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Amadine 1.6.7


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Amadine 1.6.7


Amadine is a vector drawing software with perfectly balanced UI that guarantees smooth workflow and quick learning. The app is perfect for illustrations, designing websites, user interface, laying out flyers and brochures, creating logos and icons. Developed with precision and attention to what users need, Amadine offers everything you may require to bring the craziest illustration ideas to life.

- Use more that 30 tools for selecting, drawing, editing, slicing and typing.
- Select and modify objects: Move, Selection, Lasso, Eyedropper, Scissors, Eraser, Zoom.
- Draw and edit paths: Pen, Convert, Draw (combines Pencil and Brush), Width, Gradient, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Star, Line, Arc.
- Transform shapes: Free Transform, Symmetrical Distortion, Free Distortion.
- Organize artboards: Sheets.
- Type and edit text: Text (combines text in place and text in box), Text on Path, Text in Shape.

Diverse Vector Art
The high-end Pen tool encapsulates the expertise of precision-driven curves creation with multiple stroke effect. A supreme level of control over modifiers breathes life into every curve you draw.

Advanced Drawing
Implemented for simplicity of use, the Draw tool has everything to create graphics that resembles a hand-drawn image.

Variable Strokes
The Width tool allows you to create variable unique strokes to give your drawing an artistic touch. Simply drag a handle to create and save a custom profile.

Juicy Colors
Utilize color fill and overlapping fills for unique vector art. Divinely polished gradients and countless hue options are at your disposal.

Distinct Effects
With Inner Glow, Outer Glow, Shadow and Blur effects, alter your vector graphics and add depth to your illustrations to make them perfectly stylized.

Lettering and Typography
Inspiration-driven text tools are bound to produce effective results, whether you need a heading or frames for text.

macOS 10.12 or later


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