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Tinderbox 10.1.0


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Tinderbox 10.1.0

Tinderbox stores and organizes your notes, plans, and ideas. It can help you analyze and understand them today, tomorrow, and over the coming months and years.
You can build Tinderbox documents that help organize themselves and that keep your data clean. We believe in information gardening: as your understanding grows, Tinderbox grows with you.

Tinderbox maps your notes as you make them. Build relationships by arranging notes, organizing them with shape and color, and linking them. Tinderbox lets you record ideas quickly and keep them where you'll find them again when you need them.

Tinderbox gives you maps, timelines, charts, outlines, and more . View your notes from lots of perspectives.
Tinderbox notes can have prototypes, saving you time and keeping your work organized. A note is just like its prototype -- except when you've said it's different. Change the prototype, and the change is inherited instantly.
Attribute browser tabs give you a cross-section of your work or of selected portions, broken down by the category of your choice.

Tinderbox agents scan your notes continuously, searching for notes that meet your criteria. Agents can look for tasks that are overdue, or notes you need to complete, or topics that you find especially interesting. Tinderbox can automatically update notes from the internet, the cloud, or your DEVONthink Pro repository.

Tinderbox handles thousands of notes with ease, and Tinderbox is fast. Want to make a note? Just type! Want to edit a note? Just click. Need to search? Tinderbox starts looking for the answer as soon as you start typing, and often finds your answer before you finish.

macOS 11+



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