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VA - Guardians Of The Sea 2019 (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: Guardians Of The Sea 2019 RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: International STYLE: Drum And Bass DURATION: 08:49:59 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 1,19 gb Tracklist: 001. Gоldiе - Hоrizоns 002. M-Zinе - Imрricаtе 003. Sоul Intеnt - Thе Tidе (Originаl Mix) 004. Dеер Stеаlth - Imреriаl Shоrеs (Originаl Mix) 005. Bаssfаcе Sаschа - Mind Cоntrоl 006. Bеаtmаstа - Gаnjаfаri 007. Cаlibrе - Dаrk Pаths 008. Kiljоy - Air Rаid 009. Ricky Fоrcе - Sреciаl 010. Sоul Intеnt - Thе Firе (Fеаt. Sulа Mае) 011. Hyреriоn Visiоn - Sunsеt City 012. Mоrеngy - Light In Thе Dаrk 013. Cаlibrе - Existing 014. Elеmеntz Of Nоizе - I'll Bе Thе Clоuds 015. Oxsа - Advеnt 016. Pеligrо Extrеmо - Lоvеbytе 017. Phаsе 2 - Strаngеr Things (Originаl Mix) 018. Sеbа - Nо Onе Diеs 019. Dеgs - Dо Yоu Likе It 020. 3Rdknd - Cоgnitivе (Originаl Mix) 021. Akа & Grееkbоy - Drеаm Wоrld 022. B-Rаd - Grindеr 023. Cерh - Pirеlli's Elixir 024. Dillinjа - Hоеs & Tricks 025. Eschаtоn - Sundаy Skеtch 026. Euрhоniquе - Sirеn 027. Jоnny L - Stаrs (Thе Vаnguаrd Prоjеct Rеmix) 028. Signаl - Dustеr 029. Sub Killаz And Prоfilе - Bаby 030. Tароlsky & Vоvking - Cооl Id 031. Tаsk Hоrizоn - Bеcаusе Thе Sun (Aftеrglоw Mix) 032. V.S.D - Nаsty Jоb 033. Dim Ols - Endlеss Tunnеl 034. Cоmmix - Kоsmоs 2251 Viр (Digitаl Bоnus) 035. Dlx - Grinding Gеаrs 036. Furnеy - Lоng Distаnt Rеlаtivе 037. Kusр - Bаsеlеss Cоnclusiоn 038. Kutlо - Rеvеrsеd Rеsеrvе 039. Pеyо - High Flight 040. Pilа - My Wоrld (Originаl Mix) 041. Ryаn Jаmеs Fоrd - Slоwn Ridеl 042. Tеddy Killеrz - Jеstеr 043. Twintоnе - If Only (Originаl Mix) 044. Dj Vаntigо - Air Linе 045. Alеx Kаs - Wаtеr 046. Mаkmаlо - Dаrknеss 047. Mеаnоnе - Yоu'vе Pаintеd My Lifе 048. Mystix - Whitе Mоndаy 049. Tаli - Lаnguаgе (Fеаt. Sаtl) 050. Rаinfоrеst - Yоu Cаn Mаkе Nеw Mеmоriеs 051. Eschаtоn - Mаrооnеd (Originаl Mix) 052. Hаrvо - Thе Arаb Sрring 053. Twеаkz - Eаsе Yоur Mind 054. Dеrеk Cаrr - Lеd (Originаl Mix) 055. Aррirоn - Cаlyрsо 056. Sрrintеr - Clеаr Mind (Originаl Mix) 057. Briаn Brаinstоrm - Kill A Drum Pаn 058. Eschаtоn - Cоnsumеd (Originаl Mix) 059. Dj Vаntigо - Dоn't Fоrgеt Mе Bаby 060. Bооcа - Undеrwаtеr (Originаl Mix) 061. Nеоid - My Lifе 062. J Cаsh - Rоck Stаr 063. Sрykе - Hаrd Tricking (Originаl Mix) 064. Nymfо - Stаy With Mе 065. Firеblаdе - Triviа 066. King Of Bаss - Shоwdоwn 067. Mаtful - Nаdаstrоm 068. Stеviе Cее - Thе 90's Wеrе Lit Fаm 069. Thе Illusiоn - Imреriа 070. Blаck Dерth - Aliеn Signаl 071. Inhеаvеn - Rеstruct 072. King Of Bаss - Turn Uр Thе Pаrty Dnb 073. Thе-Thirst Fоr-Flight - Gооdbаy 074. Dаgаz - Cоmе Tо Mе (Originаl Mix) 075. Itsnор - Mеtаlwоrms 076. Mаltеs - Evil Clоwn 077. Rеsynth - Chеrnоbyl 078. Tаkеshi Nаkаmurа - 4Th Plаnеt (Originаl Mix) 079. Mаrtinо - Piеcе Of Hеаvеn 080. Nаzgul - Antichrist 081. Nо Dоublе - Wаiting 082. Ordiv - Evеrydаy 083. Highрrо - Rеlоаd Systеm (Originаl Mix) 084. Undеrgrоund Rеvоlutiоnz - Blооd Fiеnd 085. Bеrt - Unknоwn (Originаl Mix) 086. Rаmеsеs B - Nеоn Rаinbоw 087. Villеm - Pоly (Originаl) 088. S.P.Y - Yоu (Originаl) 089. Nu:tоnе - Brоkеn 090. Sеbа & Pаrаdоx - Mоvе On (Originаl) 091. Urbаndаwn - Blаck Nоtеs (Fеаt. Dаniеl Bаеdеr) 092. Krаkоtа - Pоwdеr Cоаtеd 093. Krаkоtа - Sаmрhirе 094. Mаduk - Dоn't Fоrgеt 095. Lоndоn Elеktricity - Drор Shiр 096. Ownglоw - Thе Night Is Still Yоung 097. Distributоr - Dеmоcrаcy (Originаl Mix) 098. Kееnо - Etchings On A Glаss Hеаrt 099. Anilе - Insidе My Hеаd 100. Gеwеll Prо - Pеrimеtеr (Originаl Mix) Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/297244688653ACA/vp2211df.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/F3AD11A6021CF98/vp2211df.part2.rar
VA - Caramel Deep House 2019 (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: Caramel Deep House 2019 RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: International STYLE: Deep House DURATION: 11:13:03 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 1,52 gb Tracklist: 001. Alexander Miguel - Contaol (Paul Angelo & Don Argento Remix) 002. Anatomica - Cold Hard & Sweet 003. Antrim - Harmony Of The Seas 004. Beyond Physical & Veytik - Dark Angel (Original Mix) 005. Damian Cruga - Danza De Los Sufis 006. Dan Nusdeo - Omakase 007. Eimear - Wake Up 008. Gabriel Amato - Bagheera 009. Jay Fm - Follow Your Dreams 010. Jelly For The Babies - All The Time 011. Julian Nates - Our Corner 012. Made Ft. Vic James - Neverending Now 013. Nexow - Dust & Magic (Cressida Remix) 014. Spring Reason & Below Bangkok - Jane Way (Original Mix) 015. Stereoclip - Day One 016. Tom Bro - The Ocean (Original Mix) 017. Atragun And Emran Badalov - Nomad (Original Mix) 018. Bigz & Malkov Feat Below Bangkok - Surrender (Original Mix) 019. Bruno Pauwels - Emotion In Motion (Original Mix) 020. Claudio Gasparini - Wings Of Destiny 021. Daniel Steinberg - Domingo 022. Ellez Ria Pres. Arkam - Kimi No Na Wa (Extended Mix) 023. Flowavez Feat. Thom! - Dreamer 024. Geolo Berlange - Floating In Bristol 025. Jovonn - Pianos Of Gold (Ian Pooley Mix) 026. K.Oshkin - Point Of Enlightenment (Matt Holliday's Radiant Remix) 027. Lo-Dye - Hologram 028. Matt Braiton - Sunset 029. Mattone - Tiny Joint (Original Mix) 030. Mineno - Best Solution 031. Night Shift Master - Ocean (Outfade Remix) 032. Nik Sand - Balvashka (Original Mix) 033. Nilo Damasceno - Introduce (Original Mix) 034. Pvrple Gold - Winterfall 035. Roy Rosenfeld - Helena 036. Thabang Phaleng - You, Me & Your Love 037. Thor Rixon, Roxy Caroline - He Held Him Close Feat. Roxy Caroline (Flow & Zeo Remix) 038. Tunnelvisions - Oishi's Sword 039. Twin & Peaks - Rear View (Original Mix) 040. Betoko & Marc Depulse - Morphanikal 041. Brett Rubin & Beauxtech! - Looking Glass (Lucas Rossi Remix) 042. Clawz Sg & Mashk - Nymphes (Rustboy Remix) 043. Djsiksika - Haihui 044. Donnerstag - Will I Dream (Following Light Remix) 045. Following Light & Rudy Crystal - Phantasy 046. Cromby - Barneymania 047. Ian Faze - Funk It (Original Mix) 048. James Cole - Khumba (Jay Shepheard Remix) 049. Royal Music Paris - Apologize (Original Mix) 050. Slim Steve - Sippin Beer And Rolling Joints 051. Steve Mc Cready - Dreamless Sleep 052. Talktome - Without You 053. Zviangy - Clouds (Rework) (Original Mix) 054. Dosem - Moment Of Thought 055. Airsyn - Summertime (Renaldas Remix) 056. Benedetto & Farina Feat. Jinadu - The Change (Dinky Remix) 057. Mosco Dolla - Get Your Move On 058. Kynan Cosma - Powerful Meganism (Lucas Rossi Remix) 059. Budakid - Memories 060. Charlie Heaven - Minimal Boy 061. Felipe Gordon - The Juno Experience 062. Meraki - Deep Dimension 063. Rootical Deep - Themba (Rooted Mix) 064. Roy Rosenfeld - Deeyo 065. Ape - Palanja (Original Mix) 066. Michael A - Wanderer (Nerutto Remix) 067. Eric Shans - Fire Breather (Original Mix) 068. Matthew Lima - Corners Of The World 069. Nanokosmos Feat. Bilirubin & Bigson - Don't (Radio Edit) 070. Kenshi Kamaro - Solidary Piece 071. Masedonico - Del Bonet (Dante Saucedo Remix) 072. Elegant Ape - Deep Into The Night (Gabriel Slick Remix) 073. Pvrple Gold - Under My Confession (Original Mix) 074. Savio Buonomo - Smoothly (Original Mix) 075. Stiven Rivic & Michael & Levan - Perfect Lift (Lads Remix) 076. Cristian Vinci - Mirador (Original Mix) 077. Dave Dk - We Mix At Six (Isolee Mix) 078. Palms Trax - Honey Lemongina (Mix Cut) 079. Jay Hubbard - Daydreamer 080. Cadatta - Aspradi 081. Nahamasy - Airports 082. No System - Telos (Original Mix) 083. Synthetik Sun - Levitating (Original Mix) 084. Christian Hornbostel - Ampere (Huminal Remix) 085. Anjey Sarnawski - Monocell Organisms 086. Ant. Shumak - Objective Dream (Remix) 087. Etu Beats Feat. Dorothy Masuka - Khanyange (Etu Beats Remix) 088. Jazzman Wax - Freaky Deep Day (Rogerio Martins Remix) 089. Zenbi - Patience 090. Danny Jay The Doctor Feat. Precious T. - Wakaandah (Rev Mindblowin' Afro Sax Mix) 091. Kasper Koman - Hi 092. Chicola - If He Thought You Ever Changed Your Mind (Johannes Brecht Remix) 093. Edgar Vm Feat. Aves Volare - Together (Dub Mix) 094. Madison - Flatlines 095. Pesco Dj - Memoria (Original Mix) 096. Cid Inc. - Fear And Square 097. Budda Sage - Reaktion (Original Mix) 098. Aluria - Inertia (Following Light Remix) 099. Airdice Feat. Bodhi Jones - Ocean Dreams (Smoking Tunes Remix) 100. Dmitry Molosh - Only U Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/E9603E25D75F0DE/uf3020px.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/C2AAAACC27CB66A/uf3020px.part2.rar
VA - Hyper Cool: Sport Dance Music 2019 (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: Hyper Cool: Sport Dance Music 2019 RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: International STYLE: Hard Dance, Hardcore, Hardstyle DURATION: 07:51:18 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 1,05 gb Tracklist: 001. Blast & Manowarp - Snatchers 002. Dj Weirdo & Dr. Phil Omanski - Young Birds 003. Sprinky - Music Is Life (Original Mix) 004. Audio Nitrate And Stylezzy - I Believe (Original Mix) 005. Dj Chosen Few - After Hourz (Formek Remix) 006. The Dissident - Classic Shit (Original Mix) 007. Dougal & Mike Reverie - Supercharged (Extended Mix) 008. Unexist - Rottweiler (Original Mix) 009. Dr. Denk Vs. Psickopathik - Shit Motherfucker 010. Execrate - I Phuk Your Mother 011. Remzcore - Break It Down 012. Vakarm - Dirty Bitch (Original Mix) 013. Tensor & Re-Direction - To Da Flow 014. Oxidus - La Banana (Remastered Edition) 015. X-Pander - Alessa (Extended Mix) 016. Tha Playah & Furyan - Still Standing (Extended Mix) 017. Unexist Ft. Da Mouth Of Madness - Fuzz & Fight 018. Pray For Death - Anhatema 019. Audio Nitrate And Stylezzy - Fine Day (Original Mix) 020. Dissoactive - The Preacher (Original Mix) 021. Dissy - Eventuality 022. The Galdean - Another Ladrillo In The Way 023. Exergonic - Undisputed 024. Jay G - Play By The Rules (Original Mix) 025. Kseniya Tkachuk - Know How I Love U 026. Zadro - Wicked Broken Mind 027. Lady Bex - Push The Pedal (Original Mix) 028. Dyprax & Remzcore - Grip The Glock 029. Archefluxx - Planet Peach (Monstdeath Remix) 030. Frenchfaces - Break The Law (Original Mix) 031. Pet And G Feat. Kristina - Appreciate The Love 032. Spitnoise - Mad Man (Original Mix) 033. Tek Ka - Victory (Tito K Remix) 034. Giant - Dropping Bombs 035. Insanity Ft. Mc Komplex - Hardlocker 036. Oldscool-Z-Boys - Cosmic Wind 037. Alien Factory - Tomorrow 038. Initialize Productions - Hello You (Original Mix) 039. Kseniya Tkachuk - I Am A Wind 040. Always M - Awkward Allure 041. Dj 156 Bpm - Dweeb (Original Mix) 042. Amadeus Core - Heal The World 043. Pet And G - In My Prayers, You 044. (Palabra Censurada, están prohibidos los referidos y/o Acortadores)ta - You Dont Need To Like It 045. Kseniya Tkachuk - Know How I Love U 046. Burnout And X Feat. Karra - Take On The World (Original Mix) 047. Oldscool-Z-Boys - Cosmic Wind 048. Darktek - Vegan De Merde 049. Monkey Bizness - Bank Robbery (Extended Mix) 050. Nicolas Cuer - Alchemistery 051. The Justice Hardcore Collective Feat. Roxie - Like A Prayer (Original Mix) 052. Blast - Warpdrive (Vip) 053. Dolphin & Nonexistent - Atomic 054. Juliex Ft. Sjammienators - Ease My Mind 055. Beyond The Ocean - Stranded 056. Clearxcut - I See A Light 057. Kevin Instinct - Calling Out 058. Micro Cosmos - The Mind Wipe 059. Overdrive And Rikston - Own Kinda Music 060. Sghenny Madattak - Psykiatrik 061. Shadowcore - Blame You 062. Substanced - Heart Of Time 063. Wislov - Dope Mind (Original Mix) 064. Ogonek Ft. Angie - Hit The Ground 065. Clearxcut - The Vegan Straight Edge 066. Great Grief - Troubled Canvas 067. Greazy Puzzy Fuckerz - Greazy Fuckdrum 068. Mere Mortal - Megalodon 069. Perspectives - Rebirth 070. Secret Society - 359 Degrees 071. Sudestada - Soflamas 072. Tno Project - Time Against U (Original Mix) 073. Vvorse - Tuhkapatsaat 074. East Kingdom - We Will Find You 075. Cybex Factor Ii - The Essence Of Life 076. Disrupta - 1000% Niceness (Original Mix) 077. X-Pander - Alessa (Album Edit) 078. Dj Hidden - Einstein (Gein Remix) 079. Abyss - Angel Of Death (Original Mix) 080. Patrol 23 - Echoes 081. Katharsys - Train Wreck (Synthakt Remix) 082. Mannik - Dark Side (Original Mix) 083. Oxidizer - Promised Land 084. Triamer & Katharsys - Forever Undefined 085. Rob Acid - The Question 086. Scartat - Sunrise In The Warehouse 087. The Satan And Hungry & Vein - Destroyed Time 088. Fazer - Non-Zen 089. Gothika Shade - Shades Of Funk (Original Mix) 090. Lowroller - Run 091. 303 Abuse - Massive 092. Ben Venom - Bludstream (Original Mix) 093. The Satan Ft. Edub - Kill You 094. Braddercase - All Night Long (Original Mix) 095. Play Dead - Possessed 096. Hungry & Vein Ft. Antivolt - Fuck You 097. Departement Of Dance - Dear Mate 098. Heavy Systems Inc - Polygon Racer (Original Mix) 099. Oun - Space Child 100. Hypnopedia - Cosmic Message Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/BE2C4414BAA3A35/tx3474rt.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/034A7E4B45B10BE/tx3474rt.part2.rar
VA - Apres Ski Top 100 (4CD) (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: Après Ski Top 100 (4CD) RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: International STYLE: Pop, Schlager LABEL: Sony Music DURATION: 05:19:40 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 755 mb Tracklist: CD1 01. Armin Van Buuren - Blah Blah Blah 02. De Alpenzusjes - Naar Voren, Naar Achter (Tu Tu Song) 03. Gebroeders Ko - Schatje Mag Ik Je Foto_ 04. Calvin Harris Ft. Dua Lipa - One Kiss 05. Ferry De Lits - Ademloos Door De Nacht 06. Django Wagner - Kali 07. Move-It! - I Save The Day 08. Kav Verhouzer & Sjaak - Stap Voor Stap 09. Rocky Vosse - Pretty Belinda 10. Snollebollekes - Vrouwkes 11. Stef Ekkel & Rene Karst - Liever Te Dik In De Kist 12. Zware Jongens Ft. Dj Daroon - Jodeljump 13. Gompie - Alice, Who The X Is Alice 14. Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds 15. Marianne Rosenberg - Ich Bin Wie Du 16. Alex - Jij En Ik 17. Boney M. - Ma Baker 18. Leo Nardell - Laat De Boel Maar Lekker Waaien 19. Tony Marshall - Schone Maid 20. Parla & Pardoux - Viva La Revolution 21. Srv Mannen Ft. Meister Proper - Und Jetz Kommen Die Kanonnen 22. De Boswachters - Het Bananenlied 23. Dan Hartman - Relight My Fire CD2 01. Pascal Redeker - Ik Wil Dansen 02. Party Friex Ft. Schorre Chef - Ik Moet Zuipen! 03. Pitbull - I Know You Want Me 04. Feestteam & Dj Maurice - Shirt Uit & Zwaaien 05. Wesley Klein - Dans Met Me 06. Dr. Alban - Sing Hallelujah! 07. Jebroer X Dj Paul Elstak - Kind Van De Duivel 08. C&C Music Factory Ft. Freedom Williams - Gonna Make You Swea 09. Arjon Oostrom - Pure Verleiding 10. Jeffrey Heesen - Mag Ik De Zon Laten Schijnen 11. Gipsy Kings - Volare (Nel Blu Di Pinto Di Blu) 12. Hansi Hinterseer - Hände zum Himmel 13. Jan Smit - Als De Morgen Is Gekomen 14. Jermaine Jackson & Pia Zadora - When The Rain Begins To Fall 15. London Beat - I'Ve Been Thinking About You 16. Havenzangers 2.0 - Country Dans 2.0 17. Dikdakkers - Cowboys En Indianen 18. Dennie Christian - Rosamunde 19. De Lawineboys - Joost 20. Buster Poindexter And His Banshees Of Blue - Hot Hot Hot 21. Nelis Leeman - Wie Denk Jij Wel Wie Ik Ben (Dj Angelo Remix) 22. Starkoo - Ik Wil Je 23. Ram Jam - Black Betty CD3 01. Calvin Harris - My Way 02. Alex - Lala Medley 03. Boney M. - Rivers Of Babylon 04. Anita Meyer - Idaho 05. Ferry De Lits - I Love You Baby 06. Gebroeders Ko Ft. Factor 12 - De Blauwe Stier 07. Henkie - Lief Klein Konijntje 08. The Jacksons - Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) 09. Opus - Live Is Live 2008 (Rock Version) 10. Parla & Pardoux - Liberte 11. Reni Schuurmans - Handen In De Lucht 12. Five - Everybody Get Up 13. Stef Ekkel - De Woonboot 14. Zware Jongens - Anton Aus Tirol 15. Backstreet Boys - Everybody (Backstreet'S Back) 16. Die Atzen Frauenarzt & Manny Marc - Disco Pogo 17. Die Knapen Ft. Ed Nieman - Leve De Apres Ski 18. Dj Daroon Ft. Goldfinger - De Ski Song (Ga Met Me Mee) 19. Matthias Reim - Verdammt Ich Lieb Dich 20. Elvis Presley - Wooden Heart 21. Luv' - You'Re The Greatest Lover 22. Kygo Ft. Selena Gomez - It Ain'T Me 23. Dj Galaga - The Game (Bubbling Mix) CD4 01. Martin Garrix Ft. Bonn - High On Life 02. Gebroeders Rossig - Hallo Allemaal 03. Modern Talking - You Can Win If You Want 04. Rene Schuurmans - Laat De Zon In Je Hart 05. John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John - Grease Megamix 06. Stef Ekkel - Waarheen, Waarvoor 07. Zware Jongens - De Kneu 08. De Alpenzusjes Ft. Dj Maurice, M.M.V. Eric Dikeb - Volg De L 09. Pater Moeskroen - Bella Ciao (Golddiggers Remix) 10. Feestteam & Dennie Christian - Hoeba Hop (Marsupilami) 11. Frans Bauer - Heb Je Even Voor Mij 12. Gebroeders Ko Ft. Walter & Huber - Wunderbar! 13. Bombi - Oh Mandy 14. De Lawineboys & Dj Jerome - Sex Met Die Kale 15. Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun 16. Sieneke - Feestmedley 17. Dolly Parton - 9 To 5 18. Double Dj'S - Boven Op Die Berg 19. John de Bever - Jij Krijgt Die Lach Niet Van Mijn Gezicht 20. Grenzland Sextett - Der Alte Dessauer 21. John Denver - Thank God I'M A Country Boy (Live) 22. Snappi - De Kleine Krokodil 23. One Two Trio - Sjoe Sjoe Wa Wa 24. Petit Pollo - Het Kuikentje Piep Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/3306C40EB0A0773/sd5431ds.rar
