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Genesis - Selling England By The Pound + The Session


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Imagen IPB

Esta portada es adaptada de la pintura de Betty Swanwick llamada "El Sueño", y la original no incluía una cortadora de césped, Swanwick la agregó posteriormente como una alusión a las letras en la canción "I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)."

Además, el título del álbum es una referencia británica, originado en el eslogan utilizado en el manifiesto laborista en Londres para las elecciones generales celebradas antes de que el álbum fuera lanzado. A Gabriel le gustó tanto esta frase que obviamente decidió escribir una canción acerca de esto, "Dancing With The Moonlit Knight". Según Gabriel, también hay una segunda razón para esta elección: Eramos conscientes en ese momento de que estabamos siendo criticados en Inglaterra por inclinar el contenido de nuestro material hacia América, por eso quise este título.

Selling England By The Pound

@ 320 kbps

1. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight Gabriel 8:03

"Can you tell me where my country lies?"
said the unifaun to his true love's eyes.
"It lies with me!" cried the Queen of Maybe
- for her merchandise, he traded in his prize.

"Paper late!" cried a voice in the crowd.
"Old man dies!" The note he left was signed 'Old Father Thames'
- it seems he's drowned;
selling england by the pound.

Citizens of Hope & Glory,
Time goes by - it's 'the time of your life'
Easy now, sit you down.
Chewing through your Wimpey dreams,
they eat without a sound;
digesting england by the pound.

Young man says 'you are what you eat' - eat well.
Old man says 'you are what you wear' - wear well.
You know what you are, you don't give a damn;
bursting your belt that is your homemade sham.

The Captain leads his dance right on through the night
- join the dance...
Follow on! Till the Grail sun sets in the mould.
Follow on! Till the gold is cold.
Dancing out with the moonlit knight,
Knights of the Green Shield stamp and shout.

There's a fat old lady outside the saloon;
laying out the credit cards she plays Fortune.
The deck is uneven right from the start;
all of their hands are playing apart.

The Captain leads his dance right on through the night
- join the dance...
Follow on! A Round Table-talking down we go.
You're the show!
Off we go with. - You play the hobbyhorse,
I'll play the fool.
We'll tease the bull
ringing round & loud, loud & round.
Follow on! With a twist of the world we go.
Follow on! Till the gold is cold.
Dancing out with the moonlit knight,
Knights of the Green Shield stamp and shout.

2. I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) Gabriel 4:09

It's one o'clock and time for lunch,
When the sun beats down and I lie on the bench,
I can always hear them talk.

There's always been Ethel:
"Jacob, wake up! You've got to tidy your room now."
And then Mister Lewis:
"Isn't it time that he was out on his own?"
Over the garden wall, two little lovebirds - cuckoo to you!
Keep them mowing blades sharp...

I know what I like, and I like what I know;
getting better in your wardrobe, stepping one beyond your show.

Sunday night, Mr Farmer called, said:
"Listen son, you're wasting your time; there's a future for you
in the fire escape trade. Come up to town!"
But I remebered a voice from the past;
"Gambling only plays when you're winning"
- I had to thank old Miss Mort for schoooling a failure.
Keep them mowing blades sharp...

I know what I like, and I like what I know;
getting better in your wardrobe, stepping one beyond your show.

When the sun beats down and I lie on the bench,
I can always hear them talk.
Me, I'm just a lawnmower - you can tell me by the way I walk.

3. Firth Of Fifth Banks/Rutherford 9:37

The path is clear
Though no eyes can see
The course laid down long before.
And so with gods and men
The sheep remain inside their pen,
Though many times they've seen the way to leave.

He rides majestic
Past homes of men
Who care not or gaze with joy,
To see reflected there
The trees, the sky, the lily fair,
The scene of death is lying just below.

The mountain cuts off the town from view,
Like a cancer growth is removed by skill.
Let it be revealed.
A waterfall, his madrigal.
An inland sea, his symphony.

Undinal songs
Urge the sailors on
Till lured by the sirens' cry.

Now as the river dissolves in sea,
So Neptune has claimed another soul.
And so with gods and men
The sheep remain inside their pen,
Until the Shepherd leads his flock away.

The sands of time were eroded by
The river of constant change.

4. More Fool Me Collins/Rutherford 3:12

Here am I
Who while away the mornings
Since you've gone
Too long have I lay alone
Not knowing which way to turn.

And there you are
Quite sure that you were right
Knowing full well
That I'd be the first one
To go down.

And you'd be the one who was laughing
Except when things were'nt going you're way
Then the lady would say that she'd had enough
Wandering around on her own.

