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aki los sub en ingles gracias al dinopanshit :tonto:


Well, sorry for that, best to start where we left off

Dime Que cante


Hi Guy

Tomala since the beginning of the melody



In this last verse I feel I have to play the entire course q

When drowning do not know ...

When I drowning you ......

Ago I would not only "What Ramonizo"


Hey guys, let's rock

Seriously let's rock

1,2, 1-2 ....



Very exciting

That very hot

The rock, all

That's it


Listen to michael ... the only thing Sombrio


These accents at the end of verse 1 are better but if I did not bn





There's a part in the middle, which the voice rises


It feels great, but the note did not know it was this song


That is


Doing is listening


Ok, that works


I like the sound of this




All are known


Let's talk about this part


It is the very beginning


You can be the first entry in metallica


No precion


Sola first run



Hi guy


The "wawa" not been recorded yet, so you know


So the key questions that would be the guy after the courses


Are different than the last


Yeah, that sounds like the first course


It sounds different, too tight



I'm ready


When I was ready to record


This one ....


What happens, what you hear is the string b




Here we go ...


Yeah ,definitely is classic metallica

Classic metallica , also the intro


Well I prefer...at the very end when he say's.."That was just your life

I Think that was strong, i think it was a little more dramatic

That was like punch you and harder

I'll agreed with that...


I like "That Was Just Your Life"

I will thought disconect's some how, but's that's its more darker

That was just your life


Hi guy?




-.That was just Your life.-


That was right


Can star making a record,


That's cool


Let's try


It's getting better than that

It's good



You now is like a core..like ....


That kind a thing




Yeah..it was better


You wanna let's do it ore putting together..


Let's put it together..




That note just have to be constan...dadadadada"


That's the more importan thing


Like two set's of singing..coming back to the reffing between singing pauses...it's really cool

Keep it that short...do one run to the reffing a then do it again


Star off with the E..and go to the G..and that E...i prefer that..


Do 4 riffing E and the go back to G..then try going to the back off the coures


Yeah...that's great


Play it back to the coures ...and then play when you two join up

That's when you can star doing you're variations...E , G back to the coures ....

Then the front half of the coures..and then we can do it a play down


So you hook up when you play like a melody thing..after the coures

Down like a 4 times


The main riffing to the part that were talking about


Just take it when the solo star's

It star on the main rib


Like 1 , 2 ,3


I Like ....you now what I mean....two separate things

Makes the total less


So ider kepps doble with you..and you do the modulations....and sit back half of it


And play the cores...that was my first thought ...


My idea take back of the coures put it front


Then the second half we...do that together and i do some other vocal thing... and then we hook up...


But if i play with them i will totally stand out


It's like extorcion


I get screw up couse I dont now how many there are now


I dont neither


It sound rocking in here


That middle it was sweet


You guy's were playing great


It's like really odd


I just cant find it..


Yesterday i went running and i did my steam


That mith even been you..that's a good thing


It's total connection ...


But today i didn't go running


Couse i slept late ...and couln't make a louder.....

I was with a pissy mode....so i didn't go running today


I just come here and I just great


For man that belivies in absolute




What's the firt spot..you have there


The M........


and it's slow

comening tight


You're earing like bit ..you now


The little gap there its good








That's its gonna be a good one


That sound really good dude


You have me rocking


That sounded like the best i ever ear it EVER!




All right w'ere going to dude some punches


So the beginning...


I Now we just got a couple of this spot's but..that was pretty fiery


That part right there...


Yeah i didnt' get the ripped






What's the riff?




That's just the double


That's just hate mail


We can have hand in that side if we wanted

Perk, for a solo

We coming


Mmmmm..lest's hear the other one


I just the way ear it...simply..the second one feels ligthing..

Feel's like is playin with the other music


The first feel's like something that's compused a labor of it..


Thought out..somethings you have to sit around wait ...and kind get in to the place where you over thinking


I think that what where going for here some much more like a lightly roll and we kepp going to the floor


All the time and try to get sure that the human element is there


Second one sound like you're playing with the music with the rest of us


And first one sound like you're sitting a room by yourself...thinking and playing




Is really a pair


I Agree with that





93, 94


I mean ...you now


Yeah...its done bad....


Im looking for ridiculous. ..rick said that this song was ridiculous..


And i can't ....its not good enough


Maybe step away from the details..


It's Not..


This solo is not the only thing that's gonna make anything ridiculous or bad


Every ..Dude every nano second have to be ridiculous




Seriously we have to set the bar a little higher...


Ahh.Man In with you


It's ..yeah!


It's so much more


Yeah what..are we gonna do?


We can fill that..its cool to because you got the strings in your guitar


That's should the main..


So i sor from the begining of the break..


The slave is usullay flat...




We got....!!


One feels like it should like ......I try to propused a gold..and find stuff

From other sweet's song's and put it and the end of the coures..


Amm...but this one feels

The End Of The Line




That's was good


That's the best one yet




Black Squirrel


Like that something I wanna


Yeah that's very cool


That's great


Get that six parts for now


That's what i was trying to do...so just lay somewhere


Ohh...you got it dude


So when you come up with these ideas..we can used like massage around with the vocal's


If you think is gonna be inspiring to ..come with part's is cool..


Yeah..I can't film on the vocal's couse....I cant think a used for


Staying after school...






All the kids are on recesses


Yeah I now I'm on detetion ...


That's your wireless conection?


Yeah that's your wireless


I get it and.....


You have to stand here in this spot


That's the wireless spot..


Are you recording?




Are you just playing off kids....or something


Just That core...


That core that's always play's


Its that what it is?


I don't know


We have to listen


Do we no that right??