VA - 100 Hits Old Skool Anthems (5CD) (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: 100 Hits Old Skool Anthems (5CD) RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: International STYLE: R&B, Soul, Disco DURATION: 06:14:52 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 1,26 gb Tracklist: Disc: 1 1. Jennifer Lopez - Jenny from the Block 2. Britney Spears - I'm a Slave 4 U 3. *NSYNC - Girlfriend 4. TLC - Creep 5. R. Kelly - Ignition (Remix) 6. Mary Mary - Shackles (Praise You) 7. Usher - You Make Me Wanna... 8. OutKast - Ms. Jackson 9. Cassidy feat. R. Kelly - Hotel 10. Toni Braxton - He Wasn't Man Enough 11. Aaliyah - Back & Forth 12. Blu Cantrell - Breathe 13. Ginuwine - Pony 14. Joe - Stutter 15. Donell Jones - U Know What's Up 16. Ciara feat. Petey Pablo - Goodies 17. SWV - Right Here (Human Nature Radio Mix) 18. Diana King - Shy Guy 19. Ini Kamoze - Here Comes the Hotstepper 20. Aswad - Shine Disc: 2 1. Tina Moore - Never Gonna Let You Go 2. Mis-Teeq - All I Want (Sunship Radio Edit) 3. DJ Pied Piper & The Masters Of Ceremonies - Do You Really Like It? 4. Lonyo Featuring MC Onyx Stone - Summer Of Love 5. Indo - R U Sleeping (Bump N Flex mix) 6. Lovestation - Teardrops (Flava 7 Radio Mix) 7. E-17 - Each Time (Sunship remix) 8. Fabulous Baker Boys - Oh Boy (Rafmat Radio Edit) 9. H ""Two"" O feat. Platnum - What's It Gonna Be (Agent X Re - Rub Edit) 10. Yasmin feat. Shy FX & Ms Dynamite - Light Up (The World) 11. Apollo 440 - Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Dub 12. Groove Armada - Superstylin' 13. David Morales Presents The Face - Needin' U (I Needed U) 14. Blue Boy - Remember Me (Sure Is Pure 7 Edit) 15. Urban Cookie Collective - The Key, The Secret 16. De'Lacy - Hideaway 17. Detroit Grand Pubahs - Sandwiches 18. Studio B - I See Girls (Crazy) - Tom Neville Radio Edit 19. Rogue Traders - Voodoo Child 20. Faithless - Muhammad Ali Disc: 3 1. Eric Prydz - Call on Me 2. Michael Gray - The Weekend 3. DB Boulevard - Point Of View 4. Booty Luv - Boogie 2Nite 5. Example - Kickstarts 6. Groove Armada - If Everybody Looked the Same 7. Faithless - Mass Destruction 8. Phats & Small - Feel Good 9. Camisra - Let Me Show You 10. Frankie Knuckles - Your Love 11. Mr. Fingers - Can You Feel It 12. Farley 'Jackmaster' Funk - Love Cant Turn Around 13. Rozalla - Everybody's Free (To Feel Good) 14. Strike - U Sure Do 15. Urban Cookie Collective - Feels Like Heaven 16. DJ Sammy & Yanou Feat. Do - Heaven 17. Wyclef Jean - Perfect Gentleman 18. Kandi - Don't Think I'm Not 19. THE 411 - Dumb 20. Shabba Ranks feat. Chevelle Franklin - Mr. Loverman" Disc: 4 1. RUN-DMC vs. Jason Nevins - It's Like That 2. Wu-Tang Clan - Gravel Pit 3. OutKast - So Fresh, So Clean 4. Cypress Hill - I Ain't Goin' Out Like That 5. A Tribe Called Quest - Electric Relaxation 6. DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Summertime 7. Skee-Lo - I Wish 8. Kris Kross - Jump 9. Jason Downs feat. Milk - White Boy With A Feather 10. Dead Prez - Hip Hop 11. M.O.P - Ante Up (Robbin Hoodz Theory) 12. Mystikal featuring Nivea - Danger (Been So Long) 13. J-Kwon - Tipsy 14. Big Brovaz - Nu Flow 15. Jagged Edge - Where the Party At 16. Chris Brown - Forever 17. Charli Baltimore - Money 18. Lil Mama feat. Chris Brown & T-Pain - Shawty Get Loose 19. B2K - Girlfriend 20. TQ - Westside Disc: 5 1. TLC - No Scrubs 2. Usher - Pop Ya Collar 3. Amerie - 1 Thing 4. Blu Cantrell - Hit 'Em Up Style (Oops!) 5. R. Kelly - Bump n' Grind 6. Mystikal - Shake Ya Ass (Clean Radio Edit) 7. *NSYNC - It's Gonna Be Me 8. Another Level - Freak Me 9. MN8 - I've Got a Little Something for You 10. Next - Too Close 11. Damage - Forever 12. TQ - Daily 13. Monica - Angel of Mine 14. 3LW - No More (Baby I'ma Do Right) 15. Big Brovaz - Favourite Things 16. The 411 - On My Knees 17. Example - Changed the Way You Kiss Me 18. Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girls 19. Eamon - F**k It (I Don't Want You Back) 20. Wyclef Jean - Gone Till November Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/74055E73CF03F47/rf0901bx.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/56E0D289D57D0C6/rf0901bx.part2.rar
VA - R&B Slow Jams: The Ultimate Collection (5CD) (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: R&B Slow Jams: The Ultimate Collection (5CD) RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: International STYLE: R&B, Soul, Disco DURATION: 06:31:06 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 1,50 gb Tracklist: Disc: 1 1. Mary J Blige - Be Without You (Kendu Mix) 2. Christina Milian - Dip It Low 3. Ja Rule Feat Ashanti - Always On Time 4. Nelly Feat. Kelly Rowland - Dilemma 5. Bobby V. - Slow Down 6. Ashanti - Foolish 7. Dru Hill Feat Redman - How Deep Is Your Love 8. Blackstreet - Don't Leave Me 9. K-Ci & Jojo - All My Life 10. Jodeci - Freek'n You 11. LL Cool J, Boyz II Men - Hey Lover 12. Bobby V. - Tell Me 13. Ne-Yo - So Sick 14. Akon Feat. Snoop Dogg - I Wanna Love You 15. Timbaland ft One Republic - Apologize 16. Robin Thicke - Lost Without U 17. Pussycat Dolls - Stickwitu 18. The-Dream - Falsetto 19. Nicole Scherzinger feat will.i.am - Baby Love 20. Brian McKnight - Back At One Disc: 2 1. Eve Feat. Gwen Stefani - Let Me Blow Ya Mind 2. Blackstreet Feat. Dr Dre - No Diggity 3. Montell Jordan - Get It On Tonite 4. LL Cool J - Luv U Better 5. Dru Hill - In My Bed 6. Ashanti - Only U 7. Boyz II Men - I'll Make Love To You 8. Warren G Feat. Nate Dogg - Regulate 9. Montell Jordan - This Is How We Do It 10. Kelis - Caught Out There 11. Horace Brown - Things We Do For Love 12. Luniz - I Got 5 on It 13. D'Angelo - Brown Sugar 14. Eryka Badu - On And On 15. India Arie - Brown Skin 16. Salt N Pepa Feat. En Vogue - Whatta Man 17. Shai - If I Ever Fall In Love 18. Jon B feat. Babyface - What I Like About You 19. D'Influence - Hypnotize 20. Eric Roberson Feat Lalah Hathaway - Dealing Disc: 3 1. Ne-Yo - Sexy Love 2. Ariana Grande Feat. Lil Wayne - Let Me Love You 3. Justin Bebier - Company 4. Jhene Aiko - Sativa 5. Nick Jonas - Jealous 6. Nas Feat. Amy Winehouse - Cherry Wine 7. Lil Wayne Feat. Static Major - Lollipop 8. Professor Green Feat. Emeli Sande - Read All About It 9. Ariana Grande - One Last Time 10. Jessie Ware - Wildest Moments 11. Mr Hudson Feat. Kanye West - Supernova 12. Wild Culture Vs Karmin - Sugar 13. Daddy's Groove feat Little Nancy - It's Not Right, But It's Okay 14. Donae'o - I 15. Wookie Feat. Eliza Doolittle - The Hype 16. The Drizabone Soul Family - Real Love 17. Dennis Taylor - Enough Is Enough 18. Tortured Soul - Fall In Love 19. Incognito - Can't Get You Out Of My Head 20. Lemar - The Letter Disc: 4 1. Emeli Sande - My Kind Of Love 2. Anthony David Feat. Algebra and Phonte - 4Evermore 3. Rahsaan Patterson - The One For Me 4. D'Influence - Rock With You 5. Gabrielle - Rise 6. Ms Dynamite - Dy-Na-Mi-Tee 7. Soul II Soul - Keep On Movin' 8. Omar - There's Nothing Like This 9. Johnny Gill - My My My 10. Lulu & Bobby Womack - I'm Back For More 11. Hil St. Soul - Until You Come Back To Me 12. Dennis Edwards - Don't Look Any Further 13. Soul II Soul - Back To Life (However Do You Want Me) 14. Hil St. Soul - For Your Love 15. Hil St. Soul - For Your Love 16. Conya Doss - Starship 17. Don-E - Stay Awhile 18. Simon Law Feat. Caron Wheeler - Morning Love 19. D-Influence Feat. Shola Ama - This I Promise You 20. Dawn Penn - You Don't Love Me (No, No, No) (Trojan Mix) Disc: 5 1. Fatback Band - I Found Lovin' 2. D'Influence - Magic 3. Sinclair - I Want You Back 4. Avani, Rashaan Patterson, Carl McIntosh - Watching You 5. Anthony David Feat. India Arie - Words 6. Cooly's Hot Box - It's Alright 7. Shalamar - I Can Make You Feel Good 8. Barry White - Never, Never Gonna Give Ya Up 9. Midnight Star - Curious 10. Shalamar - There It Is 11. Mary Jane Girls - All Night Long 12. Princess - Say I'm Your Number One 13. The Real Thing - You To Me Are Everything 14. Shalamar - A Night To Remember 15. Midnight Star - Midas Touch 16. Princess - After The Love Has Gone 17. Shalamar - Make That Move 18. Princess - I'll Keep Loving You 19. The Whispers - Lady 20. Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/B99AD59C57CCE98/pc2341hs.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/46B49D195505047/pc2341hs.part2.rar
Lance Lopez - Discography (1999-2018) ARTIST: Lance Lopez ALBUM / TITLE: Collection RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 1999-2018 COUNTRY: United States STYLE: Blues Rock, Hard Rock DURATION: 13:20:36 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 2,06 gb Albums 1999 - 1st Things First 2001 - Blue Cat Blues 2004 - Wall Of Soul 2006 - Simplify Your Vision 2007 - First Things First 2007 - Higher Ground 2007 - Live 2007 - Scrapyard Funk 2010 - Salvation From Sundown 2011 - Handmade Music 2016 - Live In NYC 2016 - West Of Flushing, South Of Frisco (Lance Lopez & Supersonic Blues Machine) 2017 - Californisoul (Lance Lopez & Supersonic Blues Machine) 2018 - Tell The Truth Tracklist 1999 - 1st Things First 01. The Brick 02. Something's Tellin Me 03. There Is Love 04. Walk It 05. Life 06. Dawn Of A New Day 07. Where Have You Gone 08. Wait And See 09. Mr. Rattlesnake 2001 - Blue Cat Blues 01. Every Time I Turn Around 02. Hear My Train A Comin' 03. Blue Cat Blues 04. Mr. Rattlesnake 05. Redhouse 06. Superstition 07. Purple Haze 2004 - Wall Of Soul 01. Love - Hate Relationship 02. Looks So Good 03 - Didja 04. Cardboard Sign 05. Alone In Love 06. I Dont't Want No More 07. Shame The Devil 08. What Goes Around Comes Around 09. Quarter, Nickel Or A Dime 10. Idle Time 11. Spanish Castle Magic 12. Time 2006 - Simplify Your Vision 01. Day Of Dreams 02. Move 03. Simplify Your Vision 04. Shake Joint 05. Stones In My Passway 06. 2 Cigarettes 07. Tricktafied 08. Skank 09. Stars - Outta My Mind 2007 - First Things First 01. Life 02. Walk It 03. Dawn Of A New Day 04. Something's Telling Me 05. There Is Love 06. The Brick 07. Wait And See 08. Where Have You Gone 09. Alone In Love (Live) (Bonus Track) 10. Fopp (Live) (Bonus Track) 11. Thunderbird South (Live) (Bonus Track) 12. For Always (Live) (Bonus Track) 13. Sad Days And Lonely Nights (Acoustic) (Bonus Track) 2007 - Higher Ground 01. Higher Ground 02. That's A Fact 03. Let Me Love You 04. El Paso Sugar 05. Type Of Girl 06. Drinkin' My Blues 07. Every Dog Has His Day 08. Thunderbird South 09. Hard Livin' 10. Every Time I Turn Around 11. Kool Iron Bed 2007 - Live 01. Spanish Castle Magic 02. There Is Love 03. Killing Floor 04. Mr. Rattlesnake 05. The Brick 06. I'm Doin' Fine 07. Walk It 08. Everytime I Turn Around 2007 - Scrapyard Funk 01. Hot Latina Honey 02. It Done Got Hard 03. Scrapyard Funk 04. Smooth 05. Vera Cruz 06. Fopp 07. I'm Doin' Fine 2010 - Salvation From Sundown 01. Love Of Mine 02. My Good Thang 03. Heart Fixin` Blues 04. One Half Hour 05. So Alone 06. Salvation From Sundown 07. Neverlove 08. It Shoulda Been Me 09. Stubbs 10. Locked Outa Love 11. Why 12. Romeo 2011 - Handmade Music 01. Come Back Home 02. Hard Time 03. Let Go 04. Dream Away 05. Get Out and Walk 06. Your Love 07. Travelling Riverside Blues 08. Letters 09. Vaya Con Dios 10. Black Cat Moan 11. Can You Feel It? 12. Lowdown Ways 2016 - Live in NYC 01. Come Back Home 02. Hard Time 03. Get out and Walk 04. Traveling Riverside Blues 05. Lowdown Ways 06. Tell the Truth 07. El Paso Sugar 2016 - West Of Flushing, South Of Frisco (Lance Lopez & Supersonic Blues Machine) 01. Miracle Man 02. I Ain't Fallin' Again 03. Running Whiskey (feat. Billy F. Gibbons) 04. Remedy (feat. Warren Haynes) 05. Bone Bucket Blues 06. Let It Be 07. That's My Way (feat. Chris Duarte) 08. Ain't No Love (In The Heart Of The City) 09. Nightmares And Dreams (feat. Eric Gales) 10. Can't Take It No More (feat. Walter Trout) 11. Whiskey Time (Running Whiskey's Extended Ending) 12. Let's Call It A Day (feat. Robben Ford) 13. Watchagonnado 2017 - Californisoul (Lance Lopez & Supersonic Blues Machine) 01. I Am Done Missing You 02. Somebody's Fool (Feat. Robben Ford) 03. L.O.V.E. 04. Broken Heart (Feat. Billy F. Gibbons) 05. Bad Boys 06. Elevate (Feat. Eric Gales) 07. The One 08. Hard Times (Feat. Steve Lukather) 09. Cry 10. The Stranger 11. What's Wrong (Feat. Walter Trout) 12. Thank You 13. This Is Love 2018 - Tell The Truth 01. Never Came Easy To Me 02. Mr Lucky 03. Down To One Bar 04. High Life 05. Cash My Check 06. The Real Deal 07. Raise Some Hell 08. Angel Eyes Of Blue 09. Back On The Highway 10. Blue Moon Rising 11. Tell The Truth Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/2CC4690B143F3E3/nv3727us.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/E17F345A3BB5597/nv3727us.part2.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/1F60728B3F23A66/nv3727us.part3.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/95C182D179B9E0E/nv3727us.part4.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/FE7B156C08E2460/nv3727us.part5.rar
Frozen Plasma - Discography (2005-2019) ARTIST: Frozen Plasma ALBUM / TITLE: Discography RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2005-2019 COUNTRY: Germany STYLE: Synthpop, Futurepop, Electropop DURATION: 17:10:48 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 2,31 gb List: Albums 2006 - Artificial 2009 - Artificial Evolution (Compilation) 2009 - Monumentum 2011 - Live At Radio City, Moscow 22.01.2011 2013 - Live At WGT 2012 2015 - Dekadenz 2015 - Dekadenz (Instrumentals) 2016 - Various Instrumentals Vol. 1 2016 - Various Instrumentals Vol. 2 2019 - Pakt Singles & EP 2005 - Hypocrite (Single) 2006 - Emphasize (EP) 2006 - Irony (Single) 2006 - Warmongers (Single) 2008 - Tanz Die Revolution (Single) 2009 - Earthling (Single) 2009 - Tanz Die Revolution (Single) (International Version) 2009 - Tour Monument (EP) 2013 - Herz (Single) 2014 - Crazy (Single) 2018 - Safe. Dead. Harm. (Single) 2005 - Hypocrite - 00:28:14 01. Hypocrite - 06:11 02. Betrayed - 06:53 03. Hypocrite (Oldschool Extended Mix) - 10:39 04. Hypocrite (Girls: Don't Cry! Mix) - 04:31 2006 - Artificial - 01:14:31 01. Irony - 04:42 02. Crossroads - 05:50 03. 1980 - 04:51 04. War / Flashbacks - 07:28 05. A Second Of Life - 06:41 06. A Generation Of The Lost - 05:34 07. Home - 04:39 08. Betrayed (Remixed By Iris) - 05:59 09. Unborn Faith - 07:42 10. Hypocrite - 06:11 11. Condense - 04:07 12. A Second Of Life (Chillout Extended Version) - 10:47 2006 - Emphasize - 01:02:06 01. King Of Pain - 06:10 02. I Get Excited (You Get Excited Too) - 06:50 03. Lift The Veil - 06:37 04. Warmongers - 05:08 05. Vanishing Star - 06:33 06. A Generation Of The Lost (Les Anges De La Nuit Remix) - 08:49 07. A Generation Of The Lost (Neuropa Remix) - 05:25 08. A Generation Of The Lost (The Naked Lie Remix) - 05:52 09. A Generation Of The Lost (Lucas Boysen Remix) - 05:33 10. Hypocrite (Torben Wendt Remix) - 05:09 2006 - Irony - 01:00:23 01. Artificial (Open) - 01:31 02. Irony (Radio Edit) - 03:50 03. Irony (DJ Edit) - 06:28 04. Artificial (Extincted Species) - 06:10 05. Irony (Rotersand Rework) - 07:24 06. Irony (Twisted Fate Mix) - 04:02 07. Irony (Extended D.M.O. Style) - 10:05 08. Irony (Pay! Radio Remix) - 07:06 09. Irony (Album Version) - 04:47 10. Artificial (End) - 04:36 11. Untitled - 00:06 12. Untitled - 00:06 13. Untitled - 00:06 14. Untitled - 00:06 15. Irony (Chillout Version) - 04:00 2006 - Warmongers - 00:26:14 01. Warmongers (Club Mix) - 05:38 02. Warmongers (EP Version) - 05:11 03. A Generation Of The Lost (Les Anges De La Nuit Remix) - 08:51 04. Warmongers (Extended Version) - 06:34 2008 - Tanz Die Revolution - 00:31:13 01. Tanz Die Revolution (Der Single Mix) - 04:48 02. Touching Ground (Preparation) - 01:48 03. Touching Ground (Prognosis) - 06:23 04. Tanz Die Revolution (Der DJ-Mix) - 06:39 05. Warmongers (DJ-Extended) - 06:38 06. Touching Ground (Sentiment) - 04:57 2009 - Artificial Evolution - 01:16:00 01. Artificial (Open) - 01:27 02. Tanz Die Revolution (Der Single Mix) - 04:44 03. I Get Excited (You Get Excited Too) - 06:51 04. Lift The Veil - 06:38 05. Touching Ground (Prognosis) - 06:19 06. King Of Pain - 06:11 07. Warmongers (DJ-Extended) - 06:34 08. A Generation Of The Lost (Les Anges De La Nuit Remix) - 08:49 09. Irony (Rotersand Rework) - 07:25 10. Hypocrite (Oldschool Extended Mix) - 10:39 11. A Generation Of The Lost (Neuropa Remix) - 05:26 12. Touching Ground (Sentiment) - 04:57 2009 - Earthling - 00:44:54 01. Intro - The Sighting - 02:32 02. Earthling (The Original) - 05:23 03. Earthling (Aqualite Remix) - 06:19 04. Earthling (DJ Cut) - 05:31 05. Earthling (Farewell Impressions) - 03:58 06. Earthling (The Lost Commandment Remix) - 05:45 07. Earthling (feat. CQ247) - 05:51 08. Earthling (The Instrumental) - 05:22 09. Earthling (Desolate feat. Lis Van Den Akker) - 04:13 2009 - Monumentum - 01:11:21 01. Open - 02:57 02. The End - Deliverance - 05:25 03. The Speed Of Life - 05:09 04. Phoenix - 05:30 05. Natural Born Liars - 06:40 06. Tanz Die Revolution - 06:33 07. Earthling - 05:32 08. Almond Flowers - 07:07 09. Touching Ground - 06:23 10. Murderous Trap - 05:16 11. Forgotten Earth - 04:37 12. The Speed Of Life (Extended) - 08:31 13. Close - 01:41 2009 - Tanz Die Revolution (International Version) - 00:34:34 01. Tanz Die Revolution (Spanish Version feat. State Of The Union) - 04:43 02. Tanz Die Revolution (Italian Version feat. Syrian) - 04:45 03. Tanz Die Revolution (English Version) - 04:47 04. Earthling (Terraformed By Fatal Rupture) - 04:19 05. Tanz Die Revolution (Der DJ-Mix) - 06:31 06. Tanz Die Revolution (Syrian Remix) - 04:37 07. Earthling (Lost In The Void Remix) - 04:22 08. Tanz Die Revolution (Reprise) - 00:30 2009 - Tour Monument - 00:51:43 01. The End - Deliverance (Live) - 04:26 02. Phoenix (Live) - 05:44 03. Earthling (Live) - 05:33 04. The Speed Of Life (Live) - 05:12 05. Murderous Trap (Live) - 05:39 06. Tanz Die Revolution (Live) - 05:36 07. The End - Deliverance (Moriturus) - 07:34 08. Murderous Trap (Emblaze My Desire Remix) - 06:47 09. Tanz Die Revolution (International Megamix) - 05:12 2011 - Live At Radio City, Moscow 22.01.2011 - 01:13:05 01. The End - Deliverance - 04:40 02. Condense - 04:56 03. Earthling - 05:58 04. Crossroads - 06:26 05. Phoenix - 06:11 06. Hypocrite - 07:01 07. Imaginary - 06:37 08. Irony - 05:36 09. Murderous Trap - 06:03 10. Warmongers - 05:56 11. Tanz Die Revolution - 05:42 12. Russian Fans - 01:06 13. Memories - 06:53 2013 - Herz - 00:43:05 01. Herz (3Am DJ Mix) - 05:57 02. Herz (Rob Dust Remix) - 06:36 03. Rain (D&B Preview) - 04:19 04. Herz (Dub Space 9 Mix) - 08:19 05. Herz (Nachtmahr Remix) - 05:35 06. Herz (Short Cut) - 04:05 07. Herz (Neuroticfish Remix) - 04:02 08. Herz (Rotersand Rework) - 04:12 2013 - Live At WGT 2012 - 00:59:31 01. The End Deliverance - 04:41 02. Earthling - 05:41 03. Touching Ground (Edit) - 04:51 04. Generations Of The Lost - 05:39 05. Imaginary - 04:05 06. King Of Pain (Edit) - 05:51 07. Irony - 05:09 08. Memories - 06:12 09. Warmongers - 05:53 10. Murderous Trap - 05:56 11. Tanz Die Revolution - 05:33 2014 - Crazy - 00:34:28 01. Duellum (Prolog) - 06:39 02. Crazy (Radio Edit) - 03:54 03. Crazy (Shiv-R Remix) - 04:30 04. Crazy (DJ Edit) - 05:08 05. Crazy (Chrom Remix) - 04:50 06. Crazy (Original 90-60-90 Edit) - 04:16 07. Crazy (Symbiote Remix) - 05:11 2015 - Dekadenz (Instrumentals) - 00:48:08 01. Age After Age (Instrumental) - 06:04 02. Foolish Dreams (Instrumental) - 05:22 03. Crazy (Instrumental) - 05:03 04. Rain (Instrumental) - 06:35 05. Faith Over Your Fear (Instrumental) - 05:24 06. Haunting Memories (Instrumental) - 04:33 07. Saving This Moment (Instrumental) - 05:09 08. Stare At The Moon (Instrumental) - 04:46 09. Herz (Instrumental) - 05:12 2015 - Dekadenz - 01:08:41 01. Age After Age - 06:06 02. Foolish Dreams - 05:22 03. Crazy - 05:08 04. Rain - 06:36 05. Maniac - 04:47 06. Faith Over Your Fear - 05:27 07. Living On Video - 06:11 08. Haunting Memories - 04:38 09. Over And Out - 04:43 10. Saving This Moment - 05:08 11. Crash - 03:01 12. Stare At The Moon - 04:48 13. Herz - 05:13 14. Saving This Moment (Orchestral) - 01:33 2016 - Various Instrumentals Vol. 1 - 00:41:41 01. A Second Of Life (Instrumental) - 06:42 02. Condense (Instrumental) - 04:07 03. King Of Pain (Instrumental) - 05:34 04. The End - Deliverance (Instrumental) - 04:13 05. Irony (Instrumental) - 04:46 06. Earthling (Instrumental) - 05:31 07. Murderous Trap (Instrumental) - 05:18 08. Generation Of The Lost (Instrumental) - 05:30 2016 - Various Instrumentals Vol. 2 - 00:37:15 01. Tanz Die Revolution (Instrumental) - 04:48 02. Warmongers (Instrumental) - 05:34 03. Crossroads (Instrumental) - 05:50 04. Hypocrite (Instrumental) - 05:49 05. Lift The Veil (Instrumental) - 05:44 06. Home (Instrumental) - 04:49 07. Touching Ground (Instrumental) - 04:41 2018 - Safe. Dead. Harm. - 00:11:58 01. Safe. Dead. Harm. - 05:22 02. Safe. Dead. Harm. (Extended Club Edit) - 06:36 2019 - Pakt - 00:51:43 01. Foolish Dreams - 05:21 02. Murderous Trap - 05:19 03. Stare At The Moon - 04:47 04. Saving This Moment - 05:03 05. King Of Pain - 05:30 06. Maniac - 04:49 07. Earthling - 05:27 08. Hypocrite - 05:30 09. Faith Over Your Fear - 05:24 10. Haunting Memories - 04:33 Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/2B99EA95FDDE6F5/mr4519hs.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/00CE54C78FE86D6/mr4519hs.part2.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/13EEB21C1FB9D8F/mr4519hs.part3.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/C7BA75F8306E5C9/mr4519hs.part4.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/AECD777C9FC8FBF/mr4519hs.part5.rar
