acoustic Guitar---- Caribbean Metal Drum---- Theremin- Different musical scales- Sounds follow your fingers. As you move around, the sounds will play for each new location.- Ability to mute the sounds and just enjoy the show- Image that can be toggled to show each notes location for each scale- Fullscreen capabilities IMPORTANT NOTE: You need a Multi-Touch trackpad for this app to work. All unibody MacBooks, MacBook Pros, and MacBook Airs have this build in. It is the one without the button. This will not work with the trackpads that have a button at the bottom! You can also use Apple's Magic Trackpad with this application. Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 or later Download: http://lumfile.com/nxt2r84gb34g/TMagic1.51.zip.html Tecplot 360 2012 R1 (x64) Tecplot 360 2012 R1 (x64) | 242.3 Mb Tecplot 360 gets you answers faster, helping you to quickly plot and animate your data exactly the way you want. Using just one tool, you can analyze complex data, arrange multiple layouts, and communicate your results with professional images and animations. Of all the CFD visualization tools available, Tecplot 360 is easiest to use and offers the most visually powerful output. Tecplot 360's full range of XY, 2D, and 3D capabilities, multi-frame workspace, and high-quality output gives you the control and flexibility you need to easily create all types of plots for effective analysis, presentation, and publication. With one tool, you can easily:- Analyze and explore complex datasets- Arrange multiple XY, 2D and 3D plots- Create animations- Run mega-million models on your desktop- Inspect results and validate designs- Win recognition and communicate results with brilliant, high-quality output Download: http://lumfile.com/y8slxc8m5s4v/Tecplot.360.2012.R1.v14.0.0.25097.X64.Lz0.rar.html Devonthink Pro Office v2.3.4 Mac OS X Devonthink Pro Office v2.3.4 | Mac OS X | 29.2 MB Meet DEVONthink - designed to manage and keep in order all those disparate pieces of information so important to your work or studies. As you become more experienced with DEVONthink and its easy, intuitive interface you will quickly find more exciting ways of using your data. What DEVONthink Does for YouDEVONthink stores your documents, scanned papers, email messages, notes, bookmarks, etc. in one place. Access live web pages seamlessly from within DEVONthink to review, extract further information.Create RTF documents, edit them in full screen, and use smart templates to quickly add pre-styled documents. Clip data from other applications using drag-and-drop, services, or the Dock menu.Annotate PDF documents using standard PDF annotations. Cross-reference documents. Edit images.Search, classify and show relationships between your documents - automatically and language-independent, with the help of Artificial Intelligence.Share your knowledge using the built-in interactive web interface on the local network, over the Internet, and access it from Macs, Windows-PCs, the iPhone, or the iPod touch.Take all your important documents with you on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with DEVONthink To Go. Perfect IntegrationDEVONthink and DEVONagent integrate seamlessly with each other, Safari, and other web browsers. With just one click send web pages or search results to your database.Scan your papers with e.g. the Fujitsu ScanSnap, the Avision scanners, or most Mac OS X compatible flatbed scanners and file them in your database as searchable PDFs. If you are looking for a Mac replacement for Nuance PaperPort, DEVONthink Pro Office is the most powerful one - and much more.Archive your email directly from within Apple Mail or from Microsoft Entourage, PowerMail, Mailsmith and other email apps using UNIX mailboxes, e.g. Thunderbird.Store and view many file formats including, but not limited to, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice.org, Apple iWork, Skim, Mellel, and all file formats supported by Quicklook.Search all your databases directly from Spotlight.Add short notes directly from the Dashboard, add documents to your database even when DEVONthink is not running using the independent Sorter application.Connect DEVONthink to other applications; add new functionality using AppleScript or Automator. Download: http://lumfile.com/gy0eeh91npyc/Devonthink.Pro.Office.v2.3.4.rar.html Color Splash Studio