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No me dare la lata de traducirlo, pero para quein sabe ingles puede gozar de este notable review de la Biblia (King James version), posteado en Amazon.com



Score: 1 star out of 5

Epic gore-flick spoiled by weird ending, poor characters, plot holes, and too much deus-ex machina




Now I'm not usually into fiction, but on the recommendation of some friends who told me this book would change my life, I thought: "what the hey?"


I've gotta say I was disappointed. This could have been an epic gore flick, with millions of people being slayed in all directions by the central character. I mean, he doesn't spare the horses - all the people on earth (apart from 8 blokes on a boat), all the first sons of Eygpt, pretty much all the neighbouring tribes of Israel - they all get slashed up in some gruesome horror scenes. And hey, there's some great romance and sex scenes in there - from the Song of Songs, to the implied incest in the first chapter. It even touches on some freudian themes, with brother turning against brother.


But really, that's where the entertainment ends, and the complaints begin.


First of all the characters are poorly written. Take Adam and Eve, the first characters we meet. We've barely been introduced to them when they make the awesomely stupid decision to betray an all seeing and knowing God in his own garden - thus condemning all mankind through the magical concept of inherited sin. Think that's far fetched? What about God himself - the main character - putting the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the *middle of the garden* and making all the fruit juicy and nice! What was he thinking?! And he didn't even warn them about the lying talking snake he'd made - something that any conscientious omniscient God would clearly do.


And if you think the characters are unbelievable - just wait for the plot twists. For about 90% of the book the main character is a homocidal, racist meglomaniac, guiding his "chosen people" through endless slaughters of opposing tribes, and of each other when people don't obey his "rules". Think Patrick Bateman on crack. Then, with only a New testament to go, and just as I was enjoying the action - suddenly he becomes all touchy feely! Why oh why writers feel they *have* to put in implausible plot twists, I just don't know! And please, don't get me started on the end - when it goes all Stanley Kubrick! Sure, I understand it's fantasy as a genre - but come on, does it have to go against so much mainstream science?


As well as that, the dialogue between characters is paper thin. Take the New Testament, when Mary finds out she's pregnant. She tells Joseph that she's been knocked up by an angel, and he just flat out believes her! Not even a "hold on sista, we're going on Maury" - he just takes it at face value! How are any of us meant to believe that? Honestly, I swear some of the scripting was done by a monkey with a typewriter. Take this gem from 2 Samuel:


"Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he may be smitten, and die."


I mean, who speaks like that? Honestly! And as if the dialogue wasn't bad enough, the whole tone is preachy and moralising, rather than engaging and well written. Sure, I understand the author clearly doesn't like Jerry Springer, but surely he doesn't need to advocate the smiting of every man who's ever slept with a woman and her mother - along with a myriad of other strange capital crimes? And as for the homophobia, sexism and racism - I know this was written in a bygone age - but did it really have to go that far? I did my best to overlook it, but it's pretty difficult when whole towns and tribes are getting destroyed.


At the end of the day, anyone wanting a little horror might do well with the first half of this book - although I wouldn't let your kids read it! But if you're looking for truly impressive fantasy fiction, you should stick to Tolkien, or in the modern day, the Harry Potter books.


What had the potential for a good fantasy horror romp ended up a disappointingly written and loosely put together damp squib. Avoid.




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No me dare la lata de traducirlo, pero para quein sabe ingles puede gozar de este notable review de la Biblia (King James version), posteado en Amazon.com



Score: 1 star out of 5

Epic gore-flick spoiled by weird ending, poor characters, plot holes, and too much deus-ex machina




Now I'm not usually into fiction, but on the recommendation of some friends who told me this book would change my life, I thought: "what the hey?"


I've gotta say I was disappointed. This could have been an epic gore flick, with millions of people being slayed in all directions by the central character. I mean, he doesn't spare the horses - all the people on earth (apart from 8 blokes on a boat), all the first sons of Eygpt, pretty much all the neighbouring tribes of Israel - they all get slashed up in some gruesome horror scenes. And hey, there's some great romance and sex scenes in there - from the Song of Songs, to the implied incest in the first chapter. It even touches on some freudian themes, with brother turning against brother.


But really, that's where the entertainment ends, and the complaints begin.


