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SumatraPDF Pre-Release + Portable


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SumatraPDF Pre-Release + Portable


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Description :
Sumatra PDF is a free program designed to view and print documents in formats: PDF, DjVu, FB2, ePub, MOBI, CHM, XPS, CBR/CBZ for Windows. The program is developed on the basis of the MuPDF engine, has an open source code and is freely distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL license.
Sumatra PDF is a powerful, small program with a simple interface and high speed. Has a portable version from the developer.



The program has a simple, minimalistic design - a priority for developers is ease of use and ease of viewing and printing documents. There is a text copy function.
The program has an installer, but there is also a portable version that runs and runs without installation.
Features of working with PDF are due to the capabilities of the MuPDF engine, on the basis of which the program is built.
Unlike most other programs (including Adobe Acrobat Reader), it scales black and white images correctly (with anti-aliasing) (for example, scanned but not recognized books).
Hyperlinks embedded in PDF documents are supported.
Sumatra does not block the displayed PDF file. This is important, for example, when working with TeX systems: TeX source code can be recompiled without closing the PDF document. Sumatra also supports SyncTeX, a two-way method for synchronizing TeX source texts and PDF outputs produced with pdfTeX or XeTeX.
About Portable:
Portable (portable) version from the developer.
The settings file is located next to the program, it is created after the first launch of the program.

SumatraPDF-settings.txt - settings file
sumatrapdfcache - cache folder





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