v1.4 Mac OS X Color Splash Studio v1.4 | Mac OS X | 30.7 MB Totally awesome features and tools: - Integration with latest versions of iPhoto and Aperture- High-end algorithm for fast and most impressive image processing- Monochrome layers include grayscale, sepia and blue tone - ONLY in Color Splash Studio- ADJUSTABLE PARAMETERS for the brush: diameter, softness, opacity- Adjustable parameters for grayscale and sepia layers: brightness, contrast, blur- Adjustable parameters for color layer: brightness, contrast, blur, hue, saturation, exposure- Selective BLUR for grayscale, sepia and color layers (100% adjustable)- Support of practically all image formats, including RAW files- High resolution support - up to 32 megapixels- Sharing via most popular social networks- INTUITIVE USER INTERFACE with a possibility to compare original and resulting image, full screen mode, high-quality zoom to identify smallest details, easy access to every single tool and more Color Splash Studio goes far beyond “old school” color splash (selective colors) apps and doesn’t put any limits to your photography creativity. Before release, Color Splash Studio was beta tested by dozens of professional photographers and graphic designers from USA, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Canada, Australia, Japan and other countries and named a TRUE POWERHOUSE for "selective colors" photography. Download: http://lumfile.com/8aiqrhnrzbgn/Color.Splash.Studio.v1.4.MacOSX.Cracked-CORE.rar.html Xcode 4.4 DP3 for Mountain Lion Xcode 4.4 DP3 for Mountain Lion | 1.79 GB The main application package is the integrated development environment called Xcode. In addition, the Xcode package includes most of Apple's developer documentation, and Interface Builder - an application that is used to create graphical interfaces. Year: 2012Version: 4.4 (4F155i)Developer: Apple Inc.Platform: Intel onlySystem Requirements: OS X Mountain LionLanguage: English onlyLicense: Freeware Screenshot: Download http://lumfile.com/lfm3j6t649wv/Xcode.4.4.DP3.Mac.OSX.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/98t36tr2ytxn/Xcode.4.4.DP3.Mac.OSX.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ddsp3irj1afo/Xcode.4.4.DP3.Mac.OSX.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/9m7ercufop5c/Xcode.4.4.DP3.Mac.OSX.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/nkf4520pnrii/Xcode.4.4.DP3.Mac.OSX.part5.rar.html Aimersoft DVD Creator 3.6.2 Mac Os X Aimersoft DVD Creator 3.6.2 | Mac Os X | 49 MB Create DVD slideshows from pictures and home digital photos with musicBurn all SD (MP4/AVI/MOV...) and HD (TS/M2TS/TRP...) videos to DVD on MacAdd-on Media Brower facilitated local files (iMovie/iPhoto/iTunes…) loadingAll the loaded video, background music, DVD menus template… are customizable Homemade Videos: Vacation videos, graduation videos, travel videos, wedding videos, baby born videos and any others family or homemade videos.Online Downloaded: Any online downloaded movies, videos, slideshows, digital photos and pictures and so on.Supported Regular Video Formats: AVI, MOV, MP4, M4V, FLV, VOB, WMV, MPEG, DV, 3GP, 3GP2, DAT, ASF, MOD, TOD…Supported HD Video Formats: MTS/M2TS/TS/TP/TRP (AVHD H.264, VC-1, MPEG-2 HD), HD AVI (VC-1, MPEG-4), HD WMV (VC-1, WMV HD), HD MKV (H.264), HD MOV(H.264), HD MPG(MPEG-2 HD), HD MP4(H.264, Xvid)…Supported Picture Formats: PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, TIF and JPEG Broad Creative SpaceEditing Freedom: Free to crop, trim, adjust effects, add watermark, or rotate the added movies, videos, slideshows as you preferred.Customize Freedom: Free to customize your own favorite DVD menu templates, background picture and background music and so on.Setting Freedom: Free to set your DVD name, the output DVD quantity, the TV Standard and video standard for your new burned DVD. DVD Menus: There are various dynamic and static DVD Menus with advanced setting for you to choose for your DVDDVD Types: Free to choose DVD5 or DVD9 to burn your DVD just according to the size of your loading files.Output Modes: 3 other output modes allows you to save your media file as DVD folder, .dvdmedia and ISO File besides saving on DVD. Media Bower: The Add-on Media Brower greatly facilitated the files loading from local directory like iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes…Favorite Menu: Users can save the DVD menus they liked into their favorite item for convenient search for the next time System RequirementMac OS X 10.5 , 10.6 or 10.7 (Lion) Download: http://lumfile.com/f14gwyklf2pn/ADVD.3.6.2.rar.html Big Fish Audio Ambient Skyline 2 Kontakt KLI Big Fish Audio Ambient Skyline 2 Kontakt KLI | 4.54GB This product is part of Big Fish Audio's KLI series which includes a custom Kontakt interface. The Kontakt format includes patches of each sample and loop. Customize each loop with the "sliced loops" patches. The Sliced Loop patches lay out each individual slice of a loop across the keyboard, making it easy to create new and original custom parts. The "Kit Combos" allow you to arrange full construction kits quickly and easily with a custom mixer and a host of included fx. Finally, all drum hits have been included in patches of drum menus and drum kits. Create, arrange, tweak, and mix all within the Kontakt format. The KLI version of this product has been updated to KLI 2.0 and comes in both Kontakt 4 and Kontakt 5 versions. For those with the full version of Kontakt 5, take advantage of the new high quality and extremely flexible new time stretching algorithm as well as a bunch of new included FX. Kontakt Version (KLI 1.5)The Full version of Kontakt 4.2 or higher is required to use the KLI version of this product.- Both Kontakt 4 and Kontakt 5 patches are included- Total patches: 1,196- 796 Sliced Loops patches- 377 One Shot menu patches- 23 loop menu patchesSound Design/FX, Ambient, Cinematic Download: http://lumfile.com/xsbe6pn94bzs/Big.Fish.Audio.Ambient.Skyline.2.KONTAKT.DVDR-DYNAMiCS.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/8ibtob4d6xeo/Big.Fish.Audio.Ambient.Skyline.2.KONTAKT.DVDR-DYNAMiCS.part2.rar.html 8DiO Bowed Grand Piano Kontakt 8DiO Bowed Grand Piano Kontakt | 2.15 GB We developed a variety of new recording techniques that allowed us to get deep inside the piano and record a variety of bowings and FX that haven’t been covered in previous libraries. The library is more ambient then oue Plucked Grand Piano, since the concept of bowed piano tends to go in the more ambient/drony direction. We bowed every single string on a world class grand, including both sustains and staccato notes. We then did a variety of ambient recordings and started developing an entire drone section of the library, which is all based on source material from the piano. In addition we added a massive FX section to the library, which contains tons of string glisses, scrapes, scary slams and percussive FX etc. We also programmed specific artificial legato, so users can experiment by using legato on the instrument. Download: http://lumfile.com/jepxvckie71g/THBGPIK.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/x9m5wlhzchxp/THBGPIK.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/8za9yu46h2oz/THBGPIK.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/7b1anw2l6soy/THBGPIK.part4.rar.html Neo-Soul Suitcase Library for Kontakt Neo-Soul Suitcase Library for Kontakt | 1.26 Gb Our EP sound is a combination of samples (2.6GB), and complex impulse response algorithms that will give you the grit of hip-hop; the silkiness of R&B; and the soul in neo-soul. Our absolute number one goal was realism and with vintage modeled effects, complex impulse response algorithms, advanced FX, and tweak-able knobs for ultimate control, you will have the best EP experience ever produced in a plugin. With all of this, we can safely say that you can leave your Suitcase at home and replace it with the Neo-Soul Suitcase. When we first brought the Ne-Soul EP sounds to the Yamaha Motif, we weren't sure of it's success and need, but we soon found out that people have been thirsting for a new and fresh EP plugin for a long time. After the success of the Neo-Soul EP for the Yamaha Motif ES/XS/XF, many users have been bombarding us with E-mails asking us to to please produce some authentic and real EP sounds for their DAW as a plugin. We were not sure if there was a need for yet another EP plugin as there are several good ones already out. But many expressed a need for a high quality EP sound that would appeal to urban type of music with a lot of soul. Many wanted an EP Suitcase sound that was phat, warm, and sounded extremely realistic. Because real musicians trust other real musicians, we felt a sense of responsibility to put out a Suitcase patch that plays and sounds amazing, but with our own musicality and personality in it as well. So what came about was the new Neo-Soul Suitcase Library for Kontakt. Neo-Soul Suitcase features RequirementsKontakt 4.2.3 or higher (Library does not work with Kontakt Free Player)Windows XP (latest Service Pack, 32 Bit), Windows Vista/Windows 7 (latest Service Pack, 32/64 Bit), Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or Intel Core Duo or AMD Athlon 64, 2 GB RAM (4 GB of RAM is Highly Recommended).Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6 (latest update, 32/64 Bit), Intel Core Duo, 2 GB RAM (4 GB of RAM is Highly Recommended).Disk Space: 2.6GB Download: http://lumfile.com/6nyq0aom6gok/NeoSoul.Suitcase.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/56ty7kgqml23/NeoSoul.Suitcase.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/nub1k1wcsc8i/NeoSoul.Suitcase.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/o3g6jda168mo/NeoSoul.Suitcase.part4.rar.html Best Service Convolution Space Kontakt Dvdr Best Service Convolution Space Kontakt Dvdr | 8.58 GBWelcome adventurers - to Convolution Space an entirely new region of the sound universe containing unexplored and uncharted sonic landscapes! Based on a package of 8.5 GB of lovingly handcrafted Stereo and 5.1 Surround textures. This system is packed into the Native Instruments Kontakt, with 625 instruments built in to combine and explore these textures endlessly, through the wonders of Convolution Based Spectral Recombination! Your sound source for multimedia, commercials, movie and ambient music. The technique is advanced and hard to explain, yet simple to use. Select an instrument, play it on your keyboard and tweak the ModWheel - and the texture you're playing suddenly starts transforming into something completely different! You have entered Convolution Space! Convolution Space was designd for all kind of atmospheres and is the first one using the innovative convolution technology:* Abstract: Metaphysical and esoteric sounds that really fits no other description.* Emotional: The beautiful, sad and ecstatic. Simply sounds that evoke emotion mostly positive.* Fantasy: Magical and otherworldly, these are sounds for your imagination.* Mental: Sounds of the states of mind, ranging all the way from psychotic to the spiritual and psychedelic.* Scary: Sinister and malice, all for your horror soundtrack. This is not for the faint of heart.* SciFi: For the future and all of it's technology and your high concept soundscape.* Underground: dark and devoid of hope, these sound vibrate only downwards.* Deep&Rumble: Earthshattering and relentless in the one pursue of deeper realms.* Structures: The eerie and strange; these are places you normally avoid.* Technology: The imaginary sounds of communicating CPU's, searchlights and future machines. - iNSTALL NOTES -1. Unpack and burn or mount2. Copy the library to the desired location and import it in Kontakt.3. Use Download: http://lumfile.com/105hcxtv7put/BESTD1.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/b7tcdauoeljl/BESTD1.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/cfseakc252kl/BESTD1.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/5npix28dvxp6/BESTD1.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/7jj96rkb295z/BESTD1.part5.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/izyh1ly87ogo/BESTD1.part6.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/011ted6r2hwm/BESTD1.part7.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/z1r7o84eu7qn/BESTD1.part8.rar.html http://lumfile.com/n7gz37zh2ewh/BESTD2.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/o1elzu76qou2/BESTD2.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/anzpukf2064p/BESTD2.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/ikhao9c8h55d/BESTD2.part4.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/0mfdg3xo14y5/BESTD2.part5.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/7uzs5v4f5aln/BESTD2.part6.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/zqye6mdpb7ei/BESTD2.part7.