amity Posted March 2, 2007 Report Share Posted March 2, 2007 (edited) Muchas gracias a TODOS los que aportan a la lista. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si quieres apoyar el tema puedes utilizar esta userbar en tu firma la cual tiene el enlace directo al tema. (Agradecimientos a Jericoj2v) [url=http://www.chile(Palabra Censurada).org/index.php?showtopic=373075][img=][/url] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si la clasificación de algún grupo no les parece bien, Coméntenlo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si existen algún link malo, avisen y en caso de tener el disco lo subo otra vez. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consultas y reclamos por PM, evitemos desvirtuar el tema por favor! "Doom is for those whose hearts beat slower" ------------- A ------------- - ABLAZE IN HATRED (Melodic Doom, Finlandia) <--- faustus Deceptive Awareness - ACID KING (Stoner/Doom, U.S.A) Busse Woods <--- Aximetal III <--- Aximetal Acid King (enlace...) <--- Nacho.. - ADAGIO (Doom Death, Brasil) <--- Meisterwerk Romantic Serenade The Birth Of Misery - AGALLOCH (Atmospheric Folk/Doom Metal, USA) <--- GrimHunter Discografía (enlace...) - AHAB (Funeral Doom, Alemania) <--- DoomedSoul The Call Of The Wretched Sea - AMORIS UMBRA (Doom Gothic, Chile) <--- sindestino Laberintos Eternos - Brisa Del Sur (enlace...) - ANABANTHA (Gotic Doom, México) <--- Heavy Metalero Viernes 13... Y El Zócalo Se Poblo De Sombras (enlace...) - ANATHEMA (Doomdeath/Alternative Rock, U.K) Discografía (enlace...) Mp3 de "A Moment In Time" <---Jericoj2v Where You There? <---Jericoj2v Pentecos III <---Melectos - ANTESTOR (Death Doom, Noruega) <--- EternalLight The Defeat Of Satan - ANTIMATTER (Doom Acústico / Rock Atmosférico, U.K) A Planetary Confinment <--- DoomedSoul Lights Out <--- DoomedSoul A_Dream_For_The_Blind <--- faustus Leaving Eden <--- M. Akerfeldt - APHOTIC (Doom Death, U.S.A) <--- Meisterwerk Stillness Grows - ARCANA COELESTIA (Atmospheric Black Funeral Doom, Italia) <--- faustus Ubi Secreta Colunt (2007) pass: - ARGENTUM (Death/Black Doom, México) <--- nagash_negro Ad Interitunm Funebrarum - ARVEST (Doom Death, Rusia) <---Jericoj2v The Tears Of The Blazing Autumn (enlace...) - ASHES TO ASHES (Doom Gothic, Noruega) <--- faustus Cardinal VII pass: - ASUNDER (Funeral Doom, U.S.A) <--- la lengua inc. SPILT:Graves At Sea/Asunder - ATARAXIE (Death Doom, Francia) <--- DoomedSoul Slow_Trascending_Agony - AURA HIEMIS (Daeth/Doom, Chile) <--- sindestino Terra Ubrarum (enlace...) - AUTUMNAL (Doom, España) <--- Tragedy Grey Universe - AUTUMNBLAZE (Melodic Blackened Doom/Gothic, Alemania) <--- faustus Every_Silent_Moment_I_Weep Dammer Elben Tragodie (1999) (parte 1) . (parte 2) Mute_Boy-Sad_Girl ------------- B ------------- - BEFORE THE RAIN (Doom Death, Portugal) <--- Meisterwerk One_Day_Less - BELLS OF DOOM (Doom, Suecia) <--- nagash_negro The_Death_Of_God - BETHLEHEM (Black Doom/Dark, Alemania) S.U.I.Z.I.D - Sardonischer Untergang im Zeichen irreligiöser Darbietung Schatten Aus Der Alexander Welt Mein_Weg (parte 1) . (parte 2) pass: - BEWITCHED (Heavy Doom/Black, Chile) <--- Jericoj2v Hibernum in Perpetuum (enlace...) - BITTERDUSK (Doom, Chile) <--- faustus