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Pure Music 2.0.2 (Mac OS X)


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Pure Music 2.0.2 [k'ed]

Pure Music is a music server software high resolution is based on the acclaimed playback engine that pure vinyl and can be coupled with iTunes, which use it as a database and the list of host reproduction. Features:
Automatically docks with iTunes window
Sampling rate up to 384 kHz
DSD (2.8 and 5.6 MHz) file playback at any DAC (PCM conversion in real time)
Native DSD Streaming (with DAC which supports the director of photography)
Supports remote applications for Apple iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch
Automatic change of sample rate
Gapless track playback and Memory Play
Adjustable volume control interpolated
Fast-response measurement Firefly, Monitor Input (Native) or exit (Post - Control Volume)
Real-Time Dynamic Range Meter
Supports CoreAudio compatible Sound Card / DAC / Audio Interfaces.
Supports all audio file formats supported iTunes (including WAVE, MP3, AAC, AIFF, Apple Lossless)
Plays music stored on network volumes
REAL TIME 64 bits selectable upsampling
Mix to mono left and right channels of Exchange, reverse polarity / phase, channel balance adjustment
Volume Per-Track Polarity and Labeling
CoreAudio device support HOG Exclusive Access Mode
(Setup or using Apple Audio MIDI) Audio Device Selection and internal configuration
Supports AudioUnit plugins processing audio (parametric equalizers, etc.).
Support for streaming uncompressed audio (up to 384 kHz and up to four separate connections)
64-bit 2/3/4-way Adjustable Crossover with time alignment and adjustable minimum phase filters
Native FLAC playback
Optional FLAC file conversion and downsampling
High Quality Photo Sample Rate Converter pure vinyl (downsample high-resolution audio at 96, 88.2, 48 or 44.1 kHz / 16, 24 or 32 bit files)
The first music player software for Mac OS server / audio (May 2011) to directly play DSD format (DSF / dff, 64Fs and 128Fs) With Any audio DAC (real-time conversion to PCM during playback )
DSD direct support for streaming without conversion PCM
"Playthrough of" that provides convenient playing other computer audio sources (Internet radio, movies, etc.). Through pure music, with full access to volumes Pure Music hesitated a cross-check 64-bit Sound EQ plug-ins, NetSend streaming, measurement, etc.
Full nonmixable Native Mode (with compatible operating systems)
It can be installed on more than one computer, Acquired License
What's New Version 2.0.2:
Improved plug-in support
Fixed issue with the length of the track playing Fast Show
It solved the problem involve Bookmarks FLAC created by Pure Music 2 tracks to be skipped Causing or not played (the problem was with the playback operation, not the net, so the bookmarks created with pure music 2 or any other version can used with pure music 2.0 0.2).
Improvements gapless, CPU footprint minimized
Fixed some problems due to the position of the new user interface windows
Fixed issue new preventive folder.jpg (etc.) incorporating art from working properly
Fixed problem causing the cinematographer streaming not be initialized correctly if the first track to be played after the release of the track was a DSD
Playing as DSD PCM, new option to double the sample rate automatically when playing a track DSD128 (5.6 MHz) (and if the sampling rate is compatible with the DAC output device / audio).
Displays message "Streaming native DSD Support Initializing ..." on startup, if the DAC-configured to transmit Photography DSD (and display the value of the indicator if configured to use, AAAA obsolete flag original photograph)
When the sampling frequency is changed, the DSD director Indicates whether the transmission is in force
Procedure changed user to toggle flag DSD format
OS X 10.5.8 or later
PASS: frit


Edited by ass33
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