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Lingua - All My Rivals Are Imaginary Ghosts 2010

† Pelicon †

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Imagen IPB


Imagen IPB
Sukupuoli: Progressive Rock | Alternative Rock
Vuosi: 2010
Paino: 126 Mb
Muoto: Mp3/320 Kbps
Isäntä: Depositfiles
Lisääjä: Pelicon
Password: pelicon


1. Leave Us Yours
2. It's A Massacre
3. Who's Doing That To You?
4. It's There, It's Life
5. Prodigal Son
6. I'm Not
7. Centerpiece
8. Foment
9. In Mere Defense
10. Cobalt Sky
11. About Time
12. To All Borders
13. Dejected
14. Disperse!

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