Spirits (2002) - BLACK COBRA (Sludge Doom, U.S.A) <--- la lengua inc. Bestial pass: 50bestiasgigantes o 50superbestias Feather And Stone - BLAZING ETERNITY (Atmospheric Doom, Dinamarca) Times And Unknown Waters <--- Jericoj2v A World To Drown In <--- faustus pass : - BLOODFLOWERZ (Doom, Alemania) <--- Funerart Diabolic Angel - BLOOD OF THE BLACK OWL (Black Metal / Doom, U.S.A) <--- Jericoj2v Blood Of The Black Owl - BORIS (Drone/Stoner/Doom, Japón) Absolutego Amplifier_Worship Flood 1970 Megatone Akuma_no_Uta The_Thing_Which_Solomon_Overlooked 04092001 Mabuta_no_Ura Dronevil pass: Boris / Sunn O))) - Altar Heavy Rocks <--- la lengua inc. - BUNKUR (Drone Doom, Holanda) <--- la lengua inc. Moss vs Bunkur Blundgeon - BURIAL CHAMBER TRIO (Drone Doom, U.S.A) <--- EternalLight Burial_Chamber_Trio - BURNING WITCH (Slugde Doom,U.S.A) <--- Aximetal Crippled_Lucifer ------------- C ------------- - CANDLEMASS (Doom, Suecia) Sjunger Sigge Furst <--- blackbulla Epicus_Doomicus_Metallicus <--- Aximetal - CATHEDRAL (Stoner Doom, U.K) Forest_Of_Equilibrium (rapidshare) <--- Aximetal Forest Of equilibrium Supernatural Birth Machine Caravan -CELESTIAL SEASON (Death Doom, Holanda) <--- faustus Solar Lovers Forever Scarlet Passion pass : - CEMENTERY OF SCREAM (Doom/Ghotic, Polonia) <--- Jericoj2v Depresion (enlace...) - COLD EMBRACE (Doom, Alrmania) Ode To Sorrow Age Of Doom - CORRUPTED (Sludge Doom, Japón) <--- la lengua inc. El Mundo Frío Anciano 7'' Dios Injusto EP El Dios Queja 10"EP Nadie Llenandose de Gusanos La Victima Es Tu Mismo Paso Inferior Se Hace Por Los Suenos Asesinos Live At Fandango Live On Kfjc Live On Wfmu Live 3.24.03 Misc Tracks SPLIT: Corrupted - Grief SPLIT: Corrupted - Black Army Jacket SPLIT: Corrupted - Enemy Soil SPLIT: Corrupted/Noothgrush SPLIT: Corrupted - Scarver's Calling SPLIT: Corrupted - Phobia SPLIT: Corrupted - Machetazo SPLIT: Corrupted - Meat Slave SPLIT: Corrupted - Sloth SPLIT: Corrupted - Infaust SPLIT: Corrupted - Discordance Axis - 324 SPLIT: Corrupted - Cripple Bastards 2 Live Radio Performances - CRUENTO (ndustrial Black/Doom, U.S.A)<--- GrimHunter Signal of Distress - CRYPTAL DARKNESS (Doom/Gothic, Australia) <--- faustus Chapter II - The Fallen (2001) - CUDA (Stoner) <--- DoomedSoul Hellfire ------------- D ------------- - DAEDELOTH (Doom, Chile) <---DDLTH Thy_Will_Be_Done - DAYLIGHT DIES (Melodic Death/Doom, U.S.A) <--- Jericoj2v No Reply (enlace...) Dismantling Devotion (enlace...) - DECEMBERANCE (Death/Doom, Grecia) <--- faustus Just A Blacklad - DESIRE (Doom, Portugal) <---Melectos 3 Discos (enlace...) - DESOLACION (Ambient/Psychedelic , Chile) <--- Funerart Sonidos_Desde_La_Cuenca_Metropolitana - DEINONYCHUS (Symphonic Doom, Holanda) <--- Cool_Blood Deinonychus - DIATHRA (Doom / Death, Bielorrusia) <--- faustus Wistful Autumn Dance (2002) - dISEMBOWELMENT (Death Doom, Australia) <--- Aximetal Trascendence_Into_The_Peripheral - DISPERSIA (Gothic Doom, Rumania) <--- faustus Memento - DOOM:VS (Funeral Doom, Suecia) Aeternum Vale - DRACONIAN (Gothic Doom, Suecia) <---Jericoj2v The Burning Halo - DUSK OV SHADOWS (Funeral doom/dark ambient, Canadá) <--- faustus Methods To Madness - DYSTHANASIA (Doom, Finlandia) <--- faustus The end (demo) ------------- E ------------- - EA (Funeral Doom, USA) Ea Taesse - EARTH (Doom, U.S.A) <---la lengua inc. Live Hex Pentastar In The Style Of Demons (1996) - HEX Or Printing In The Infernal Method (2005) The Bees Made Honey In The Lion's Skull (rapidshare) The Bees Made Honey In The Lion's Skull (megaupload) - ECTHALION (Doom/gothic, Estonia) <--- faustus In The Embrace Of Nocturnity - ELECTRIC WIZARD (Stoner Doom, U.K) Electric Wizard Dopethrone Come My Fanatics (enlace) <--- Nacho.. Witchcult Today <--- la lengua inc. pass: - EMPYRIUM (Atmospheric Doom, Alemania) Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays A Wintersunset Songs_Of_Moors_And_Misty_Fields <---Jericoj2v Weiland <--- sindestino A_Retrospective <--- Christgoodbye Discografía (parte 1) . (parte 2) . (parte 3) <--- Cool_Blood - ENDIMION (Doom Death, Chile) <--- Meisterwerk Rehersall 1206 - ESOTERIC (Funeral Doom, U.K) Esoteric Emotions - The Death of Ignorance Epistemological_Despondency (parte 1) . (parte 2) Metamorphogenesis - ESTATIC FEAR (Symphonic Doom, Austria) A sombre Dance <--- GrimHunter Somnium Obmutum <--- faustus - EVENING (Doom/Death, Chile) <---haldirelfo Of Solitudes & Silence - EXCRUCIATION (Death/Doom/Thrash, Suiza) <---Jericoj2v Angel To Some, Demons To Other (enlace...) - EYEHATEGOD (Sludge Doom, U.S.A) <--- Aximetal In the name of suffering Confederacy_OF_Ruined_Lifes ------------- F ------------- - FALLEN (Funeral Doom, Noruega) A Tragedys Bitter End - F I N [Funeral Inconscientemente Natural] (Doom Posmodernista, Chile) <--- Funerart Tierra de Olvido pass: DepresioN o depresion - FISTULA (Sludge Doom, U.S.A) <--- la lengua inc. Idiopathic For a Better Tomorrow Hymns of Slumber SPLIT: Burmese - Fistula Burdened By Your Existence (unmastered) - FLOWING TEARS & WITHERED FLOWERS (Doom, Alemania) <--- M. Akerfeldt Swansongs - FOREST OF SHADOWS (Doom Death, Suecia) <---Jericoj2v Departure - FOREST STREAM (Gothic Doom, Rusia) <--- faustus Tears_Of_Mortal_Solitude - FUNERAL (Funeral Doom, Noruega) Tristesse Beyond_All_Sunsets From_These_Wounds (enlace...) <--- dastier - FUNERALIUM (Funeral Doom, Francia) Ultra Sick Doom Funeralium (parte 1) . (parte 2) <--- EternalLight - FUNGOIS STREAM (Atmospheric/Funeral Doom, Argentina) <--- nagash_negro Celaenus_Fragments ------------- G ------------- - GRAVES AT SEA (Doom / Sludge, U.S.A) <--- la lengua inc. Documents of Grief - GREEN CARNATION (Doom Metal Progresivo) <---Jericoj2v Journey_To_The_End_Of_The_Night A_Blessing_In_Disguise - GRIEF (Sludge Doom, U.S.A) <--- DoomedSoul Dismal Miserably_Ever_After ------------- H ------------- - HIELO NEGRO (Stoner Doom, Chile) <--- Heavy Metalero Demonio Parlante (enlace...) - HIEROPHANT (Funeral Doom, USA) The Tome - HIGH ON FIRE (Doom, U.S.A) Death is This Communion (2007) <--- DoomedSoul Death is This Communion (2007) <--- Aximetal pass: - HOW LIKE A WINTER (Doom/Gothic, Italia) <--- faustus Beyond My Grey Wake - HYMN OF LAMENT (Funeral Doom, U.S.A) <--- EternalLight Ephemeral ------------- I ------------- - IN ETERNUN (Doom/Gothic, Argentina) <--- faustus Seas of Forgetfulness (Demo, 2000) - IN RUINS (Doom/Death, USA) <---Jericoj2v Four seasons Of Grey (enlace...) - INSPIRAMENTUN AEOLI (Doom, Russia) <--- faustus