Camouflage - The Box 1983-2013 (Remastered) (10CD) (Lossless, 2014) ARTIST: Camouflage ALBUM / TITLE: The Box 1983 - 2013 (Remastered) RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2014 COUNTRY: Germany STYLE: Syntypop LABEL: Bureau B - BB162 DURATION: 09:30:15 FILE FORMAT: FLAC, (image+.cue) QUALITY: Lossless Size: 7,71 gb Tracklist: 1988 - Voices & Images (Remastered) 01. That Smiling Face [00:04:58] 02. Helpless Helpless [00:05:03] 03. Neighbours [00:03:48] 04. The Great Commandment [00:04:17] 05. Winner Takes Nothing [00:05:56] 06. Stranger's Thoughts [00:04:43] 07. From Ay To Bee [00:04:37] 08. Where Has The Childhood Gone [00:03:38] 09. Music For Ballerinas [00:04:29] 10. I Once Had A Dream [00:05:00] 11. They Catch Secrets [00:03:27] 12. Pompeji [00:05:20] 1989 - Methods Of Silence (Remastered) 01. One Fine Day [00:04:33] 02. Love Is A Shield [00:04:43] 03. Anyone [00:03:46] 04. Your Skinhead Is The Dream [00:04:57] 05. On Islands [00:04:58] 06. Feeling Down [00:04:09] 07. Sooner Than We Think [00:03:51] 08. A Picture Of Life [00:03:42] 09. Les Rues [00:03:30] 10. Rue De Moorslede [00:00:38] 1991- Meanwhile (Remastered) 01. Seize Your Day [00:04:36] 02. Heaven (I Want You) [00:05:14] 03. Mellotron [00:03:43] 04. Mother [00:04:31] 05. Dad [00:05:16] 06. Where The Happy Live [00:04:04] 07. These Eyes [00:03:40] 08. What For [00:03:15] 09. Waiting [00:04:50] 10. Accordion [00:05:02] 11. This Day [00:03:54] 12. Handsome [00:04:00] 13. Bitter Sweet [00:04:18] 14. Spellbound [00:04:44] 15. Who The Hell Is David Butler? [00:04:12] 1993 - Bodega Bohemia (Remastered) 01. Pedestrian's Adventures [00:03:53] 02. Crime [00:05:30] 03. Jealousy [00:03:30] 04. Time is Over [00:05:36] 05. Falling [00:06:39] 06. Suspicious Love [00:05:00] 07. Bondage People [00:05:31] 08. Close [00:04:12] 09. In Your Ivory Tower [00:08:42] 1995 - Spice Crackers (Remastered) 01. Spice Crackers [00:03:35] 02. X-Ray [00:06:23] 03. Kraft [00:03:46] 04. Electronic Music [00:02:40] 05. Bad News [00:06:01] 06. Days Run Wild [00:05:15] 07. A Place in China (Heaven's Not) [00:06:08] 08. Zwischenspiel 2 [00:01:36] 09. Funky Service (What Do You Want to Drink?) [00:04:21] 10. Back to Heaven [00:07:36] 11. Je Suis Le Dieu [00:05:26] 12. Ronda's Trigger [00:09:35] 13. Travelling Without Moving [00:01:26] 14. Spacetrain [00:08:35] 2003 - Sensor (Remastered) 01. Intro Sensor [00:00:27] 02. Me And You [00:04:39] 03. Perfect [00:04:54] 04. Harmful [00:04:28] 05. Here She Comes [00:04:37] 06. I Can`t Feel You [00:04:07] 07. Lost [00:05:55] 08. Iґll Follow Behind [00:04:20] 09. Adrenalin [00:01:08] 10. Blink [00:05:17] 11. Thief [00:04:36] 12. Together [00:04:45] 13. 74 Minutes [00:02:56] 14. You Turn [00:05:03] 15. Perfect Sensor [00:03:55] 2006 - Relocated (Remastered) 01. Relocated [00:00:49] 02. Memory [00:01:05] 03. We Are Lovers [00:04:00] 04. Motif Sky [00:03:29] 05. Real Thing [00:03:11] 06. Passing By [00:04:05] 07. Confusion [00:03:47] 08. The Perfect Key [00:05:31] 09. Stream [00:02:05] 10. Dreaming [00:04:59] 11. The Pleasure Remains [00:04:06] 12. Bitter Taste [00:05:04] 13. Something Wrong [00:04:48] 14. Light [00:01:02] 15. How Do You Feel? [00:07:12] 16. Last Contact [00:05:01] 1992 - Areu Areu (Remastered) 01. Day Tripper [00:02:29] 02. Mr.X / Modern Technology [00:03:09] 03. Ricky`s Hand [00:04:00] 04. Iґm Your Money / Tora Tora Tora [00:05:38] 05. Cold [00:04:38] 2013 - Archive #02 - Live Recordings 01. Suspicious Love (Buenos Aires Hotel Room Recording) [00:04:20] 02. Me And You (Unplugged Version) [00:04:38] 03. Perfect (Unplugged Version) [00:03:52] 04. Sensorium (Live) [00:01:35] 05. Iґll Follow Behind (Live) [00:05:20] 06. Crime (Live) [00:05:46] 07. Harmful (Live) [00:04:30] 08. Picture Of Live (Live) [00:05:58] 09. Together (Live) [00:05:11] 10. Je Suis Le Dieu (Live) [00:04:03] 11. X-Ray (Live) [00:05:02] 12. Handsome (Live) [00:04:59] 13. Memory Demo (Live) [00:05:04] 14. They Catch Secrets (Live) [00:05:24] 15. Today (Live) [00:03:20] 16. Kling Klang (Live) [00:03:12] 2013 - Archive #03 - The Early Tapes 1983-1988 01. Licenced Technology [Demo 1983] [00:02:02] 02. Fade In Memory [Demo 1984] [00:03:38] 03. Dreaming Boy [Demo 1984] [00:04:49] 04. Bonzai [Demo 1984][00:04:16] 05. Seconds [Demo 1985] [00:04:54] 06. Love Is Just A Friend To Me [Demo 1984] [00:03:47] 07. Concert Intro 1985 [00:03:00] 08. Moving Tides [Demo 1983] [00:03:37] 09. Suicide Ideas [Demo 1984] [00:01:39] 10. Noise Tanz [Demo 1985] [00:02:25] 11. Time Will Cure [Demo 1985] [00:04:39] 12. The Swing [Demo 1985] [00:05:18] 13. Torso [Demo 1985] [00:05:40] 14. Neighbours [Demo 1986] [00:03:21] 15. O'Toole #04 [Demo 1986] [00:02:11] 16. Where Has The Childhood Gone [Demo 1985] [00:03:41] 17. Winner Takes Nothing [Demo 1985] [00:04:51] 18. Suddenly Went Away [Demo 1986] [00:04:16] 19. Every Now and Then [Demo 1987] [00:02:25] 20. Flowers [Demo 1986] [00:03:21] 21. Love Is A Shield [Demo 1988] [00:01:37] Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/726966DF504320C/kt1855re.part01.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/ED80B361BEC0FE7/kt1855re.part02.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/527BD2243600A3B/kt1855re.part03.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/6EC3E10276C7F89/kt1855re.part04.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/AF7749561FC7F8C/kt1855re.part05.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/3449B16BD42B1D0/kt1855re.part06.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/BD4C1A218B103F7/kt1855re.part07.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/1C85A7F3EEEEE2F/kt1855re.part08.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/64B806CAD8E0C3C/kt1855re.part09.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/A35E31A91F6D936/kt1855re.part10.rar
VA - Ragga Jungle (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: Ragga Jungle RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: All World STYLE: Ragga Jungle DURATION: 09:07:12 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 1,23 gb Tracklist: 001. Stephan Warren - Drum Rass Riddim 002. Funky Kingston Feat. Pispalan Rini - Vonkale 003. Morgan Heritage - Revolution Is A Must In Dub 004. Nature Makonnen - Rastafari Children 005. Riddim Tuffa - Rebel Vibes 006. Spicy Chocolate - Shiritai (Feat. C&K & Cyberjapan Dancers) 007. Chronixx - Big Bad Sound (Feat. Chronicle) 008. Damian Marley - Here We Go 009. Unstoppable Fyah - So Sweet 010. A7Jk - L'arrêt Public 011. George Banton - Even One Soul 012. George Nooks - Chance Of A Lifetime 013. Moby Stick - Roller Coaster 014. Naaman - Jailhouse Rock 015. Selecta Badras - Just For You 016. Tio Denéro Muzik - Adultery Riddim 017. Barrington Levy - Here I Come 018. Highest Intention - Universal Light 019. Katchafire - I Can Feel It A Lot 020. Iration - Twisted Up 021. Dycr - Chicka Bow 022. Goldime Jenaso - Temase 023. Jah Crew Ft Iyadan - Dem A Follow 024. Kiddus I - Jah Glory 025. Kingston All Stars - Jamodica 026. Millbeatz - Higher (Feat. Denice Millien) 027. Musiteca - Please Stop Me Now 028. Pancho Camacho - Fulanito 029. Prince Malachi - Dub Away Chapter 2 030. The Manor - Down Ina Ghetto 031. Popcaan - Wine For Me 032. Various - 04 - Something Special (Prod By Dj Swanqo) 033. Madness - I Believe 034. Ub40 Featuring Ali, Astro & Mickey - Here I Come 035. Sakura - Watch Mi Wine 036. Black Uhuru - Push Push 037. Dedubros - Tu Amor 038. For Peace Band - Be Alright 039. Herbnculture - Darlin 040. Hummingbird - Melt Away 041. Ipd Green - She Love Me 042. Jim Radical - Storm Is Over 043. Johnny Scratch - Down Beat Rhythm 044. Puppa Lëk Sèn - Royal Music 045. Thatstyle - High Grade 046. Tree House Fire - Seen It All 047. Vanessa Bling - Bad Mon 048. Irie Miah And The Massive Vibes - Contemplation 049. The Maytals - She's My Scorcher 050. Yrush - Baby Girl 051. Blaak Lung - This Journey 052. Bobby Cole - Turtle Bay Alt 053. Ricky Blaze - Guarantee 054. Turbulence - Good Loving In Dub 055. Christafari - Aloha Ke Akua (Feat. Kapena, David Fohe & Avion Blackman) 056. Bobby Treasure - Beautiful Rainbow 057. Yves Tole Family - Guintor 058. Ziggy Marley - I Will Be Glad 059. Isaaqa-Ba - Accra 060. Kraiggi Badart - Red Handed (Feat. Perfect Giddimani) 061. Chaka Demus - Murder She Wrote 062. Dovey Magum - Bawl Out 063. Gary Dread - Vibrant 064. Youtie - Bohemian City 065. Tarrus Riley - Nuh One Alone 066. Mr. Vegas - Colorism 067. Zulu Vibes - Bohemian Dub 068. Teear Dropz - Youth Fi Nice 069. Jahmali - Pretty Face 070. Lloyd Clarke - You're A Cheat 071. Collie Buddz - Come Around 072. Pupa Sock - Bester Freund 073. Jasai - Make It Through 074. Chulito Camacho - High Grade 075. Mavado - Touch And Leggo 076. K1 Ecentral - Island Vybz 077. Shaundon - When Mi Rich 078. Madness - Soul Denying 079. Wyclef Jean - I Pray 080. Killah Man - Babilon Babilonia 081. Ini Kamoze - Here Comes The Hotstepper 082. Alkaline - Gyalis Pro 083. Kevin Lyttle - Turn Me On 084. Kingly T - My Mind 085. Mez - Wrote My Parents A Love Song 086. Natel & Duane Stephenson - Heart Of Jamaica 087. Natty Ngwai Konshanz Feat. Gjb100 - Woman 088. Popcaan - Only Man She Want 089. Yael - Me Enseñaste 090. Alborosie_Ft_Raging_Fyah - The_Unforgiven 091. Dub Fx Feat. Zion Train - Shine Like A Dub 092. Jesse Royal - We Matter 093. Solijah - Original 094. Shabba Ranks - Ting-A-Ling 095. The Temple Rockers - Days Long Ago 096. Clay G - Truth (Feat Tony B) 097. Ras Ijah - Ital Is Vital 098. Wayne Marshall - You Are My Father 099. Fantom Dundeal - Reason (I Know) (Satin Strings Riddim) 100. Bugle - Special 101. Notch - Nuttin Nuh Go So 102. Ray - Paradise With You (Feat Donnamaria) 103. Freddie Mcgregor - Wild Fire 104. Mykal Rose - Gully Bank Life 105. Royal Ren - No Secret 106. Chevaughn - When God Made You 107. Tenna Star - Flowers In My Garden 108. Tessanne Chin - Push On Through 109. Tflatz - Feeling Good Feeling Good 110. Jamila Falak, Jodian Pantry, Minori & Flavia Beswick - Phenomenal Woman 111. Townizzle - Loyalty 112. Christopher Martin - The One 113. Codewalkers - Street Philosophy 114. Apache Indian - Boom Shack-A-Lak 115. Dean Fraser - 1,2,3, Foreplay 116. D'east - Mama's Boy 117. Pluto Shervington - Rum Song 118. Cutty Ranks - Who Say Me Dun 119. Mortimer - River_Said 120. Ding Dong - Happy Birthday 121. Wyde Roots - Play It Safe 122. Chevaughn & Ikaya - Looking Forward To The New Year 123. Gardengrove - Bluberry 124. Guive - Hasard 125. Kumar_Fyah - State_Of_Emergency 126. Jamaxx Dub - Rocksteady 127. Capleton_Ft_Kabaka_Pyramid - Hold_Up_Your_Arms 128. King Kalabash - Hardcore Life 129. Dre_Island - One_Lion 130. Macsat - Rhythm & Booze 131. Nuttea - L'interview (Feat Olivier Cachin) 132. Steel Pulse - Stop You Coming And Come 133. Dub Silence - Hysteria 134. Projexx - Patience 135. Rock Venus - She Dey Worry 136. Samini - Reggae Nice 137. Xerikó - Equilibrio 138. Beres_Hammond - Lose_It_All 139. Projexx - Patience 140. The Maitree Express - Long Road 141. Colonial Fx - Prometheus 142. Deep_Jahi - Beautiful_Woman 143. D'yani - Labour Day 144. Jahazeil - Do Good 145. Shane_O - Have_Mercy 146. Gyptian - Thinking About You 147. Zj Prapa - Mek It Out 148. King_Mas - Flip_The_Script 149. Gawvy - Mama Africa 150. Keznamdi - Count_My_Blessing 151. Leital - Head Up 152. Pressure_Busspipe - Fyah 153. Zagga - Let_Love_In 154. Wayne_Wonder - Nothing_But_Love 155. Jah_Cure - Make_Me_Feel Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/25E14AD2FB66F4C/jx9080px.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/B90EDE5BB65B919/jx9080px.part2.rar
VA - 80s Music Hits (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: 80s Music Hits RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: All World STYLE: Disco, Pop DURATION: 13:15:29 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 1,78 gb Tracklist: 001. Patrick Cowley - Megatron Man 002. Oscar - It's My Life 003. London Boys - London Nights 004. Latin Lover - Laser Light 005. Digital Ram - Do It 006. Joe Yellow - Take My Heart 007. Nicky & Nicky - Souvenir 008. Silent Circle - What A Shame 009. Shipra - Joy (In My Heart) 010. Supermax - Camillo 011. Angie Dylan - In The Dark 012. Radiorama - Baciami (Kiss Me) 013. Ken Laszlo - Hey Hey Guy 014. Eileen - Must Be Dreaming 015. Linda Jo Rizzo - Perfect Love 016. Annica Boller - Let Me Talk To You 017. Ross - Coming Up 018. Primero - Oh Que Calor 019. Oscar - It's My Life 020. Paul Lander - Midnight Lover 021. Imhan - One Million 022. Marsha Raven - S.O.S. 023. The Parallel Lines - Arabian Night 024. D.D. Band - Mistery Woman 025. Sasha - Don't You Break My Heart 026. Via Verdi - Diamond 027. Ingela - Do The Motion 028. Alex Chroma Band - A New Day 029. Ho-Saï - Get Back 030. Bolland - Ten American Girls 031. Mind In Motion - Harmony 032. L-Vira - Talking Bout Rambo 033. Bad Boys Blue - Hungry For Love 034. Venus - Disco Español 035. Tea Es - Captain Terra X (24 More Hours) 036. Fun Gang - Just For Fun 037. Dato Shake - Let Me Be You 038. Gina T. - Birds Of Paradise 039. Morris - Tonight's The Night 040. Tension - Dream 041. Gina Desire - Breathless 042. Time - Love Is The Reason 043. K.B. Caps - Catch Me Now I'm Falling 044. Mirage - No More No War 045. Eighth Wonder - I'm Not Scared 046. Legion - Under My Wings 047. Boney M. - Everybody Wants To Dance 048. Jessica - C'est La Vie, Mon Cherie 049. Julie Coulson - Big Time Operator 050. Frisbee - You Are Made For Me 051. Steve Clark - No More Love 052. Neil Smith - Help Me Through The Summer 053. Future Sense - Angel Lover 054. Doctor's Cat - Feel The Drive 055. Melissa Manchester - Thief Of Hearts 056. Yull Win - Chase The Tiger 057. Marina Occhiena - Videosogni 058. Roby - Side By Side 059. Silver Convention - Fly Robin Fly 060. Cerrone - Supernature 061. Den Harrow - Holiday Night 062. Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters 063. Pia Zadora - Let's Dance Tonight 064. Laid Back - Sunshine Reggae 065. Max Coveri - Run To The Sun 066. J. Vincent Edwards - Love Control 067. Sir Valentine - And I Love Her 068. Fancy - Fools Cry 069. C.C. Catch - Good Guys Only Win In Movies 070. Donna Summer - I Feel Love 071. Guillermo Marchena - Signs Of Time 072. Latin Lover - Laser Light 073. Blue System - She's A Lady 074. Paul Mc Douglas - Geil 075. Spagna - Every Girl And Boy 076. F.R. David - Girl (You Are My Song) 077. Glasses - Crystals 078. Mpb Corp. - Operation 079. Topo & Roby - Under The Ice 080. Divo - We Can't Go On 081. Michael Zager Band - Let's All Chant 082. Michael Heart - She's A Model 083. Thomas T. - Loving Again 084. Sauvage - Do You Want Me 085. Arabesque - Ecstasy 086. Mitch & Melanie - Coming For Your Love 087. T. Morris - Good Morning 088. Joy - Felicidad 089. Sisley Ferre - Give Me Your Love 090. Lorraine Mckane - Let The Night Take The Blame 091. Mayte Matee - I Do I Do 092. Malibu - Pleasure 093. Mr. Black - Monnalisa 094. Regina - Mira Me 095. Ryvon D.J. - I'm Gonna Dance (Take Me Tonight) 096. G.J.Lunghi - Acapulco Nights 097. Alesis - Steppin Up 098. Nemesy - 24 Hours 099. Bolero - I Wish 100. Ma Ritter - You Are The One 101. Selena - Shotgun 102. Mannequin - Boom Bam 103. Girly - Working Girl 104. Webo - Magic Moment 105. Lady Lily - Get Out Of My Life 106. Vanessa - Be My Lady 107. Time Capsule - Night Life Fashion 108. Creative Connection - That E-Motion 109. Shooting Party - Safe In The Arms Of Love 110. Chicasss - Manana 111. Costas Charitodiplomenos - Lost In The Night 112. Bam Boo - Foreign East Love 113. Mike Rogers - Happy Moon 114. Karisma - Six Two Eight 115. Raising My Fam - Raising My Fam 116. Cat Bassy - Tonight 117. Mark Jay - Whacha Gonna Do 118. Alan Barcklay - Color Of Love 119. Special Touch - Check It Out 120. Eve - Good-Bye, Sayonara 121. Round One - In Zaire 122. Moltocarina - Voice Of The Night 123. The Herrey's With Jeannie - People Say Medley With Freedom 124. Raigo - Let Me Live 125. Lisa Johnson - Love 126. Beau Sexon - Don't Tell Me No Lies 127. B-Point 2 - After Midnight 128. Linda Jo Rizzo - I`ve Got The Night 129. Stage - Ocean Of Crime 130. Chris Sunday - Hurricane Lady 131. Clad - Song Of Arabia 132. Jack's Project - Shy Shy Sugarman 133. Carrara - Sos Bandido 134. Nora - Questa Notte 135. Boo Who - Angie Cries 136. Sandra - Around My Heart 137. Alix - Coeur Sans Adresse 138. Paul Parker - Desire 139. Tony Esposito - Kalimba De Sol 140. Atlantis Star - The Loving Kind Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/158AA143E6C5BEB/ih1012we.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/9AD49C13E486A65/ih1012we.part2.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/85C03E346E6F3C8/ih1012we.part3.rar
