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Road Runner United - The All-Stars Sessions

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Imagen IPB




1 | The Dagger

2 | The Enemy

3 | Annihilatiøn by the Hands øf Gød

4 | In the Fire

5 | The End

6 | Tired 'N Lønely

7 | Independent (Vøice øf the Vøiceless)

8 | Dawn øf a Gølden Age

9 | The Rich Man



10 | Nø Way øut

11 | Baptized in the Redemptiøn

12 | Røads

13 | Bløød & Flames

14 | Cønstitutiøn Døwn

15 | I Døn't Wanna Be (A Superherø)

16 | Army øf the Sun

17 | Nø Mas Cøntrøl

18 | Enemy øf the State


Descarga Pt.1: http://www.mediafire.com/?bhgtzlb5vb0

Descarga Pt.2: http://www.mediafire.com/?7ngc6nxj2mx

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