Sorrowful Night (2006) - IRAVENTUS(Melodic Doom, Rusia) <--- Tragedy Awake ------------- K ------------- - KATATONIA (Doomdeath, Suecia) Viva Emptiness (enlace...) <--- Catharsis - KHANATE (Drone/Doom, U.S.A) Capture & Release <--- DoomedSoul Khanate <--- la lengua inc. Things Viral <--- la lengua inc. - KIMAERA (Doom Death, Libano) <---Tragedy Ebony Veiled - KLIMT 1918 (Doom Gothic Melancholic, Italia) <--- faustus Dopoguerra - KYLESA (Slugde, U.S.A) <--- DoomedSoul Walk to a Middle Curse Kylesa Time Will Fuse Its Worth ------------- L ------------- - LACRIMAS PROFUNDERE (Doom, Alemania) And The Wings Embraced Us Memorandum <--- faustus pass : Discografía (enlace...) <---Jericoj2v - LAMENTED SOULS (Doom, Noruega) <--- faustus The Origins Of Misery (2004) pass: - LAPSUS DEI (Doom, Chile) <--- Grimness Beyond_The_Truth - LAZARUS BLACKSTAR (Doom, U.K) <---Jericoj2v Revelations (2005) - LEFT HAND SOLUTION (Doom, Suecia) <---Jericoj2v Fevered (enlace...) - LIVES MORTIS (Atmospheric Doom, Repuclica Checa) <--- faustus Imperium_Equilibrium - LONGING FOR DAWN (Funeral Doom Death, Canadá) <--- Tragedy A Treacherous Ascension (rapidshare) . zhare . badongo - LOSS (Funeral Doom, USA) <--- blackbulla Life without hope... death without reason pass: www.chile(Palabra Censurada).org - LOTUS CIRCLE (Drone Doom Black, Grecia) <--- Tragedy Bottomless Vales and Boundless Floods (badongo) Bottomless Vales and Boundless Floods (rapidshare)[/ ------------- M ------------- - MACBETH (Doom Gothic, Italia) <--- Jericoj2v Vanitas pass: www.chile(Palabra Censurada).org - MAMMATUS (Stoner/Doom, U.S.A) Mammatus The Coast_Explodes - MAR DE GRISES (Atmospheric Doomdeath, Chile) Demo 2002 <--- Aximetal The Tatterdemalion Express - MENTAL HOME (Melodic Doom/Death, Rusia) <--- Jericoj2v Black Art (enlace...) Vale (enlace...) - MIDDIAN (Traditional Doom/Stoner, USA) <--- faustus Age Eternal (2007) - MINATAURI (Doom, Finlandia) <--- Tragedy Minotauri II SPLIT: Minotauri & Reverend Bizarre - Apocalyptic Riders - MORGION (Death/Doom, U.S.A.) <--- Cantodea Cloaked by Ages, Crowned in Earth pass: cantodea - MOSS (Sludge/Drone Doom, U.K) <---la lengua inc. Moss vs Bunkur - MOURNFUL CONGREGATION (Funeral Doom, Australia) The Monad Of Creation The Dawning Of Mournful Hymns - MYRIADS (Gothic/Doom, Noruega) In_Spheres_Without_Time <--- DonDef Introspection (2001) <--- faustus - MYSTERIUM (Dark Doom, Alemania) <--- Jericoj2v Soulwards (enlace...) Edited December 27, 2007 by amity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
amity Posted March 2, 2007 Author Report Share Posted March 2, 2007 (edited) ------------- N ------------- - NOEKK (Progressive/Doom, Alemania) <--- Jericoj2v The Water Sprite - NOOTHGRUSH (Sludge/Doom, U.S.A) <--- la lengua inc. Erode The Person Failing Early, Failing Often - NORTT (Black Funeral Doom, Dinamarca) Nattetale Doden Graven Hedengang Gudsforladt Ligfaerd SPLIT: Nortt - Xasthur - NOVEMBRE (Doom Gothic, Italia) <--- nagash_negro Arte Novecento Novembrine_Waltz Wish_I_Could_Dream_It_Again Classica Dreams_d_'Azur Materia - NOVEMBERS DOOM (Doom Death, USA) The Knowing <--- sindestino The Pale Haunt Departure <--- sindestino ------------- O ------------- - OCEAN CHIEF & RUNEMAGICK <--- Tragedy