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3delite Audio Input Noise Measurer


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[b]File size: 13 MB[/b]

Audio Input Noise Measurer is an audio input device noise level measuring tool. Select 2 input audio channels and compare and measure their noise level. When recording audio from analog sources and have multiple recording devices this tool can be used to choose the device that is less noisy.
Measure and compare the noise level of 2 audio input devices
Visualize the noise with a spectrum display with optional signal amplification
The noise level is displayed as peak and average amplitude % and as a dB level
WASAPI and ASIO devices and channels are supported
User interface DPI scaling is supported
[b]Whats New[/b]
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


[code] https://www.3delite.hu/

-:[color=#000000][u][b]DOWNLOAD FROM[/b][/u][/color][color=#FF0000] [u][b]LINKS[/b][/u][/color]:-

[code] https://rapidgator.net/file/54f3893c427a8ce4dd07c87a3ae8ecd8/3dAINM112.rar


[code] https://nitro.download/view/D60EFA66BDABF3B/3dAINM112.rar

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