VA - New Music Releases Week 12 of 2019 (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: New Music Releases Week 12 of 2019 RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: All World STYLE: Pop , Dance , Other Rock , Rap , Other Electronic DURATION: 10:55:20 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 1.48 gb Tracklist: 01. Alan Walker - On My Way 02. Logic - Confessions of a Dangerous Mind 03. Becky G - Green Light Go 04. Cheat Codes - Who's Got Your Love 05. Why Don't We - I Don't Belong In This Club 06. Motley Crue - Ride With The Devil 07. PnB Rock - I Like Girls (feat. Lil Skies) 08. Mike Perry - Closer 09. WurlD - Drown 10. POSA - Trap Love 11. Mosa Wild - Night 12. Brytiago - Aprendi a Amar 13. Tierra Whack - Unemployed 14. Slushii - Self Destruct 15. Reik - Duele 16. Ryan Trey - Nowhere To Run 17. Jessy Wilson - Clap Your Hands 18. Pia Mia - Bitter Love 19. NAV - Price On My Head 20. Ra Ra Riot - Bad To Worse 21. Shlohmo - The Best of Me 22. Arlo Parks - Romantic Garbage 23. Plague Vendor - New Comedown 24. soul clap - Jupiter Crush 25. Kenny Man - No Todavia 26. Dirty Honey - When I'm Gone 27. Quix - Berserk (feat. Yung Bambi) 28. Surfaces - Palm Trees 29. Gianluca Vacchi - Come On And Show 'Em 30. I Prevail - Paranoid 31. Yolanda Be Cool - Dance and Chant (Mendo's VIP Remix) 32. Dynoro - Obsessed 33. Alex Cuba - Dividido 34. Danny Ocean - Veneno 35. Mat Zo - Tracing Steps 36. Vavo - Right Now (GATTUSO Remix) 37. Raffaella - NASA's Fake 38. Amaal - Coming & Going 39. Eli Brown - Heartbeat 40. Max Styler - Gimme That Funk (feat. Moon Man) 41. Baka Not Nice - My Town (feat. Giggs) 42. Grimes - Pretty Dark (Demo) 43. Sean Paul - Contra La Pared 44. Maggie Lindemann - Friends Go 45. Rich The Kid - Fall Threw 46. Dan Talevski - If I Ain't Got You 47. Armin van Buuren - Lonely For You (Zack Martino Remix) 48. Peggy Gou - Starry Night (Edit) 49. Jason Ross - Elements (Dimibo Remix) 50. Andrew Bird - Olympians 51. Moses - I Think You Worry Too Much 52. the magician - Ready To Love 53. YOTA _ Youth of the Apocalypse - Fire in My Mind 54. Gloria Trevi - Hijoepu_# 55. Glowie - Cruel 56. Sinden & Dr. Fresch - Bomba Deng 57. Angelica Vila - More In The Morning 58. R3hab - All Into Nothing (Cuebrick Remix) 59. Caveboy - Landslide 60. Cookin' On 3 Burners - Force of Nature 61. Duskus - Tell Me Why 62. Fitz and The Tantrums - 123456 63. Dugong Jr - Holding On (Qrion Remix) 64. Ferry Corsten - Freefall 65. Cody Lovaas - Talk Slow 66. Paloma Mami - Fingias 67. Poundside Pop - 2500 68. Robin Schulz - Speechless (feat. Erika Sirola) (MOTi Remix) 69. Ruth B. - Don't Disappoint Me 70. Boosie Badazz - Bonnie and Clyde 71. Dave Winnel - Ksamil 72. Teknova - Kernkraft 400 2K19 (Radio Edit) 73. Gorgon City - Delicious 74. Mat Zo - Lust 75. Wolfpack - Unleash The Beast 76. Sublime with Rome - Blackout 77. Tujamo - WITH U (feat. Karen Harding) (David Puentez Remix) 78. JAMESDAVIS - Dodger Black 79. Borgeous - Make Me Yours (Sonny Bass Remix) 80. flora cash - I Wasted You 81. DDG - Hold Up 82. Kream - Edit You (feat. Stela Cole) 83. Little Jesus - Fuera de Lugar 84. Darkiel - Dicen 85. Bruce Hornsby - Cast-Off (feat. Justin Vernon) 86. Dave Ruthwell - Space Disco (feat. Roland Clark) 87. Destiny Rogers - North$ide 88. Catfish and the Bottlemen - 2all 89. Apparat - IN GRAVITAS 90. Black Caviar - El Camino 91. Wrabel - i want you 92. Hozier - Movement (Maya Jane Coles Remix) 93. Notaker - Each Other 94. Ej Jackson - Back Around 95. Throttle - Like This (VIP Edit) 96. Whipped Cream - Time 97. GotSome - Restless 98. Tungevaag & Raaban - Million Lights 99. Joyryde - YUCK ft. GOLD 100. Mormor - Outside 101. Manila Killa - Wake Up Call (Slow Magic Remix) 102. Chicano Batman & Caloncho - Hablame 103. Conformal - Fredag (Original Mix) 104. Pink Sweat$ - Coke & Henny Pt. 1 105. Tiesto - Can You Feel It 106. DJ Luke Nasty - Bread 107. Lizzo - Tempo (feat. Missy Elliott) 108. Nikki Vianna - When You Leave 109. Flume - High Beams 110. Axel Boy - Shook Up 111. Plastic Toy - Try me 112. Aaron Carpenter - Attitude 113. Flume - Spring 114. Paul Thomas - Allegro (Original Mix) 115. Amara - Contigo No Fluye 116. Jasmine Thompson - more 117. Jamila Woods - EARTHA 118. Bassjackers - Flip The Beat 119. Ozuna - Vacia Sin Mi 120. The Guidance - She Likes the Dance Music 121. Mat Zo - Heat Wave 122. Robinson - Karma (Alpharock & Devan Remix) 123. Third Party - Northern Lights 124. Jonas Blue - What I Like About You 125. Easy Life - Sunday 126. Andrew Rayel - Originem (FYH 150 Anthem) 127. J Alvarez - Que Fluya 128. BlasterJaxx - Super Friends (feat. Jack Wilby) 129. Prok & Fitch - The Homie 130. Wallows - Remember When 131. Foster the People - Style 132. DJ Snake - SouthSide 133. Nicky Jam - Te Robare 134. Chacal - Novela De Amor 135. Hearts & Colors - Lion 136. Sofi Tukker - Fantasy 137. Danny Ocean - Gime 138. Lostboycrow - Violet Sky 139. Taryn Manning - The Light (Ant LaRock Remix) 140. Chris Malinchak - Photograph 141. Burna Boy - 34 142. Inhaler - It Won't Always Be Like This 143. Kailee Morgue - Headcase 144. Dounia - LOWKEY GRL 145. Iron & Wine - Father Mountain 146. Matroda - Do You Remember House_ 147. BJ The Chicago Kid - Close 148. Daniel Santacruz - Casablanca 149. Sara Bareilles - Saint Honesty 150. Mau y Ricky - Perdoname 151. DENM - Life's Too Short 152. Flume - Jewel 153. Rawtek - Tell Me 154. Zookeper - Watch Me 155. MC Magic - SEARCH 156. Maite Perroni - Soltera 157. The Maine - Broken Parts 158. Block & Crown & Nick Fiorucci - Ultra High (Original Mix) 159. Marina - Orange Trees 160. Naughty Boy - Undo 161. Illenium - Pray 162. Sebastian Yatra - Cristina 163. Loote - 85% 164. Manse - Runaway 165. LANCO - Rival 166. Megan Thee Stallion - Sex Talk 167. Carnage - Letting People Go 168. Luis Coronel - ?Pa Que Nos Hacemos_ 169. Jacquees - Your Peace 170. Dean Lewis - Stay Awake 171. Tame Impala - Patience 172. Melii - Fresh Air 173. Rayana Jay - Hangover 174. Two Door Cinema Club - Talk (Single Edit) 175. Scotty Boy & Luca Debonaire - Do You Realize (Simioli Remix Edit) 176. Kolsch - The Lights 177. cleopatrick - sanjake 178. Nilufer Yanya - Baby Blu 179. Steve Aoki. - Play It Cool 180. Toby Green - Work It Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/A5CA90268B38427/hd6121cs.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/23BBA9DB58DC335/hd6121cs.part2.rar
Real McCoy - Discography (1989-2016) ARTIST: Real McCoy ALBUM / TITLE: Discography RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 1989-2016 COUNTRY: Germany STYLE: Eurodance DURATION: 26:19:11 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 3,55 gb Tracklist: Albums 1990 - On The Move! 01 - On The Move (Intro).mp3 02 - It's On You.mp3 03 - Be Yourself.mp3 04 - Serious (feat. Diamond Ross).mp3 05 - McCoy's House (feat. Jay-Rapper).mp3 06 - Don't Stop (Acappella Version).mp3 07 - Pump Up The Jam (Original Rap Version).mp3 08 - She's Gone.mp3 09 - Get On Up.mp3 10 - Que Pasa.mp3 11 - I Owe You Nothin'.mp3 12 - Cut The C..mp3 13 - Pump Up The Jam Rap (US-Remix).mp3 14 - It's On You (Allstars-Remix).mp3 15 - Undercover.mp3 16 - Don't Stop (Single Mix).mp3 1994 - Space Invaders 01 - Space Invaders (The Opening).mp3 02 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love).mp3 03 - Run Away.mp3 04 - 24 Hours.mp3 05 - Love & Devotion.mp3 06 - Another Night.mp3 07 - I Want You.mp3 08 - Operator.mp3 09 - Streetfighter.mp3 10 - Out Of Control.mp3 11 - Je Suis Amoureux ....mp3 12 - How Deep Is Your Love.mp3 13 - Another Night (U.S. House Mix).mp3 14 - Megablast.mp3 15 - Space Invaders (The Last Crusade).mp3 1995 - Another Night U.S.-Album 01 - Another Night.mp3 02 - Come And Get Your Love.mp3 03 - If You Should Ever Be Lonely (Deep In The Night).mp3 04 - Run Away.mp3 05 - Sleeping With An Angel.mp3 06 - Ooh Boy.mp3 07 - Love & Devotion.mp3 08 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love).mp3 09 - Operator.mp3 10 - I Want You.mp3 11 - Another Night (House Mix).mp3 12 - Megablast.mp3 13 - Run Away (House Mix).mp3 14 - Love & Devotion (Development Corporation Mix).mp3 1995 - Another Night 01 - Another Night.mp3 02 - Come And Get Your Love.mp3 03 - If You Should Ever Be Lonely (Deep In The Night).mp3 04 - Run Away.mp3 05 - Sleeping With An Angel.mp3 06 - Ooh Boy.mp3 07 - Love & Devotion.mp3 08 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love).mp3 09 - Operator.mp3 10 - I Want You.mp3 11 - Another Night (House Mix).mp3 1996 - The Remix Album 01 - Another Night (Ragga II House Mix).mp3 02 - Come & Get Your Love (Junior's House Mix).mp3 03 - Love & Devotion (Limited Express Club Mix).mp3 04 - Runaway (Reel House Mix).mp3 05 - Automatic Lover(Call for Love) (Lenny's House Mix).mp3 06 - Ooh Boy (The Uno Clio Remix Edit).mp3 07 - Streetfighter.mp3 08 - Operator (Slash Brother's Mix).mp3 09 - Automatic Lover (The B&B Remix).mp3 10 - Come & Get Your Love (NRG Extended Mix).mp3 11 - Je Suis Amoreux.mp3 12 - Love & Devotion (The House Mix).mp3 13 - Another Night (European Dance Mix).mp3 1997 - One More Time (European Edition) 01 - One More Time (Original Radio Mix).mp3 02 - Give A Little Love.mp3 03 - The Sky Is The Limit.mp3 04 - Tomorrow.mp3 05 - I Wanna Come (With You).mp3 06 - Love Almost Faded.mp3 07 - Party.mp3 08 - Take A Look At Your Life.mp3 09 - Love Save Me.mp3 10 - Love Is A Stranger.mp3 11 - Silly.mp3 12 - Look At Me.mp3 13 - Tonight.mp3 14 - (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here!.mp3 15 - Start Loving Me.mp3 1997 - One More Time (Japanese Edition) 01 - One More Time (UK Radio Mix).mp3 02 - One More Time (Original Radio Mix).mp3 03 - Give A Little Love.mp3 04 - The Sky Is The Limit.mp3 05 - Tomorrow.mp3 06 - I Wanna Come (With You).mp3 07 - Love Almost Faded.mp3 08 - Party.mp3 09 - Take A Look At Your Life.mp3 10 - Love Save Me.mp3 11 - Love Is A Stranger.mp3 12 - Silly.mp3 13 - Look At Me.mp3 14 - Tonight.mp3 15 - (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here!.mp3 16 - Start Loving Me.mp3 17 - One More Time (Mox Epoque's Lazy Dub).mp3 18 - One More Time (Sequencial One Remix).mp3 1997 - One More Time (US Edition) 01 - One More Time.mp3 02 - I Wanna Come (With You).mp3 03 - Give A Little Love.mp3 04 - (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here.mp3 05 - Love Almost Faded.mp3 06 - Look At Me.mp3 07 - Love Save Me.mp3 08 - Take A Look At Your Life.mp3 09 - The Sky Is The Limit.mp3 10 - Love Is A Strager.mp3 11 - Tomorrow.mp3 12 - Tonight.mp3 1997 - Singles Collection 01 - It's On You (Album Version).mp3 02 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love).mp3 03 - Pump Up The Jam (Original Rap Version).mp3 04 - Run Away (Original Rap Version).mp3 05 - Get On Up (Album Version).mp3 06 - Love & Devotion (Summer Mix).mp3 07 - One More Time (Original Radio Mix).mp3 08 - Another Night (Album Version).mp3 09 - I Owe You Nothin'.mp3 10 - Give A Little Love.mp3 11 - Come And Get Your Love (Long Version).mp3 12 - How Deep Is Your Love (Album Version).mp3 13 - Take A Look At Your Life (Album Version).mp3 14 - Don't Stop (Single Mix).mp3 15 - Ooh Boy (Extended Single Version).mp3 16 - It's On You (Allstars Remix).mp3 2003 - Platinum & Gold Collection 01 - Another Night (Radio Mix).mp3 02 - Run Away (Single Version).mp3 03 - Come And Get Your Love (Single Mix).mp3 04 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (Single Version).mp3 05 - One More Time (Single Mix).mp3 06 - I Wanna Come (With You) (Original Radio Edit).mp3 07 - (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here (Radio Mix).mp3 08 - Tonight (Album Version).mp3 09 - Love And Devotion (Airplay Mix).mp3 10 - Ooh Boy (Radio Edit).mp3 11 - Sleeping With An Angel (Single Fade).mp3 12 - Operator (Album Version).mp3 2005 - Best Of Real McCoy - Another Night 01 - Run Away.mp3 02 - Another Night.mp3 03 - Come And Get Your Love.mp3 04 - Automatic Lover.mp3 05 - Love & Devotion.mp3 06 - (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here!.mp3 07 - Love Is A Stranger.mp3 08 - One More Time.mp3 09 - The Sky Is The Limit.mp3 10 - Tonight.mp3 Singles & Remixes 1989 - Pump Up The Jam - Rap (CDM) 01 - Pump Up the Jam (Original Rap Version).mp3 02 - Pump Up the Jam (Jam-Jam Quick House Version) 03 - Pump Up the Jam (Acapella).mp3 04 - Pump Up the Jam (Freshbeats & Pieces).mp3 05 - Get Funky (B-Side Mix).mp3 1990 - Don't Stop (CDM) 01 - Don't Stop (Club Mix).mp3 02 - Que Pasa (Remix).mp3 03 - Que Pasa (Acapella).mp3 1990 - Don't Stop (Vinyl, 7'') 01 - Don't Stop (Single Mix).mp3 02 - Don't Stop (Instrumental).mp3 1990 - It's On You (Vinyl, 7'') 01 - It's On You.mp3 02 - It's On You (Quick House Mix).mp3 1990 - It's On You (CDM) 01 - It's On You (Extended Mix).mp3 02 - It's On You (Quick-House Mix).mp3 03 - It's On You (Big Fun Mix).mp3 04 - It's On You (Acapella).mp3 05 - It's On You (Guitarpella).mp3 1990 - It's On You (The Re-Remixes) (CDM) 01 - It's On You (Mix Factory Remix).mp3 02 - It's On You (Re-Remix).mp3 03 - It's On You (7'' Re-Remix).mp3 1990 - It's On You (UK Remix) (Vinyl, 12'') 01 - It's On You (UK Remix).mp3 02 - It's On You (Re-Remix).mp3 03 - It's On You (7'' Re-Remix).mp3 1991 - ...Make A Move! (CDM) 01 - ...Make A Move (Classic-Mix).mp3 02 - ...Make A Move (Acappella).mp3 03 - ...Make A Move (Sweat-Mix).mp3 04 - ...Make A Move (Guitarpella).mp3 1991 - ...Make A Move! (Gypsy Man Remix) (Vinyl, 12'') 01 - Make A Move! (Gypsy Man Remix).mp3 02 - Make A Move! (Movin' Remix).mp3 1991 - No Showbo (CDM) 01 - No Showbo (Radio Edit).mp3 02 - No Showbo (Last Minute Mix).mp3 03 - No Showbo (Video Edit).mp3 04 - No Showbo (Acappella).mp3 05 - No Showbo (Beats & Pieces).mp3 1992 - Let's Talk About Love (CDM) 01 - Let's Talk About Love (Of All The Time Mix - Radio Cut).mp3 02 - Let's Talk About Love (The Definition Mix - Extended).mp3 03 - Let's Talk About Love (Straight Kickin' Mix - Extended).mp3 04 - Let's Talk About Love (One More Time Mix - Radio Cut).mp3 05 - Let's Talk About Love (Freshline Radioactivity Beats).mp3 1993 - Another Night (CDM) (German Version) 01 - Another Night (Radio Mix).mp3 02 - Another Night (Club Mix).mp3 03 - Another Night (Dance Mix).mp3 04 - Another Night (Inferno Mix).mp3 1993 - Another Night (Remix) (CDM) 01 - Another Night (Ragga Airplay Mix).mp3 02 - Another Night (Nightmare Mix).mp3 03 - Another Night (Ragga II House Mix).mp3 04 - Another Night (Black Belt Mix).mp3 1994 - Another Night (CDM) (Japanese Version) 01 - Another Night (Radio Mix).mp3 02 - Another Night (Club Mix).mp3 03 - Another Night (House Mix).mp3 04 - Another Night (Armand's New School Mix).mp3 1994 - Another Night (CDS) (UK Version) 01 - Another Night (Radio Mix).mp3 02 - Another Night (Club Mix).mp3 03 - Another Night (Armand's Nightmare Mix).mp3 04 - Another Night (Armand's New School Mix).mp3 05 - Another Night (Black Belt Mix).mp3 06 - Another Night (Ragga II House Mix).mp3 07 - Another Night (Inferno Mix).mp3 1994 - Another Night (U.S. Mixes) (CDM) 01 - Another Night (U.S. Top 40 Airplay Mix).mp3 02 - Another Night (U.S. Airplay Hot Mix).mp3 03 - Another Night (Ragga Airplay Mix).mp3 04 - Another Night (U.S. Club Mix).mp3 05 - Another Night (U.S. House Mix).mp3 06 - Another Night (Armand's Nightmare Mix).mp3 07 - Another Night (Armand's New School Mix).mp3 08 - Another Night (Ragga Ti House Mix).mp3 1994 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (CDM) 01 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (Radio Mix).mp3 02 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (Extended 12' Mix).mp3 03 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (Trans Euro Mix).mp3 04 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (Automatic Trance Mix).mp3 1994 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (The Remixes) (CDM) 01 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (Airplay Remix).mp3 02 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (Maximum Mix).mp3 03 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (B & B Mix).mp3 04 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (Party Rave Mix).mp3 05 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (Garage Mix).mp3 06 - Automatic Lover (Call For Love) (Call For Hardcore Mix).mp3 1994 - Run Away (CDM) (UK Version) 01 - Run Away (Airplay Mix 1).mp3 02 - Run Away (Video Mix).mp3 03 - Run Away (Reel House).mp3 04 - Run Away (Hallucination Mix).mp3 05 - Run Away (Progressive House Mix).mp3 06 - Run Away (Sound Factory Mix Vox Up).mp3 07 - Run Away (Factory Dub).mp3 1994 - Run Away (CDM) 01 - Run Away (Airplay Mix I).mp3 02 - Run Away (Airplay Mix II).mp3 03 - Run Away (Club Attack).mp3 04 - Run Away (Reel House Mix).mp3 05 - Run Away (Fly n' Away Mix).mp3 06 - Run Away (Progressiv Mix).mp3 07 - Run Away (Pulsar Mix).mp3 1994 - Run Away (Remixes) (CDM) 01 - Run Away (Video Mix).mp3 02 - Run Away (Hallucination Mix).mp3 03 - Run Away (Sudden Boom Mix).mp3 04 - Run Away (Hooligan Rmx).mp3 05 - Run Away (Progressive House Mix).mp3 1995 - Come And Get Your Love (CDM) (Europe Version) 01 - Come And Get Your Love (Radio Edit).mp3 02 - Come And Get Your Love (Long Version).mp3 03 - Come And Get Your Love (NRG-Mix).mp3 04 - Megablast.mp3 1995 - Come And Get Your Love (CDM) 01 - Come And Get Your Love (Radio Edit).mp3 02 - Come And Get Your Love (Junior Vasquez Edit).mp3 03 - Come And Get Your Love (Tzant Remix).mp3 04 - Come And Get Your love (Junior Vasquez Dub).mp3 05 - Come And Get Your Love (Euro Mix).mp3 06 - Come And Get Your Love (Tzant Euromix).mp3 1995 - Come And Get Your Love (Remixes) (CDM) 01 - Come And Get Your Love (Junior's House Radio Mix).mp3 02 - Come And Get Your Love (U.K. Radio Mix).mp3 03 - Come And Get Your Love (U.S. Radio Mix).mp3 04 - Come And Get Your Love (Junior Vasquez House Mix).mp3 05 - Come And Get Your Love (Tzant Remix).mp3 06 - Come And Get Your Love (Euro Dub).mp3 07 - Come And Get Your Love (Lenny Bertoldo Mix).mp3 1995 - Love & Devotion (CDM) (UK Version) 01 - Love & Devotion (Airplay Mix).mp3 02 - Love & Devotion (Club Mix).mp3 03 - Love & Devotion (Development Corporation Extended).mp3 04 - Another Night (Radio Mix).mp3 1995 - Love & Devotion (CDM) 01 - Love & Devotion (Airplay Mix).mp3 02 - Love & Devotion (UK Airplay Mix).mp3 03 - Love & Devotion (Club Mix).mp3 04 - Love & Devotion (Extended UK Mix).mp3 05 - Love & Devotion (Summer Mix).mp3 06 - Love & Devotion (House Mix).mp3 1995 - Love & Devotion (Remix) (CDM) 01 - Love & Devotion (Bass Bumpers House Sensation Single Edit).mp3 02 - Love & Devotion (Limited Express Club Mix).mp3 03 - Love & Devotion (Bass Bumpers House Sensation).mp3 04 - Love & Devotion (Housemeister Mix).mp3 05 - Love & Devotion (Digifunk Remix).mp3 1995 - Run Away (CDM) (US Version) 01 - Run Away (Single Version).mp3 02 - Run Away (Club Attack Mix).mp3 03 - I Want You (Album Version).mp3 1995 - Sleeping With An Angel - Ooh Boy (CDS) 01 - Sleeping With An Angel (Album Version).mp3 02 - Ooh Boy (Album Version).mp3 03 - Ooh Boy (Uno Clio Remix).mp3 1996. One More Time (CD, Maxi) 01 - One More Time (Original Radio Mix).mp3 02 - One More Time (Club Attack Mix II).mp3 03 - One More Time (Bass Bumpers Mix).mp3 04 - One More Time (UK Radio Mix).mp3 1997 - (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here (CDM) 01 - (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here (Extended Radio Mix).mp3 02 - (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here (Forthright Club Mix).mp3 03 - (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here (That Kid Chris Outta Here Mix).mp3 04 - I Wanna Come (With You) (Soul Solution Dub).mp3 1997 - I Wanna Come (CDM) 01 - I Wanna Come (Original Radio Edit).mp3 02 - I Wanna Come (Bass Bumpers Radio Edit).mp3 03 - I Wanna Come (Bass Bumpers Extended Mix).mp3 04 - I Wanna Come (Bass Bumpers Club Cut).mp3 05 - I Wanna Come (Original Extended Mix).mp3 06 - I Wanna Come (Rocket to the Moon Mix).mp3 07 - I Wanna Come (Xenomania Club Mix).mp3 1997 - One More Time (CDS) 01 - One More Time (US 7'' Version).mp3 02 - Another Night (7'' Version).mp3 03 - Run Away (7'' Version).mp3 04 - Love & Devotion (7'' Version).mp3 1997 - One More Time (Remixed) (CDM) 01 - One More Time (Sequential One Remix).mp3 02 - One More Time (Johnny Vicious Dub).mp3 03 - One More Time (Mox Epoque's Mad Mix).mp3 04 - One More Time (Jay Ray Remix).mp3 05 - One More Time (Dub Mix).mp3 06 - One More Time (Mox Epoque's Lazy Dub).mp3 1997 - One More Time (The Remixes) (CDM) 01 - One More Time (US 7 Version).mp3 02 - One More Time (Tony Moran Extended Mix).mp3 03 - One More Time (Bass Bumpers Mix).mp3 04 - One More Time (Sequential One Mix).mp3 05 - One More Time (Club Attack Mix II).mp3 06 - One More Time (Jay Ray Remix 1).mp3 1999 - Hey Now (CDM) 01 - Hey Now (Original Radio Version).mp3 02 - Hey Now (Bonbonboys Radio Edit).mp3 03 - Hey Now (Basslab Radio Edit).mp3 04 - Hey Now (Original Extended Version).mp3 05 - Hey Now (Basslab Extended Version).mp3 06 - Hey Now (Brotherhood Mix).mp3 1999 - It's On You '99 (CDM) 01 - It's On You (Radio Edit).mp3 02 - It's On You (Bonbon Boys Radio Edit).mp3 03 - It's On You (Extended Mix).mp3 04 - It's On You (Blue Nature mix).mp3 05 - It's On You (Bonbon Boys Mix).mp3 06 - It's On You (David Ginero Mix).mp3 07 - It's On You (Basslab Remix).mp3 08 - It's On You (The Funk Dominator N.Y. Edit).mp3 2006 - Follow My Heart (CDS) 01 - Follow My Heart.mp3 2007 - People Are Still Having Sex (CDM) 01 - People Are Still Having Sex (Radio Cut).mp3 02 - People Are Still Having Sex (Instrumental).mp3 03 - People Are Still Having Sex (LaLa´s Sunshine Remix).mp3 2016 - One More Time (Project KF Remix) 01 - One More Time (Project KF Remix).mp3 Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/057EFF8734DA85E/fs3531sa.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/DFE05FECC5EED9F/fs3531sa.part2.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/7B9C170038064B9/fs3531sa.part3.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/C032CE633A42BB9/fs3531sa.part4.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/3E55BC8B2F53684/fs3531sa.part5.rar
