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Everything posted by shem

  1. no se te olvide cortar la energia para realizar un trabajo seguro asegúrate de no tener corriente, con un tester o probador
  2. gracias por el aporte se ve buena
  3. gracias por el aporte bajando sin problemas
  4. pude instalar el driver me reconoce la impresora pero al querer imprimir una hoja de prueba me sale negacion AVC SELinux has detectected a problem The source process: /usr/sbin/cupsd Attempted this access : execute On this file: /usr/lib/cups/backend/mfp alerta numero 1 la alerta numero 2 dice The source process: gnome-session-check-accel Attempted this access: read, write On this chr_file:nvidiactl no se que significa
  5. gracias por el dato baje el driver de sansumg pero me arroja un error de negacion AVC SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/cupsd from execute access on the archivo /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertosamsungspl. Plugin: restorecon SELinux denied access requested by cupsd. /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertosamsungspl may be a mislabeled. /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertosamsungspl default SELinux type is bin_t, but its current type is user_home_t. Changing this file back to the default type, may fix your problem. File contexts can be assigned to a file in the following ways. * Files created in a directory receive the file context of the parent directory by default. * The SELinux policy might override the default label inherited from the parent directory by specifying a process running in context A which creates a file in a directory labeled B will instead create the file with label C. An example of this would be the dhcp client running with the dhclient_t type and creating a file in the directory /etc. This file would normally receive the etc_t type due to parental inheritance but instead the file is labeled with the net_conf_t type because the SELinux policy specifies this. * Users can change the file context on a file using tools such as chcon, or restorecon. This file could have been mislabeled either by user error, or if an normally confined application was run under the wrong domain. However, this might also indicate a bug in SELinux because the file should not have been labeled with this type. If you believe this is a bug, please file a bug report against this package.Siyou want to fix the label. /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertosamsungspl default label should be bin_t. you can run restorecon. # /sbin/restorecon -v /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertosamsungspl
  6. Hola muchachos tengo un problema muy difícil de reparar no puedo configurar impresora samsung ml-1665 con fedora 15 me urge por que no puedo hacer ningún trabajo por favor ayuda :nopuedeser:
  7. comparito falta la 3 de la cuatro porfa
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