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Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.1.3 Build 18946 MacOS


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Agisoft Metashape (formerly PhotoScan) is a stand-alone software product that performs photogrammetric processing of digital images and generates 3D spatial data to be used in GIS applications, cultural heritage documentation, and visual effects production as well as for indirect measurements of objects of various scales.

Wisely implemented digital photogrammetry technique enforced with computer vision methods results in smart automated processing system that, on the one hand, can be managed by a new-comer in the field of photogrammetry, yet, on the other hand, has a lot to offer to a specialist who can adjust the workflow to numerous specific tasks and different types of data. Throughout various case studies Metashape proves to produce quality and accurate results.

🌟 Features
Photogrammetric triangulation
Processing of various types of imagery: aerial (nadir, oblique) & close-range.
Auto calibration: frame (incl. fisheye), spherical & cylindrical cameras.
Multi camera projects support.

Dense point cloud: editing and classification
Elaborate model editing for accurate results.
Points classification to customize geometry reconstruction.
.LAS export to benefit from classical point data processing workflow.

Digital elevation model: DSM/DTM export
Digital Surface and/or Digital Terrain Model - depending on the project.
Georeferncing based on EXIF meta data/flight log: GPS/GCPs data.
EPSG registry coordinate systems support: WGS84, UTM, etc.

Georeferenced orthomosaic export
Georeferenced orthomosaic: most-GIS-compatible GeoTIFF format; .KML file to be located on Google Earth.
Export in blocks for huge projects.
Color correction for homogeneous texture.

Measurements: distances, areas, volumes
Inbuilt tools to measure distances, areas and volumes.
To perform more sophisticated metric analysis Metashape products can be smoothly transferred to external tools thanks to a variety of export formats.


License: full_version
Author: Agisoft


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⭐Agisoft Metashape Professional 2.1.3 Build 18946 MacOS ✅ (328.06 MB)
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