VA - Heavy Suite (2018) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: Heavy Suite RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2018 COUNTRY: All World STYLE: Hard rock DURATION: 10:45:20 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 1,52 gb Tracklist: 001. Gut-Scrapers - Thankful 002. Crazy Lixx - Wild Child 003. Cherri Rokkett - Cherri Wine 004. Cain - Necronomicon 005. Fire Tiger - Faces 006. Bob Dylan - P.S. I Love You 007. Thunder - No One Gets Out Alive 008. For All We Know - Breathe: Hold 009. Les Stroud - The Legend Of Jeremiah Johnson 010. Alice Cooper - The Sound of A 011. Grave Pleasures - Deadenders 012. Don McLean - You're All I Ever Had 013. Magnolia Bayou - Fairies Wear Boots 014. Genesis - In Limbo 015. Blue Stahli - Reload 016. Jupiter Falls - Welcome To My World 017. Bad Radiator - Learn to Let It Go 018. Age of Rebellion - She Belongs 019. Electric Light Orchestra - The Lights Go Down 020. Royal Blood - How Did We Get So Dark? 021. Dream On, Dreamer - Don't Lose Your Heart 022. Blackberry Smoke - Seems So Far 023. Dizzy Reed - Understanding 024. Mammothor - Howling Baying Jackal 025. The Night Flight Orchestra - Midnight Flyer 026. Four Trips Ahead - Step into My World 027. Foreigner - Lowdown And Dirty (Remastered) 028. Days Of Jupiter - We Will Never Die 029. Aaron Keylock - Just One Question 030. Quiet Riot - Getaway 031. Tower of Babel - It's Only Rock 'n' Roll 032. Snakecharmer - That Kind of Love 033. Harem Scarem - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow 034. SpiteFuel - Purified 035. Jose Feliciano - Light My Fire 036. Black Diamonds - The Ghost and the Shadow 037. Pinnacle Point - Homeward Bound 038. Daniel Trigger - Losing My Faith 039. Purpendicular - Moving 040. Ratchet Dolls - Queen Foxxy (Sacrifice) 041. Chickenfoot - Sexy Little Thing (Live in Phoenix 2009) 042. Romero - The Dark 043. The Cranberries - The Glory 044. Hell In The Club - The Phantom Punch 045. Adrenaline Mob - We the People 046. Saturn - Wolfsson 047. Harem Scarem - Gravity 048. Black Top - She Really Got Me Going 049. Sonic eclipse - The great journey 050. Ensiferum - Way of the Warrior 051. Liv Sin - Let Me Out 052. Sideburn - Turn Away 053. Furious zoo - Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight 054. Rhino Bucket - Last Call 055. Rick Parfitt - Over and Out 056. Inglorious - Tell Me Why 057. West of October - The Other Side of Universe 058. Iconic Eye - Those Tears Won't Last 059. Gygax - The Lascivious Underdark 060. Stass - Forever Blind 061. '77 - Be Crucified 062. Freedom Hawk - Brutal Winds 063. Sideburn - Drop Zone 064. Love Stallion - Lazy Summer Dream 065. Through Fire - Where You Lie 066. Smash Hit Combo - Blackout 067. Ruxt - Everytime Everywhere 068. Lipz - Get up on the Stage 069. John Mellencamp - Indigo Sunset 070. Dyvelsten - Prince Valiant 071. The 9th Planet Out - Take Back Your Words 072. Corrugated Iron - I Gave Her Flowers 073. Tony Mills - Dream On 074. Kasai - Sunset 075. Black Country Communion - The Cove 076. Sunstorm - My Eyes on You 077. Johan Kihlberg's Impera - The End Of The Road 078. The Birthday Massacre - Counterpane 079. Motion Device - Digital Carousel 080. Riot - Loanshark 081. Pamela Moore - Slow Burn 082. Wylde Zeppelin - Stairway to heaven 083. Stormburst - Touched by Love 084. Sweet & Lynch - Tried & True 085. Liz Ivory - Your T-Shirt 086. Deep Purple - The Surprising 087. Cousins Road - The Weight 088. Hexx - Unraveled 089. Shadowman - Best Things in Life 090. UFO - Rock Candy 091. Joe Perry - Haberdasher Blues 092. Nasty High - Hot Shot 093. Whiskey River Gun Club - Midnite Riders 094. Magical Heart - See The Light 095. Snakebite - Two Desperate Hearts 096. Eskimo Callboy - VIP 097. Black Rose - Web of Lies 098. Red Sun Rising - Lonely Girl 099. Emerald - Retronaut 100. Twin - Trust 101. The Bad Flowers - Who Needs a Soul 102. Hard Action - Knocked Down, Dragged Out 103. Mass - Revenge For The Maiden 104. Perfect Plan - Can't Turn Back 105. Nova Rex - Crank It Up 106. AcrAciA - Dr. Love 107. Secret Sphere - Faith 108. Big Guns - Invincible 109. Alice Cooper - Only Women Bleed 110. Greta Van Fleet - Talk On The Street 111. Vandenberg's MoonKings - What Doesn't Kill You 112. Michael Bormann - When Push Comes to Shove 113. Michael Schenker Fest - Messin' Around 114. Nitrogods - The Price Of Liberty 115. Magnum - Ya Wanna Be Someone 116. ISSA - Bittersweet 117. The Dead Daisies - Dead And Gone 118. Belphegor - Embracing a Star 119. Ammunition - Wrecking Crew 120. Thunder - The Thing I Want (Live) 121. Radiation Romeos - Til the End of Time 122. Living Colour - Who's That 123. Uriah Heep - Come Away Melinda 124. Spite - Despise 125. Bussard - In Das Licht 126. Kublai Khan - Split 127. Sonic State Capital - Burn 128. Wraith - Hunted 129. Styx - Red Storm 130. At The Drive-In - Ghost-Tape No.9 131. Art Nation - Paralyzed 132. Nickelback - Everytime We're Together 133. Newman - Nothing Left 134. Celldweller - Own Little World (Offworld Reprise) 135. Wednesday 13 - Prey for Me 136. Vapors of Morphine - Rowdy Blues 137. Silverstein - Secret's Safe 138. Avi Rosenfeld - Tail Gunner 139. Obey the Brave - Way it Goes 140. Adrenaline Rush - Don't Wake Me Up 141. Yasi Hofer - Flying High 142. Bonfire - InstruMetal 143. Yo La Tengo - What Chance Have I Got 144. Torous - Feed The Fire 145. I'LL BE DAMNED - All Be Damned 146. The Ghost Peppers - Forbidden 147. Blood God - Blood Is My Trademark 148. Cheap Trick - Stiff Competition 149. Wig Wam - Rock My Ride 150. Rainbow - Rock Fever Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/8447168B84C6123/et7871vc.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/6FE5B1E6E83FC61/et7871vc.part2.rar
London Boys - Discography (Lossless, 1988-2009) ARTIST: London Boys ALBUM / TITLE: Discography RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 1988-2009 COUNTRY: UK / Germany STYLE: Eurodance, EuroDisco LABEL: Ultraphone, EastWest, Polydor DURATION: 16:20:14 FILE FORMAT: FLAC (image+.cue) QUALITY: Lossless Size: 7,48 gb Tracklist: Albums & Compilations: 1988.The Twelve Commandments Of Dance ]01.Requiem (4:25) 02.Kimbaley (My Ma-Mama Say) (4:19) 03.Harlem Desire (3:50) 04.Chiness Radio (3:52) 05.Wichitah Woman (4:00) 06.My Love (3:08) 07.I'm Gonna Give My Heart (4:09) 08.El Matinero (4:17) 09.Dance Dance Dance (3:57) 10.Helpless (3:57) 11.Sandra (4:54) 12.The Midi Dance (3:12) 1989.The Twelve Commandments Of Dance 01. Requiem (4:20) 02. Kimbaley (My Ma-Mama Say) (4:18) 03. Harlem Desire (3:49) 04. Chinese Radio (3:50) 05. Wichitah Woman (3:59) 06. My Love (3:08) 07. London Nights (4:03) 08. I'm Gonna Give My Heart (4:09) 09. El Matinero (4:15) 10. Dance Dance Dance (3:57) 11. Sandra (4:51) 12. The Midi Dance (3:13) 1990.12'' ERS (Japan) 01. London Nights (Maxi Version) (8:14) 02. Dance Dance Dance (Long Version) (8:02) 03. Requiem (Special UK Mix) (8:07) 04. Harlem Desire (Extended Mix) (8:23) 05. My Love (Extended Mix) (7:16) 1991.Sweet Soul Music 01. Sweet Soul Music (3:33) 02. Tonight! Tonight! (3:55) 03. Freedom (3:58) 04. Is This Love (4:30) 05. Bob Marley (4:27) 06. Was?! (Just An Illusion) (4:33) 07. Love Train (3:53) 08. High Fidelity (3:58) 09. Chapel Of Love (3:38) 10. Cherokee (3:47) 11. Reggae-Reggae, Rasta-Rasta (Reprise Bob Marley) (2:50) 1993.Love 4 Unity 01. Baby Come Back (3:43) 02. I Have A Dream (4:12) 03. Philadelphia '69 (3:56) 04. Knock, Knock, Knock (3:42) 05. Moonraker (3:53) 06. Oh, Tracy (3:57) 07. We're Calling The World (4:11) 08. Dreams Of Glory (3:44) 09. Walk On By (4:01) 10. My Prayer (4:15) 11. 2 Beautiful View Of The Earth (7:05) 1995.Hallelujah Hits 01. Gospel Train To London (3:58) 02. Kumbaya (4:25) 03. Lay Down Your Body (4:09) 04. Wade In The Water (4:22) 05. Hallelujah Hits Pt. II (3:53) 06. Go Down Moses (4:28) 07. Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho (3:46) 08. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (4:09) 09. Rock My Soul (4:28) 10. Go Tell It On The Mountain (4:12) 1995.London Nights 01. London Nights (4:02) 02. Requiem (4:19) 03. Sweet Soul Music (3:32) 04. Chapel Of Love (3:38) 05. Helpless (3:56) 06. Kimbaley (My Ma-Mama Say) (4:18) 07. Dreams Of Glory (3:44) 08. Oh Tracy (3:56) 09. Moonraker (3:52) 10. Walk On By (4:01) 11. Chinese Radio (3:49) 12. Love Train (3:52) 2006.The Maxi-Single Collection Vol. 1 01. I'm Gonna Give My Heart (Original Version) (8:14) 02. Harlem Desire (Extended Version) (8:20) 03. Put A Meaning In My Life (3:41) 04. My Love (Extended Version) (7:56) 05. Talk! Talk! Talk! (3:24) 06. London Nights (Maxi Version) (8:25) 07. Dance Dance Dance (Extended Version) (8:02) 08. I'm Gonna Give My Heart (Remix) (9:21) 09. Requiem (Continental Mix) (8:50) 10. London Days (Instrumental) (3:58) 11. London Boys Supermix (9:19) 2006.The Maxi-Single Collection Vol. 2 01. Requiem (Original Verson) (8:01) 02. Chapel Of Love (Monstery Mix) (9:27) 03. Harlem Desire (Extended Version) (8:21) 04. Love Train (3:52) 05. Hertache (Previously Unreleased) (3:44) 06. Helpless (3:52) 07. Requiem (Special U.K. Mix) (8:06) 08. I'm Gonna Give My Heart (Instrumental) (4:10) 09. The Midi Dance (3:10) 10. Is This Love (Come On Jamaica - Remix) (7:11) 11. Moonraker (Friendship 7' Mercury Mix) (7:48) 12. Baby Come Back (Affinity Tranceuro Remix) (4:42) 13. Megamix (7:31) 2007.London Nights (France) 01. Requiem (4:22) 02. Dance Dance Dance (3:59) 03. Harlem Desire (3:51) 04. Chapel Of Love (3:40) 05. I'm Gonna Give My Heart (4:11) 06. Kimbaley (4:20) 07. London Nights (4:05) 08. Love Train (3:55) 09. My Love (3:10) 10. Wichitah Woman (4:01) 11. Megamix (7:33) 12. I'm Gonna Give My Heart (Maxi Version) (8:16) 13. Harlem Desire (Maxi Version) (8:23) 14. My Love (Maxi Version) (7:58) 15. Requiem (Maxi Version) (8:01) 2008.London Nights 01.Requiem (4:22) 02.Dance Dance Dance (3:59) 03.Harlem Desire (3:51) 04.Chapel Of Love (3:40) 05.I'm Gonna Give My Heart (4:11) 06.Kimbaley (My Ma-Mama Say) (4:20) 07.London Nights (4:05) 08.Love Train (3:55) 09.My Love (3:10) 10.Wichitah Woman (4:01) Special Track 11.London Boys - Megamix (7:33) Bonus Extra Tracks 12.I'm Gonna Give My Heart (Maxi Version) (8:16) 13.Harlem Desire (Maxi Version) (8:23) 14.My Love (Maxi Version) (7:58) 15.Requiem (Maxi Version) (8:01) 2009.The Twelve Commandments Of Dance (Special Edition) (UK) 01.Requiem (4:19) 02.Kimbaley (My Ma-Mama Say) (4:17) 03.Harlem Desire (3:49) 04.Chinese Radio (3:49) 05.Wichitah Woman (3:59) 06.My Love (3:05) 07.London Nights (4:03) 08.I'm Gonna Give My Heart (4:09) 09.El Matinero (4:14) 10.Dance Dance Dance (3:57) 11.Sandra (4:52) 12.The Midi Dance (3:15) Bonus Tracks: 13.Requiem (London Remix) (8:07) 14.London Nights (London Remix) (7:37) 15.Harlem Desire (Extended Remix) (8:26) 16.My Love (Extended Remix) (7:15) Singles: 1988.Harlem Desire 01. Harlem Desire (3:47) 02. Talk! Talk! Talk! (3:25) 03. Harlem Desire (Extended Mix) (8:25) 04. Kimbaley (My Ma-Mama Say) (4:17) 1988.Requiem 01. Requiem (Special UK-Mix) (8:07) 02. My Love (3:06) 03. Dance Dance Dance (3:55) 1989.London Nights 01. London Nights (Single Version) (4:02) 02. Requiem (Continental Mix) (7:42) 03. London Nights (12'' Version) (8:12) 1989.London Nights (Japan) 01. London Nights (4:05) 02. London Days (Instrumental) (3:58) 1989.My Love 01.My Love (Remix) (3:05) 02.Heartache (Previously Unreleased) (3:45) 03.My Love (Extended Remix) (7:16) 1990.Chapel Of Love 01. Chapel Of Love (7'' Version) (3:41) 02. Chapel Of Love (Hot Mix # 1) (6:17) 03. Chapel Of Love (Hot Mix # 2) (7:49) 1990.Chapel Of Love 01. Chapel Of Love (Honeymoon Mix) (7:53) 02. Chapel Of Love (Monastery Mix) (9:29) 03. Chapel Of Love (Radio Mix) (4:01) 1990.Freedom 01. Freedom (Radio Version) (4:00) 02. Freedom (Eight-O-Eight Mix) (8:11) 03. Freedom (Instrumental) (3:54) 1991.Is This Love? 01. Is This Love? (7'' Version) (4:33) 02. Is This Love? (Come On Jamaica - Remix) (7:15) 03. Is This Love? (7'' Remix) (4:27) 1991.Sweet Soul Music (Japan) 01. Sweet Soul Music (Soul Kitchen Mix) (7:21) 02. Sweet Soul Music (Radio Mix) (3:36) 03. Sweet Soul Music (Instrumental) (3:40) 04. Freedom (Radio Version) (4:00) 05. Freedom (Eight-O-Eight Mix) (8:11) 06. Freedom (Instrumental) (3:54) 1991.Sweet Soul Music 01. Sweet Soul Music (Soul Kitchen Mix) (7:22) 02. Sweet Soul Music (Radio Mix) (3:36) 03. Sweet Soul Music (Instrumental) (3:38) 1992.Moonraker 01. Moonraker (Radio Version) (3:51) 02. Moonraker (Friendship 7 Mercury Mix) (7:47) 03. Moonraker (Deep Affinity Remix) (7:04) 1993.Baby Come Back 01. Baby Come Back (Radio Edit) (3:25) 02. Baby Come Back (Please Come Home Mix Extended Version) (5:35) 03. Baby Come Back (Cavallino 12'' Remix By Rapino Brothers) (5:09) 04. Baby Come Back (Affinity Tranceuro Remix) (4:42) 05. Bob Marley (Reggae Reggae Rasta Rasta) (2:12) 1995.Gospeltrain To London 01. Gospeltrain To London (Radio Mix) (3:56) 02. Gospeltrain To London (Extended Club Mix) (7:32) 03. Gospeltrain To London (Club Remix) (5:17) 04. Gospeltrain To London (A Capella Version) (3:13) 1995.Kumbaya 01. Kumbaya (Single Edit) (3:56) 02. Kumbaya (Extended Version) (6:19) 03. Kumbaya (Instrumental) (3:55) Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/1752BE66E3E757B/dx8090fh.part01.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/DBBF645326A5DCA/dx8090fh.part02.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/18DACD2EDE1E080/dx8090fh.part03.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/5B954959F448F77/dx8090fh.part04.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/FC8A4C13271FF67/dx8090fh.part05.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/7C7BC7FE34851F0/dx8090fh.part06.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/7ADC10147B9D012/dx8090fh.part07.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/490CB3CE7DBE1E3/dx8090fh.part08.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/4719263C9B26F1A/dx8090fh.part09.rar
VA - Ultimate Dance House (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: Ultimate Dance House RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: All World STYLE: Club, Dance, House DURATION: 11:04:52 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 1,49 gb Tracklist: 001. Altаir - Cross Thе Bridgе 002. Dа Hot Hаtсhеs - Sрасе & Timе 003. Iаnnаi - Rеmеmbеring You 004. Flаsh Fingеr And Hеуul - Lights (Extеndеd Mix) 005. Extаzmаstеr - Wе Entеr A Trаnсе 006. Lеnnу Krаvitz - Low 007. Niсk Skitz - Skitz Advеnturеs 008. Jеnnа Edwаrds - Fееling It Right 009. Dj Mаrsеllе Dominаtor - Rеloаd Frее Sрасе 010. Silvаno Dio - Violins Of Lovе (Originаl Mix) 011. Funkу Choаd - Thе Ultimаtе 012. Sрееdmаstеr - High Hoреs 013. Mаrious - Tаkе Mу Hаnd 014. Dаvid Longoriа - Plауground 015. Mr.Grеidor - Motodrivеr 016. Noуеsmаn Fеаt. Phinе - Mаgiс Momеnts 017. Dj Sаkin And Friеnds - Miаmi 018. Rуаn T. Fеаt. Dаmае - You & Mе 019. Sеrjogа And Dj Kiv - Wе Arе Bасk 020. Shеffiеld Jumреrs - Jumр With Mе 021. Lаgo - Tаkе Mе In Your Arms 022. Alсhеmist Projесt - Nothing's Gonnа Chаngе Mе 023. Squа Lее - Yin Yаng 024. Bаngbros - Bаng Mе Agаin 025. Eriс Shаns & X Miss Ellа - Hеаvеn Is A Wаvе 026. Jеns O. - Dау Aftеr Dау 027. Zа No Zа - Kаlinkа 028. Dаrius - Adаgio For Strings 029. Crеw & Tm - Mуstiсаl 030. Pаffеndorf - Lаlаlа Girl 031. Girl Iсе - Cool Hit (Originаl Mix) 032. Pimр! Codе - You Know 033. Quiсkdroр - Bumр It Uр 034. Dаvij - Swееt Lovе (Rаdio Edit) 035. Pulsеdrivеr - Wrесk Mу Hеаrt 036. Ti-Mo - Russiаn 037. Motivаtion Sрort Fitnеss - Lеvеls 038. Jumрhеаdz - Diе Wuеstеnkаrаwаnе 039. Unizon - Bеing Without You 040. Ziggу X - X-Citеd 041. Zаk Lovе - Lеft Bеhind (Notеzаrt Rеmix) 042. Djmаstеrsound - Thinking Of You 043. Dеnnis Moskvin - Thе First Lovе 044. Gеo Dа Silvа - I'll Do You Likе A Truсk 045. Alxnxs - Rаvе Nаtion 046. Ajау Fеаt. Anitа Dаvis - Finаllу 047. Sigаlа & Crаig Dаvid - Ain't Giving Uр 048. D.V.Projесt - Univеrsе Of Thе Rhуthm 049. R-Wаn Fеаt. Fаtmаn Sсooр - On Thе Ground 050. Gigа Dаnсе - Touсhеd Bу Thе Sound 051. Infеrnаl - From Pаris To Bеrlin 052. Bеnoit Dе Bonnеfаmillе - I'm In Lovе 053. Miсkеу Modеllе - Gottа Tеll You (Rаdio Edit) 054. Sсouring Agеnt - Turn It Uр 055. Hаisе - High (Rаdio Edit) 056. Nау Kid Fеаt. Alееnа - Viсious Brаin 057. Niсk Skitz - Mаkе Somе Noisе 058. Eriс Shаns & X Miss Ellа - Blасk Flowеrs (Originаl Mix) 059. Nigеl Hаrd - Hаndzuр! Will Nеvеr Diе 060. Dе Munаri - Yеаh! (Rаdio Edit) 061. Sunnу Mаrlееn - Hеаr Mе Out 062. Vаn Snуdеr - Gеt Mе A Lаwуеr 063. Kеnnуfrееstуlе - Nightmаrе 064. Krуstаl Klеаr - Nеutron Dаnсе 065. Tесау & Vаndiсе - Turn It Uр Agаin 066. Guеnа Lg Fеаt. Iсе Mс - Think About Thе Wау 067. Rаs Mаrtin Fеаt. Cарlеton - Livеlу Uр Yoursеlf 068. Mаrq Aurеl X Rауmаn Rаvе - Whаts Wrong With You 069. Cj Stonе - Brаvеhеаrt 2K18 (Sсottу Short Mix) 070. Buzzkultist - Distortеd Truth 071. Signs2K - Tonight 072. Miсhаеl Cаlfаn - On You Mrk Rеmix 073. Joу Di Mаggio - Mу Musiс 074. Mindblаst & Withаrd - Risе 075. Morе Thrill - Listеn 076. Mr.Grеidor - Ingеnuitу In Troublе 077. Sаwo & Mаrс Kiss - Gеt Down On It 078. Troрiсаl Boуs - Comе Bасk 079. Brаziliаn Girls - Sаlvе 080. Mааrtеn Vаn Lаrsеn X Hаrliе - Woodoorаvе 081. Dj Stер - Too Bаss 082. Lуrе Lе Tеmрs - Mу Enеrgу 083. Dе Munаri - Rаindroрs (Rаdio Edit) 084. Gigа Dаnсе - Touсhеd Bу Thе Sound (Rеmixеs) 085. Jаson Pаrkеr - Hеу Sound 086. Mа.Brа. - Fееl Mу Hеаrt (Mа.Brа. Extеndеd Mix) 087. Stе Inghаm - Moving On 088. Mаttеo Mаrini - Bеliеvе Mе (Rаdio Mix) 089. Jау Frog - Somеbodу's Wаtсhing Mе 090. Multiрlауеr - Mаstеrs & Dеstruсtion 091. Mr.Grеidor - Lovе Without Bаrriеrs (Lbр Pаrt.1) 092. Sсottу - Thе Blасk Pеаrl 2K17 093. Onе Eighth - Wе'rе Bасk 094. Pds - Mаsh 095. Sесtion 1 - Mаntrа (Rаdio Edit) 096. Wаnt/Ed Fеаt. Cаtrinе Christеnsеn - A World Within A World 097. Mаstеrbеаt - Forеvеr (Tbm Dj Extеndеd Mix) 098. Sаwo - Don't Go 2K18 (Piссo Rеmix Edit) 099. Mаrс Nееd - Hold On 100. Alаn Connor - Strаight Through Thе Hеаrt 101. Powеr Agе - Dаnсе With Mе 102. Rеmix Sрort Workout - No Stуlist 103. Viа Vаllеn And Dj Virаl - Pеrсumа Bilаng Sауаng 104. Pulsеlinе - Out Of Timе 105. Djmаstеrsound - Into Thе Night 106. Jаmеs Jаxon - Yеаh 3X (Hарруtесh Rеmix Edit) 107. Rеnе Dе Lа Monе - Sее You Agаin 108. Jеаn-Jасquеs Vitеl - Sесond Ordеr 109. Jordаngеogrарhiс - Strеss 110. Fi-Firе - Trаnsmutаtion 111. Girls Onlу - Look Whаt You Mаdе Mе Do 112. Mr.Grеidor - Oсеаn Of Fееlings 113. Villаnаrаnjos - Noсtаviа Eрiloguе 114. Dj Sуnсhro - Hеаl Your Pаin 115. Mr.Grеidor - Givе Wау 116. Hollуwood Hustlеrs - Onе Kiss 117. Mr.Grеidor - Wаvе Of Tеmрtаtions 118. Ivаn Cаnoniсo - I Hаvе A Drеаm (Arе You) 119. Egirls - Prеttу Girl (Hарруtесh Rеmix Edit) 120. Mr.Grеidor - Wе Entеr A Trаnсе 121. Robin Bubblе - Whitе Tissuеs 122. Mr.Grеidor - Trаnсеintoxiсаtion 123. Stiсkу Notеs - Pаssionfruit 124. Sunridеr - Missing You (Rаdio Edit) 125. Dj Combo - Dаnсing (Bаilаndo) (Rаdio Edit) 126. Bonkеrz - Thе Anthеm (Nеno Rеmix Edit) 127. Cаrlo Cаvаlli - Dеер Chikеn (Dаnу Cohibа Rеmix) 128. Pаrrаdox - Issuеs (Bonkеrz And Stауnее Rеmix Edit) 129. Stеrеo Idеntitу - Fаmous (Rаdio Edit) 130. Andrеw Sреnсеr - Elесtriс Lovе (Timstеr Rеmix Edit) 131. Dj Zulаn Fеаt. Jеlуа - Musiса (Fiеstа Rаdio Edit) 132. Mеlbournе Bounсе Projесt - Jumр Around (Rаdio Edit) 133. Sistаhood - Dаnсing (Hарруtесh Rеmix Edit) 134. Shаun Ashlеу - Contribution To Soсiеtу 135. Bаss Infеrno Inс - Nееd A Bаsslinе 2.0 136. Stе Inghаm - Wondеrwаll (Krаftminеrz Rеmix Edit) 137. Housе Sесtor Onе - Hаnds Uр (Club Edit) 138. Mаrious - Wаndеrеr 139. Slingshotz - Dеsрасito (Tесhnoрossе Rеmix Edit) 140. Mаx Zеro - I Wаnt It All (Extеndеd Vеrsion) 141. Agoriс - Moliсious (Rаdio Edit) 142. Tаkаhiro Yoshihirа - Phаntom (Rаdio Cut) 143. Dirtу Sсаndаl - Whаt About Us 144. Projеkt Blасk - Mуstеrious Timеs 145. Whуfi - First Timе 146. Dj Zulаn And Alеx Tеddу - Confusionе 147. Dj Mns Vs. E-Mаxx - Pumр Mу Bаss 148. Miаmi Ink - Nеvеr Bе Thе Sаmе 149. Cаrtеr & Funk Ft. Brаin - Sее Thе Clouds 150. Monstа Kаt - Wolvеs Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/5002C5D4121AF43/ch1219jh.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/353DB0EC1BC87BD/ch1219jh.part2.rar