First of all the characters are poorly written. Take Adam and Eve, the first characters we meet. We've barely been introduced to them when they make the awesomely stupid decision to betray an all seeing and knowing God in his own garden - thus condemning all mankind through the magical concept of inherited sin. Think that's far fetched? What about God himself - the main character - putting the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the *middle of the garden* and making all the fruit juicy and nice! What was he thinking?! And he didn't even warn them about the lying talking snake he'd made - something that any conscientious omniscient God would clearly do.


And if you think the characters are unbelievable - just wait for the plot twists. For about 90% of the book the main character is a homocidal, racist meglomaniac, guiding his "chosen people" through endless slaughters of opposing tribes, and of each other when people don't obey his "rules". Think Patrick Bateman on crack. Then, with only a New testament to go, and just as I was enjoying the action - suddenly he becomes all touchy feely! Why oh why writers feel they *have* to put in implausible plot twists, I just don't know! And please, don't get me started on the end - when it goes all Stanley Kubrick! Sure, I understand it's fantasy as a genre - but come on, does it have to go against so much mainstream science?


As well as that, the dialogue between characters is paper thin. Take the New Testament, when Mary finds out she's pregnant. She tells Joseph that she's been knocked up by an angel, and he just flat out believes her! Not even a "hold on sista, we're going on Maury" - he just takes it at face value! How are any of us meant to believe that? Honestly, I swear some of the scripting was done by a monkey with a typewriter. Take this gem from 2 Samuel:


"Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he may be smitten, and die."


I mean, who speaks like that? Honestly! And as if the dialogue wasn't bad enough, the whole tone is preachy and moralising, rather than engaging and well written. Sure, I understand the author clearly doesn't like Jerry Springer, but surely he doesn't need to advocate the smiting of every man who's ever slept with a woman and her mother - along with a myriad of other strange capital crimes? And as for the homophobia, sexism and racism - I know this was written in a bygone age - but did it really have to go that far? I did my best to overlook it, but it's pretty difficult when whole towns and tribes are getting destroyed.


At the end of the day, anyone wanting a little horror might do well with the first half of this book - although I wouldn't let your kids read it! But if you're looking for truly impressive fantasy fiction, you should stick to Tolkien, or in the modern day, the Harry Potter books.


What had the potential for a good fantasy horror romp ended up a disappointingly written and loosely put together damp squib. Avoid.





Sin enojarse :notonto: pero que te hace pensar que nosotros nos daremos la lata de leerlo? :nose: Not fun man, not fun :notonto: Ademah, no veo ninguna imagen :sufre maraca sufre:

Edited by Jin_xP
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Sin enojarse :notonto: pero que te hace pensar que nosotros nos daremos la lata de leerlo?


Sin enojarse...


Porque yo asumo que cualquiera con una educacion decente sabe ingles y no requiere de que yo pierda arto tiempo traduciendolo. Y cualquiera que sepa ingles tambien sabe que este tipo de texto al traducirlo pierde gran parte de la gracia. Asique tu excusa solo te dejo como el weon penca que no se la puede con el idioma y/o que no puede leer un texto de no mas de 800 palabras.


PD: previamente se postearon chistes en formato de texto y fueron bien recibidos.

Edited by ZippyCool
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Sin enojarse :notonto: pero que te hace pensar que nosotros nos daremos la lata de leerlo?


Sin enojarse...


Porque yo asumo que cualquiera con una educacion decente sabe ingles y no requiere de que yo pierda arto tiempo traduciendolo. Y cualquiera que sepa ingles tambien sabe que este tipo de texto al traducirlo pierde gran parte de la gracia. Asique tu excusa solo te dejo como el weon penca que no se la puede con el idioma y/o que no puede leer un texto de no mas de 800 palabras.


PD: previamente se postearon chistes en formato de texto y fueron bien recibidos.


Una más que diga insultos, lo amonesto :cafe:


Y en realidad, leyendo el texto, no tiene nada de humorístico. Es solo un ensayo de tipo reflexivo. Incluso, hasta se puede hacer un tema aparte en base ese mismo texto.


Por ende, eso no cuenta como chiste. :notonto: Y no es de picá :notonto:


No se asuste, no lo borraré. Y como dice el dicho, siga participando :tonta:




Imagen IPB


Imagen IPB

Edited by Fabiola, bruja de Oz
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