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Python Course Full tutorial For Beginners 100 Percent Successful

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1.42 GB | 6min 39s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 introduction in python full course.mp4 (31.29 MB)
2 a basic on python language and install in python.mp4 (39.01 MB)
3 install python ide ide - sublime text.mp4 (27.12 MB)
1 play with list in python.mp4 (7.65 MB)
10 list sort() method in python.mp4 (5.89 MB)
2 access update delete list in python.mp4 (12.51 MB)
3 list max() method in python.mp4 (3.79 MB)
4 list- min() method in python.mp4 (2.98 MB)
5 list count() method in python.mp4 (3.44 MB)
6 list index() method in python.mp4 (2.99 MB)
7 list append() method in python.mp4 (3.28 MB)
8 list insert() method in python.mp4 (5.23 MB)
9 list reverse() method in python.mp4 (3.86 MB)
1 tuple methods in python.mp4 (18.69 MB)
1 dictionary introduction in python.mp4 (11.63 MB)
2 dictionary methods in python.mp4 (42.96 MB)
3 access update delete dictionary in python.mp4 (31.68 MB)
1 introduction to function in python.mp4 (8.4 MB)
2 argument in python.mp4 (30.71 MB)
3 pass by value pass by reference in python.mp4 (27.59 MB)
1 module in python.mp4 (39.79 MB)
1 introduction to python exception in python.mp4 (20.51 MB)
2 exception handling in python.mp4 (30.02 MB)
1 basic of file operation methods in python.mp4 (31.2 MB)
2 create file in python.mp4 (19.87 MB)
3 reading file in python.mp4 (18.64 MB)
4 writing file in python.mp4 (23.28 MB)
5 appending files in python.mp4 (23.4 MB)
6 project download file from internet in python.mp4 (17.7 MB)
1 home assignment on file in python.mp4 (41.85 MB)
2 home assignment part 2 in python.mp4 (36.53 MB)
1 introduction to oops concepts in python.mp4 (11.07 MB)
2 class and object in python.mp4 (43.15 MB)
3 inheritance in python.mp4 (33.56 MB)
1 installation mysql with python in python.mp4 (79.37 MB)
2 creating database in python.mp4 (60.05 MB)
3 insert data into mysql in python.mp4 (36.1 MB)
4 deleting tables in python.mp4 (17.44 MB)
5 sending email in python.mp4 (20.49 MB)
1 write your first programme in python hello world.mp4 (20.21 MB)
1 a basic overview about variables in python.mp4 (65.88 MB)
1 what is operator in python.mp4 (7.66 MB)
2 arithmetic operators in python.mp4 (53.24 MB)
3 comparison operators in python.mp4 (26.89 MB)
4 assignment operators in python.mp4 (32.54 MB)
5 bitwise operators in python.mp4 (66 MB)
6 membership and identity operators in python.mp4 (35.48 MB)
1 if statement in python.mp4 (11.3 MB)
2 if elif else statement in python.mp4 (29.95 MB)
3 break and continue statement in python.mp4 (22.09 MB)
1 for loop in python.mp4 (18.03 MB)
2 16 while loop in python.mp4 (25.25 MB)
1 home assignment on for loop if else statement and range function in python.mp4 (19.19 MB)
1 the numbers in python.mp4 (42.18 MB)
1 play with string in python.mp4 (47.92 MB)]





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