The Rippingtons (feat. Russ Freeman) - Discography (Lossless, 1986-2019) ARTIST: The Rippingtons (feat. Russ Freeman) ALBUM / TITLE: Discography RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 1986-2019 COUNTRY: USA STYLE: Smooth Jazz LABEL: GRP, PEAK DURATION: 19:01:57 FILE FORMAT: FLAC (image +.cue) QUALITY: Lossless Size: 7,90 gb Tracklist: 1986 – Moonlighting (41:29) 01. Moonlighting 02. She Likes To Watch 03. Angela 04. Dreams 05. Mirage 06. Calypso Cafe 07. Open All Night 08. Intimate Strangers 1989 – Kilimanjaro (44:41) 01. Morocco 02. Northern Lights 03. Dream Of The Sirens 04. Katrina's Dance 05. Kilimanjaro 06. Backstabbers 07. Love Notes 08. Los Cabos! 09. Oceansong 1989 – Tourist In Paradise (44:30) 01. Tourist In Paradise 02. Jupiter's Child 03. Aruba! 04. One Summer Night In Brazil 05. Earthbound 06. Let's Stay Together 07. One Ocean Way 08. Destiny 09. The Princess 1990 – Welcome To The St. James’ Club (47:15) 01. Welcome To The St. James' Club 02. Wednesday's Child 03. I Watched Her Walk Away 04. Kenya 05. Affair In San Miguel 06. Tropic Of Capricorn 07. Who's Holding Her Now 08. Soul Mates 09. Passion Fruit 10. Victoria's Secret 1991 – Curves Ahead (48:10) 01. Curves Ahead 02. Aspen 03. Santa Fe Trail 04. Take Me With You 05. North Star 06. Miles Away 07. Snowbound 08. Nature of the Beast 09. Morning Song 1992 – Weekend In Monaco (49:05) 01. Weekend In Monaco 02. St. Tropez 03. Vienna 04. Indian Summer 05. A Place For Lovers 06. Carnival! 07. Moka Java 08. Highroller 09. Where The Road Will Lead Us 1993 – Live in L.A (54:48) 01. Indian Summer (5:57) 02. Aspen (5:54) 03. Curves Ahead (5:29) 04. Weekend in Monaco (6:15) 05. One Summer Night in Brazil (5:24) 06. Highroller (6:59) 07. Introduction of the Band (1:32) 08. Morocco (5:03) 09. Dream of the Sirens (5:24) 10. Tourist in Paradise (6:50) 1994 – Sahara (46:13) 01. Native Sons Of A Distant Land 02. True Companion 03. I'll Be Around 04. Principles Of Desire 05. Sahara 06. 'Til We're Together Again 07. The Best Is Yet To Come 08. Journey's End 09. Girl With The Indigo Eyes 10. Porscha 1995 – Brave New World (52:21) 01. Brave New World 02. Urban Wanderer 03. Key To The Forbidden City 04. Hideaway 05. Caravan Of Love 06. Faith 07. First Time I Saw Her 08. Cicada 09. While My Guitar Gently Weeps 10. Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now 11. Virtual Reality 1997 – Black Diamond (52:13) 01. Black Diamond 02. Deep Powder 03. Seven Nights In Rome 04. Soul Seeker 05. In Another Life 06. Big Sky 07. If I Owned The World 08. North Peak 09. Angelfire 10. Jewel Thieves 11. Black Diamond (Acoustic Version) 1997 – The Best of The Rippingtons (60:28) 01. Garden Of Babylon (5:40) 02. Tourist In Paradise (5:41) 03. Affair In San Miguel (5:08) 04. Snowbound (4:53) 05. Aruba! (4:17) 06. Sapphire Island (4:48) 07. Principles Of Desire (4:42) 08. Vienna (4:51) 09. Kenya (5:22) 10. She Likes To Watch (5:31) 11. Urban Wanderer (4:43) 12. Kilimanjaro (4:48) 1999 – Topaz (48:59) 01. Taos 02. Summer Lovers 03. Spirits in the Canyon 04. Under a Spanish Moon 05. Temple of the Sun 06. Stories of the Painted Desert 07. Snakedance 08. Led Here by an Eagle 09. Topaz: Gem of the Setting Sun 10. Rain 2000 – Life in the Tropics (50:19) 01. Club Paradiso 02. Caribbean Breeze 03. Cruisin' Down Ocean 04. Be Cool 05. Rhythm Of Your Life 06. Love Child 07. Avenida Del Mar 08. I Found Heaven 09. South Beach Mambo 10. Life In The Tropics 11. Island Aphrodisiac 2002 – Live Across America (1:05’44”) 01. Road Warriors 02. Summer Lovers 03. Welcome To The St. James Club 04. Hideaway 05. Black Diamond 06. South Beach Mambo 07. She Likes To Watch 08. Jewel Thieves 09. Rain 10. Avenida Del Mar 11. Purple Haze 12. Fire 13. Star Spangled Banner 14. Are We There Yet 2003 – Let It Ripp (50:26) 01. Let It Ripp 02. Mr. 3 03. Lucky Charm 04. A Private Getaway 05. High Life 06. Avalon 07. Bella Luna 08. Stingray 09. 17 Mile Drive 10. Cast A Spell 11. Get Over It 2005 – Wild Card (54:50) 01. Gypsy Eyes 02. Wild Card 03. El Vacilon 04. Paradise 05. Spanish Girl 06. Mulata De Mi Amor 07. Moonlight 08. Till You Come Back To Me 09. Lay It Down 10. King Of Hearts 11. Into You 12. Mulata De Mi Amor 13. In The End 2006 – 20th Anniversary (50:15) 01. City Of Angels 02. Celebrate 03. Costa Del Sol 04. Bingo Jingo 05. Eternity 06. Six Four 07. Rainbow 08. Twenty 09. Anything 10. A Kiss Under The Moonlight 11. 20th Anniversary Bonus 2009 – Modern Art (47:47) 01. Modern Art (4:16) 02. Paris Groove (3:38) 03. Black Book (3:58) 04. Pastels On Canvas (4:53) 05. One Step Closer (4:40) 06. I Still Believe (4:36) 07. Body Art (4:38) 08. Age Of Reason (4:27) 09. Sweet Lullaby (4:21) 10. Jet Set (4:13) 11. Love Story (4:03) 2011 – Cote D’Azur (40:13) 01. C?te D’Azur 02. Le Calypso 03. Bandol 04. Sainte Maxime 05. Postcard From Cannes 06. Passage To Marseilles 07. Provence 08. Riviera Jam 09. Rue Paradis 10. Mesmerized 2012 – Built to Last (62:23) 01. Built To Last (5:30) 02. American Panorama (3:20) 03. Fool's Gold (3:50) 04. Hotel Deville (4:41) 05. Cougars & Gigolos (4:14) 06. Route 66 (3:23) 07. In The Shadow of Giants (4:08) 08. Black Oak (4:29) 09. We Made A New World (3:20) 10. Monument/Monolith (5:58) 11. Firefly (4:27) 12. Built to Last (Classical Guitar Reprise) (1:50) 13. Fool's Gold (Orchestral) (2:59) 14. Black Oak (Orchestral) (3:20) 15. Hotel Deville (Orchestral) (2:55) 16. Built To Last (Orchestral) (3:33) 2014 – Fountain of Youth (45:04) 01. Spice Route (4:06) 02. Rivers Of Gold (4:15) 03. North Shore (5:24) 04. We Will Live Forever (4:43) 05. The Sun King (4:14) 06. Fountain Of Youth (4:05) 07. Emerald City (5:17) 08. Soul Riders (4:54) 09. Waterfalls Of Bequia (2:58) 10. Garden Of The Gods (5:04) 2016 – True Stories – (42:22) 01. Wild Tales (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:30) 02. Sundance (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:18) 03. Flamenco Beach (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:19) 04. My Promise To You (feat. Russ Freeman, Jeffrey Osborne) (4:06) 05. Reach Higher (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:20) 06. Dreamcatcher (feat. Russ Freeman) (3:32) 07. Wonderland (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:34) 08. Kings Road (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:02) 09. Golden Child (feat. Russ Freeman) (3:49) 10. True Stories (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:30) 2019 – Open Road (42:12) 01. Silver Arrows (3:02) 02. Lost Highway (4:01) 03. Follow The Stars (3:17) 04. Before Sunrise (3:32) 05. Travels Among The Ruins (4:44) 06. Open Road (4:41) 07. She's Got The Magic (3:48) 08. Midnight Ride (4:06) 09. Luca (2:59) 10. Gran Via (5:21) 11. Tangerine Skyline (2:35) Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/96A1AFA0FE7C709/bx1515pn.part01.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/ACB253321FAEE8D/bx1515pn.part02.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/855D2FD393AB5DB/bx1515pn.part03.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/C1350CA90B36BA5/bx1515pn.part04.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/22EC21361B3954A/bx1515pn.part05.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/3B9005CA72C55DD/bx1515pn.part06.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/711EB6D6E12C39A/bx1515pn.part07.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/E3345571F471D24/bx1515pn.part08.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/FF82EA506A02742/bx1515pn.part09.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/1A2F88EED4759C0/bx1515pn.part10.rar
The Rippingtons (feat. Russ Freeman) - Discography (Lossless, 1986-2019) ARTIST: The Rippingtons (feat. Russ Freeman) ALBUM / TITLE: Discography RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 1986-2019 COUNTRY: USA STYLE: Smooth Jazz LABEL: GRP, PEAK DURATION: 19:01:57 FILE FORMAT: FLAC (image +.cue) QUALITY: Lossless Size: 7,90 gb Tracklist: 1986 – Moonlighting (41:29) 01. Moonlighting 02. She Likes To Watch 03. Angela 04. Dreams 05. Mirage 06. Calypso Cafe 07. Open All Night 08. Intimate Strangers 1989 – Kilimanjaro (44:41) 01. Morocco 02. Northern Lights 03. Dream Of The Sirens 04. Katrina's Dance 05. Kilimanjaro 06. Backstabbers 07. Love Notes 08. Los Cabos! 09. Oceansong 1989 – Tourist In Paradise (44:30) 01. Tourist In Paradise 02. Jupiter's Child 03. Aruba! 04. One Summer Night In Brazil 05. Earthbound 06. Let's Stay Together 07. One Ocean Way 08. Destiny 09. The Princess 1990 – Welcome To The St. James’ Club (47:15) 01. Welcome To The St. James' Club 02. Wednesday's Child 03. I Watched Her Walk Away 04. Kenya 05. Affair In San Miguel 06. Tropic Of Capricorn 07. Who's Holding Her Now 08. Soul Mates 09. Passion Fruit 10. Victoria's Secret 1991 – Curves Ahead (48:10) 01. Curves Ahead 02. Aspen 03. Santa Fe Trail 04. Take Me With You 05. North Star 06. Miles Away 07. Snowbound 08. Nature of the Beast 09. Morning Song 1992 – Weekend In Monaco (49:05) 01. Weekend In Monaco 02. St. Tropez 03. Vienna 04. Indian Summer 05. A Place For Lovers 06. Carnival! 07. Moka Java 08. Highroller 09. Where The Road Will Lead Us 1993 – Live in L.A (54:48) 01. Indian Summer (5:57) 02. Aspen (5:54) 03. Curves Ahead (5:29) 04. Weekend in Monaco (6:15) 05. One Summer Night in Brazil (5:24) 06. Highroller (6:59) 07. Introduction of the Band (1:32) 08. Morocco (5:03) 09. Dream of the Sirens (5:24) 10. Tourist in Paradise (6:50) 1994 – Sahara (46:13) 01. Native Sons Of A Distant Land 02. True Companion 03. I'll Be Around 04. Principles Of Desire 05. Sahara 06. 'Til We're Together Again 07. The Best Is Yet To Come 08. Journey's End 09. Girl With The Indigo Eyes 10. Porscha 1995 – Brave New World (52:21) 01. Brave New World 02. Urban Wanderer 03. Key To The Forbidden City 04. Hideaway 05. Caravan Of Love 06. Faith 07. First Time I Saw Her 08. Cicada 09. While My Guitar Gently Weeps 10. Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now 11. Virtual Reality 1997 – Black Diamond (52:13) 01. Black Diamond 02. Deep Powder 03. Seven Nights In Rome 04. Soul Seeker 05. In Another Life 06. Big Sky 07. If I Owned The World 08. North Peak 09. Angelfire 10. Jewel Thieves 11. Black Diamond (Acoustic Version) 1997 – The Best of The Rippingtons (60:28) 01. Garden Of Babylon (5:40) 02. Tourist In Paradise (5:41) 03. Affair In San Miguel (5:08) 04. Snowbound (4:53) 05. Aruba! (4:17) 06. Sapphire Island (4:48) 07. Principles Of Desire (4:42) 08. Vienna (4:51) 09. Kenya (5:22) 10. She Likes To Watch (5:31) 11. Urban Wanderer (4:43) 12. Kilimanjaro (4:48) 1999 – Topaz (48:59) 01. Taos 02. Summer Lovers 03. Spirits in the Canyon 04. Under a Spanish Moon 05. Temple of the Sun 06. Stories of the Painted Desert 07. Snakedance 08. Led Here by an Eagle 09. Topaz: Gem of the Setting Sun 10. Rain 2000 – Life in the Tropics (50:19) 01. Club Paradiso 02. Caribbean Breeze 03. Cruisin' Down Ocean 04. Be Cool 05. Rhythm Of Your Life 06. Love Child 07. Avenida Del Mar 08. I Found Heaven 09. South Beach Mambo 10. Life In The Tropics 11. Island Aphrodisiac 2002 – Live Across America (1:05’44”) 01. Road Warriors 02. Summer Lovers 03. Welcome To The St. James Club 04. Hideaway 05. Black Diamond 06. South Beach Mambo 07. She Likes To Watch 08. Jewel Thieves 09. Rain 10. Avenida Del Mar 11. Purple Haze 12. Fire 13. Star Spangled Banner 14. Are We There Yet 2003 – Let It Ripp (50:26) 01. Let It Ripp 02. Mr. 3 03. Lucky Charm 04. A Private Getaway 05. High Life 06. Avalon 07. Bella Luna 08. Stingray 09. 17 Mile Drive 10. Cast A Spell 11. Get Over It 2005 – Wild Card (54:50) 01. Gypsy Eyes 02. Wild Card 03. El Vacilon 04. Paradise 05. Spanish Girl 06. Mulata De Mi Amor 07. Moonlight 08. Till You Come Back To Me 09. Lay It Down 10. King Of Hearts 11. Into You 12. Mulata De Mi Amor 13. In The End 2006 – 20th Anniversary (50:15) 01. City Of Angels 02. Celebrate 03. Costa Del Sol 04. Bingo Jingo 05. Eternity 06. Six Four 07. Rainbow 08. Twenty 09. Anything 10. A Kiss Under The Moonlight 11. 20th Anniversary Bonus 2009 – Modern Art (47:47) 01. Modern Art (4:16) 02. Paris Groove (3:38) 03. Black Book (3:58) 04. Pastels On Canvas (4:53) 05. One Step Closer (4:40) 06. I Still Believe (4:36) 07. Body Art (4:38) 08. Age Of Reason (4:27) 09. Sweet Lullaby (4:21) 10. Jet Set (4:13) 11. Love Story (4:03) 2011 – Cote D’Azur (40:13) 01. C?te D’Azur 02. Le Calypso 03. Bandol 04. Sainte Maxime 05. Postcard From Cannes 06. Passage To Marseilles 07. Provence 08. Riviera Jam 09. Rue Paradis 10. Mesmerized 2012 – Built to Last (62:23) 01. Built To Last (5:30) 02. American Panorama (3:20) 03. Fool's Gold (3:50) 04. Hotel Deville (4:41) 05. Cougars & Gigolos (4:14) 06. Route 66 (3:23) 07. In The Shadow of Giants (4:08) 08. Black Oak (4:29) 09. We Made A New World (3:20) 10. Monument/Monolith (5:58) 11. Firefly (4:27) 12. Built to Last (Classical Guitar Reprise) (1:50) 13. Fool's Gold (Orchestral) (2:59) 14. Black Oak (Orchestral) (3:20) 15. Hotel Deville (Orchestral) (2:55) 16. Built To Last (Orchestral) (3:33) 2014 – Fountain of Youth (45:04) 01. Spice Route (4:06) 02. Rivers Of Gold (4:15) 03. North Shore (5:24) 04. We Will Live Forever (4:43) 05. The Sun King (4:14) 06. Fountain Of Youth (4:05) 07. Emerald City (5:17) 08. Soul Riders (4:54) 09. Waterfalls Of Bequia (2:58) 10. Garden Of The Gods (5:04) 2016 – True Stories – (42:22) 01. Wild Tales (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:30) 02. Sundance (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:18) 03. Flamenco Beach (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:19) 04. My Promise To You (feat. Russ Freeman, Jeffrey Osborne) (4:06) 05. Reach Higher (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:20) 06. Dreamcatcher (feat. Russ Freeman) (3:32) 07. Wonderland (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:34) 08. Kings Road (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:02) 09. Golden Child (feat. Russ Freeman) (3:49) 10. True Stories (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:30) 2019 – Open Road (42:12) 01. Silver Arrows (3:02) 02. Lost Highway (4:01) 03. Follow The Stars (3:17) 04. Before Sunrise (3:32) 05. Travels Among The Ruins (4:44) 06. Open Road (4:41) 07. She's Got The Magic (3:48) 08. Midnight Ride (4:06) 09. Luca (2:59) 10. Gran Via (5:21) 11. Tangerine Skyline (2:35) Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/96A1AFA0FE7C709/bx1515pn.part01.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/ACB253321FAEE8D/bx1515pn.part02.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/855D2FD393AB5DB/bx1515pn.part03.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/C1350CA90B36BA5/bx1515pn.part04.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/22EC21361B3954A/bx1515pn.part05.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/3B9005CA72C55DD/bx1515pn.part06.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/711EB6D6E12C39A/bx1515pn.part07.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/E3345571F471D24/bx1515pn.part08.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/FF82EA506A02742/bx1515pn.part09.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/1A2F88EED4759C0/bx1515pn.part10.rar