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/nltunt51wu68/BESTD2.part8.rar.html Music Services Drumasonic 1.5 Kontakt Music Services Drumasonic 1.5 Kontakt | 3.03 GB All the signals have been converted with high-end equipment directly after the preamps at 96 kHz, 24 bit. The goal was to provide the discerning musician, sound technician or producer - in the sense of authentic drum miking - a variety of phase-compatible, freely combinable and distributable signals out of two distinct recording rooms. Instead of delivering pre-defined sounds or tons of patches, DRUMASONIC addresses its focus on tonal authenticity, signal purity and mixing flexibility. Features: A modern drum set and some of the finest cymbals, pristinely recorded in two distinct, punchy sounding rooms - Damped Room and Large Room.Unprocessed signals which have been extensively phase-optimized, perfectly cut and velocity-mapped with additionally developed software tools.Microphones: 5.0 Surround, Overheads A/B, Room M/S, Trash, Close mics, Bass Drum inside/outside, Snare Drum top/bottom - freely mixable and routable.Comprehensive Snare resonance and HiHat concepts, freely assignable Mapping, Velocity, Tuning, MIDI controllers.High performance, state-of-the-art KONTAKT4.2 engine, intuitive user interface. DRUMASONIC runs on all current Mac and PC systems with about 3.5 GB of free hard disk space (download edition with lossless compressed 44.1 kHz/24 bit samples; representing 8 GB uncompressed) as stand-alone application as well as AU, VST and RTAS plug-in. With the purchase of DRUMASONIC, you qualify for a cross-grade offer to the full version of KONTAKT 4 by Native Instruments. Download http://lumfile.com/j1r4xtjs7qg7/ap-msd20le.part1.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/pr73s0230g0j/ap-msd20le.part2.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/hnpk5nlf8zie/ap-msd20le.part3.rar.htmlhttp://lumfile.com/x6ak1a0xvwzm/ap-msd20le.part4.rar.html
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ForkLift 2.5b5 Mac Os X ForkLift 2.5b5 | Mac Os X | 13 MB ForkLift also carries a complete toolbox for managing your files, including Folder Synchronization, Batch Renaming, Archive handling, Application deleter, editing files over remote connections and many more. All these power features are packaged into a Finder-like, dual-pane interface that delivers superior workflow while remaining absolutely familiar to use, along with QuickLook, Spotlight search and all. Key features:* Dual-pane view* Connect to FTP/SFTP, FTP/TLS, Bluetooth* Folder Synchronization* Tabs* Archives: Rar, Zip, Tar, Gz* Amazon S3 support* WebDAV support* Remote edit and preview* Spotlight and Filters* Growl support* Favorites and Favorite Groups* QuickLook local and remote files* Droplets System Requirements10.6 or higher Download: http://lumfile.com/d6n0dvovmvfw/Lift_2.5.b5K.rar.html Parallels Transporter 7.0.14944 Mac Os X Parallels Transporter 7.0.14944 | Mac Os X | 138 MB Parallels Transporter lets you:- Access your documents created in Windows right on your Mac.- Find all your files from your PC in the proper folders on your Mac.- Use all of your Windows browser bookmarks in Safari (or any other Mac browser) on your Mac. WHAT'S NEW - Simplified the connection to the Windows computer using a passcode- Copy only portions of the Windows computer- New "black style" design GETTING STARTED To move using a network:- Make sure that your Mac and PC are connected to the same network.- On the PC, install Parallels Transporter Agent which can be downloaded from here- On your Mac, click Parallels Transporter icon in the Dock or open it from the Applications folder.- Follow the instructions in Parallels Transporter to complete the transfer. To move using an external storage device:- Connect the external storage device to your PC.- Install and open Parallels Transporter Agent, which can be downloaded from here, on the PC.- On your Mac, click the Parallels Transporter icon in the Dock or open it from the Applications folder.- Follow the instructions in Parallels Transporter to complete the transfer. IMPORTANT: Before using Parallels Transporter it is recommended that you disable the Windows firewall on your PC. You can enable it later when the transfer is complete. LIMITATIONS - This version allows you to transfer data from Windows computers only.- Parallels Transporter transfers Windows applications to a virtual machine that can be used with Parallels Desktop (sold separately). LANGUAGES:EnglishGermanFrenchItalianSpanish REQUIREMENTS:- Requires an Intel-based Mac with Mac OS X Snow Leopard v10.6.8 or later or Lion v10.7 or later, 1 GB of memory or more, and about 150 MB of free space.