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A Better Finder Rename 12.07

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A Better Finder Rename 12.07

A Better Finder Rename has long been the file renamer of choice for tens of thousands of professionals, businesses and hobbyists across the world, but that hasn't stopped us from continuing to perfect our product culminating now in the brand-new version 12.
A Better Finder Rename's huge array of renaming options is organized into 15 intuitive categories that cover all the text, character, position, conversion and truncation features that you would expect from a great file renamer.

Drag & Drop to Add
Adding files is as simple as dragging them in from the Finder.

Instant Preview
Changes are previewed as you type, eliminating guess work and preventing costly mistakes.

Drag & Drop Ordering
By default, items are organized alphabetically or by some other criteria such as creation or capture date, but you are also free to just re-arrange items via drag & drop.

Market Leading Feature Set.
A Better Finder Rename's huge array of renaming options is organized into 15 intuitive categories that cover all the text, character, position, conversion and truncation features that you would expect from a great file renamer. On top of this, A Better Finder Rename provides more advanced features that answer the prayers of many professionals and hobbyists alike.

You're going to love this.
Digital Photographers in particular will find the advanced sequence number and date & time features a joy to behold. A Better Finder Rename knows how to extract EXIF shooting date and time information from your digital camera images and exploit them in creating sequence numbers or adding time and date information to the file name.

Support for all major RAW formats (including JPEG, CRW, CR2, THM, NEF, TIFF, RAJ, ORF , MRW, DNG, PEF, SRF, etc.) extends this to professional photographers. A Better Finder Rename also deals gracefully with multiple shots captured in the same second and gives access to camera and lens meta-data through its tag-based renaming feature.

Don't miss a beat.
Music lovers will be delighted by our MP3/AAC renaming feature that allows you to exploit the ID3 meta-data embedded in most music files to create naming schemes of your own for your music collection. Meta-data information from MP3, AAC, FLAC, OGG, APE, M4V and iTunes music store files are supported.

Eliminating guesswork & avoiding costly mistakes
Our instant preview feature displays all changes as you type, making it easy to dial in the right settings and preventing you from making costly mistakes. Version 10's change highlighting feature takes this to the next level by visually marking individual changes.

Pure meta-data savvy.
Today's media files come with an abundance of additional information that cannot be glanced from the often meaningless file names themselves. A Better Finder Rename allows you to leverage this meta-data to create more meaningful file names using its tag-based renaming feature. Our renaming engine can read an extensive array of photo, image, music, movie, camera, lens and location meta-data and you can combine this information to implement any naming scheme you can imagine.

When one action is not enough.
We don't believe in making simple things unnecessarily complicated. That's why most users will find a single action that does exactly what they want. Sometimes, however, a single action simply isn't enough and that is where our multi-step renaming features comes in. It lets you combine multiple simple actions to create a lean mean renaming machine. Our intuitive multi-step interface, in conjunction with our instant preview, makes it easy to keep track of what's happening.

macOS 10.15 or later


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