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Everything posted by nigel2311

  1. Tendras el Libro : "Un secreto en mi colegio" de Angela Dossetti ?
  2. Ninguno de los servidores esta en línea con los links! Favor si puedes arreglarlos seria la cumbia xD Espero novedades, gracias!
  3. The Devil Wears Prada (Discografia) Patterns of a Horizon Track List: 01- The Ascent 02- The Gauntlet Of Solitude 03- And The Sentence Trails Off... 04- Rosemary Had An Accident 05- II - Redemption 06- Swords, Dragons, And Diet Coke 07- Who Speaks Spanish Colon Quesadilla 08- Modeify The Prenounciation 09- III - SalvationDescarga: http://www.4shared.com/rar/JuiCliYT/_2005__Patterns_Of_The_Horizon.html ____________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord Track List: 01-the_devil_wears_prada-the_ascent 02-the_devil_wears_prada-gauntlet_of_solitude 03-the_devil_wears_prada-dogs_can_grow_beards_all_over 04-the_devil_wears_prada-and_the_sentence_trails_off___ 05-the_devil_wears_prada-rosemary_had_an_accident 06-the_devil_wears_prada-redemption 07-the_devil_wears_prada-swords_dragons_and_diet_coke 08-the_devil_wears_prada-who_speaks_spanish_colon_quesadilla 09-the_devil_wears_prada-texas_is_south 10-the_devil_wears_prada-modeify_the_pronunciation 11-the_devil_wears_prada-salvationDescarga: http://www.4shared.com/rar/DKfI7KZ5/_2006__Dear_Love_A_Beautiful_D.html ____________________________________________________________________________________ Plagues Track List: 01 Goats On A Boat 02 Number Three, Never Forget 03 HTMLl Rulez D00d 04 Hey John, What's Your Name Again_ 05 Don't Dink And Drance 06 You Can't Spell Crap Without _C_ ft. Craig Owens 07 This Song Is Called 08 Reptar, King Of The Ozone 09 The Scorpion Deathlock 10 Nickels Is Money TooDescarga: http://www.4shared.com/rar/b2k15uy5/_2008__Plagues.html ____________________________________________________________________________________ Whit Roots Above And Branches Below Track List: The Devil Wears Prada[With Roots Above And Branches Below] 01 Sassafras The Devil Wears Prada[With Roots Above And Branches Below] 02 I Hate Buffering The Devil Wears Prada[With Roots Above And Branches Below] 03 Assistant To The Reginal Manager The Devil Wears Prada[With Roots Above And Branches Below] 04 Dez Moines The Devil Wears Prada[With Roots Above And Branches Below] 05 Big Wiggly Style The Devil Wears Prada[With Roots Above And Branches Below] 06 Danger Wildman The Devil Wears Prada[With Roots Above And Branches Below] 07 Ben Has A Kid The Devil Wears Prada[With Roots Above And Branches Below] 08 Wapakalypse The Devil Wears Prada[With Roots Above And Branches Below] 09 Gimme Half The Devil Wears Prada[With Roots Above And Branches Below] 10 Louder Than Thunder The Devil Wears Prada[With Roots Above And Branches Below] 11 Lord XenuDescarga: http://www.4shared.com/rar/5XQaIkRt/_2009_The_Devil_Wears_Prada_-_.html ____________________________________________________________________________________ Zombie EP Track List: 01. Escape 02. Anatomy 03. Outnumbered 04. Revive 05. SurvivorDescarga: http://www.4shared.com/rar/NwIuRlWL/The_Devil_Wears_Prada_-_Zombie.html ____________________________________________________________________________________ Dead Throne Track List: 01 - Dead Throne 02 - Untidaled 03 - Mammoth 04 - Vengeance 05 - R.I.T. 06 - My Questions 07 - Kansas 08 - Born To Lose 09 - Forever Decay 10 - Chicago 11 - Constance [Ft. Tim Lambesis Of As I Lay Dying] 12 - Pretenders 13 - HoldfastDescarga: http://www.4shared.com/rar/vrlGmOtq/_2011__-The_Devil_Wears_Prada_.html ____________________________________________________________________________________ Cabros nada cuesta dar las gracias :) Enjoy! ____________________________________________________________________________________

  6. Amigos les dejo este disco de Eterna Inocencia Dias Tristes del año1997 Enjoy! http://www.4shared.c...as_Tristes.html
  7. Links muertos amigo que pena, seria genial que pudieras arreglarlos :)
  8. El audio es 5.1??? favor respondame para poder bajar esta obra de arte!! :kicking:
  9. La informacion es libre, es conocimientos es de todos

  10. Maestro una pregunta, la pelicula es colombiana/española???????????? me imagine que seria chilena.... si supieras algo al respecto te lo agrederia aun mas... a la cola de la descarga.... :banana:
  11. Amiga... Murieron casi todos, solo funciona freakshare y bitshare... y descargan muy demasiado lento.... patudamente podrias subirlo a megaupload denuevo porfa! Gracias :tonto:
  12. GRacias Viejo! bajando te aviso una vez bajada y grabada Vale :D
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