- There must be enough disk space on the Mac to store the data you are going to transfer.- Requires a network or an external storage device.- Requires Parallels Transporter Agent on the source PC. It can be downloaded here. Download: http://lumfile.com/piow2bphho4z/PTran7.0.14944.rar.html Extensis Suitcase Fusion 4 v.15.0.0 Mac Os X Extensis Suitcase Fusion 4 v.15.0.0 | Mac Os X | 63 MB Complete control over your fonts - desktop and the web Powerful preview technologiesWebINK enabled for web fontsThere when you need it, the Suitcase Fusion Core runs in the background, for critical activation and deactivationBuilt using Universal Type Server technology WHAT'S NEWVersion 15.0.0: This release brings Extensis font panels inside InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop, Favorites, custom colors for previews, an auto-activation plug-in for InCopy, support for Google Web Fonts, Font Digests (custom font lists), interface updates, and other changes.REQUIREMENTSPPC / Intel, Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later Download: http://lumfile.com/xl1u3obhu17j/Suitcase_Fusion_4_v15.0.2__UB_k_d_.rar.html FX Photo Studio 2.5 Mac OSX FX Photo Studio 2.5 Mac OSX | 125MB FX Photo Studio gives you: The mind-blowing variety of over 170 photo effects & filters Dozens of photo frames and borders from classic to lomo style Masking with effects and Color splash tool Integration with Aperture, Lightroom, iPhoto, PhotoShop Intuitive user interface Sharing via most popular social networks and more EFFECTS & BORDERS Combine and layer any of the 172 effects and over 20 photo borders to create the perfect looking image. A completely customizable interface allows you to preview each effect, compare original and resulting images, label favorites and even save combinations of effects as presets. The new masking and color splash tools allow you to apply effects and colors to a part of the image only, giving even more creative freedom to your photography. Effects include: Lo-Fi, Grunge, Art, Vintage, Vignettes, Sketches, Hollywood FX, Cross Process, Glow, Black & White and more. INTUITIVE NAVIGATION FOR EFFORTLESS IMAGE PROCESSING Created by usability and photography professionals, FX Photo Studio’s user interface ensures that editing your photos can’t get any easier. The elegantly simple design provides easy access to every tool you’ll need, without cluttering your screen and allowing you to focus on your image. CONVENIENTLY MANAGE YOUR PHOTOS • Import pictures from Aperture or iPhoto library• Load images from any folder on your Mac or digital camera• Export images in a variety of formats to iPhoto, Lightroom, Aperture, Photoshop FX Photo Studio for Mac also lets you print images instantly, e-mail or share via most popular social networks: Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr, and Twitter. Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 or later Download: http://lumfile.com/cg32x1xvr53t/FXPSPro_2.5.74k.zip.html MacX DVD Video Converter Pro Pack 3.9.1 Mac Os X MacX DVD Video Converter Pro Pack 3.9.1 | Mac Os X | 37.7 MB MacX DVD Video Converter Pro Pack, perfect combination of MacX DVD Ripper Pro and MacX Video Converter Pro to convert DVD and video for playback on Mac computer, iPhone/iPhone 4S, iPad/iPad 2, iPod, Apple TV, Android, HTC, Samsung, XOOM, Galaxy Tab, PSP, QuickTime, etc. MacX DVD Video Converter Pro Pack, excellent Mac converter software to rip both homemade and commercial DVDs to popular video & audio formats, such as rip DVD to MP4, DVD to FLV, DVD to MOV, DVD to MKV, DVD to Android, DVD to iPhone 4S, and convert video among various HD and SD video formats, like MKV to MP4, MKV to iPhone 4S, AVCHD to MP4, M2TS to iPhone, AVI to FLV, etc. This DVD and video converter pack also provides you with multifunctional solution to customize parameter settings, clip videos segment, select target subtitle and extract audio and pictures from DVD or videos in a few clicks. MacX DVD Video Converter Pro Pack fully compatible with Power PC and Intel CPU Mac. Support Mac OS X Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion. Download: http://lumfile.com/wtivcpshc3j4/MXVCPP_3.9.1.zip.html Flux 4.0.21 Mac Os X Flux 4.0.21 | Mac Os X | 37.3 MB If you’d rather type