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Developmental Education Preparation How Faculty Preparation in Higher Education Can Lead to Student Success

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Developmental Education Preparation: How Faculty Preparation in Higher Education Can Lead to Student Success By Ajai Cribbs Simmons
2022 | 104 Pages | ISBN: 1475866283 | EPUB | 1 MB
Developmental Education Preparation suggests faculty development that can be used for teaching developmental education and corequisites courses, specifically in mathematics. Providing a look into the needs of students that may not be prepared for college level courses, the premise of the book is to prepare the faculty as much as possible to handle a developmental course. Complete with techniques, pedagogy, instructional skills, when combined all together, this book can help with developing meaningful professional development on any campus across the nation. The interviews presented in this book provide the reality of some faculty of developmental mathematics education and revealed common trends in the needs and characteristics of corequisite courses. Based on the themes found, professional development is suggested to aid in helping shift any negative components of those themes. The themes help better understand the needs of teaching these challenging courses. Student success should start with faculty making sure they are equipped with the tools and understanding of the students. Student's readiness starts with the faculty's readiness. Having the combined understanding of faculty and student needs can help to create a professional development plan that will enhance the developmental level mathematics courses in higher education.

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