That's what I play




All right


Right On!


Roll come on...boy's


1,2 ,3


Les't sound a G on that..the note just before is E..




The other thing i noted..in that refer...aa


You now like slide ...


set the not slick


4 and 5...and the last one to me


4 and 5 are still playin ok....


You get the last one


Checked ...


Ok here we go


Why are playing the ground


I woulden't mind earing something that goes alone with the base


to make it a little ..


I don't now how you can make that..


Core and....


He's just playing...



Core...and then he is doing..dududududu


Is just..


That way came make a big!


But if the kid is not gonna do it on her own






Speed its going down...


Everything going....couse the vocal and the guitar and that!

Are doing it..and the bases...


Check it out....


Im thinking maybe...there was more movement..you now ..liked..


You know....


Move around a little more....


And get a Onion Acora.....crispy Onion bowl..fry flour better..


That's sound like you have a piece of Sukini....healthy...


When we did the demo back in that day...we did with the rhythem..


And Then......


That was now...




The issue of what note susteine..do that...what's not address


Maybe that's something James..have to be a part of this...


Its a pretty sophisticated musicial question


What's About coming out then?


What's the problem of coming out?


Sophisticated musical question!...


What's wrong with this?


After 27 years...we enter the point of sophisticated


That note!...


So can that note sustained...throu..




Couse is the same as this....


See its all right during the first core


Right There skecht...but right there is low


You just have to be out by then


Yeah basically


So how will you play...


That's what you did out there....


So we trying to get the intro guitar..


That's the teaser for the right..


Like fresh star.....




That's four star..early


That could be cool




That start's over the intro


You know what I mean?


Got it!


That was a great thing.....if you try end like...******


So what happen here...just to 2 hours of that...




Should I slide..?


I like the slide...


Try to play...a little fat...




That was good...


I like that!..



This song takes my breath away.


In different areas some vocal's I need to practice a lot more.


Maybe is not ready to be song...


Well its a lot of singin a long strech out period

..especially in the rise ...its just long



Dude what's going on?!


I got a new gid men


What's going on?


I figure


Im vocalizing


I guess James not working out man...




There's a new kid in town


How about you sing one....Yeah!


The best of temple of this song...


Oh yeahh


Its so rare on a song.....the end have a new vibe ...and i love that..



Can we get a title out of this one??


What's on scars on scars?


My song tobs..i got gone for the more extreme ....the most spare

...the one that tides in to....


That kind of thing...


So I thought "broken,bettin, scars"


I just kind maybe over exaggerate open it up!





That's weird..



That's cool



Nice started with that kicking....


And that melody.....


It's awesome..


Are you feeling it


Maybe that...to deseaper on that verse..

Working for progress...


Is it?


Well yeah ...i mean the hold context..the hold song..


Got that ready?


Is ready?




Its on


So James where do you start in the coures?...or you wanna just get the sound


You wanna start....what?


Let's start then...


What's this sound is?


This favers are locking?




I dont wanna start


Yeah...yeah..i now


Its more scoopy sound actually...


What's that?


So lets put on casper!


My inicial thougth is that is not gonna work...


Its gonna mess with the flow of this....


We talk about the old stuff....exciting rhythms


You can't have the 2 in the same place...


So its etheir enjoy the melody or enjoy the rhytm


Can't able to level in the same place....


So the melody usually suffers...


To break down the mix.....


And this melodies where written....take a part...


So we need something to support


I just wanna put that out there....


Sounds awesome....It sounds great...


Cut new...to everything..you have thought...


Every time we come with this forks on the road...


And say lets go for the thing that sounds more lively...


And to me its it feels like curk is doing the solo...then is kind how is written...


He is doing the solo and then....he goes in and start....doing that thing...


And then when the rhythem....comes in to the low guy....


We goes tho the highlight...


It's not rocket science ...should be able to work....



Like along...with the coures....like extension


I wanna to be a unike sound....


Well...try it....


And to we have talkbox?


There's a couple ways than you can do it...


You can totally open your throut out....and get a....


Or just keep the back...your throut...and do tongue..you now


The tongue is a little less radical....you open your throut and kind gets....


How's that feels?


Cool but....you now...


I guess over the top...maybe is mix...that mix raveing...


Maybe there's to guitar's do in it...


Are....do anyone tell you that the middle ...


Fells more shorter....


Yeah!...its that fun!..


Kind of....




Yeah..but the idea james?



I have the day that never comes.....


I like that...


That's great...



Epic sounded of the song...





The statement in the title....



The day that never comes ..that really rocking...


Its pretty cool.....




I guess a bass player should be really good a that...


Well the tecnic...


That should do the intro....


Or you can do this...


All right....throwing some light!....


Dude your gig...it's in jeopardy...


Oh no!...jajaja..


What's going on?


Its a good flamengo....(XD Flamengo).....Flamingo



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Wena man :metalero:

Vale por los subtitulos, pero el drama ahora son los minutos que se ponen al lado de cada frase para que aparezca en su respectivo segundo dentro del documental ... ... ... ..


Yo no tendría ni un drama en traducirlo al castellano, pero alguien que se raje con los subtítulos en inglés en orden (con los minutos a los lados)





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Wena man :metalero:

Vale por los subtitulos, pero el drama ahora son los minutos que se ponen al lado de cada frase para que aparezca en su respectivo segundo dentro del documental ... ... ... ..


Yo no tendría ni un drama en traducirlo al castellano, pero alguien que se raje con los subtítulos en inglés en orden (con los minutos a los lados)






ahi no cacho la otra vez pedi ayuda en el foro subtitulos y poko me dieron vola :tonto:

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