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Kudzumind - Travel Songs For The New And Improved Future 201

† Pelicon †

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Imagen IPB


Imagen IPB
Sukupuoli: Progressive Rock | Psychedelic Rock
Vuosi: 2011
Paino: 135 Mb
Muoto: Mp3/VBR
Isäntä: Fileserve
Lisääjä: Pelicon
Password: pelicon


1. A Travel Song for the New and Improved Future
2. Memories of Ghosts in Transit
3. I was a Wreck
4. And She had the Jaws of Life
5. Pulling the Curtains on Silence
6. The Aftermath
7. Not even a Mouse
8. Let Bygones be Gone
9. Another Rest Stop
10. Tangled Web
11. Kanival Kalderon Movement 1
12. Kanival Kalderon Movement 2
13. Kanival Kalderon Movement 3
14. The Birth Stone (Bonus Track)

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