The day you left
I think you knew you'd not be back
Well at least it would seem that way
Because you never said goodbye.
But when it comes round to you and me
I'm sure it will work out alright.

And you'd be the one who was laughing
Giving me something I don't need
You know, I'd always hold you and keep you warm
Oh! more fool me.

But when it comes
Round to you and me
I ask myself
Do I really believe
In your love.

Yes, I'm sure it will work out alright.

5. The Battle of Epping Forest Gabriel 11:04

Along the Forest Road, there's hundreds of cars - luxury cars.
Each has got its load of convertible bars, cutlery cars - superscars!
For today is the day when they sort it out, sort it out,
'cos they disagree on a gangland boundary.
Yes, they disagree on a gangland boundary.

There's Willy Wright and his boys - one helluva noise, that's Billy's boys!
With fully-fashioned mugs, that's Little John's thugs, the Barking Slugs -
For today is the day when they sort it out, sort it out,
these Christian soldiers fight to protect the poor.
East end heroes got to score in ....

the Battle of Epping Forest,
it's the Battle of Epping Forest,
right outside your door.
You ain't seen nothing like it.
No, you ain't seen nothing like it,

not since the Civil War.

Coming over the hill are the boys of Bill,
and Johnny's lads stand very still.
With the thumpire's shout, they all start to clout
- there's no guns in this gentleman's bout.
George moves in on the outside left
with a chain flying round his head;
and Harold Demure, from Art Literature,
nips up the nearest tree.
(Here come the cavalry!)

Amidst the battle roar,
accountants keep the score: 10-4.
They've never been alone, after getting a radiophone.
The bluebells are ringing for Sweetmeal Sam, real ham,
handing out bread and jam just like any picnic.

It's 5-4 on William Wright; he made his pile on Derby night.
When Billy was a kid, walking the streets, the other kids hid - so they did!
Now, after working hard in security trade, he's got it made.
The shops that need aid are those that haven't paid.

"I do my double-show quick!" said Mick the Prick, fresh out the nick.
"I sell cheap holiday. The minute they leave, then a visit I pay - and does
it pay!"
And his friend, Liquid Len by name, of Wine Women and Wandsworth fame,
said "I'm breaking the legs of the bastard that got me framed!"

They called me the Reverend when I entered the Crurch unstained;
my employers have changed but the name has remained.
It all began when I went on a tour,
hopping to find some furniture.
I followed a sign - it said "Beautiful Chest".
It led to a laqdy who showed me her best.
She was taken by surprise when I quickly closed my eyes.
So she rang the bell, and quick as hell
Bob the Nob came out on his job
to see what the trouble was.
"Louise, is the Reverend hard to please?"
"you're telling me!"
"Perhaps, sir, if it's not too late,
we could interest you in our Staffordshire plate?"
"Oh no, not me. I'm a man of repute."
But the Devil caught hold of my soul and a voice called out "Shoot!"

To save my steeple, I visited people;
for this I'd gone when I met Little John.
His name came, I understood,
when judge said "You are a robbing hood."
He told me og his strange foundation,
conceived on sight of the Woodstock nation;
he'd had to hide his reputation.
When poor, 'twas salvation from door to door.
But now, with a pin-up guru every week,
it's Love, Peace & Truth Incorporated for all who seek.

He employed me as a karmacanic, with overall charms.
His hands were then fit to receive alms.

That's why we're in
the Battle of Epping Forest,
it's the Battle of Epping Forest,
right outside your door.
We guard your souls for peanuts,
and we guard your shops and houses
for just a little more.

In with a left hook is the Bethnal Green Butcher,
but he's countered on the right by Mick's chain-gang fight,
and Liquid Len, with his smashed bottle men,
is lobbing Bob the Nob across the gob.
With his kisser in a mess, Bob seems under stress,
but Jones the Jug hits Len riight in the mug;
and Harold Demure, who's still not quite sure,
fires acorns from out of his sling.
(Here come the cavalry!)

Up, up above the crowd,
inside their Silver Cloud, done proud,
the bold and brazen brass, seen darkly through the glass.
The butler's got jam on his Rolls; Roy doles out the lot,
with tea from a silver pot just like any picnic.

Along the Forest Road, it's the end of the day and the Clouds roll away.
Each has got its load - they'll come out for the count at the break-in of day.
When the limos return for their final review, it's all thru'
- all they can see is the morning goo.
"There's no-one left alive - must be a draw."
So the Blackcap Barons toss a coin to settle the score.

6. After The Ordeal "Instrumental" 4:15

7. The Cinema Show Banks/Rutherford 11:06

Home from work our Juliet
Clears her morning meal.
She dabs her skin with pretty smells
Concealing to appeal.
I will make my bed,
She said, but turned to go.
Can she be late for her cinema show?

