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Periphery - Periphery II This Time It's Personal (2012) (192

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Genero: Math Metal | Progressive Metal

Año: 2012

Peso: 63 Mb

Formato: Mp3/192 Kbps

Servidor: Depositfiles

Uploader: Pelicon




1. Muramasa

2. Have A Blast

3. Facepalm Mute

4. Ji

5. Scarlet

6. Luck As A Constant

7. Ragnarok

8. The Gods Must Be Crazy!

9. Make Total Destroy

10. Erised

11. Epoch

12. Froggin' Bullfish

13. Mile Zero

14. Masamune


Download: 4r6vycjpg.gif

Edited by † Pelicon †
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