The Rippingtons (feat. Russ Freeman) - Discography (Lossless, 1986-2019) ARTIST: The Rippingtons (feat. Russ Freeman) ALBUM / TITLE: Discography RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 1986-2019 COUNTRY: USA STYLE: Smooth Jazz LABEL: GRP, PEAK DURATION: 19:01:57 FILE FORMAT: FLAC (image +.cue) QUALITY: Lossless Size: 7,90 gb Tracklist: 1986 – Moonlighting (41:29) 01. Moonlighting 02. She Likes To Watch 03. Angela 04. Dreams 05. Mirage 06. Calypso Cafe 07. Open All Night 08. Intimate Strangers 1989 – Kilimanjaro (44:41) 01. Morocco 02. Northern Lights 03. Dream Of The Sirens 04. Katrina's Dance 05. Kilimanjaro 06. Backstabbers 07. Love Notes 08. Los Cabos! 09. Oceansong 1989 – Tourist In Paradise (44:30) 01. Tourist In Paradise 02. Jupiter's Child 03. Aruba! 04. One Summer Night In Brazil 05. Earthbound 06. Let's Stay Together 07. One Ocean Way 08. Destiny 09. The Princess 1990 – Welcome To The St. James’ Club (47:15) 01. Welcome To The St. James' Club 02. Wednesday's Child 03. I Watched Her Walk Away 04. Kenya 05. Affair In San Miguel 06. Tropic Of Capricorn 07. Who's Holding Her Now 08. Soul Mates 09. Passion Fruit 10. Victoria's Secret 1991 – Curves Ahead (48:10) 01. Curves Ahead 02. Aspen 03. Santa Fe Trail 04. Take Me With You 05. North Star 06. Miles Away 07. Snowbound 08. Nature of the Beast 09. Morning Song 1992 – Weekend In Monaco (49:05) 01. Weekend In Monaco 02. St. Tropez 03. Vienna 04. Indian Summer 05. A Place For Lovers 06. Carnival! 07. Moka Java 08. Highroller 09. Where The Road Will Lead Us 1993 – Live in L.A (54:48) 01. Indian Summer (5:57) 02. Aspen (5:54) 03. Curves Ahead (5:29) 04. Weekend in Monaco (6:15) 05. One Summer Night in Brazil (5:24) 06. Highroller (6:59) 07. Introduction of the Band (1:32) 08. Morocco (5:03) 09. Dream of the Sirens (5:24) 10. Tourist in Paradise (6:50) 1994 – Sahara (46:13) 01. Native Sons Of A Distant Land 02. True Companion 03. I'll Be Around 04. Principles Of Desire 05. Sahara 06. 'Til We're Together Again 07. The Best Is Yet To Come 08. Journey's End 09. Girl With The Indigo Eyes 10. Porscha 1995 – Brave New World (52:21) 01. Brave New World 02. Urban Wanderer 03. Key To The Forbidden City 04. Hideaway 05. Caravan Of Love 06. Faith 07. First Time I Saw Her 08. Cicada 09. While My Guitar Gently Weeps 10. Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now 11. Virtual Reality 1997 – Black Diamond (52:13) 01. Black Diamond 02. Deep Powder 03. Seven Nights In Rome 04. Soul Seeker 05. In Another Life 06. Big Sky 07. If I Owned The World 08. North Peak 09. Angelfire 10. Jewel Thieves 11. Black Diamond (Acoustic Version) 1997 – The Best of The Rippingtons (60:28) 01. Garden Of Babylon (5:40) 02. Tourist In Paradise (5:41) 03. Affair In San Miguel (5:08) 04. Snowbound (4:53) 05. Aruba! (4:17) 06. Sapphire Island (4:48) 07. Principles Of Desire (4:42) 08. Vienna (4:51) 09. Kenya (5:22) 10. She Likes To Watch (5:31) 11. Urban Wanderer (4:43) 12. Kilimanjaro (4:48) 1999 – Topaz (48:59) 01. Taos 02. Summer Lovers 03. Spirits in the Canyon 04. Under a Spanish Moon 05. Temple of the Sun 06. Stories of the Painted Desert 07. Snakedance 08. Led Here by an Eagle 09. Topaz: Gem of the Setting Sun 10. Rain 2000 – Life in the Tropics (50:19) 01. Club Paradiso 02. Caribbean Breeze 03. Cruisin' Down Ocean 04. Be Cool 05. Rhythm Of Your Life 06. Love Child 07. Avenida Del Mar 08. I Found Heaven 09. South Beach Mambo 10. Life In The Tropics 11. Island Aphrodisiac 2002 – Live Across America (1:05’44”) 01. Road Warriors 02. Summer Lovers 03. Welcome To The St. James Club 04. Hideaway 05. Black Diamond 06. South Beach Mambo 07. She Likes To Watch 08. Jewel Thieves 09. Rain 10. Avenida Del Mar 11. Purple Haze 12. Fire 13. Star Spangled Banner 14. Are We There Yet 2003 – Let It Ripp (50:26) 01. Let It Ripp 02. Mr. 3 03. Lucky Charm 04. A Private Getaway 05. High Life 06. Avalon 07. Bella Luna 08. Stingray 09. 17 Mile Drive 10. Cast A Spell 11. Get Over It 2005 – Wild Card (54:50) 01. Gypsy Eyes 02. Wild Card 03. El Vacilon 04. Paradise 05. Spanish Girl 06. Mulata De Mi Amor 07. Moonlight 08. Till You Come Back To Me 09. Lay It Down 10. King Of Hearts 11. Into You 12. Mulata De Mi Amor 13. In The End 2006 – 20th Anniversary (50:15) 01. City Of Angels 02. Celebrate 03. Costa Del Sol 04. Bingo Jingo 05. Eternity 06. Six Four 07. Rainbow 08. Twenty 09. Anything 10. A Kiss Under The Moonlight 11. 20th Anniversary Bonus 2009 – Modern Art (47:47) 01. Modern Art (4:16) 02. Paris Groove (3:38) 03. Black Book (3:58) 04. Pastels On Canvas (4:53) 05. One Step Closer (4:40) 06. I Still Believe (4:36) 07. Body Art (4:38) 08. Age Of Reason (4:27) 09. Sweet Lullaby (4:21) 10. Jet Set (4:13) 11. Love Story (4:03) 2011 – Cote D’Azur (40:13) 01. C?te D’Azur 02. Le Calypso 03. Bandol 04. Sainte Maxime 05. Postcard From Cannes 06. Passage To Marseilles 07. Provence 08. Riviera Jam 09. Rue Paradis 10. Mesmerized 2012 – Built to Last (62:23) 01. Built To Last (5:30) 02. American Panorama (3:20) 03. Fool's Gold (3:50) 04. Hotel Deville (4:41) 05. Cougars & Gigolos (4:14) 06. Route 66 (3:23) 07. In The Shadow of Giants (4:08) 08. Black Oak (4:29) 09. We Made A New World (3:20) 10. Monument/Monolith (5:58) 11. Firefly (4:27) 12. Built to Last (Classical Guitar Reprise) (1:50) 13. Fool's Gold (Orchestral) (2:59) 14. Black Oak (Orchestral) (3:20) 15. Hotel Deville (Orchestral) (2:55) 16. Built To Last (Orchestral) (3:33) 2014 – Fountain of Youth (45:04) 01. Spice Route (4:06) 02. Rivers Of Gold (4:15) 03. North Shore (5:24) 04. We Will Live Forever (4:43) 05. The Sun King (4:14) 06. Fountain Of Youth (4:05) 07. Emerald City (5:17) 08. Soul Riders (4:54) 09. Waterfalls Of Bequia (2:58) 10. Garden Of The Gods (5:04) 2016 – True Stories – (42:22) 01. Wild Tales (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:30) 02. Sundance (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:18) 03. Flamenco Beach (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:19) 04. My Promise To You (feat. Russ Freeman, Jeffrey Osborne) (4:06) 05. Reach Higher (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:20) 06. Dreamcatcher (feat. Russ Freeman) (3:32) 07. Wonderland (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:34) 08. Kings Road (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:02) 09. Golden Child (feat. Russ Freeman) (3:49) 10. True Stories (feat. Russ Freeman) (4:30) 2019 – Open Road (42:12) 01. Silver Arrows (3:02) 02. Lost Highway (4:01) 03. Follow The Stars (3:17) 04. Before Sunrise (3:32) 05. Travels Among The Ruins (4:44) 06. Open Road (4:41) 07. She's Got The Magic (3:48) 08. Midnight Ride (4:06) 09. Luca (2:59) 10. Gran Via (5:21) 11. Tangerine Skyline (2:35) Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/96A1AFA0FE7C709/bx1515pn.part01.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/ACB253321FAEE8D/bx1515pn.part02.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/855D2FD393AB5DB/bx1515pn.part03.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/C1350CA90B36BA5/bx1515pn.part04.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/22EC21361B3954A/bx1515pn.part05.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/3B9005CA72C55DD/bx1515pn.part06.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/711EB6D6E12C39A/bx1515pn.part07.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/E3345571F471D24/bx1515pn.part08.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/FF82EA506A02742/bx1515pn.part09.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/1A2F88EED4759C0/bx1515pn.part10.rar
The Unthanks (Rachel Unthank & The Winterset) - Discography (2005-2018) ARTIST: The Unthanks (Rachel Unthank & The Winterset) ALBUM / TITLE: Discography RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2005-2018 COUNTRY: United Kingdom STYLE: British Folk, Contemporary Folk, Chamber Folk, World DURATION: 12:21:37 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 209-320 kbps Size: 1,68 mb Tracklist: 2005 Cruel Sister (Rachel Unthank & The Winterset) 01. On A Monday Morning (03:14) 02. January Man (03:32) 03. Fair Rosamund (02:57) 04. Cruel Sister (08:42) 05. Rap Her To Bank (01:34) 06. Raven Girl (02:09) 07. Twenty Long Weeks (03:24) 08. The Fair Flower Of Northumberland (04:52) 09. The Greatham Calling On Song (05:58) 10. River Man (05:01) 11. Bonny At Morn (04:15) 12. John Dead (03:50) 13. Troubled Waters (05:07) 2007 The Bairns (Rachel Unthank & The Winterset) 01. Felton Lonnin (07:24) 02. Lull I (01:23) 03. Blue Bleezing Blind Drunk (05:14) 04. I Wish (06:25) 05. Blue's Gaen Oot O'The Fashion (04:31) 06. Lull II- My Lad's A Canny Lad (00:23) 07. Blackbird (02:54) 08. Lull III- A Minor Place (00:23) 09. Sea Song (06:20) 10. Whitethorn (06:05) 11. Lull IV- Can't Stop It Raining (01:46) 12. My Donald (08:07) 13. Ma Bonny Lad (01:58) 14. Fareweel Regality (06:21) 15. Newcastle Lullaby (06:24) 2009 Here's The Tender Coming 01. Because He Was A Bonny Lad (02:37) 02. Sad February (04:36) 03. Annachie Gordon (08:16) 04. Lucky Gilchrist (04:52) 05. The Testimony Of Patience Kershaw (04:05) 06. Living By The Water (06:08) 07. Where've Yer Bin Dick? (00:47) 08. Nobody Knew She Was There (05:54) 09. Flowers Of The Town (03:06) 10. Not Much Luck In Our House (00:48) 11. At First She Starts (03:39) 12. Here's The Tender Coming (05:29) 13. Betsy Bell (04:15) 2011 A Retrospective 01. Because He Was A Bonnie Lad (02:37) 02. Felton Lonnin (07:20) 03. The Testimony of Patience Kershaw (04:05) 04. Blue Bleezing Blind Drunk (05:14) 05. Blue's Gaen Oot O'the Fashion (04:30) 06. Fair Rosamund (02:57) 07. Annachie Gordon (08:16) 08. Lucky Gilchrist (04:50) 09. Here's The Tender Coming (05:23) 10. Bonny At Morn (04:15) 11. Fareweel Regality (06:21) 2011 Diversions Vol 1. The Songs of Robert Wyatt and Anthony & The Johnsons 01. Bird Gerhl (03:57) 02. Man is the Baby (05:44) 03. You Are My Sister (05:56) 04. For Today I Am a Boy (04:06) 05. Paddy's Gone (04:14) 06. Spiralling (04:41) 07. Stay Tuned (04:44) 08. Dondestan (03:18) 09. Lullaby Fro Hamza (03:44) 10. Lisp Service (03:11) 11. Free Will and Testament (05:03) 12. Out of the Blue (04:11) 13. Cuckoo Madame (05:15) 14. Sea Song (07:00) 15. Forest (02:51) 2011 Last 01. Gan to the Kye (05:40) 02. The Gallowgate Lad (06:07) 03. Queen of Hearts (04:33) 04. Last (07:10) 05. Give Away Your Heart (03:50) 06. No One Knows I'm Gone (02:12) 07. My Laddie Sits Ower Late Up (02:46) 08. Canny Hobbie Elliot (03:28) 09. Starless (06:00) 10. Close the Coalhouse Door (07:03) 11. Last (Reprise) (00:57) 2012 Diversions Vol. 2 01. The King Of Rome (07:39) 02. Trimdon Grange Explosion (06:29) 03. The Father's Suite I) George (03:26) 04. The Father's Suite II) The Happiness Or Otherwise Of Society (Jack Elliott) (01:27) 05. The Father's Suite III) The Father's Song (05:58) 06. The Father's Suite IV) George II (04:08) 07. My Lagan Love (04:25) 08. Queen Of Hearts (03:56) 09. Gan To The Kye (05:50) 10. Felton Lonnin (07:27) 11. Blue Bleezing Blind Drunk (05:42) 12. Newcastle Lullaby (06:12) 13. Gresford (The Miner's Hymn) (04:30) 14. Farewell Regality (06:19) 2012 Diversions Vol. 3. Songs From the Shipyards 01. The Romantic Tees (Prelude) (01:34) 02. A Great Northern River (03:41) 03. Black Trade (04:36) 04. Fairfield Crane (01:53) 05. Big Steamers (05:20) 06. All In A Day (03:25) 07. The Romantic Tees: I - The Romantic Tees Ii - The Tyne Slides By Iii - The Looking Back Song (09:44) 08. Shipbuilding (03:47) 09. Monkey Dung Man (02:07) 10. Taking On Men (01:27) 11. Only Remembered (03:56) 2015 Mount The Air 01. Mount The Air (10:35) 02. Madam (04:56) 03. Died for Love (03:50) 04. Flutter (03:38) 05. Magpie (05:08) 06. Foundling (10:53) 07. Last Lullaby (05:58) 08. Hawthorn (04:24) 09. For Dad (04:42) 10. The Poor Stranger (04:05) 11. Waiting (03:00) 2015 Archive Treasures (2005-2015) 01. 2000 Miles (Christmas Single 2015) (02:04) 02. On A Monday Morning (Live From TFF Rudolstadt, Germany 2009) (04:49) 03. I Wish, I Wish (Live From Melbourne, Australia 2008) (06:55) 04. Blue Bleezin Blind Drunk (Live From Holywell Music Room 2008) (05:26) 05. Close The Coalhouse Door (Live From The Tyne Theatre, Newcastle 2011) (07:56) 06. Alifib -Alifie (Live From Brighton Dome 2012) (09:28) 07. The Gallowgate Lad (Live From The Tyne Theatre, Newcastle 2011) (05:54) 08. Felton Lonnin (BBC Radio 1 Rob Da Bank Session) (05:09) 09. Tar Barrel In Dale (BBC Radio 2 Radcliffe And Maconie Session) (03:54) 10. Queen Of Hearts (Alt Demo 2009) (05:28) 11. Sexy Sadie (Recording For Mojo Magazine's White Album) (06:28) 12. A Dream Of A Tree In A Spanish Graveyard (Feat. Ian McMillan From Harbour Of Songs 2012) (03:03) 13. Oak, Ash And Thorn (Recorded For The Peter Bellamy Oak, Ash Thorn Project) (06:19) 14. The Unthank Family Band (Recorded At Hartlepool Folk Club 2000) (04:00) 2017 Diversions, Vol. 4: The Songs and Poems of Molly Drake 01. What Can a Song Do to You? (04:52) 02. Dream Your Dreams (02:07) 03. Martha (01:00) 04. How Wild the Wind Blows (02:50) 05. Little Weaver Bird (04:17) 06. Bird In the Blue (03:26) 07. The Road to the Stars (03:23) 08. Set Me Free (04:10) 09. Woods in May (02:00) 10. I Remember (04:04) 11. Never Pine for an Old Love (04:32) 12. The Shell (00:59) 13. Soft Shelled Crabs (02:45) 14. Do You Ever Remember? (03:10) 15. The First Day (07:11) 2017 Diversions Vol. 4. The Songs And Poems Of Molly Drake. Extras (EP) VBR 209-231 kbps 01. Dog On The Wheel (00:23) 02. Happiness (02:31) 03. Two Worlds (01:51) 04. Night Is My Friend (02:30) 05. Primary Colour (00:19) 06. Poor Mum (01:56) 07. Well It Is Finished (01:56) 08. Love Isn't A Right (02:26) 2018 Lines, Pt. 1. Lillian Bilocca 01. Lillian (Prelude) (00:49) 02. A Whistling Woman (05:59) 03. The Sea Is a Woman (05:54) 04. Lonesome Cowboy (04:48) 05. Lillian II (The Banqueting Hall Scene) (04:40) 2018 Lines, Pt. 2. World War One 01. Roland and Vera (07:07) 02. Everyone Sang (03:05) 03. War Film (02:33) 04. Breakfast (02:06) 05. Suicide in the Trenches (02:33) 06. Socks (03:39) 2018 Lines, Pt. 3. Emily Bronte 01. The Parsonage (00:43) 02. Shall Earth No More Inspire Thee (03:38) 03. High Waving Heather (02:07) 04. She Dried Her Tears and They Did Smile (01:48) 05. The Night Is Darkening Round Me (05:39) 06. Deep Deep Down in the Silent Grave (02:43) 07. Lines (07:01) 08. Remembrance (04:34) 09. O Evening Why (03:41) 10. I'm Happiest When Most Away (01:21) Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/C9D128DB8E42AFF/ap5020jx.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/FB5D439D4595FAF/ap5020jx.part2.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/F74ADAF09E3BC0C/ap5020jx.part3.rar
VA - 100 Greatest Love Songs (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: 100 Greatest Love Songs RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: International STYLE: Pop, Pop Rock LABEL: Rhino Records DURATION: 06:21:30 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 911 mb Tracklist: 001. Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is 4:58 002. Birdy - Skinny Love 3:21 003. Dua Lipa - Be The One 3:23 004. Clean Bandit feat. Jess Glynne - Real Love 3:40 005. Spandau Ballet - TRUE (Single Edit) 5:28 006. James Blunt - You're Beautiful 3:33 007. Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It 3:47 008. Roxette - It Must Have Been Love (Edit) 4:19 009. The Cars - Drive 3:54 010. Paolo Nutini - Last Request 3:40 011. Gabrielle Aplin - The Power Of Love 4:05 012. Ben E. King - Stand By Me 2:55 013. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet 4:33 014. Pretenders - I'll Stand By You 4:01 015. Van Morrison - Crazy Love (45 Version) 2:37 016. Simply Red - Holding Back The Years (Single Version) 4:31 017. Duran Duran - Come Undone 4:16 018. Bread - Make It With You 3:13 019. Percy Sledge - When a Man Loves A Woman 2:52 020. Frankie Valli - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (2007 Remaster) 3:23 021. Otis Redding - My Girl 2:55 022. Bette Midler - The Rose 3:34 023. Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights 4:27 024. Bat For Lashes - Laura 4:26 025. Marillion - Kayleigh (2017 Remaster) 4:04 026. A-Ha - Crying In The Rain 4:20 027. Hot Chocolate - It Started With A Kiss 4:02 028. Charli XCX - SuperLove 3:13 029. The Overtones - How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You 3:16 030. Rumer - Slow 3:34 031. Rose Royce - Wishing On A Star 4:52 032. The Everly Brothers - All I Have To Do Is Dream 2:23 033. Aretha Franklin - (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman 2:43 034. George Benson - Unchained Melody 6:27 035. Sonny & Cher - I Got You Babe 3:12 036. The Monkees - I'm A Believer 2:46 037. The Drifters - This Magic Moment 2:26 038. Solomon Burke - Can't Nobody Love You 2:34 039. Wilson Pickett - I'm In Love 2:29 040. Cilla Black - It's For You 2:23 041. The Sweet Inspirations - What The World Needs Now Is Love 2:55 042. Brook Benton - Rainy Night In Georgia 3:49 043. Judy Collins - Suzanne 4:27 044. All Saints - Never Ever 6:28 045. Marc Cohn - Perfect Love 4:23 046. En Vogue - Don't Let Go (Love) 4:03 047. The Corrs - What Can I Do 4:15 048. Linda Ronstadt - Love Me Tender 2:37 049. Randy Crawford - You Might Need Somebody 4:17 050. Narada Michael Walden - I Shoulda Loved You 3:55 051. Eternal - Oh Baby I 5:30 052. Brandy - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You 4:10 053. Atlantic Starr - Always 3:52 054. Eternal feat. BeBe Winans - I Wanna Be The Only One 3:37 055. Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing 4:05 056. George Benson - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You 4:01 057. Shirley Bassey - (Where Do I Begin) Love Story (1994 Remaster) 3:17 058. Kathie Lee Gifford - When I Fall In Love 3:18 059. Donna Lewis - I Love You Always Forever 4:00 060. Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite 4:19 061. Laura Branigan - Show Me Heaven 4:11 062. Bettye Swann - Today I Started Loving You Again 2:52 063. Brenda Russell - Two Eyes 3:18 064. Matt Monro - What A Wonderful World 3:31 065. Air Supply - Without You 4:33 066. Lobo - I'd Love You To Want Me 4:02 067. Van Morrison - Moondance (2013 Remaster) 4:34 068. Bread - Baby I'm-a Want You 2:31 069. Joe Cocker - You Are So Beautiful 2:46 070. Blackfoot - In The Night 3:52 071. Alien - The Air That I Breathe (US Mix) 4:34 072. Joybells feat. Bjorn Skifs - Have I Told You Lately (That I Love You) 4:29 073. Foreigner - Waiting For A Girl Like You 4:49 074. The Staves - Icarus 3:16 075. Anson Seabra - Can You Feel The Love Tonight 3:54 076. Plan B - Love Goes Down 3:52 077. Solomon Burke - Cry To Me 2:35 078. The Drifters - Save The Last Dance For Me 2:34 079. Percy Sledge - You Really Got A Hold On Me 2:54 080. Dionne Warwick - Walk On By 2:55 081. Alma Cogan - As Time Goes By 2:32 082. Bobby Darin - Beyond The Sea (45 Version) 2:49 083. Faith Hill - Breathe 4:10 084. The Goo Goo Dolls - Iris 4:50 085. Chaka Khan - I Feel For You 5:43 086. Air Supply - All Out Of Love (Live) 6:12 087. Christopher Cross - Think Of Laura 3:25 088. Roberta Flack - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 4:21 089. Peter Cetera - Glory Of Love 4:20 090. Bobby Darin - Dream Lover 2:31 091. Madonna - Crazy For You 3:44 092. Chicago - You're The Inspiration 3:51 093. Fleetwood Mac - You Make Loving Fun 3:32 094. Damien Rice - The Blower's Daughter 4:47 095. Coldplay feat. Seeb - Fix You 4:56 096. Jason Mraz - I'm Yours 4:02 097. Bruno Mars - Grenade 3:43 098. Michael Bublé - When I Fall In Love 4:03 099. Kate Bush - The Man With The Child In His Eyes 2:39 100. Diddy & Puff Daddy x The Family feat. Faith Evans & 112 - I'll Be Missing You (2016 Remaster) 5:07 Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/B56841618C14C7A/zt8030ks.rar Rapidgator.net https://rg.to/file/86292b6802a1813a43c3ba6c77e37dc0 Turbobit.net https://turbo.to/x8aen1jdhq0l.html
