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Biblioteca de física

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Bueno, me dio por empezar a subir todos los libros de física que tengo, sólo que todos están en inglés.

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Aquí los libros:


Física general:

- A guide to physics problems part 1

- A guide to physics problems part 2

LINKS NO DISPONIBLES Serway 6th edition part1 (al final agregar el part1.rar)

- Serway 6th edition part2 (al final agregar el part2.rar)]


Astronomía general:

- El universo elegante: supercuerdas - Brian Green

- El universo en una cáscara de nuez y conferencias varias - Stephen Hawking

- Historia del tiempo - Stephen Hawking

- The foundations of celestial mechanics - G. W. Collins

- Astronomy: principles and practice - D. Clarke

- High energy neutrino astronomy - F. Halzen

- Idiots guide to astronomy - C.dePree, A.Axelrod

- Minding the heavens: The story of our discovery oh the milky way - L. Belkora

- Atlas of the universe - Philip S.

- Textbook on spherical astronomy - W-Smart


Agujeros negros:

- An introduction to black holes and the string theory - Susskind, Lindesay

- Black holes - Don Nardo

- Tha galactic black hole lectures on general relativity and astrophysics - Falcke Hehl



- An introduction to cosmology - Roos

- An introduction to mathematical cosmology - J. Islam

- An introduction to modern cosmology - Liddle

- An introduction to the science of cosmology - D. Raine, E. Thomas

- Astrophysics & cosmology - J. Garcia Bellido

- Cosmology: The origin and evolution of cosmis structure - Coles P., Lucchin F.

- General relativity and cosmology for undergraduates - J. Norbury

- Mpodern cosmology - S. Bonometto

- Neutrinos in cosmology - A. Dolgov

- Particle astrophysics - D. Perkins

- Particle physics and inflationary cosmology - Linde

- Relativity space-time and cosmology - Wudka

- The first three minutes: a modern view of the origin of the universe - S. Weinberg

- The origin and evolution of the solar system - Woolfson

- The physics of the early universe - Papantonopoulos

- Weak gravitational Lensing - M. Bartelmann, P. Schneider

- Cosmological inflation and large-scale structure - A. Liddle, D. Lyth

- Origins: The quest for our cosmic roots - T. Yulsman

- Principles of cosmology and gravitation - Berry M.

- Quantum cosmology and baby universes - Weinberg, Piran

- Relativity thermodynamics and cosmology - Tolman R. C.

- Particle astrophysics - D. Perkins


Mecánica celeste:

- The foundations of celestial mechanics - G. W. Collins


Astrofísica general:

- Introduction to space physics - M. Kivelson, C. Russell

- Planetary science: The science of planets around stars - G. Cole, M. Woolfson

- Turbulence and magnetic fields in astrophysics - Falgarone, Passot

- Handbook of space astronomy and astrophysics - Zombeck


Radio astronomía:

- Basics of radio astronomy for the Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope


Astrofísica estelar:

- The fundamentals of stellar astrophysics - G. W. Collins

- The virial theorem in stellar astrophysics - G. W. Collins



- Classical and quantum mechanics of the damped harmonic oscillator - Dekker H.

- Classical mechanics: Points particles and relativity - W. Greiner

- Classical mechanics: Systems of particles and Hamiltonian dynamics - W.Greiner

- Classical mechanics - Tatum

- Gravitation: An introduction to current research - L. Witten

- Introduction to classical mechanics - Atam P.




Por el momento llevo eso, pronto se viene los de ondas, más de mecánica, termodinámica, fluidos y resto.

Espero que les sirva


Edited by Darth Magnus
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weno weno grax..... algo de optica?


Si tengo de óptica.. alguno en especial??

Tengo el statistical optics-Goodman, geometrical optics-goodman, y hartos más.. cuando tenga tiempo los subo.. yo creo que el fin de semana...


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