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RegexMagic 2.13.1

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RegexMagic makes creating regular expressions easier than ever. While other regex tools such as RegexBuddy merely make it easier to work with regular expressions, with RegexMagic you don't have to deal with the regular expression syntax at all. RegexMagic generates complete regular expressions to your specifications.

First, you provide RegexMagic with some samples of the text you want your regular expression to match. RegexMagic can automatically detect what sort of pattern your text looks like. Numbers, dates, and email addresses are just a few examples of the wide range of patterns that RegexMagic supports. By marking different parts of your samples, you can create regular expressions that combine multiple patterns to match exactly what you want. RegexMagic's patterns provide many options, so you can make your regular expression as loose or as strict as you want.

Best of all, RegexMagic supports nearly all popular regular expression flavors. Select your flavor, and RegexMagic makes sure to generate a regular expression that works with it. RegexMagic can even generate snippets in many programming languages that you can copy and paste directly into your source code to implement your regular expression.
RegexMagic doesn't automatically generate regular expressions on magic alone. But it sure makes things a lot easier by allowing you to work with your data instead of the cryptic regex syntax.

RegexMagic:Regular Expression Generator
RegexMagic makes creating regular expressions easier than ever. While other regex tools such as RegexBuddy merely make it easier to work with regular expressions, with RegexMagic you don't have to deal with the regular expression syntax at all. RegexMagic generates complete regular expressions to your specifications.

Patterns Instead of Mere Characters
Regular expressions only deal with characters, one at a time. Instead of saying "match a number between 1 and 12", you have to say "match a digit between 1 and 9, or a digit 1 followed by a digit between 0 and 2".
With RegexMagic you can work directly with higher-level concepts such as dates, numbers, or email addresses via RegexMagic's patterns. Using the integer pattern, you can tell RegexMagic to match a number between 1 and 12, or between 42 and 2552 as the screen shot shows (and look at the length of that regex). By combining as many patterns as you need, you can generate a regular expression that matches anything you want.
RegexMagic doesn't automatically generate regular expressions on magic alone. But it sure makes things a lot easier by allowing you to work with your data instead of the cryptic regex syntax.

As Loose or as Strict as You Want
When creating regular expressions, you often have to choose between creating fast and simple regular expressions, or complex and accurate regular expressions. When using a regex to search for dates, should the regular expression make sure to exclude February 30th, or is anything in the form of 99/99/99 acceptable?
With RegexMagic, generating loose and strict regular expressions is equally easy. RegexMagic's patterns provide a wide range of options to strictly match what you want. If your regex turns out to be too complex for your target application, one setting is all it takes to tell RegexMagic to loosen up and generate a simple regex.

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RegexMagic hace que la creación de expresiones regulares sea más fácil que nunca. Mientras que otras herramientas de expresiones regulares como RegexBuddy simplemente facilitan el trabajo con expresiones regulares, con RegexMagic no tienes que lidiar con la sintaxis de las expresiones regulares en absoluto. RegexMagic genera expresiones regulares completas según sus especificaciones.

Primero, proporciona a RegexMagic algunas muestras del texto que desea que coincida con su expresión regular. RegexMagic puede detectar automáticamente qué tipo de patrón parece su texto. Números, fechas y direcciones de correo electrónico son sólo algunos ejemplos de la amplia gama de patrones que admite RegexMagic. Al marcar diferentes partes de sus muestras, puede crear expresiones regulares que combinen múltiples patrones para que coincidan exactamente con lo que desea. Los patrones de RegexMagic ofrecen muchas opciones, por lo que puede hacer que su expresión regular sea tan flexible o estricta como desee.

Lo mejor de todo es que RegexMagic admite casi todos los sabores de expresiones regulares populares. Seleccione su versión y RegexMagic se asegurará de generar una expresión regular que funcione con ella. RegexMagic puede incluso generar fragmentos en muchos lenguajes de programación que puedes copiar y pegar directamente en tu código fuente para implementar tu expresión regular.

RegexMagic no genera automáticamente expresiones regulares solo con magia. Pero seguro que hace las cosas mucho más fáciles al permitirle trabajar con sus datos en lugar de la críptica sintaxis de expresiones regulares.































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