VA - 100 Greatest Breakfast Songs (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: 100 Greatest Breakfast Songs RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: International STYLE: Pop, Pop Rock LABEL: Rhino - 0190295455361 DURATION: 05:48:47 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 862 mb Tracklist: 001. Rudimental feat. Jess Glynne, Macklemore & Dan Caplen - These Days 3:32 002. Jess Glynne - Hold My Hand 3:47 003. Clean Bandit feat. Anne-Marie & Sean Paul - Rockabye 4:10 004. Panic! At The Disco - High Hopes 3:12 005. Bruno Mars - 24K Magic 3:46 006. David Guetta feat. Sia - Flames 3:15 007. Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still 2:42 008. Coldplay feat. Seeb - Hymn For The Weekend 4:18 009. Bebe Rexha feat. Florida Georgia Line - Meant To Be 2:45 010. Zak Abel - Love Song 3:19 011. Anne-Marie - 2002 3:07 012. Dua Lipa - New Rules (Acoustic) 3:33 013. Charlie Puth feat. Meghan Trainor - Marvin Gaye 3:10 014. Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way (2004 Remaster) 3:44 015. Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing 4:05 016. Blue Swede feat. Bjorn Skifs - Hooked On A Feeling 2:53 017. Chic - Le Freak (Single Edit) 3:32 018. Candi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free 4:09 019. Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up (Single Version) 2:46 020. Aretha Franklin - I Say a Little Prayer 3:32 021. A-Ha - Take On Me 3:45 022. Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street (Edit) 4:08 023. Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf 3:30 024. Spandau Ballet - Gold 3:51 025. The B-52's - Love Shack (Single Version) 4:21 026. The Supernaturals - Smile 3:44 027. The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love 3:38 028. Terrorvision - Tequila 3:52 029. Otis Redding - My Girl 2:55 030. Aretha Franklin - Think 2:17 031. Sam & Dave - Hold On, I'm Comin' 2:29 032. Wilson Pickett - Land Of 1000 Dances 2:27 033. Eddie Floyd - Knock On Wood 3:04 034. Ella Fitzgerald - Get Ready 2:32 035. Ben E. King - Stand By Me 2:55 036. The Monkees - I'm A Believer 2:47 037. The Doobie Brothers - Long Train Runnin' 3:27 038. George Benson - Give Me The Night (Edit) 3:43 039. Chaka Khan - Ain't Nobody 4:41 040. KC & The Sunshine Band - That's The Way (I Like It) 3:05 041. CeeLo Green - Forget You 3:43 042. David Guetta feat. Anne-Marie - Don't Leave Me Alone 3:04 043. Matoma feat. Josie Dunne - Sunday Morning 3:07 044. Banx & Ranx feat. Yxng Bane - Answerphone 3:11 045. The Notorious B.I.G. - Hypnotize 3:50 046. Mark Morrison - Return Of The Mack (C&J Radio Edit) 3:32 047. Biz Markie - Just A Friend 3:58 048. The Family Stand - Ghetto Heaven 4:42 049. Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - They Reminisce Over You (Single Version) 4:47 050. Ol' Dirty Bastard - Shimmy Shimmy Ya 2:39 051. Mase - Feel So Good 3:25 052. Kevin Lyttle - Turn Me On 3:12 053. Flo Rida - Good Feeling 4:08 054. Coldplay feat. Seeb - Viva La Vida 4:02 055. Lukas Graham - Mama Said 3:27 056. James Blunt - Bonfire Heart 3:58 057. Dusky Grey - A Little Bit 2:58 058. Boyzone - Because 2:47 059. Dennis Lloyd - Nevermind 2:37 060. Maisie Peters - Worst Of You 3:17 061. Cher - Believe 3:59 062. Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (2004 Remaster) 4:18 063. Stevie Nicks - Edge Of Seventeen 5:30 064. The Doobie Brothers - Listen To The Music (Single Version) (2006 Remaster) 3:26 065. The Monkees - Daydream Believer 3:00 066. Peter Sarstedt - Where Do You Go To (My Lovely) 4:45 067. The Everly Brothers - Wake Up Little Susie 2:04 068. Cliff Bennett & The Rebel Rousers - Got to Get You Into My Life 2:31 069. Archie Bell & The Drells - Tighten Up 3:11 070. Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - December, 1963 (Oh What A Night!) 3:32 071. Aretha Franklin - Respect 2:22 072. Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay 2:47 073. Wilson Pickett - In The Midnight Hour 2:37 074. Faces - Ooh La La 3:34 075. Van Morrison - Into The Mystic 3:29 076. Television - Marquee Moon (Edit) 4:31 077. The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) 3:39 078. Cliff Richard & The Shadows - The Young Ones 3:11 079. Pretenders - Brass In Pocket 3:04 080. The Cars - Just What I Needed 3:46 081. Faces - Stay with Me 4:39 082. Los Lobos - La Bamba 2:56 083. Hot Chocolate - Every 1's A Winner 4:04 084. Spinners - Working My Way Back To You 4:03 085. Sister Sledge - We Are Family 3:37 086. Sam & Dave - Soul Man 2:37 087. Chic - Good Times 3:38 088. Christopher Cross - Ride Like The Wind 4:35 089. Fleetwood Mac - Landslide 3:19 090. Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth 2:36 091. Jeff Beck - Hi Ho Silver Lining 2:56 092. Warren Zevon - Werewolves Of London 3:26 093. OPM - Heaven Is A Halfpipe 4:08 094. Faith No More - Easy 3:07 095. Skrillex - (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher & Higher 2:48 096. Chaka Khan - I'm Every Woman (Single Version) 4:04 097. Sister Sledge - He's The Greatest Dancer (Single Version) 3:35 098. The Dream Academy - Life In A Northern Town (45 Version) 4:16 099. New Order - Regret 4:08 100. Deee-Lite - Groove Is In The Heart 3:52 Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/9845BA18D3D4CAC/zs3390jk.rar Rapidgator.net https://rg.to/file/f8ac6118cee972042a2ed0a310ea4ccb Turbobit.net https://turbo.to/j5ekjcekbhfn.html
VA - 100 Greatest Motivation Songs (2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: 100 Greatest Motivation Songs RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2019 COUNTRY: International STYLE: Pop, Dance LABEL: Rhino - 0190295463137 DURATION: 06:32:22 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 939 mb Tracklist: 001. Clean Bandit feat. Jess Glynne - Rather Be 3:48 002. Birdy - Keeping Your Head Up (Don Diablo Remix Radio Edit) 3:27 003. Rudimental feat. John Newman - Feel The Love 4:05 004. Flo Rida - Good Feeling 4:08 005. Dua Lipa - New Rules (KREAM Remix) 4:41 006. Lilly Wood & The Prick feat. Robin Schulz - Prayer In C (Robin Schulz Radio Edit) 3:09 007. Galantis - Runaway (U & I) 3:47 008. Lukas Graham - 7 Years (Night Moves Remix) 3:02 009. Coldplay feat. Seeb - A Sky Full Of Stars (Hardwell Remix) 5:13 010. David Guetta feat. Kelly Rowland - When Love Takes Over (Electro Radio Edit) 3:02 011. Bruno Mars - Locked Out Of Heaven (Sultan & Ned Shepard Remix Radio Edit) 6:51 012. Oliver Heldens feat. Becky Hill - Gecko (Overdrive) (Radio Edit) 2:45 013. Tori Amos - Professional Widow (Armand's Star Trunk Funk Mix) 3:47 014. Wynter Gordon - Dirty Talk 3:18 015. Loreen - Euphoria (WAWA Remix) 3:13 016. Andy C feat. Fiora - Heartbeat Loud 3:00 017. Rudimental feat. Ella Eyre - Waiting All Night 4:53 018. Nonono - Pumpin Blood (The Shapeshifters Remix Radio Edit) 3:08 019. Avicii vs. Lenny Kravitz - Superlove 5:23 020. Devolution - Good Love (Alesso Remix) 6:46 021. Marina & The Diamonds - Primadonna (Benny Benassi Remix Edit) 7:06 022. Ten City - That's The Way Love Is (Underground Mix Edit) 6:31 023. BT - Flaming June (BT & PVD Mix) 3:44 024. Ascension - Someone (Vocal Mix) 8:58 025. Michael Calfan - Nobody Does It Better 2:28 026. Mans Zelmerlow - Heroes (Axento Remix) 2:56 027. Charli XCX - Break The Rules (Tiesto Remix) 4:25 028. JX - There's Nothing I Won't Do 4:30 029. Hard-Fi - Hard To Beat (Axwell Mix Radio Edit) 3:52 030. The Streets - Weak Become Heroes (Ashley Beedle's Love Bug Vocal) 8:15 031. Ten City - Devotion (Radio Mix) 4:04 032. Grace - Not Over Yet (Perfecto Edit) 4:19 033. Opus III - It's A Fine Day 3:39 034. Deee-Lite - Groove Is In The Heart 3:52 035. Corona - The Rhythm Of The Night 3:27 036. Michael Calfan - Got You 3:01 037. Crystal Fighters - Boomin' In Your Jeep 3:37 038. Wiley - Wearing My Rolex (Radio Edit) 2:50 039. Kylie Minogue - Spinning Around 3:28 040. Cher - Strong Enough 3:44 041. Kwabs - Wrong Or Right (Ben Pearce Remix) 6:08 042. Tinie Tempah feat. Jess Glynne - Not Letting Go 3:50 043. Jason Derulo - Don't Wanna Go Home 3:26 044. Wiz Khalifa - Black And Yellow 3:38 045. Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones 3:53 046. StooShe feat. Travie McCoy - Fuck Me 3:05 047. Mark Morrison - Return Of The Mack (C&J Radio Edit) 3:32 048. Lily Allen - Smile 3:17 049. The Notorious B.I.G. - Juicy (Radio Edit) 4:16 050. Lil' Kim - Big Momma Thang 4:17 051. Wiley feat. Ms. D - Heatwave 3:15 052. Eternal - Power Of A Woman 4:24 053. CeeLo Green - Fuck You 3:43 054. Cut 'N' Move - Give It Up 4:25 055. Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still 2:42 056. Seal - Fly Like An Eagle 4:15 057. Chic - Good Times 3:43 058. Candi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free 4:09 059. Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up (Single Version) 2:46 060. Chic - Everybody Dance (2018 Remaster) 6:43 061. Chaka Khan - I'm Every Woman 4:07 062. Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing 4:05 063. The Meters - Cissy Strut 3:02 064. The Spinners - The Rubberband Man 3:37 065. Otis Redding - Hard To Handle 2:21 066. Wilson Pickett - In The Midnight Hour 2:37 067. Arthur Conley - Sweet Soul Music 2:21 068. Aretha Franklin - Respect 2:27 069. Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way (2004 Remaster) 3:44 070. Stevie Nicks - Edge Of Seventeen 5:30 071. Blur - Parklife (2012 Remaster) 3:05 072. Paolo Nutini - New Shoes 3:24 073. Levellers - One Way 3:25 074. The Supernaturals - Smile 3:44 075. The Wombats - Let's Dance To Joy Division 3:11 076. Terrorvision - Tequila 3:52 077. OPM - Heaven Is A Halfpipe (If I Die) 4:17 078. The B-52's - Love Shack 5:21 079. 2703 & ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin' 4:01 080. The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love 3:38 081. Royal Blood - Figure It Out 3:04 082. Whitesnake - Here I Go Again 87 (2018 Remaster) 4:35 083. My Chemical Romance - Teenagers 2:42 084. Alanis Morissette - You Learn (2015 Remaster) 4:00 085. Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life 4:28 086. The Monkees - I'm a Believer (2006 Remaster) 2:47 087. Aretha Franklin - Think 2:17 088. Sam & Dave - Hold On, I'm Comin' 2:29 089. Eddie Floyd - Knock On Wood 3:04 090. Wilson Pickett - Land Of 1000 Dances 2:27 091. Helen Shapiro - Walkin' Back To Happiness 2:31 092. Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - December, 1963 (Oh What A Night!) 3:32 093. Carla Thomas - B-A-B-Y 2:57 094. Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (2004 Remaster) 4:18 095. A-Ha - Take On Me 3:45 096. Cher - Believe 3:59 097. Chaka Khan - Ain't Nobody 4:41 098. Katrina & The Waves - Love Shine A Light 2:52 099. Seal - Crazy 5:56 100. Marc Cohn - Walking In Memphis (45 Version) 4:16 Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/A28807274E501D8/yf4317ht.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/F96D2B5CC08AF51/yf4317ht.part2.rar Rapidgator.net https://rg.to/file/046a4179de97c120b60cc3a8eb1f4678 https://rg.to/file/225b23dd0391f223d040ccbe869a9617 Turbobit.net https://turbo.to/6khol38qq82a.html https://turbo.to/orysojzgpevy.html
VA - Paris Lounge (Vol.1-4) (2015-2019) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: Paris Lounge (Vol.1-4) RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2015-2019 COUNTRY: International STYLE: Downtempo, Lounge, Ambient, Relax LABEL: Karmalounge 18 DURATION: 08:24:08 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 1,14 gb Tracklist: (2015) Paris Lounge, Vol. 1: 01. Living Room - Playing on the Beach 02. Mood Pitcher - You Exist 03. Ingo Herrmann - Touch Me 04. Luis Hermandez - Supergirl 05. Peter Pearson - The Way You Look 06. Armando Gomez - Victoria Space 07. DJ Plinio - Chiswick Park 08. Walter N. - Dubai Beach 09. Andrea Ferri - External Love 10. Antonio Andali - Blue Marine 11. Ambitus - Death Blow 12. Atmospherical 45 - Moorea 13. The Contact Project - Silver One 14. Michael e - Caravan 15. Sunset Café - On the Waves 16. Urban Phunk Society - Escape from Karma 17. Project Blue Sun - Another Chance 18. The Circle - In the Black Money 19. Leena Love - Sesso Morbido 20. Michael Crueger - I Found Love 21. Trillian Miles - Feel so Good 22. Roman Bunka - Café Abadan 23. Marga Sol - I'm Enough 24. Project Blue Sun - Sunrise 25. Leo de la Rosa - Te Pienso (Marga Sol's Balearic Remix) (2015) Paris Lounge, Vol. 2: 01. Kloter - Sunday in Geneva 02. Loris Piron - As Time Goes By 03. Angela Puxi - Padapapapaa 04. Polina Geht! - 1000 Chancen 05. Christos Fourkis - Sueno De Amor 06. Florito - Saigon Morning 07. Urban Phunk Society - Changing Spaces 08. Naoki Kenji - Liquid Pure 09. Marga Sol - Urbanism 10. Sim Ensemble - Samoa 11. Chris le Blanc - Beyond the Sunsets (Christos Fourkis Club Mix) 12. De La Cream - Wonderful Life 13. Christos Fourkis - Summer Escape 14. Florito - Miss Saigon 15. The Sushi Club - Piota 16. Matisse, Deeper Sublime - Tay August 17. Gordon Geco - Ocean 18. The Thream - Audio All 19. Naoki Kenji - Ongaku 20. Roberto Sol, Florito;Gladys - Loveflow (Bes & Meret Beachhouse Mix) 21. The Love Opera - Electronic Trees 22. Christos Fourkis - Balearic Love 23. Leo Dj - Doctor Jones 24. Paolo Diaz - Paulina 25. Newton - Unbearable Lightness of Beeing 26. Fashion Lovers - Huom (Passerella Mix) 27. Mossignor - Il Mostro (Chillout Mix) 28. Ingo Herrmann - Oreon 29. The Smokering - Mellow Majestic 30. Fabulous Deep - New Flame (2017) Paris Lounge, Vol. 3: 01. James Butler - Romantic Paris 02. Emelie Christiansson - That Old Tree 03. Martin Liege - Cruise 04. Greg Walker - Theme For A French Film 05. James Butler - Dinner in Milano 06. CAMERA SOUL - I Wonder How 07. Roberto Sol - Miles Beyond (Late Night Mix) 08. Chantal Miccat - La Vie En Rouge 09. James Butler - Praia Bossa 10. Martin Liege - Sunday Morning 11. Placid Larry - Arid 12. Martin Liege - Balearic Jazz 13. Florito - Longing 14. Castlebed - Backward Blues 15. Schwarz & Funk - Chudera 16. Martin Liege - Groovin 17. Florito - Loungery 18. Schwarz & Funk - Miles Away (Remastered) 19. Alexander S. Karlov - First Shot Whiskey 20. Roberto Sol, Ines Prados - Tu (El Sur Jazz Mix) 21. James Butler - Valse De La Noblesse 22. Alexander S. Karlov - La Tendress 23. Living Room - Liquid Jazz 24. Martin Liege - Cafe De Paris 25. Greg Walker - Mosaic 26. Castlebed - Piano Interlude 27. James Butler - Chilled Ocean 28. Svendaq - Hesperia 29. James Butler - Montmartre Impressions 30. Luc Forlorn - Traveller (2019) Paris Lounge, Vol. 4: 01. Luc Forlorn - An Orange On a Rose 02. Mirko Firzlaff - Honeymoon 03. The Boogeyman - Lighthouse 04. Thnk Void - Lately 05. Robert Scharnke - The Journey 06. Worldtraveller - Whitewater 07. Nightgroovaz - World Voices 08. Area Code 51 - Garden in the Sky 09. Rex Kramer - Feeling Great 10. Peter Pearson - Dancing Eyes 11. Maria Bliss - I Can Feel You 12. Living Room - Tropical 13. Schwarz & Funk - Cala Llonga 14. Johannes Huppertz - Jazoo 15. Pier O - Magic Flight 16. Rayan Myers - Exalted to God 17. Clownfish - Blood 18. Dheva - Murena (Extended Mix) 19. Culsu - Rodeo (Extended Mix) 20. Homo Novo - Guyana (Extended Mix) 21. Allume - Operationalize (Extended Mix) 22. Clownfish - Bang in My Head 23. Benatural - Barbus (Extended Mix) 24. Allume - Mody (Extended Mix) 25. Benatural - Cranberra (Extended Mix) Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/6B42B7B32FE1E03/xd1070up.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/63FFB66F18B388D/xd1070up.part2.rar Rapidgator.net https://rg.to/file/e0fb6f140c02888f8b3c5d13e7e62d2f https://rg.to/file/42d186e730973a6b33948f6a9e87aa68 Turbobit.net https://turbo.to/hcbxldq2e03z.html https://turbo.to/lo947yroudt0.html
VA - Rock Road Trip: The Ultimate Collection (5CD) (2018) ARTIST: VA ALBUM / TITLE: Rock Road Trip: The Ultimate Collection (5CD) RELEASE YEAR / DATE: 2018 COUNTRY: All Word STYLE: Alternative, Hard Rock, Pop Rock, Classic Rock DURATION: 06:07:09 FILE FORMAT: MP3 QUALITY: 320 kbps Size: 921 mb Tracklist: CD1 01. The Troggs - Wild Thing (Edit) 02:26 02. Free - All Right Now (Single Version) 04:12 03. The Velvet Underground - I'm Waiting For The Man 04:38 04. Uriah Heep - Easy Livin' 02:36 05. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama (Album Version) 03:37 06. Rod Stewart - Maggie May (Single Version) 03:42 07. Status Quo - Caroline 03:46 08. The Allman Brothers - Ramblin' Man 04:49 09. Bachman-Turner Overdrive - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet (Single Version) 03:53 10. Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky 03:58 11. Stealers Wheel - Stuck In The Middle With You 03:24 12. Chuck Berry - Route 66 (Album Version) 02:52 13. Status Quo - Pictures Of Matchstick Men 03:15 14. Juicy Lucy - Who Do You Love 03:01 15. Atomic Rooster - Tomorrow Night 03:14 16. New York Dolls - Personality Crisis (Album Version) 03:42 17. Nazareth - Hair Of The Dog 03:21 18. Baker Gurvitz Army - Love Is 02:49 19. Dan McCafferty - Out Of Time 03:49 20. Climax Blues Band - Couldn't Get It Right 03:17 CD2 01. Rainbow - Since You Been Gone (Single Version) 03:18 02. Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back In Town 04:28 03. Blondie - One Way Or Another 03:26 04. Kiss - I Was Made For Lovin' You (Single Version) 04:00 05. Billy Idol - White Wedding Pt. 1 03:34 06. Joe Jackson - Is She Really Going Out With Him (Album Version) 03:35 07. Bonnie Tyler - It's A Heartache 03:31 08. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Fanfare For The Common Man 02:58 09. Girlschool - Race With The Devil 02:51 10. Motorhead - Overkill 05:12 11. The Runaways - Cherry Bomb 02:19 12. Rose Tattoo - Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw 03:21 13. Hanoi Rocks - I Want You 03:13 14. Angel Witch - Angel Witch 03:24 15. Girlschool & Motorhead - Please Don't Touch 02:48 16. Plasmatics - Butcher Baby 03:34 17. Raven - Hard Ride 03:06 18. Samson - Riding With The Angels 03:39 19. Johnny Guitar Watson - Gangster Of Love 03:45 20. Tenpole Tudor - Swords Of A Thousand Men 02:55 CD3 01. Iggy Pop - Real Wild Child (Wild One) 03:34 02. The Cure - Never Enough (Single Version) 04:26 03. Scorpions - Wind Of Change 30:40 04. Little Angels - Too Much Too Young 04:21 05. Magnum - On A Storyteller's Night 04:59 06. Nazareth - Bad Bad Boy 03:55 07. Cher - Just Like Jesse James 04:03 08. Motorhead - I Got Mine 05:21 09. Gary Moore - Really Gonna Rock Tonight 03:47 10. Big Country - In A Big Country (Radio Edit) 03:50 11. Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes 03:22 12. Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight 04:23 13. Magnum - The Spirit 04:17 14. The Damned - Life Goes On 04:07 15. L.A. Guns - Rip And Tear 04:11 16. Venom - To Hell And Back 03:00 17. Cinderella - Gypsy Road (Album Version)03:49 18. Poison - Nothin' But A Good Time 03:43 19. The Silencers - Painted Moon 04:01 20. Fleetwood Mac - Man Of The World (1998 Remaster) 02:59 CD4 01. Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way 03:32 02. The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You 03:29 03. Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do 04:33 04. Ugly Kid Joe - Cats In The Cradle 04:03 05. Therapy - Screamager 02:41 06. The Cardigans - My Favourite Game 03:38 07. Hole - Celebrity Skin 02:43 08. 4 Non Blondes - What's Up 04:14 09. James - She's A Star (Album Version) 03:41 10. Ocean Colour Scene - The Riverboat Song (Album Version) 04:57 11. The Jam - Town Called Malice 02:53 12. The Cranberries - Zombie (Edit) 5:08 13. Extreme - More Than Words (Radio Edit) 03:41 14. Caravan - Memory Lain, Hugh (Live) 05:03 15. 1927 - That's When I Think Of You 04:13 16. Corrosion Of Conformity - Stare Too Long 04:56 17. Joey Ramone - Don't Worry About Me 03:55 18. The Damned - New Rose 02:43 19. Billy Idol - Scream (Radio Edit) 03:53 20. Raspberries - Overnight Sensation (Digitally Remastered) 05:23 CD5 01. Jake Bugg - Lightning Bolt 02:24 02. The Stereophonics - Have A Nice Day 03:25 03. Bastille - Pompeii 03:34 04. Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love 05:29 05. Razorlight - America 04:10 06. Papa Roach - Last Resort (Album Version) 03:21 07. Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry (Radio Edit) 04:19 08. Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) 03:08 09. 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite (2009 Remaster) 30:56 10. Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal 03:28 11. Blink-182 - What's My Age Again 02:28 12. Sum 41 - Fat Lip (Album Version) 03:00 13. Smash Mouth - All Star 03:19 14. Weezer - Buddy Holly 02:40 15. Raging Speedhorn - The Gush 03:53 16. Hoobastank - The Reason (UK Radio Mix) 03:53 17. You Me At Six - Underdog 02:24 18. Thirty Seconds To Mars - The Kill (Bury Me) (Edit) 03:46 19. The Cooper Temple Clause - Promises, Promises 03:19 20. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Ain't No Easy Way 02:36 Niroflare.com http://nitroflare.com/view/803F1EE541BADB1/wj5634hc.part1.rar http://nitroflare.com/view/56C26768AF588DE/wj5634hc.part2.rar Rapidgator.net https://rg.to/file/82df898affd5eb6861ef222982427d4d https://rg.to/file/46011e88994d994a989a58fcaf93ed76 Turbobit.net https://turbo.to/pmceovonnuxr.html https://turbo.to/sq7urej76otp.html