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RESONATOR by RSD Jeffy | 13.39 GB

Genre: eLearning Video / Net Business / Marketing / Traffic

The Closest Thing to Magic Pill Attraction Youll Ever Find From RSD And In Game



The foundation of the program centers on how to develop POWERFUL and HEALTHY vocal projection. Getting this area handled will accelerate your progress in every area of the pyramid and your game.

Over the course of this section, Susan runs me through a comprehensive examination of the topic complete with interactive exercises that address every angle and minute detail of what goes into having a powerful voice. In turn, I bring my own experience to the table as we discuss the ramifications each new discovery has for pickup, and share that with a live audience, bringing folks up to run them through each exercise until weve addressed their internal issues. You see it all happen live and youre right there with us.


The ability to weave a compelling tale out of seemingly NOTHING is one of the most powerful tools I have in my arsenal when Im picking up women. You might have heard this described as the Million Dollar Mouthpiece; the ability to just talk talk talk and never run out of interesting things to say.

If you struggle with this, its because youre looking at things the WRONG WAY. And in this segment, Im going to change the way you view this part of the game forever.

Look, Ive said this before and Ill say it again: the number one rule of game is change their mood not their mind. When Im picking a girl up, I move her emotionally, not logically. People make decisions from an emotional space.


Every woman says it: I want a man who makes me laugh

Its a universal fact.

Humor is at the top of the Resonator pyramid, because it is the SPICE that makes all the vocal training and the storytelling just POP.

They say laughter is the best medicine, but I can tell you from personal experience, its also the best aphrodisiac.

You might be thinking, Well Jeff youre a funny guy, Im personally not like that. When I try to crack jokes, people dont find them funny, or worse, they get OFFENDED.

Lemme tell you something: I CERTAINLY did not start out with the ability to make women laugh.

Now, you are probably PUMPED to discover EXACTLY whats inside Resonator, so without further ado


In the alignment module, we use Alexander Technique to master you posture. After you have this down, your voice will boom effortlessly with a dominant, commanding tone that engages everyone in earshot.

- Understand the physical element of vocal technique and how each part of your body contributes to your pleasant (or repulsing) voice.

- If you have a strong voice, it will help you learn techniques to modulate it in a powerful and healthy way.

- If you have a weak voice, we are going to unlock your ability to project so you are able to get heard, cut through, and be effective.

- Discover the primary control, and see clear demonstrations of what good vocal technique ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE!

- Uncover the Startle Pattern Reflex, and more importantly - learn how to use it to your advantage.

Breath Management

With Breath Management, we are going to learn to use proper breathing to add a powerful dynamic to our already solid projection. The breath fuels your projection, master it and NEVER run out of steam again.

- Remove Low Level Anxiety & Release tension (this tension spreads to everything you do from work to home to women)

- Permanently eliminate state crashes, and prevent yourself from getting stuck in your head when going out.

- Get to the root of who you are, and what you want Find alignment between the words, the actions, and the internal self-talk.

Tone Production

Tone Production is where we dive deep into the SCIENCE of the voice mechanics and give you the technical understanding of HOW someone with a crisp, clear, and attractive voice uses their vocal gift to its full potential.


This section is where you will learn how to GET LOUD. We will also lead you through the process of finding YOUR unique resonance that matches YOUR voice. We will tap into your authentic sound so you arent straining to copy mine or someone elses.


Ring is KEY in pickup. This is what will allow you to cut through club music and stand out over every other guy at the bar with an untrained voice. Your new jokes and one-liners are going to hit with crystal clarity and the girl you want will have no choice but to pay attention to your engaging communication style.


Here we explore a host of different tonalities and dissect what each tonality sub communicates about you. Do you want the approach to work? Are you needing and outcome? Are you authentically interested in who she is? Women are super attuned to tonality and once you master it, you will always come across as non-needy and genuine.

Emotion & Variance

Women dont get attracted to ordinary and monotone fellows. They love EMOTION. The want to FEEL the full scope of your personality. In this section I dish my tried and true methods for VARYING facial expressions, volume, space, gestures, tempo, tonality, pitch and more.

Conviction & Frame

In this section, we explore BELIEF. In every interaction between two people there are two underlying frames about what is happening and what is going to happen. The stronger of the two frames becomes reality. If you dont BELIEVE what you are saying is valuable, she wont.

Vocal Exercises MP3s

Take these audio exercises with you everywhere you go and develop your voice on the fly. Susan is going to run you through her proven exercises to strengthen your instrument and correct any damage that you have created from years of misuse and struggling to push air over the top of whatever Justin Bieber song is blaring at the club.

The Grammar of Storytelling

There is a set of rules that, if followed, will GUARANTEE that your audience will engage with you and want to hear what you are saying. This is is the ART of storytelling. In this section, we are going to dive DEEP down this rabbit hole and arm you with a the tools that professional speakers use to captivate and lead minds where they want them to go.

Mastering Humor

Humor is VITAL to not only pickup but LIFE. Making people laugh is the fastest way to get guys to like you and to get girls to want to have sex with you. Dont think you are naturally funny? Dont worry, Mastering Humor will teach you to tap into your unique viewpoints to cultivate something authentic to you.


Come along with me and a student in the field as we weave Resonator tactics and technique into the fiber of his game. You will see precisely what NOT to do and the step-by-step process to conquering your hardwired beta sub communication.

The Power of Misdirection

In this section we take you to the streets to see a professional magician captivate imaginations through misdirection. The lessons here are going to teach you to control your girls focus. This is ESSENTIAL if you want to create a sex just happened vibe.






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