Romeo locks his basement flat,
And scurries up the stair.
With head held high and floral tie,
A weekend millionaire.
I will make my bed
With her tonight, he cries.
Can he fail armed with his chocolate surprise?

Take a little trip back with father Tiresias,
Listen to the old one speak of qall he has lived through.
I have crossed between the poles, for me there's no mystery.
Once a man, like the sea I raged,
Once a woman, like the earth I gave.
There is in fact more earth than sea.

8. Aisle Of Plenty Gabriel 1:32

"I don't belong here," said old Tessa out loud.
"Easy, love, there's the Safe Way Home."
- and, thankful for her Fine Fair discount, Tess Co-operates

Still alone in o-hell-o
- see the deadly nightshade grow


Peter Gabriel: Voz, Flauta, Oboe, Percusión.
Tony Banks: Piano, Melotrón, Sintetizador, Teclado, Guitarra de 12 Cuerdas.
Steve Hackett: Guitarra Eléctrica, Guitarra Acústica.
Mike Rutherford: Bajo, Guitarra Eléctrica, Guitarra de 12 Cuerdas, Coros.
Phil Collins: Batería, Percusión, Voz.

Este sin duda es uno de los mejores trabajos del movimiento progresivo de todos los tiempos, tanto es asi al menos para mi que si me dieran a elegir soolo 10 albunes para llevarme en un periplo por el espacio, este estaria entre los 1eros 3.
Es uno de los albunes mas hermosos, con mucha fuerza y virtuosismo donde Tony Banks hace uso por primera vez de los sintetizadores electrónicos, demostrado en la obra maestra "Firth Of Fifth", la cual tiene una magnífica introducción de piano y que lamentablemente fue cortada en las interpretaciones en vivo de la canción, luego de la gira de este album.

La banda obtiene su primer éxito comercial, "I Know What I Like", ademas tenía el potencial de ser un éxito mucho mayor del que realmente fue. El grupo estaba haciendo un video promocional de la canción para el programa "Top of the Pops" de la televisón birtánica, pero no estuvieron satisfechos con la calidad del video y nunca fue mostrado. "More Fool Me", es la única canción del album en la que Collins deja las baterías para hacer las partes vocales, siendo la primera canción del grupo en la que Collins cantó en vivo.

La canción de cierre "After The Ordeal" es una hermosa obra, que da un adelanto de cosas que vendrían más adelante de parte de Steve Hackett.

Como exprese antes, esta obra es de una maestria a la altura de los grandes trabajos de la musica clasica, y comparte con algunes albunes de YES y King Crimson, la cuspide del rock progresivo, algo muy dificil de ver hoy en dia.

Imagen IPB

Genesis - 1973 - Selling England By The Session


1 - Studio Improvisation #1
2 - Studio Improvisation #2
3 - The Battle Of Epping Forest [instrumental take #1]
4 - The Battle Of Epping Forest [instrumental take #2]
5 - The Battle Of Epping Forest [session take #1]
6 - The Battle Of Epping Forest [session take #2]
7 - The Battle Of Epping Forest [session take #3]
8 - The Cinema Show [test instrumental take]
9 - The Cinema Show [session take #1]
10 - Dancing With The Moonlit Knight [session take #1]
11 - The Battle Of Epping Forest [session take #1]
12 - The Last Time [Jagger-Richards]
13 - You Really Got Me
14 - The Battle Of Epping Forest [instrumental take #3]
15 - The Battle Of Epping Forest [instrumental take #4]
16 - The Battle Of Epping Forest [session take #5]
17 - I Know What I Like #1
18 - I Know What I Like #2
19 - Dancing With The Moonlit Knight [session take #2]
20 - Phil's solo

Cd 2

1 - Firth Of Fifth [instrumental Take #1]
2 - Firth Of Fifth [instrumental Take #2]
3 - The Cinema Show #2
4 - After The Ordeal [instrumental Take #1]
5 - Dancing With The Moonlit Knight [session Take #2]
6 - Dancing With The Moonlit Knight [session Take #3]
7 - The Battle Of Epping Forest [instrumental Take #5]
8 - The Battle Of Epping Forest [session Take #6]
9 - The Cinema Show #3
10 - Dancing With The Moonlit Knight [Different Ending #1]
11 - Dancing With The Moonlit Knight [Different Ending #2]
12 - More Fool Me [studio Demo]
13 - After The Ordeal [Different Mix #1]
14 - After The Ordeal [Different Mix #2]
15 - I Know What I Like [Alternate Version]

Ah se me olvidaba, otros aportes Genesianos son:

Imagen IPB

Edited by RELAYER
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