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Tom Morello The Nightwatchman - World Wide Rebel Songs 2011

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Genero: Rock | Folk Rock | Acoustic | Alternative

Año: 2011

Peso: 86 Mb

Formato: Mp3/240 kbps

Servidor: Fileserve

Uploader: Pelicon




1. Black Spartacus Heart Attack Machine 3:31

2. The Dogs Of Tijuana 3:28

3. It Begins Tonight 3:01

4. Save The Hammer For The Man (Feat. Ben Harper) 5:17

5. The Fifth Horseman Of The Apocalypse 4:36

6. Speak And Make Lightning 3:56

7. Facing Mount Kenya 4:03

8. The Whirlwind 3:59

9. Stray Bullets 4:03

10. Branding Iron 3:51

11. World Wide Rebel Songs 3:03

12. God Help Us All 3:58

13. Union Town 3:09


Download: 4r6vycjpg.gif

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