Ocean Chief (Stoner Sludge Doom, Suecia) Runemagick(Doom Death, Noruega) SPLIT: The Northern Lights - OCTOBER TIDE (Melodic Doom / Death, Suecia) <--- faustus Grey Dawn (1999) - OFFICIUM TRISTE (Death/Doom, Holanda) <--- Jericoj2v The Pathway Giving_Yourself_Awa - ON THORNS I LAY (Doom Gothic, Grecia) <--- Jericoj2v Cristal Tears pass: www.chile(Palabra Censurada).org - ORTHODOX (Doom, España) <--- faustus Gran Poder (2006) pass: ------------- P ------------- - PANDEMIA (Doom Death, Argentina) <--- Meisterwerk Prana_Sempiterno - PARADISE LOST (Doomdeath/Gothic Rock, U.K) Gothic <--- Jericoj2v Shades_Of_God <--- Jericoj2v Draconian Times One Second Believe in Nothing - PELICAN (Melodic Drone Sludge Doom, U.S.A) <--- DoomedSoul The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw - PAGAN ALTAR (Doom, U.K) <--- Aximetal Volumen 1 - P.H.O.B.O.S (Industrial Doom, Francia) <--- DoomedSoul Tectonics - POEMA ARCANVS (Doom, Chile) Arcane XIII (1998) Iconoclast (2002) Buried Songs: The Early Times (2003) ------------- R ------------- - RAMESSES (Stoner Doom, U.K) <---Nacho.. Misanthropic Alchemy - RAPTURE (Melodic Death/Doom, Finlandia) <--- Jericoj2v The Silent Stage (enlace...) Discografía - REVELATIONS OF RAIN (Melodic Doom/Death, Rusia) <--- Jericoj2v Shades Of Despair - REVEREND BIZARRE (Doom, Finlandia) <---la lengua inc. III: So Long Suckers ------------- S ------------- - SAINT VITUS (Doom, U.S.A) Born Too Late Mournful_Cries <--- Aximetal V <--- Aximetal Discografía <--- DoomedSoul - SARKUS (Dark Black/Doom, Chile) Five Reasons For Not To Belive - SATURNUS (Melodic Death/Doom, Dinamarca) Martyre (parte 1) . (parte 2) <--- Jericoj2v Veronika Decides To Die <--- Jericoj2v Paradise Belongs To You <--- Christgoodbye - SEA OF DESPERATION (Melodic Doom Death, Rusia) <--- Tragedy Dread Poems Of The Fall - SEMPER DOLEnS (Melodic Doom, Francia) <--- Jericoj2v Eeuwige Rouw (enlace...) - SEMPITERNAL DEATHREIGN (Death/Doom, Holanda) <--- Jericoj2v The Spooky Gloom - SENMUTH (Doom Ethnic Ambient, Rusia) <--- Tragedy Ra Dhi - SILENTIUM (Doom/Gothic, Finlandia) <--- Jericoj2v Discografía (enlace...) - SKEPTICISM (Funeral Doom, Finlandia) Aeothe Kaear Stormcrowfleet Ethere EP Lead_and_Aether Aes Farmakon - SKUMRING (Funeral Doom, Noruega) <--- M. Akerfeldt Der_Glemte_Tider - SLEEP (Stoner Doom, U.S.A) Dopesmoker <--- la lengua inc. Sleep's Holy Mountain (megaupload) <--- la lengua inc. Jerusalem <--- Aximetal Volume_One <--- Aximetal Volumen 2 <--- Aximetal - SLOTH (Stoner Doom, U.K) The Voice Of God - SLOTH (Sludge/Noise/Doom, U.S.A) <--- la lengua inc. 10th Anniversary (2004) As It Was So It Will Be Forever (demo 1996) Division 1 State Champs E. Pluribus Interuptus (1996 demo) Getting Ready For Christmas (It's All About Malt Liquor) (1999) Hail the basement (1997 demo) Trick Or Treat Time With Octi (2004 Ep) Heart Full of Worms (1997 EP) Sloth (parte 1) Intermission aka The 7" You Don't Have To Flipsy-Doodle IT'S NOT OUR WORST, AKA PROGRESSION? (best of/compilation) Obliterations of good taste and common sense (1996 Ep) Split with Angry Hate (Sloth side only) Split with Raging Retards (both the sloth side and Raging retards side are included) Poverty Level Gutter Swill (1998 demo) Sloth (parte 2) - SOILENT GREEN (Death/Grind/Sludge, U.S.A) <--- la lengua inc. A_Deleted_Symphony_For_The_Beaten_Down Confrontation Sewn_Mouth_Secrets pass: Akhylys - SOLARFALL (Funeral Domm, Bulgaria) <--- faustus In Depths And Despair - SORROW (Death Doom, U.S.A) Hatred And Disgust <--- la lengua inc. - SOUTHERN LORD (Sello Discográfico) <--- la lengua inc. Let_There_Be_Doom I (part 1).