your code, you can do that too. The objects you create in the Code Editor will appear on the page as soon as you stop typing, they can then be edited using the WYSIWYG display.Flux doesn’t make a distinction between typed code, or objects created by Flux, you can create anyway you like, and Flux will understand.The Flux Code Editor has syntax highlighting for HTML and CSS, auto-completion and line numbering. Flux can edit sites directly off an FTP or SFTP site, so you can make quick changes even quicker. All elements from a DIV to a PARAM to a CSS Rule can be edited in the Inspector. Flux supports Plugins, most CODA plugins work great in Flux. RequirementsAt least 1GB of RAMMac OS X Snow Leopard or Lion (Recommended)Flux requires an Intel processor. PPC is no longer supported in V4. Download: http://lumfile.com/495h1cmpcqa5/lux4021.zip.html Corel AfterShot Pro Mac Os X Corel AfterShot Pro | Mac Os X | 83 MB RAW powerMake the most of the extra detail and data in your RAW images with ultra-fast RAW processing and incredibly color-accurate images. Flexible photo managementCreate a digital photography workflow that works for you with robust photo management, flexible organization options and powerful search tools. Non-destructive adjustmentsCorrect and enhance photos with a wide range of non-destructive editing tools-while ensuring your originals are always protected. High-speed outputQuickly generate output for albums, web sites or client review using Batch Output options and a variety of standard and customizable template layouts. Macintosh®:Mac OS® X 10.5, 10.6 or 10.7All Intel® Mac® models are supported2 GB RAM250 MB of free hard drive spaceMinimum display resolution: 1024 x 600CD-ROM drive Download: http://lumfile.com/6x56hvj00awf/CASP10110.zip.html AnyToISO 3.3.1 Mac Os X AnyToISO 3.3.1 | Mac Os X | 14 MB Quick Facts:• AnyToISO supports all CD/DVD formats popular in Internet.• AnyToISO works on Windows and Mac OS X.• Most CD/DVD burning software works with ISO images and its native images only. Use AnyToISO for conversion before burning.• With AnyToISO you can mount any CD/DVD image found in Internet to your Parallels/VMWare virtual machine.* the program is free to convert CD images, Professional license allows to convert DVD images.• Convert to ISO: NRG, MDF, UIF, DMG, ISZ, BIN, PDI, CDI, B5I, IMG CD/DVD-ROM images• Extract ISO/DMG/DEB/RPM files• Create ISO from CD/DVD/Blu-ray disks,• Works on Windows and Mac OS Download: http://lumfile.com/vfhjo0mipq4n/AnyToISO.3.3.1.Mac.Os.X.zip.html Calories 3.0 Mac Os X Calories 3.0 | Mac Os X | 115.3 MB MAIN FEATURES: ➤ Track your daily diet: • The most reliable USDA Food Database for Dietary Study 3.0 helps you track your diet.• Food databases contain over 80.000 foods, showing 44 nutrients per food.• Additional databases available in several languages.• Create custom foods. ➤ Organize, analyze and improve your diet: • Create custom meal types allocated to certain daytimes.• Set goals for the intake of nutrients.• Info panel shows nutrients. Personal goals are color coded.• Quick info panel shows calories and goals for individual meals.• Calorie display divided into carbs, fat and proteins; calorie limit displayed.• Chronological view of consumed calories (day, week, month or year). ➤ Import body data automatically or manually: • Measurement panels for weight (incl. body analysis), blood pressure and blood sugar.• Weight: BMI calculated in real time. Data import from Withings scales.• Blood pressure: Track systolic, diastolic and BPM rates. Unhealthy values color coded. Data import from Withings Blood Pressure Monitor.• Blood sugar: Track blood sugar in mg/dl or mmol/l. Data import coming soon! ➤ Track your calorie usage manually or by data import: • Enter and analyze activities with burned calories.• Use standard or custom activities.• Choose an activity and how many kcals to burn - Calories 3 calculates the required duration.• Enter burned calories directly, when using Nike+ iPod kit or other fitness products.• Data import from Wahoo fitness products via iPhone client Cal2Go 2 (available in Calories 3.1. in mid may).• Data import from Body Media Armband (available in Calories 3.1. in mid may). ➤ Overview and analysis: • Analysis window offers 5 graphs: Weight, body analysis, blood pressure, blood sugar and calories.