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Everything posted by joserael

  1. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strike Back [Complete Score] (3CD) BAJALO DE ACA Composed by John Williams. Released in 1980. Track listing CD 1 01. 20th Century Fox Fanfare 02. Star Wars Main Title and The Imperial Probe 03. Saying Goodbye 04. Escaping The Wampa's Lair 05. Vision Of Obi-Wan and Luke's Rescue 06. Snowspeeder Rescue 07. The Bacta Tank 08. The Executor 09. Battle Preparations 10. Battle Of Hoth 11. Luke's Crash and The Destruction Of The Shield Generator 12. The Rebels Escape 13. Pursuit Of The Falcon 14. Crash Landing On Dagobah and Aboard The Executor 15. A Familiar Place 16. Luke's Nocturnal Visitor 17. Han Solo And The Princess 18. The Asteroid Field 19. The Emperor 20. Jedi Master Yoda 21. Mynock Cave 22. Training Of A Jedi Knight 23. The Dark Tree 24. Bounty Hunters and Pursuing The Falcon CD 2 01. Attacking A Star Destroyer 02. Yoda's Teachings 03. Yoda And The Force 04. Deploy The Fleet 05. Floating Away 06. Luke's Vision and City In The Clouds 07. Lando's Palace 08. Beware The Dark Side 09. Leaving Dagobah 10. The Trap 11. Betrayal At Bespin 12. Mending A Droid and Han's Torture 13. Deal With The Dark Lord and Confronting Lando 14. Arriving At Cloud City and Carbon Freezing Chamber 15. Frozen In Carbonite 16. Luke Pursues The Captives 17. Departure Of Boba Fett 18. The Duel 19. Escaping Cloud City 20. Losing A Hand 21. Rescuing Luke 22. Hyperspace 23. The Rebel Fleet 24. End Credits CD 3 01. Album Introduction 02. The Empire Strikes Back (Music Video) 03. An Empire Is Forged [introduction] 04. Bonus Track: An Empire Is Forged 05. A Jedi Is Trained [introduction] 06. Bonus Track: A Jedi Is Trained 07. A Narrow Escape [introduction] 08. Bonus Track: A Narrow Escape 09. The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) 10. Yoda's Theme 11. The Ice Planet (Album) 12. Escaping The Wampa's Lair (Album) 13. Vision Of Obi-Wan and Luke's Rescue (Album) 14. Snowspeeder Rescue (Album) 15. Imperial Walkers (Album) 16. The Executor (Album) 17. Luke's Nocturnal Visitor (Album) 18. Search For The Millenium Falcon (Album) 19. Training Of A Jedi Knight (Album) 20. Deploy The Fleet (Album) 21. Trouble In The Clouds (Album) 22. The Duel (Album) 23. Luke vs. Vader (Album) 24. The Empire Strikes Back Orchestral Suite 25. Album Finish Total Duration: 02:3121 (320kb/s) Enjoy!!! :banana: Si te diste el tiempo de bajarlo, creo que agradecer no te cuesta nada, gracias.
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