(part 2) Let_There_Be_Doom_II (part1).(part 2) - SPIRIT CARAVAN (Stoner Doom, U.S.A) <--- Aximetal The_Last_Embrace (CD 1) . (CD 2) - STABAT MATER (Funeral Doom, Finlandia) SPLIT: Stabat Mater - Worship <--- EternalLight SPLIT: Stabat Mater - A.M SPLIT: Stabat Mater - Mournful Congregation SPLIT: Church_of_Flagellation (Stabat Mater, Bunkur, The Sad Sun y Malasangre) <--- EternalLight - SUNN O))) (Drone Doom, U.S.A) Black One <--- la lengua inc. Oracle (megaupload) <--- la lengua inc. Altar - SUNTERRA (Gothic Doom, Austria) <--- faustus Graceful Tunes ------------- T ------------- - TE DEUM (Doom Death, Ucrania) <--- Tragedy Bezdna (БЕЗДНА) (rapidshare) . (badongo) Tleushii Mir (Тлеющий Мир) (rapidshare) - THEATRE OF TRAGEDY (Doom/Gothic, Noruega) Closure Assembly Theatre_of_Tragedy <--- Aximetal Aegis <--- Aximetal - THE FALL OF EVERY SEASON (Doom Death Progresivo, Noruega) <--- Jericoj2v From Below (enlace...) - THE FUNERAL ORCHESTRA (Funeral Doom, Suecia) Feeding_the_Abyss Slow Shalt Be The Whole Of The Law - THE GATHERING (Doom, Holanda) <---Jericoj2v Always - THE KNELL (Doom Death, Israel) <---Jericoj2v Harm - THE LUST I SEEK (Doom, Finlandia) <--- Tragedy Where Shadows Grow Silent (demo) Serpent Scripts (demo) Ancient (ep) - THE OBSESSED (Doom, U.S.A) <--- DoomedSoul The Church Within - THE OLD DEAD TREE (Doom, Francia) <--- faustus The Nameless Disease pass: - THE RIVER (Doom, U.K) <--- faustus Drawing Down The Sun (2006) - THE SAD DARKNESS OF THY LOVE (Ambient/Industrial Funeral Doom, Chile) <--- Funerart POSTLVDIVM pass: depressive - THE SINS OF THY BELOVED (Symphonic Gothic/Doom, Noruega) <--- faustus All Alone (1997 - ep) - THERGOTHON (Funeral Doom, Finlandia) Streams From The Heavens - THORR`S HAMMER (Death Doom, U.S.A) <--- Aximetal Dommedagsnat - THROES OF DAWN (Doom, Finlandia) <--- faustus Quicksilver Clouds pass: unclemeat - TRISTANIA ( Gothic, Noruega) <--- Jericoj2v Illumination - TROUBLE (Doom/Stoner, U.S.A) <--- DoomedSoul Psalm9 The Skull Run To The Light Plastic Green Head - TYRANNY (Funeral Doom, Finlandia) <--- GrimHunter Discografía (enlace...) ------------- U ------------- - UARAL (Doom Folk Agonic, Chile) Sound Of Pain Laments EP. (enlace...) <--- autumn Lamentos A Poema Muerto (enlace...) <--- Jericoj2v - UNTIL DEATH OVERTAKES ME (Ambient Funeral Doom, Bélgica) Symphony_I-_Deep_Dark_Red Symphony_II-_Absence_of_Life Symphony III: Monolith (enlace...) <--- metal_theater - UMBRA NIHIL (Doom, Finlandia) Gnoia ------------- V ------------- - VIAJE A 800 (Stoner Doom, España) <--- DoomedSoul Diablo Roto Estampida De Trombones - VISCERAL EVISCERATION (Melodic Death/Doom) <--- EternalLight Incessant Desire For Palatable Flesh ------------- W ------------- - WALL OF SLEEP (Stoner Doom, Hungría) Slow, But Not Dead - WHILE HEAVEN WEPT (Doom, U.S.A) <--- nagash_negro Of_Empires_Forlorn - WITCHFINDER GENERAL (Doom, U.K) <--- Aximetal Friends_of_Hell - WHISPERING GALLERY (Doom, Holanda) <--- faustus Shades_Of_Sorrow pass: - WOODS OF BELIAL (Industrial Black/Doom, Finlandia) <--- DoomedSoul Deimos_XIII - WORMPHLEGM (Funeral Drone/Doom, Finlandia) Tomb of the Ancient King (enlace...) <--- GrimHunter - WORSHIP (Funeral Doom, Alemania) Last_Cd_Before_Doomsday SPLIT: Worship - Mournful Congregation Dooom <--- EternalLight ------------- Y ------------- - YAJAIRA (Stoner /Doom, Chile) Lento_y_Real <--- la lengua inc. Desolazion <--- la lengua Yajaira <--- Aximetal SPLIT: Hielo Negro - Yajaira <--- Aximetal Sonidos Ocultos <--- la lengua inc. ------------- Z ------------- - ZARAZA (Experimental Funeral Doom, Canadá) No Paradise To Lose Slavic_Blasphemy - ZOROASTER (Sludge/Stoner Doom, U.S.A) <--- DoomedSoul Dog Magic Edited December 19, 2007 by amity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dol Amroth Posted March 2, 2007 Report Share Posted March 2, 2007 O_o vale, queria cashar grupos de Doom asi q a bajar numa!! muchas gracias! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Houdini Posted March 2, 2007 Report Share Posted March 2, 2007 se agradece...te puedo decir vale socia???? buenos discos..... que tal Type O Negative??? saludos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
metal_theater Posted March 2, 2007 Report Share Posted March 2, 2007 oo muchas gracias mi niña queria cachar grupos doom pero no encontraba en ni un lado ahora podre cachar se agradece saludos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
u_p__s Posted March 2, 2007 Report Share Posted March 2, 2007 Gracias por los AMITY por casualdidad no tienes algo de CELESTIAL SEASON :( GRACIAS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carlos gomez briones Posted March 2, 2007 Report Share Posted March 2, 2007 GRACIAS AMIGA SE LE AGRADECE ME GUSTA KLETA EL DOOM BUEN APORTAZO NO TENDRAS POR HAY UN DISCO DE "LACRIMAS PROFUNDERES" SI NO ES MUXO LA MOLESTIA BKN XAITO :banana: :banana: :banana: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kae_from_Hell Posted March 2, 2007 Report Share Posted March 2, 2007 Excelente idea, amity. Una duda. No escucho mucho Doom Metal, pero por ampliar los gustos tengo una pregunta ¿qué banda Doom recomienda para empezar? wena wena, yo tampoko kacho mucho de Doom, asi ke vale por la rekomendacion se agradece KOMARE xD! chao Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ignacio_ o Posted March 3, 2007 Report Share Posted March 3, 2007 Voy a cachar algunos discos, vale compadre!!, digo comadre xD! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
madame_of_sickness Posted March 3, 2007 Report Share Posted March 3, 2007 (edited) XD.... ta weno el aporte..... hay algunos ke no los tengo yo tb tengo discos doom pero soy media ignorante y no caxo como subirlos :ROLF: ..... voy a preguntar y si tengo tiempo subire..(acabo de pasar a cuarto XD)...... algunos ke no he visto en ninguna parte..... ya me voy mejor a leer a garcia markez y sus 1oo años de aburrimiento...........xao.... Edited March 3, 2007 by madame_of_sickness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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