• Optimal BMI range, desired weight and calorie limit are displayed.• Net calorie intake calculated from consumed and burned calories. ➤ Reach and sustain your desired weight with our intelligent assistants: • Set milestones to break your overall diet down. Specify weight goal and duration and the milestone assistant will calculate the required calorie reduction and calorie limits to reach and sustain your weight.• Resist temptations with “My Temptation”: This assistant uses your dietary habits to tell you if you may indulge or should rather take up some sports. ➤ Share Calories and use it on the go: • Multiuser: Up to 5 user accounts (family).• Share custom foods with other users.• Print your data or export CSV files.• iPhone app Cal2Go 2 available including automatic synchronization for use on the go. Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6.0 or later Download: http://lumfile.com/k9lhniuajk6v/Cal.3.0.rar.html Comic Life 2.2.1 Mac Os X Comic Life 2.2.1 | Mac Os X | 70 MB Making comics is fun for everyone, and Comic Life's feature-set makes it super-simple. The easy-to-use interface integrates seamlessly with your photo collection or webcam. Drop in some photos, add some bendy lettering, captions and speech balloons and you are well on your way to impressing your friends and family! So easy, you and your toddler can do it!Full template supportAdvanced balloon and text controlPredefined and freeform shapesImage Filtering for your photos (10.4+)Built-in iPhoto and Finder image browserLibrary of pre-made layouts, styles and fontsWebcam captureBendable comic lettering textExport your comic out as an image, PDF or send to Facebook or iPhotoAvailable in English, Spanish, German, Dutch, French, Italian and Japanese RequirementsIntel, Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later Download: http://lumfile.com/lqz368znqxhj/K0mikLlFE.221.rar.html FX Photo Studio Pro 2.5.74 Mac Os X FX Photo Studio Pro 2.5.74 | Mac Os X | 127 MB FX Photo Studio PRO gives you:? The mind-blowing variety of over 170 photo effects & filters? Dozens of photo frames and borders from classic to lomo style? PRO image editing tools and color controls? Masking with effects and Color splash tool? Integration with Aperture, Lightroom, iPhoto, PhotoShop? Intuitive user interface? Sharing via most popular social networks and more EFFECTS & BORDERS Combine and layer any of the 172 effects and over 20 photo borders to create the perfect looking image. A completely customizable interface allows you to preview each effect, compare original and resulting images, label favorites and even save combinations of effects as presets. You can apply as many filters to one image as you like, save mixes of effects to presets and even share these presets with other photographers around. The new masking and color splash tools allow you to apply effects and colors to a part of the image only, giving even more creative freedom to your photography. Effects include: Lo-Fi, Grunge, Art, Vintage, Vignettes, Sketches, Hollywood FX, Cross Process, Glow, Black & White and more. EDITING TOOLS With a set of professional editing tools you can improve and enhance your pictures even further. Customize exposure, brightness, saturation, contrast, temperature, and hues; sharpen image and reduce noise; adjust levels, shadows, highlights and more. FX Photo Studio PRO supports image resolution up to 32 megapixels and variety of photo formats, including RAW INTUITIVE NAVIGATION FOR EFFORTLESS IMAGE PROCESSING Created by usability and photography professionals, FX Photo Studio’s user interface ensures that editing your photos can’t get any easier. The elegantly simple design provides easy access to every tool you’ll need, without cluttering your screen and allowing you to focus on your image. CONVENIENTLY MANAGE ALL OF YOUR PHOTOS • Import pictures from Aperture or iPhoto library• Load images from any folder on your Mac or digital camera• Export images in a variety of formats to iPhoto, Lightroom, Aperture, Photoshop FX Photo Studio PRO also lets you print images instantly, e-mail or share via most popular social networks: Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr, and Twitter. Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 or later Download: http://lumfile.com/zdi64kbmi3a0/FXPSPro.2.5.74k.rar.html
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